Graeme McKenzie   Lothian, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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동영상 전시대
12 of the best Tower Defense Games on Steam l 2023
동영상 전시대
12 of the best Real Time Strategy Games on Steam l 2024
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This might be controversial but i didn't enjoy Doom Eternal but i will recommend it because i am the problem.
Let me be clear i think the vast majority will love this game and the reviews do show that but for me it just wasn't enjoyable.....i will try and explain my reasoning.
I'm a gamer of a certain age and remember the original Doom and all those that followed, the good and the bad and the vast majority were great shooters where you could have a great time blasting various enemies back to hell but this version seems to have turned into superfrog (that probably ages me).
Some of the action in this game is superb and can be edge of the seat stuff but then as soon as that exiting moment is over i have to triple jump to a barrier where i have to swing to a pole before climbing a wall and speed jumping to press a button that opens something somewhere which can only be reached by perfectly timed jumps to a platform hidden round a corner and well you get the idea.
As i said most gamers will love this i just couldn't be arsed with all the platform shenanigans and ended up rage quitting and uninstalling the game :(
In the old days i would have happily given my copy of this game to someone who would have enjoyed it more but sadly those days are gone.
I fully acknowledge i am the problem here.......I think perhaps i have been looking through rose tinted testicles too much :)
Thordred 2024년 4월 5일 오전 12시 19분 
Thordred 2024년 2월 9일 오전 11시 56분 
Thordred 2023년 12월 31일 오전 10시 24분 
Thordred 2023년 12월 23일 오후 1시 16분 
Thordred 2023년 9월 22일 오후 12시 24분 
⣿⣿⡇⠜⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠀

Have a great weekend:fadehearts:
Thordred 2022년 12월 31일 오후 1시 30분 

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