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At Betelgeuse with CMDR Thrygon!
871 timer spilt
this update is a joke, Crytek took a functional experience that was fine and took two or three steps back when it comes to UI and general functionality.

I have crashed more times in more ways in the new update than I ever did in the old engine. (mind you I've been playing since the middle of early access)

None of the menus are as simple or easy to use as it was before (e.g. requiring 2-4 button presses when it used to take 1-2)

And to top it all off, the game runs like absolute dogwater, and it's not because the new engine is "beefier", its because its buggier and not optimized.

The sad part is that the map is nice and the gameplay feels the same (when the engine isn't bugging out and dropping frames)
Nylig aktivitet
871 timer totalt
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60 timer totalt
sist spilt den 25. sep.
76 timer totalt
sist spilt den 25. sep.
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