Adam Gyatt Smasher
Currently In-Game
Hades II
Screenshot Showcase
the perfect combo
Review Showcase
134 Hours played
Allow me to get straight to the point: Hades is the culmination of Supergiant's 10 years of experience in video game design. It feels like the best things from Bastion, Transistor and Pyre were taken, refined and put into Hades. You'll be doing yourself a massive disservice by not getting this game, so get it while you can and get ready for an awesome experience once the 1.0 update drops.Like, seriously, this game is just THAT good, please get it.
Recent Activity
58 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
6,271 hrs on record
last played on Jun 9
1,579 hrs on record
last played on Jun 8
fLayër✮ Sep 7, 2023 @ 11:54am 
Como este perfil não tem nada de interessante vou ensinar a fazer churros:
200g de farinha de trigo sem fermento
250 ml de água
50g de manteiga
1 casquinha de limão
Sal q.b.
3 ovos
Óleo para fritar
Açúcar para polvilhar
Canela para polvilhar
1. Num tacho leve ao lume a água.
Tempere com umas pedrinhas de sal.
Junte a casca de limão e a manteiga.
Deixe ferver.
2. Logo que comece a ferver, retire a casca de limão e adicione a farinha.
Mexa até descolar do tacho.
Coloque a massa numa tigela e deixe arrefecer um pouco.
sasch Jul 6, 2021 @ 10:19am 
watashi wa.. sa-su-sha kun.. shine.... edboi-kun........... :AOEKnight:
Unicake Jul 1, 2020 @ 7:03am 
Afterstormer Mar 25, 2018 @ 3:05pm 
Forgot to say Happy Birthday!

(Kill me now)
Adam Gyatt Smasher Mar 25, 2018 @ 6:14am 
More rat than bastard, but thanks
Ion Streak Mar 25, 2018 @ 4:05am 
Happy birthday you rat-bastard.