Yours is a long road, my friend.
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Skapad av - Big Mama
How to make delicious golden homemade french fries
5 511 timmar spelade
FFXIV is one of the best games I've ever played. I've found myself lost in this game's world, it's so nice, it feels so alive. The story is one of the best I've experienced in an RPG, let alone an MMO. The community, oh the community, I have met some of my greatest friends in Eorzea, be it hang it out in my FC's house, or just talking to a random person in Ul'dah, you feel part of the world, and it feels nice. The classes are unique and they're fun, I main a Samurai, and I never get bored of it. Honestly, you're in for a treat if you give this game a go, and stick around long enough for it to become a home.

Hope you enjoy your adventures, I'll see you in FFXIV, friend.
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Papa Painbringer 12 aug, 2023 @ 3:16 
I literally wish I were joking. I made a throwaway so my buddies don't see this but I've got to tell someone.

My names Dan which is probably important to the story. A few weeks ago gf and I got high together and were just chilling when she suddenly starts giggling hysterically. I ask what shes laughing at and she tells me she decided to nickname my ♥♥♥♥. Fine, fair enough. She then goes on to say "Little Dan" was too common and the only other name she could think of was "Danny Devito".

Redditors it has been two weeks. She has not stopped calling my penis Danny Devito. She literally texted me an hour ago, and it said "How's Danny and his Devitos doing?"

And listen, it's funny. But the worst part is that I'm not sure she even knows who Danny Devito is. We were watching The Godfather and she literally thought Al Pacino was Danny Devito.
Ghost 8 jun, 2022 @ 22:24 
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Sewer Kidd 15 okt, 2021 @ 0:13 
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Kitsune_One 13 okt, 2021 @ 12:52 
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GGWalrus 23 maj, 2021 @ 12:18