Dennis   Florida, United States
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Red Dead Redemption 2
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47 horas jugadas
Zelda can eat its heart out at this game when it comes to secrets, most of the combat and puzzles.
This game has brought a tear to my eye without anything sappy. It expects you to be intelligent and provides hints that are good enough to help you get your head around it. But still make you feel smart for figuring it out!
It has been too long since I've seen any dev pull that off in a game.
That is a very hard balance to strike without overdoing it, WELL DONE!
It rewards you extremely handsomely for exploring, Finding secrets and solving puzzles.
It doesn't just expect you to figure it out on your own, it actively encourages you with game breaking magic items that will make you feel very powerful, yet not unkillable. While providing hints and patterns.
It will drag that feeling of progression right up to the forefront. reminding you how far you've come, the secrets almost feel metroidvania like with its presentation.
“Oh I can get this chest now!!” which also helps you explore towards progression.
Small/ slightl spoilery example: there are fairies you have to save/free by pressing x directions on the "holy cross".
One of these puzzles has pieces of the solution strewn across a part of the map, just to figure out the button combo for one puzzle,

Also the final puzzle is a 49 long combo entered with the "holy cross", which you need to get the true ending.

I'll put it this way,without anyone telling people, people are actively trying to keep from doing spoilers in guides and on Reddit.
It's one of those games that I would be shocked probably by the development time from how much they crammed into it. Like seriously how small the team is, I expected it would take 10 years.

Also worth mentioning its the same team who made night in the woods and helped with Chicory.
The True ending is super wholesome and explains the protagonist's motivation very thoroughly!
This game is tough, so don't feel too ashamed if you need to dig out the walkthrough for some parts.

A few dings in the clear coat though. Specifically combat and I'm not sure if it's a bug or not.
Sometimes the enemies have iframes during basic attacks and sometimes they don't. It would be fine if it was consistent. but the inconsistency is rough when you're trying to really pounce on them/beat them down, Before they can even move. Maybe I'm just missing the hint that demonstrates this.
There’s also sometimes a bug that pops up that when you're locked onto a target, sometimes you can hold block, sometimes you can't. In order to fix it, you will have to relaunch the game.

This next part I don't consider a bad thing but it might bother some people, this game demands that you think about thing/get good. Not in the dark souls sense mind you. Death is not quite that punishing, but figuring out some of these secrets is mind numbing how you would go about figuring it out! They're pretty obvious once it's pointed out to you, so it seems like something that is player orientated to me.

You know that box we usually think in? SCREW THAT BOX, You're in tunic's world now!
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I Made this because some people in the comments of the original video wanted me to source here > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKBs9l8jS6Q&t=2s
166 valoraciones
Creado por - Mochi
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