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3 236
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Microsoft Flight Simulator
Gablota recenzji
Let me preface this by saying I do not write many reviews, because it takes a lot to convince me to do so. Life Is Strange has done more than that, it has forced my hand.

  • Never before has a game made me feel more sympathy for its characters. You will experience their ups and downs in life through the eyes of a time traveller, accompanied by a masterfully crafted soundtrack.
  • Never before has a game managed to keep my attention for the entirety of its story. From the very first episode, I was hooked.
  • Never before has a game made me reflect this much upon life. The game deals with difficult decision making and coping with their consequences. Do you judge a book by its cover or not? Your decision could have a significant impact.

My only, and I really mean only, gripe with the game is its keyboard and mouse controls. Interaction menus require clicking and holding the left mouse button and then dragging the mouse in the correct direction to select an interaction. The story prequel to Life Is Strange, Life Is Strange: Before the Storm, utilises the WASD keys for the interaction menus, which is a lot better. Using a controller solves this problem; however, I preferred being able to look around the world with a mouse.

Life Is Strange is a masterpiece, an unforgettable memory and truly among the pinnacles of story-telling games. Do not pass this up.
Ostatnia aktywność
3 236 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 13 maja
0,9 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 13 maja
106 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 13 maja
Speedwagon 29 czerwca 2017 o 10:53 
+rep Very fast trade!
Vault Boy 14 grudnia 2016 o 0:57 
+rep fast and polite trader!:steamhappy:
Lujasa 25 września 2016 o 13:29 
Char Siu Sauce 15 grudnia 2015 o 8:15 
- rep -8/8 uses R8 and got me deranked
Mana 19 września 2015 o 13:30 
+rep great trader 10/10 would Poot again
Char Siu Sauce 13 września 2015 o 12:53 
If browny was a weapon : SigSag10