Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

AI Research and Division Tweaks
Showing 1-10 of 41 entries
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Update: Aug 27, 2016 @ 12:30pm

USSR NF Lessons of War now requires the war to be fought against a Major (it should be working that way, if it isn't let me know!)
Optimized economic and manpower laws.
Nationalist Spain, Romania, Finland and Turkey have been given a more sensible willingness to join the axis. Turkey and Finland require certain territorial objectives to be reached before they will be willing to join a faction.
The equipment ratios of the spanish civil war have been adjusted, in vanilla nationalist spain gets 70% of all equipment which is what was causing nationalist spain to steamroll the Republicans.
Japan and Chinese balance has been tweaked. China might actually push the Japanese out of the continent occasionally.
USSR has more aggressive industrial builds, and is even more aggressive if Germany is a human.
Tech priority tweaks to armor, aircraft and some others.
Change to the AI's minimum micro pocket size. AI will use battleplans against smaller pockets than previous which should result in a more efficient application of force against pockets, and a more rapid containment of naval invasions.
Inspired from another mod, I am slowly introducing faction specific variant creating event chains. Currently only Germany is using these chains for Bf 109's and Fw 190's.
Naval Invasion tweaks
AI uses naval production scripts which favor screening vessels more heavily.
Max number of sea regions per naval mission increased from 3 to 5.
These two above changes combined with a previous change which increases the naval invasion mission for navies are a set of changes designed to try and wring as much naval invasion goodness out of the defines we have access too. More ships from more screens = more fleets, more fleets with larger mission ranges = more sea coverage, the biggest issue to naval invasions is securing the fleet superiority in the contiguous sea zones from port to landing. I think it makes a difference, let me know!
Don't think I am missing anything here :)

Update: Aug 18, 2016 @ 12:48pm

Changed trigger for additional Officer Purge Event from defensive war, to any war. You will get the penalty now in an offensive war as well (makes more sense!)

General tweaking and fiddling with production scripts.

France has a custom industrial build now if Germany is a human (had to disable it if Germany was AI because Germany wasn't winning by 1942)

AI will incrementally increase manpower laws at need.

Pushed the Italian Dalmatia national focus down further to prevent shenanigans with Yugoslavia joining Comintern if Italy attacked Yugoslavia before it was in the Axis, and the USSR/Finland had the winter war going. If this happened, and then Italy joined the Axis while these two wars were ongoing, Finland would join Axis, Yugoslavia would join Comintern, and Ger - Sov war could start in 1939.

Update: Aug 17, 2016 @ 11:00am


minor hotfix, Japans bonus to join the axis if Germany is human was reduced. Japan shouldn't immediately be able to be invited to axis now.

Update: Aug 16, 2016 @ 11:57pm


-Introduced scripts to better handle economic laws due to nagging by SensitiveDannyBoi :) Countries should promptly move to optimal economic laws.
- Done a fresh pass over certain technologies, tweaking this and that over the last 2 months has slowly thrown some things out of wack, AI should be better about keeping up to date with arty/aa/at infantry weapons. Majors should be back on track with aggressively researching armor.
- AI should be better at researching radar.
- Refined British production scripts to get them to do a better job of keeping up with army needs.
- Reduced number of guns in artillery, aa and at brigades to reflect battalion numbers. They now use 12 guns instead of 36. This is mostly a change to the TO&E sticklers. In terms of gameplay, this will let the AI keep up with gun production better. Support Companies have had their stats reduced to reflect that they are now a single battery of 4 guns. Regular battalion stats are NOT being adjusted, their stats are inferior to self propelled variants already, and reducing them further would be I think punitive. This is open for debate, perhaps increasing IC cost slightly.
- Introduced the long awaited Motorized Artillery, AA and AT battalions. These are 12 gun battalions. If you use nato counters, I've made nato counters for them.
- Updated division templates to include motorized arty, aa or at when it made sense to.
- Added some new defines to the defines.lua to help the AI optimize combat performance more.
- The AI has a much higher priority to support naval invasions with naval missions.
- Drastically reduced the number of aircraft wings that can participate in a port strike.
- Changes to the Great Purge and Great Patriotic War. Great Purge stops ticking down at 35% officer disorganization, if nothing happens, once this effect times out, the purge effects are over. If the USSR is attacked by Germany during this phase, the USSR gets a modifier called Organizational Chaos. Organizational Chaos in total lasts 2 years. It starts off at -50% division attack and defend, and every 73 days this malus is reduced by 5%. Organizational Chaos fires ONLY if Germany is AI. If Germany is a player it will not fire. If the Soviet Union reaches 20% capitulation, The Great Patriotic War will fire. Once the Great Patriotic War fires, the Officer disorganization from the Purge will begin to tick down again. At the same time the USSR will get another idea, called the Great Patriotic Workers War, this will result in an idea which lasts a certain amount of time that reduces the IC cost of fighters, infantry equipment, artillery equipment, AT equipment and medium armor by 15%.
-War Economy new requires 50% WT.
-Made adjustments to the generic production scripts, allows for more divisions to be raised by minors than before.
-Made adjustments to many majors regarding their division to mil factory ratios.
- Introduced events + ideas that will keep Italy, Romania and Nationalist Spain from joining any faction until after the fall of France. In the Italian case, they will join once it looks like France is going to be defeated.
- Introduced event + idea that SHOULD allow a HUMAN Germany to recruit Japan into the Axis before it forms its own faction. This needs to be tested better, feedback will be appreciated if Japan will join.
-Expeditionary Forces turned back on

Update: Jul 22, 2016 @ 12:50pm

Re-enabled basic player templates from technology
Reduced England aircraft production (other than fighters) even more to try and get them to build more divisions.

Update: Jul 21, 2016 @ 4:20am


-Almost all nations are now running tightly defined production scripts. This introduces scaling division caps. Caps will increase based on the number of military factories.
-Introduces scaling naval production scripts. Designed for non-majors that manage to grow into a naval power.
-USA has an experimental production script/event that will fire if the Lower 48 States are invaded early on. The event will remove the great depression, and give the USA service by requirement and a war economy. It will also give the USA about 200k infantry weapons to begin producing divisions (this is to simulate the 2-3 million WW1 era bolt action rifles in storage.
-USA WILL begin an enormous synthetic refinery build if England loses control of Singapore. The assumption being that if England loses Singapore, Siam or Japan have taken it, cutting off allied access to rubber. The US will step in with its 25,000 civilian factories and build a large number of refineries.
-Optimized Frances national focus choices.
-Gave France a proper 1939/40 era armor division replacing the useless 4 light armor battalion brigade.
- Reduced the naval attack values of all aircraft by 50%.
- Fixed bug from vanilla (typo) that prevented the AI from building any battleships beyond battleship I.
- Expeditionary forces are currently disabled.
- AI can trade more of its civilian factories for resources now.
- AI will be more hesitant to attack across a front when a high percentage of the divisions involved are considered weak.

Update: Jul 18, 2016 @ 1:07pm


Another big update
- Optimized the order of national focus picks for the AI
- Using events to optimize AI idea picks. The AI will take optimized ideas and be charged the cost of the idea (things like manpower laws and theorists), AI is not getting ideas for free, it pays for all of them, but they are allowed to buy on credit :)
- Using events to script early game industrial builds for majors and some minors.
- Tweaked German production scripts more trying to work around the issue where the German AI stops building fighters for awhile.
- MAJOR WORK AROUND FOR AFRICA - When France capitulates, select african states that belong to the UK and France are temporarily transferred to the control of Portugal. If/When Germany and the Axis are defeated the states will be transferred back. This was done to limit the AIs infatuation with Africa.
- Added a strait crossing between Singapore and Java.
- Japan will aggressively pursue Siam
- Changed the Soviet National Focus choices so that the AI will take the Great Purge as late as possible, to ensure the Great Purge effects last for as long as possible.
- Made a few template changes.
- The USA is now supposed to embark on a major synthetic refinery build IF the State of Singapore falls out of Englands hands. It may not be working properly, I may have fudged it up, but I will address this in a patch if it isn't working properly.
- Germany will now embark on a moderate synthetic refinery build.
- Cut the IC cost of all aircraft in half, this is to try and compensate for air losses, and keep Germany in the air war longer.
- Experimenting with "lend lease" events. Currently Romania, Hungary and Nationalist Spain will send surplus infantry weapons to Germany, if they are in the Axis and Germany is at war with the USSR. This is not "real" lend lease as far as I can tell, it gives the sender no tangible benefits.
- FIXED THE ISSUE WITH THE AI STOPPING FIGHTER PRODUCTION. This was a vanilla game issue, that rarely occurred in vanilla, but happened in this mod 100% of the time. The AI would decide it needed tactical bombers really badly and shut down fighter production. The AI no longer appears to shut down fighter production. If you see a major stop fighter production let me know.
- Reworked air force production scripts. AI is very proactive about building up fighters.
- Germany gets a large, but short lived boost to fighter production (called the London Blitz). It will fire for the AI only after France falls.

Update: Jul 12, 2016 @ 11:59am

Initial Upload

Update: Jul 9, 2016 @ 3:50pm

Initial Upload

Update: Jul 9, 2016 @ 11:33am

Initial Upload