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Артикули (77)
Създадена от 斯黛拉Sutora_Offcial
中文顾问语音2.0 语音来源 欢迎使用中文顾问语音2.0 从2.4+版本开始这个语音包就发布了,今天经过数个版本迭代,部分语音代码改变导致用覆盖原版语音已经有很多BUG了,于是我决定修补这个MOD,新版本MOD是一个独立的顾问语音。 使用方法 订阅MOD,创建国家的时候,顾问语音里面选择中文语音即可。 如果你是中途加载这个MOD,点击左上角国家图案,在窗口下面选择顾问,在选择中文语...
Създадена от 街角牛柳君
把特许经营和封建社会分散的荫庇数量从1改到100,没错就是多了两个0。 将共同命运分散的荫蔽从1改为100 把外交传统的信任度增长改成2000% 将封建社会和特许经营改为抽取附属25%舰容 附属流闪电归来(什 理论上兼容性良好,只在原版加了几个0和少量修改...
Създадена от 溯昔言
已适配3.13,没效果的请确认是否被小伞框架覆盖了 错过法令可以控制台输入event megumin_chaifen.799调出来 增加了难度自动调整,星球计数器,把法令的消失时间改成了5年。 另外关于额外生成的利维坦打了没局势这个问题,大家可以在打之前选中利维坦控制台手动加代码。为什么不单独写事件hhh,事件到时候还要更新,谁知道蠢驴会不会再给局势改点别的,写起来太麻烦了。 无畏舰: effect = {save_global_event_target_as = automated_dreadnought...
Създадена от 溯昔言
改动了灰风的语言包,贴近贴吧风格 This mod is for Chinese players only...
Създадена от 溯昔言
3.7:适配圣约 修改了原版每个特使赋予的团结度(1变为3),修改团结度获得的经验(0.1变为0.3),团结度的上限(1变为300),最高速度为原版的27倍,同时现在进入即是外交权重投票 The experience required for federation upgrades has been significantly reduced, and entry is now a diplomatic weight vote...
Създадена от 溯昔言
原版的时间显然是按照100年中期200年后期300年胜利写的,而玩家实际游戏时间一般在100-150年左右。所以很多cd都会显得漫长。随便干些什么等10年那真是黄花菜都凉了,将这些条款限制在四分之一到十分之一是比较合适的。 更改政策、迁都、物种权利、停战都只有一年冷却(10年变成1年),另外附庸条款为6个月冷却。 Policy changes, capital transfers, new leaders and armistice all have only one year to cool down...
Маркиран като несъвместим ]  无我原非你,从他不解伊。
Създадена от Jian
拒绝以任何方式转载和传播本mod。如果你是创作者,请不要引用本mod及其图文包的链接。 请保持期待和欢喜,因为我们都相信会有更美好的未来。 群420359831...
碧蓝航线顾问语音 Azurlane Theme Advisor -「JK的语音MOD」
Създадена от Douglas Hipper
2022.05.24-FIX- 修改了版本号,现在它不会提示版本错误了 没有发现任何无法使用的bug,请考虑是否有冲突mod =============== 4.23-FIX- 提供了就算江田岛海军学院士官也能听清的音量增大 ==================== 碧蓝航线顾问语音MOD Azurlane Advisor Voice ---------------------------- 参与者 -【以下均为Bilibili 账户】: · 技术担当:重型机场 - B站主页:ht tps//space.b...
Създадена от 烤薯条
3.9改了居住站,更新一下 1、去除了国家拥有巨构数量的上限且同一个巨构可以同时修建多个 2、同一个星系可以修建多个巨构 3、每种巨构AI国家现在只能修一个(包过环世界) 4、只有拥有虚空居者起源的AI才能修居住站 5、戴森球、巨型船厂可以在多恒星星系建造,且可以每个恒星各修一个 6、物质解压器可以在多个黑洞星系中修建,且可以每个黑洞各修一个 7、移除了量子弹弓的数量限制和必须修在中子或脉冲星上的限制 8、新加了政策"量子弹弓准确度调整",前置科技:量子弹弓 效果:增加了量子弹弓准确度,可以让舰队不再到处乱...
Създадена от R
奇奇怪怪的MOD 二刺螈手游 碧蓝航线(Azur Lane) 的厨力向mod。 技术力不足,还有各种乱入 平衡性:无都是用jio写的数值,以及最经典的兼容问题。 感谢各位能玩这个mod。 摸鱼好爽!!! 更新了3.13版本号;重置了部分建筑、区划及对应的科技。蠢驴你该死啊,能不能别改来改去的 ), 此mod一切素材来自互联网以及碧蓝航线游戏文件,立绘著作权归画师所有。如果侵犯到相关利益,可以联系我修改。 推荐mod 雪风语音顾问 资源显示兼容 ...
Създадена от 陌灬小泪
前置置底规则改变没必要加,置底规则改变没必要加,置底规则改变没必要加,重要的事情说三遍谁问我就咬人了。 前置mod并不是前置,可以凭借喜好添加。水思上清(主要贡献者)是一名伟大的焊捂帝,欢迎大家订阅他的烛虚星列,链接是下方第二个。 第四天灾武器库,烛虚星列,战争升级,现已加入魔怔人豪华套餐!欢迎各位第四天灾的订阅。 由于忽然被做了视频,为防止一些非议,所以先叠个甲:本mod的制作宗旨就是让一切简单方便,我不想做任何的机制,这又不是个流程mod,万一机制打架事情更多。本mod的初衷就是我玩的爽,放出来让大家一...
Създадена от Jian
①请订阅最新图文包。 ②请开新档。 ③请务必保证删除所有旧版文件,以防bug。 重要提示 如你所见,本mod为多彩银河。 本mod为游戏中增加了一系列新的种族,科技,建筑,事件等,极大地增加了游戏的趣味性。 拒绝以任何方式转载和传播本mod。如果你是创作者,请不要引用本mod及其图文包的链接。 本mod含有许多内容,所以无法简介。 仍然在更新中,并且祝您游玩愉快。 本mod将文本、图片与代码分离,此处仅会对代码进行更新,文本和图片请转到其他地方下载。 若您希望在多个大型mod环境下游玩,请订阅我们的兼容补丁...
Създадена от 溯昔言
Създадена от 手撕冰激凌_LING
碧蓝航线-英仙座顾问语音 音源提取于游戏碧蓝航线 借鉴制作工具“顾问语音mod创建助手”(创意工坊) 本人出于对英仙座这一角色的喜爱制作的语音mod,不用作商业用途 本mod为低技术力制作,如遇到语音覆盖不全还请见谅,有时间的话会进行优化的,目前不太影响使用体验,大概 如有侵权请联系本人删除,谢谢 24/2/17 追加和调整了部分语音,修复了部分语音不触发问题 Azur Lane - Perseus Advisor Voice I created a voice mod out of my love for...
Създадена от Cepheus
本mod可以让你的人口在游戏中修仙,获得越来越高的特质加成,更多舰船组件,甚至让你的人口肉身进入太空作战。但随着境界升高,修炼难度也会成倍提升。 选择权力制度“宗门制”或国民理念“修仙宗门”即可让人口修炼,不绑定物种和起源,另外还有区分宗门类型的一些国民理念和5个常规修仙起源可供选择。修炼到一定境界后可以解锁修炼专属星球类型“洞天福地”的环境改造选项,修炼到最高境界后还可以选择“飞升仙界”或“组建天庭”飞升天赋。 mod提供4种修炼难度选项,灵气复苏选项修炼难度较低,可以很快碾压原版AI,可能会在一定程度上...
Създадена от 溯昔言
在攻占首都后100%概率掠夺遗珍 咋的,我买了游戏,这游戏里所有的遗珍都是我的,你ai还想独占不成? Loot relics with 100% probability after capturing the capital...
Създадена от 黑手文和
设定继承自UP主黑手文和的群星系列视频,一款友善的中文人工智能顾问语音。支持铁人模式及成就获取,理论上兼容一切其他mod。 ------------------------ 2022.10.30更新至1.02版本 -1.适配3.*(即理论上适配了后续3.0所有版本) ------------------------ 2022.07.06更新至1.01版本 -1.适配3.4.* -2.修复与外星文明建立联系后语音缺失的问题...
! ! Reworked Tactical System [attrib]
Създадена от 木木来啦
伞のMOD 数值压缩与溢出修复操作视频 The following machine translation At present, only the original weapons have been balanced. =====needs to be placed below ! Reworked Tactical System ! ===== ===== No longer compatible with NSC2. If you need to use it together, please mo...
! Better Performance & Utilities
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Better Performance & Utilities Current version for Legacy version of Kasako's mods Up to 75% increase in game fluency in later game New pop growth control method (disabled by default) Automatic demotion function Express manual pop migration method Reduce t...
! Casako's Framework & Modmenu
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
This mod will always go with the last update of Stellaris <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Current mod version for mod setting panel The basic framework of the sub-function of Infinite System Independent function...
长者提示语音 The Elder's Notification
Създадена от 游戏时间分配中
此MOD已失效,重置版: 将原版60余句各种提示音替换为长者日..日的谆谆教诲 示例: 研究完成提示:还要学习一个。 建造完成提示:这是坠吼的。 其它请在游戏中膜发掘 很惭愧,就做了一点微小的工作,谢谢大家! ...
! Dark Blue UI - Synth Icons !
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Neon fluorescent, stroked, translucent game icons style Support most popular mods that add new civics and ethics Support all vanilla trait icons Sorting: Try to go as far down as possible, otherwise it will be overwritten by other mods Compatibility: ①Supp...
! Dark Blue UI ironman
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Complete version <UI Overhaul Dynamic is required and must be sorted above this mod.> Detailed Description A la...
! Dark Blue UI Kasako's Bespoke
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Designed for Production Revolution Framework is required Add new shortcut button Manpower parameters show directly in planet UI Animated leader portrait Better ground combat image You must have all required mod installed Compatiblility Patch with MOD: Giga...
鸽组汉化 Flora Edition
Създадена от 月都旅人
简介 翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 列表存在过时情况,修缮工作在做了 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 ...
! Dark Blue UI Left Menu !
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
<warring: all instructions are machine translation> New main menu layout <All pre-mods must be installed, see the required items on the right> screenshot from mod: Main menu - Megastructure Detailed description -The main interface is changed to the button ...
! Dark Blue UI Remake
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Some additional new features Legacy version of last major update Universal Patch for compatibility of mods list...
! Dark Blue UI Right Menu
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
<warring: all instructions are machine translation> New main menu layout New theme interface background <All pre-mods must be installed, see the required items on the right> Detailed description -The main interface has been changed to the button layout on ...
! Ember UI Remake !
Създадена от Krahe
It's a submod for all around amazing looking ! Dark Blue UI Remake !. All used gfx files are from Dark Blue UI Remake and, as this submod only has edited gfx files, it needed for its proper work. All I have done is spend some hours recoloring it to ember, ...
! Dark Blue UI Universal Patch
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Make Dark Blue UI Remake compatible with MOD: Gigastructural Engineering & More Psionic Species Expansion Sorting: Put it wherever you want. Special thanks to: RedRover72 for main UI frame tweak for 3440p. If you have any requirements for compatibility wit...
! IBS Performance PATCH
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Clear blue hyperlanes. Compared to the IBS setting, increase hyperlanes opacity. Colored static map icons Compared to the IBS setting, no dynamic icons and no lag If you like it, promote it to more people! <Compatibility and Sorting> Achievements compatibl...
! Immersive Beautiful Stellaris !
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
117 New Sky Box Galaxy position affects skybox Beautify the Milky Way map Optimize the lens Simplify the map UI 100 new wallpapers New room background New flag Other new materials original mod Change the appearance of the sky box according to the position ...
! Immersive Loading Screens
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
125 exquisite loading images This mod is part of Immersive Beautiful Stelalris Suitble for any version of game IRONMAN compatible If you like it, promote it to more people! Features 125 brand new HD loading images Golden age sci-fi style which is in line w...
! Immersive Beautiful Universe !
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
117 New Sky Box New skybox system based on position and stars Beautify the Milky Way Spiritual sequel to Beautiful Universe v2.0 Change the appearance of the sky box according to the position of the galaxy in the Milky Way The color of the core object will...
! Immersive Simple map UI !
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Animated New Icon Minimalistic Style Complete fleet information display Plus version add more details to fleet icons Simple Map UI Has been integrated in IBS Part of the content display
! Kogasa Advisor
Създадена от Clam
Kogasa Voice Advisor Non English voice line right now But if you like this energetic and cute voice, jsut subscribe Compatibility and Sorting Anywhere and all mods compatible ...
! PR Compatibility - ACOT [ABANDONED]
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Update integrated into Production Revolution Patch --------------------------------------------------------------- -Make ACOT and Production Revolution work together -New jobs from will be accepted by -Most functions based on pops now work on Manpower Rega...
! Production Revolution
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
Mod version for Newest Update for Current Stellaris Manpower system that reduces pops, simplifies operations and improves optimization Independent tech tree and new research system The vanilla structure system has been expanded, and gameplay is expanded. R...
! Production Revolution Patch 3.12
Създадена от zero
Make MODs below to support PR system Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story Ancient Empire Azur Lane Stellaris DLC 皑茵世界旅行 Ancient Cache of Technologies ~Acquisition of Technology Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.12) Warship Girls R And MIST Species PR...
! Production Revolution Patch 3.2
Създадена от zero
3.4 Patch Make MODs below to support PR system Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story AshArms Distant Future 2200 Ancient Empire Nirvana Empire Project Ultimate Technologies NytoSpeciesEventsPack The DAL Species Mod Arpeggio of Blue Steel DLC StellarRegul...
! Reworked Tactical Battlefield !
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
<warring: non native English speaker, there may be translation errors> BETA TEST 2x system scale (while RSS is 6x) Bigger solar system + smaller ship The perfect balance between beautification and gameplay Compatible with partly compatible with Better stri...
! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Създадена от scroll
Adapting to Stellaris 3.13 This mod is to add new advanced ascensions based on vanilla ascensions 30 new Advanced Ascensions The upper limit of the ascension slot has been increased, which requires UOD series for UI support Future development of this MOD h...
! Universal Game Rules Patch
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
<warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Repair population cannot be assembled Repair orbital bombing failure Repair the failure of the jump engine Compatible with additional information types Make capital buildings from...
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Създадена от Narvindar
Updated for 3.*.* Patch to display the added strategic resources from different mods. For Stellaris +2.4.* Thanks to the new launcher the order in which mods are loaded is changed, if you have trouble getting the mod to work try moving it to the bottom, di...
15 Tradition Slots + 16 AP Slots
Създадена от Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
A personal anime music pack
Създадена от Kasako'小傘
A purely personally directed anime music play list of a friend, I just post it on his behalf, and I don’t know why he must listen to these songs when playing Stellaris. playlist: Air Race Fanfare for Future! Make debut! Special Record! unbreakable ぴょいっと♪はれ...
Ancient Cache of Technologies
Създадена от Chirumiru ShiRoz
Introduction Summary of 3.12 Super Update can be read here. Ancient Cache of Technology explores the stories of the ancient enigmatic precursors, including the Curators, the Fallen Empires and those that came before them. Behind their history lies great ma...
Създадена от 旺财
这宇宙间所有的坟头都是我的, 你们!! 不可挖!!! ........................................................................... 禁止ai考古挖坟 更新:3.12...
Ancient Empire - Real Space: System Scale Patch
Създадена от AetherGhost
Compatible with ANY VERSION of Stellaris Compatibility Patch for Ancient Empire and Real Space: System Scale. Ancient Empire: Real Space: System Scale:
Ancient Empire - UI Overhaul Dynamic Patch
Създадена от AetherGhost
Compatible with ANY VERSION of Stellaris Compatibility Patch for Ancient Empire and UI Overhaul Dynamic. Ancient Empire: UI Overhaul Dynamic.:
Ancient Empire 1.9 [Stellaris 3.13]
Създадена от AetherGhost
Stellaris 3.13.* Compatible 1 Introduction Ancient Empire Mod is a late-game/end-game event mod that introduces the story of an ancient civilization that was once mighty but eventually fall for unknown reasons, a series of related technologies, ships, and ...
Anime Galaxy
Създадена от Sanctions
Anime Galaxy 3.0 ver1 Replace all of the vanilla species with anime girls including all DLCs. Animation images are derived from mobile games, PC games, and illustrations. Curators, artists, fallen empires, and space merchants have independent images. More ...
Azur Lane Voice Pack
Създадена от Clam
3.8.*✔️; English✔️ compatibility Does not conflict with other mods 【sortord】 You can put it anywhere in the mod list Elaborate Azur Lane voice pack Contains the following voice packets Z23 Hood Laffey Akashi Aurora Javelin Belfast Sheffield Warspite Ayanam...
Bigger Planet View
Създадена от Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ Versions:🎀 Building Box Dirty Fix 🎀Previews are not always up to date. Currently only supports up to...
Създадена от 战斗单元:LQ27
鸭鸭语音,基于vits,感谢 你说得对 但我每天玩原根都能做150次NTT 大佬的mod制作模块. 这是我第一次制作​群星mo​d,大家在使用过程中发现任何问题都可以来反馈(包括但不限于语音错位,语调奇怪),我会尽力修复的 ~( ̄▽ ̄)~*...
Създадена от 楚迷是我
本模组为缤纷多彩の银河(2.0.9) 「良夜永眠」(Colorful Galaxy,以下简称cg)的附属mod。 首先鸣谢坚持更新的简小姐,以及小伞(毕竟抄的伞兼容) 模组内容: 1、提供以Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib、伞の泛用规则兼容为主,最优先保证CG次优先保证其余适配模组规则生效的game_rules文件。已完成SUGL与伞规则的兼容. 2、提供已适配模组对原版内容除game_rules以外修改的兼容,包括但不限于建筑、飞升等。 3、提供已适配种族模组的种族能启用多...
DebuCat Advisor
Създадена от 冷泉Reisen
Hiiro(希萝) 是个人势英语系虚拟主播,目前在 Bilibili 进行直播活动 DD 星海共同体的最大威胁 DEBU CAT 的个人主页: 语音包演示视频: 顾问语音切换方法:单击左上角政府旗帜图标,在对话框下方选择“顾问”标签页,即可进入顾问选择菜单。 如果在使用过程中遇到问题,您可以在讨论帖中发表留言。 ✂✂✂✂✂✂✂✂✂✂✂ 配音:Debu...
Създадена от 󠀡󠀡
Fix Paradox's Combat Computer Put it simply Now your ships won't be rushing to their deaths. Sorry, my English is not good, try to use machine translation to see the following description 修复了Paradox的炮击|线列|哨戒脑的射程逻辑 哨戒战术 舰船将推进到中距离并尝试拦截迫近的敌舰 由于顶多用于驱逐之类的小船,故采用...
Expanded Gestalts: Forgotten Queens
Създадена от Complex Hive Expansion Pack - New Mainscreen - 4 New Rooms - 2 New Origins - 8 New Civics - 2 New Planet types - 6 New Ascension Perks - 4 New Personalities - 4 New Portraits - New Advisor - New Sound Effects - New jobs - New events...
Elder Voice Advisor 长者语音顾问 reborn
Създадена от von soliii
This mod is only based on the local MEME of P.R. of China, not suit other culture group. 因为原mod被developer续了,无法通过搜索获得,作者懒得去申诉了,因此直接秽土转生 原mod地址: 注意,原mod已经足够完善(v1.1.2),因此不再更新 v1.1.2更新 替换了mod展示图片...
Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.13)
Създадена от Elowiny Do you like megastructures? I sure do! This mod aims to expand on the concept of megastructures by adding more megastructures you can build, with a wide range of effects, and sizes ranging from large space stations to system...
Създадена от 转生成为盾斧蓝火黑龙高手
Machine & Robot Expansion
Създадена от XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible A few years ago, I made my first big mod for Machine Intelligence and Synthetic Ascended Empires. This mod is a rework of that. Click the screen...
MOSS中文语音顾问【流浪地球】(550W Voice Consultant)
Създадена от histerlife
-2023.11.10此mod更新已在计划中- 为时已晚!有机体。 这样与您打招呼,是不是显得可爱了一些? MOD名称:MOSS中文语音顾问 适配版本:3.*.* MODDER:Ordiel2417、histerlife、退堂鼓手洛君晞 注:1、本模组为兴趣制作的非盈利项目。 2、使用已公开的MOSS语音采样制作,基于百度飞桨PaddleSpeech使用公开的数据程式训练,模型版权属于流浪地球电影制作组与配音演员。 3、模组内容与配音演员,电影、原作剧情无关。 4、目前只含有中文语音。 欢迎各位提出宝贵的意...
Online Weapon Balance (update paused)
Създадена от 木木来啦
-A weapon attributes rebalance MOD -Lite version of this MOD Online version of decisive weapon (compatible version) modified: 1. The average damage of all weapons has been modified. The average damage of weapons of the same level is the same 2 the weapon w...
Neuro-Sama Advisor
Създадена от Neyko
添加Neuro-Sama顾问语音 台词和原机械智能一样 Add Neuro-Sama Advisor The lines are the same as the original mechanical intelligence...
Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib
Създадена от _OAO_
This MOD is mainly for modders, if you are just a player and see that a MOD requires this as a prerequisite item, then you only need to subscribe to it. Features This MOD provides a solution to the conflict problem caused by adding rules between community ...
Tasty Maid: Portraits 美味女仆:肖像
Създадена от ChouGou A fully animated, customizable portrait mod: Added 14 unique anime portraits, fully animated and customizable. Tasty organic maid species and robotic m...
Tasty Maids: Plantoid Species Trait Compatibility
Създадена от ZeroChansu
Donation link: Version: 3.13.0 This is an unofficial plantoids species trait compatibility patch for Tasty Maid: The following mod overwrites vanilla species traits...
Tasty Maids: Vanilla 美味女仆:香草味
Създадена от ChouGou
This is Tasty Maid: Portraits vanilla replacer version。 A fully animated, customizable portrait mod: Added 14 unique anime portraits, fully animated and customizable. Replaced 1st portrait for every specie categories, for humans it replaced legacy human in...
The Emissary Of Endtime
Създадена от ToursWen
This is a mod that plays the role of a follower of Crisis. In this mod, you will have three additional origins available, allow you to join and assist the Crisis! Vanguard of The Contingency: ——You will play the role of a group of forgotten corrupted synth...
The Empty Vagrant - A Simulating Nomadic Civilization MOD 太虚流浪 - 模拟游牧文明的MOD
Създадена от 简言之
This page only releases stable versions, the latest beta version link: "The Empty Vagrant" is a MOD that attempts to simulate a fleet civilization that does not require planet...
Tianjin Advisor
Създадена от Yihan
Chinese dialect sound pack —— Tianjin Advisor Achievement compatible Made by virtio, a vtuber association...
Tradition UI 3.12
Създадена от Laquly 零者
Only for 3.12 Modified Tradition UI and added a button that costs unity to unlock AP slot The number of slots has not been modified, you may need the following mods: 15 Tradition slots + 16 AP slots 23 Tradition slots + 24 AP slots 47 Tradition slots + 48 ...
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Създадена от Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Compatibility Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod is spe...
Vanilla Chinese Improving
Създадена от 月华天星
———————————————郑重声明——————————————— 本汉化为公益性质,完全免费,任何需付费使用本汉化行为均与我组无关。 亦谢绝任何将全部或部分本汉化与下属独立汉化模组之内容用于盈利或其他商业用途,包括但不限于收费或收取任何形式赞助的模组、整合包、修改后二次发布、AI训练以及游戏内付费墙等。 鸽组对鸽组汉化、下属独立汉化模组及声明内容保留最终解释权。 ———————————————重要通知——————————————— 由于人手不足,本mod在一个或多个版本周期内会不定时多次更新,如果遇到翻...