Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

2,142 ratings
ACME 0.6.5
File Size
454.568 KB
Mar 13, 2022 @ 8:43pm
Jul 27, 2023 @ 11:43pm
17 Change Notes ( view )

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ACME 0.6.5


A camera mod, with new features being added.

New in 0.6
  • Customizable shadow calculation parameters - distance and sharpness.
  • Stepped rotation hotkeys at 15-degree increments: Control-X and Control-Y (Shift to reverse direction, Alt to use 45-degree increments instead of 15).
  • Configurable hotkey to reset camera rotation (default Alt-R).
  • Option to reset FPS keys to match game movement key settings.
  • Decreased minimum Field of View to 5.
  • Add sound effect when a camera position is saved.

New in 0.5.1
  • FPS mode absolute movement: move straight up/down/forwards/backwards, regardless of camera tilt.
  • FPS mode keys are now independently configurable.

New in 0.5
  • Zoom to cursor: If this option is enabled, zooming in and out will maintain the spot under the mouse cursor at the same point in the screen (instead of zooming in/out to the middle of the screen).

New in 0.4
  • Map dragging: Hold down shift-right mouse button (by default, configurable in the options panel) to drag the map around with the mouse ('mouse dragging'), with configurable behaviour (speed, invert directions) in the options panel.

  • Adjustable default speeds for first-person camera mode in the options panel.

New in 0.3
  • FPS mode: Ctrl-Tab by default to activate; hold down shift to increase movement speed (WASD). This is a completely free FPS mode with no terrain following or collision detection, designed for use with setting up screenshots and the upcoming cinematic recording/playback functions.

    For a more player-focussed FPS experience, you can use ACME together with Asu's First Person Camera 2 mod.

Basically because there wasn't already a camera mod that did everything I wanted it to, and the closest (TPB's Camera Positions Utility) uses an obsolete modding method (Detours) that can cause issues with other mods.

There's a lot of functionality that is currently being developed and will be added as development progresses, such as cinematic recording and saved path tracking, but there's a lot of functionality already included.

To use: Alt-C (by default), or use the UUI button, will bring up the panel in-game where various camera parameters can be set and adjusted; collision options are also available via the mod's options panel.

  • No border limit - camera can go anywhere on the map (not restricted to tiles that you have purchased)
  • Adjust minimum ground clearance (including to -10m below ground)
  • Enable/disable building collision
  • Enable/disable network collision
  • Enable/disable tree collision
  • Enable/disable prop collision
  • Enable/disable water bobbing
  • Change camera tilt independently of other factors
  • Easily change FOV
  • Adjustable minimum camera speed (so the camera doesn't crawl when zoomed in to the maximum)
  • Enable/disable automatically zooming to disasters
  • Jump to center of current MoveIt selection (default Alt-middle mouse button, configurable)
  • Store and recall up to 22 different camera positions (Ctrl-Shift-[0-9 or F1-F12] to save a position, Ctrl-[same key] to restore
  • Manually specify precise figures for camera positioning (target position, rotation, distance, tilt, and FOV).
  • Camera position and settings are rembembered for each save and restored on load
  • Map dragging (shift-right mouse button by default)
  • Zoom-to-cursor option: if enabled, zooming in/out will ensure the spot under the mouse cursor remains at the same position on-screen (instead of zooming to the center of the screen)
  • FPS Mode

Mouse light flickering at night when near buildings or close to the ground, or shadows flickering on/off?
That's the game's raytracing getting blocked by the terrain or building. Increase the near clip distance to stop this.

Incompatible mods

  • Camera Positions Utility - uses obsolete Detours functionality which blocks compatibility with other mods; functionality included in this mod
  • Zoom It - conflicting Harmony patches; functionality included in this mod
  • First Person Camera Updated - ironically not really 'updated' any more. Instead use the modern replacement First Person Camera 2 (see 'known compatible camera mods' below).
  • Mouse Drag Camera and Mouse Drag Camera Inverted - functionality included in this mod
  • Zoom To Cursor - functionality included in this mod (and it would conflict even if functionality weren't included)
  • Potentially other camera mods as well, depending on specifics - there's a number of little-used and obscure camera mods out there, and it hasn't been possible to test them all

Known compatible camera mods
  • First Person Camera 2; you can use this one for a different FPS camera style to the one in this mod (First Person Camera 2 provides a player-style FPS camera, whereas ACME's is primarily designed for screenshot and cinematic use).


This mod uses Harmony[] version 2.2 by Andreas Pardeike via the Cities Harmony mod by boformer.

Doesn't touch the savefile, and can be safely removed at any time.

Special thanks to TPB for the original Camera Positions Utility which inspired much of the functionality of this mod.

Source code

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Popular Discussions View All (2)
Mar 1, 2024 @ 9:37pm
How do I remove the shortcut key for saving camera location?
Jun 10, 2022 @ 7:12pm
Request feature: Driving mode?
Francis • LUL
patrioticparadox Feb 10 @ 8:38am 
Working great here
algernon  [author] Jan 20 @ 3:32am 
@1040519344 Going one-by-one is actually not an accurate way of troubleshooting mod issues. Instead, you should share your output log and I'll take a look.
1040519344 Jan 20 @ 12:54am 
Hello my friend, I saw the mod doesn't work and the log said it crash on the data that from Harmary 2. I cannot figure out what is going on but I could not reach the issue for this bug message mean, should I just check 1 by 1 see which mod are broke to each other?
Jomuu Dec 4, 2024 @ 8:56am 
How do I remove the shortcut key for saving camera location?
Richie Oct 25, 2024 @ 12:03pm 
@algernon i couldnt play this game without your mod. i need to be able to zoom in and out to cursor. don't understand why this isn't a default option. i bought CS2 for about a year now. and they still have it to scroll to center of screen. don't know the purpose of that is. is there any chance that you will be making a scroll to cursor for CS2? the game is useless to me without it
algernon  [author] Jul 11, 2024 @ 4:27pm 
@guftaar2006 This mod indeed still works fine, so if you're having issues, you'd need to post your output log so that we can see what's going wrong on your system.
wraithrider Jul 11, 2024 @ 8:14am 
Mods are our curse in a way. I'm currently now trying to figure out what mod started to suddenly cause a crackling sound which either kills the game sound or just instantly CTDs me. Lot of fun!
Agent_yayaFLG Jul 11, 2024 @ 6:15am 
@wraithrider For some reason when I enable this mod know it just does not work. It does not affect game play and I can load my saves but the UI for the mod are just non existed.
wraithrider Jul 10, 2024 @ 10:04am 
Far as I know it works great. I use it regularly during gameplay.
Agent_yayaFLG Jul 10, 2024 @ 8:06am 
Does this mod still work?