Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (412)
乌丸千岁 表情包替换小电视动画 - Karasuma Chitose TV animation
Created by 这把一定过
使用了乌丸千岁的表情包替换了游戏内小电视的花屏 烏丸 千歳(からすま ちとせ) 渡航原作、QP:flapper插画的轻小说企划《少女编号》的主人公之一,女主角。大学一年级女学生,其颜值高、外表可爱、性格人渣腹黑,所属No.1 Produce旗下的新人声优。曾是声优训练班里的第一名。自认为业界门槛很高,如果没人知道“乌丸千岁”这个声优的话,那么那不就和“乌丸千岁”这个声优根本不存在是一个意思了。虽然很容易得意忘形,但内心却十分强大,甚至被做成表情包 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
五更琉璃---主菜单动态背景视频 MAIN MENU VIDEO(NO MUSIC)
Created by StArRySeA
订阅此MOD后,在left4dead2\addons\workshop里找到1225120808.vpk,通过GCFScape打开,把其中的media文件夹中的文件与X\Left 4 Dead 2\left 4 dead 2\media文件夹中的文件替换掉。 GCFScape下载链接:https://nemstools.github.io/pages/GCFScape-Download.html 喜欢的话,给我点个赞哦。 ps:workshop文件夹不是steamapps目录下的,而是求生之路游戏目录里的。...
夕立 安全室读图背景 Yuudachi (Kantai Collection) Loading background
Created by 这把一定过
替换了 夕立 的安全室读图背景. 后续会持续制作不同风格插图的读图背景,并保持更新。喜欢的话不妨点赞订阅加收藏? 我的另一款夕立读图背景(水着版)https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1522472956 Pivix ID = 61295983...
夕立 流星雨主题 一代木质散弹枪 - Yuudachi Pump shotgun (Meteor shower theme)
Created by 这把一定过
使用了夕立的插画作为皮肤,流星雨作为主题 。制作了一款一代 木质散弹枪的皮肤 该散弹枪为夜光模式,实际游戏效果请见预览 我的铁质散弹枪请点这里:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1525308393 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
小天使 流星雨主题开山刀 - Machete ( Meteor shower theme )
Created by 这把一定过
使用流星雨作为主题,重新涂装了刀身(砍刀/开山刀)的皮肤,并使用了rurudo的小天使插画 进行装饰 Pivix ID= 70434240 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏? __________________________________ Use a illustration of the Meteor shower as the machete's skin and decorate the blade with an angel by rurudo. Details please check the ...
少女前线 一代木质散弹枪 - Girls' Frontline Pump shotgun
Created by 这把一定过
按照约定,我制作了一款少女前线的木质散弹枪。实际游戏效果请见预览 根据个人偏好调整的画质,实际效果也会有所不同。喜欢的话不妨点赞订阅加收藏? 回应作者要求,原图不予转载。 我的铁质散弹枪请点这里:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1525308393...
少女前线 读图背景/Girls' Frontline Loading background(维绿灰)
Created by PIO
替换了安全屋读图背景 "敵発見、作戦開始!" Pivix ID = 65385863...
少女前线 404小队棒球棒 / Girls' Frontline 404 Baseball Bat
Created by PIO
替换了游戏中的棒球棒 顶端是404小队队徽,增加了不刺眼的夜光 不要在意Nepgear穿模的手...
少女前线 404小队载入界面/Girls' Frontline Loading screen
Created by PIO
替换了一二代战役加载界面图片 感谢@fafuyuce 帮我找了部分图片和提供灵感 为了迎合游戏气氛,我在官方原标题@fafuyuce的辛勤抠图qwq的基础上做了修改,图片素材选择了与官方主题比较接近的,共替换了13关战役和默认战役图 所有素材均来自网络: Dead Center Pixiv ID: 70008407 Dark Carnival Pixiv ID: 71119807 Swamp Fever Pixiv ID: 67052064 Hard Rain Pixiv ID: 68921387 The ...
少女前线HK416 自动贩卖机/Girls' Frontline HK416 Vending Machine
Created by PIO
替换了自动售货机,目前10种 高清自动贩卖机,约30秒替换一次 指挥官,有我就够了( 图片均来自P站 ...
希丝缇娜·菲伊贝尔 电脑显示器 - Sistine Fibel PC Monitor
Created by 这把一定过
用白猫(希丝缇)的表情包 替换了游戏内电脑显示器的动画w Replace the pc monitor anime with Sistine Fibel 希丝缇娜·菲伊贝尔 (システィーナ=フィーベル),日本轻小说《不正经的魔术讲师与禁忌教典》及其改编动画中的主要人物。阿尔扎诺帝国魔术学院二年二班的学生。祖父是伟大的魔法师,为了继承其意志而努力学习的优等生。常称呼银发的她为“白猫” 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
戦姫絶唱シンフォギアGX 雪音クリス Transitioin
Replaces the transition background with Chris Yukine pajamas wallpaper from Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX. Image source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=51952731...
[XC2]Poppi QTpi for Ellis
Created by Raitoningu
Here's the last one Blade. Enjoy this team or not :) Feature: -FPS arms -HUD Icons -MMD Shader(VMT Parameter By dewobedil) -Jigglebones -Facial Animations -Zoey's Animations -Boomed texture Original Model - MONOLITH SOFT FBX ported - KuroKairaku...
[Touhou] Yakumo Yukari MAC Submachine gun
Created by K"ashimura♦
Replaced the MAC submachine gun in the game map. Guns can glow in the dark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 献给东方厨的玩家们. 这次更新添加了紫的小部件. 如果有时间还会继续添加别的系列. 欢迎订阅. 如果喜欢记...
[Touhou] GuanLou Sword
Created by K"ashimura♦
Replaced in-game the Katana. On the game original katana modify and add. Hope you enjoy. : ) http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/96102627882017307/D6876C31AEE3F8F14EA963B07DA6E86EE7284853/...
[Sakura Megumi] AK47
Created by K"ashimura♦
Replaced the AK-47 assault rifle in the game map. Guns can glow in the dark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 这次角色是.也是慈姐. 也是非常喜欢的一个角色. 制作的是大枪.替换游戏里的Ak-47步枪.( ´_ゝ`...
[Kanna] Hunter Sound
Created by K"ashimura♦
Sound from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter Sound. Sound source Kanna Kamui 長縄まりあ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Appear animated episodes 1-12 ...
[Hunter] Kanna Kamui
Created by K"ashimura♦
Model from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter characters. Front cover 「Author」TOMATO 「PixivID」61771640 Model 「Author」icemega5 Resource modification list L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter Model L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter FPS Arms Hunter Special Ability I...
[KanColle]LO500 For Louis
Created by Raitoningu
LO500还是RO500,出自哪款游戏不用说都知道吧。 挺可爱的,胸部挺平的就不给加那种不可告人的效果了。竞速泳衣和晒痕,太TM色气了,射爆 虽然穿着拖鞋但是战力还是很强的,黑皮替换黑皮。 此模型拥有: -第一人称手臂 FPS arms -图标 VGUI -微动骨骼 Jigglebones -卡通化着色器 Anime Shader -佐伊的动画 Zoey's Animations Original Model : ぽんぷ長...
梓喵 夜光铁质散弹枪 - Azusa nakano Chrome shotgun
Created by 这把一定过
这是我的第二款武器皮肤,替换了梓喵2015年生日贺图作为皮肤 通过不断的修改,最终游戏内效果请见预览图 Pivix ID = 53488412 木质散弹枪请点击:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1530624787 喜欢的话不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
榛名 (アズールレーン) 烟花盒 - Haruna (Azur lane) Fireworks box
Created by 这把一定过
使用了ATDAN-的榛名的几张插画作为烟花盒的皮肤 分别替换了正面,背面和两侧的插图。具体效果可以参考预览图 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏? ATDAN-的插画我能舔到换屏 画师Pivix ID = 6662895...
萝莉安全室读图背景Loli (MISSILE) Loading background
Created by 这把一定过
替换了哥特萝莉大师MISSILE228的一位原创角色作为安全室读图背景 后续会持续制作不同风格插图的读图背景,并保持更新。喜欢的话不妨点赞订阅加收藏? 小学生真是… Pivix ID = 65966746...
22 2017 Spring Festival ver For Coach(BiliBili)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Coach for 22 from BiliBili.com Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync Original model:平安夜的噩梦 This is my 16th mod on workshop,happy spring festival!thank you bilib...
33 2017 Spring Festival ver For Nick(BiliBili)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Nick for 33 from BiliBili.com Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync Original model:平安夜的噩梦 This is my 17th mod on workshop,happy spring festival!thank you bilibi...
33 2018 Spring Festival ver For Francis(BiliBili)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Francis for 33 from BiliBili.com Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync This is my 20th mod on workshop,happy woking festival!thank you bilibili.com take me so m...
Appearance Miku (Colorful Drop) (Zoey)
Created by dewobedil
http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon, Sleeve, Skirt) ● More than 110 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Boomer Bile Texture ● Lobby icon / Ingame icon / Incap icon http://i.i...
Asahina Kokomi Replace Rochelle V1.04
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Asahina Kokomi replaces Rochelle MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/112377 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited,...
Asuha's Vein [Replaces Katana]
Created by -JoyRider-
Asuha's Weapon - Vein the sword replaces melee Katana Apply katana data. My production experience is limited, I hope the user can provide some valuable advices to me. Have fun:) 楠明日叶专属武器 - 叶脉 替换近战武士刀 仅替换模型,套用武士刀原始数据。 新增加了发光的刀刃效果。 本人制作经验有限,希望使用者可以提供一些宝贵的意见。...
AWM - Jade (Military Sniper)
Created by Litchi
JADE Today i'm proud to share you a reskin of the AWM for the Military Sniper based on the AWM - Jade of Crossfire. If the creator ask me to delete this addon i will do it. You can watch all my other reskin here . Credit AvengedDeathAlert - AWM Litchi - Re...
Created by Stupid Guan
AWP | PAW replace the hidden weapon AWP Model and animations by Twilight Sparkle Enjoy!...
Azur Lane Hms Unicorn Sprays Pack
Created by Vagrancy(本物)
Hms Unicorn Sprays 15 piece 2018/08/09 Final update...
''É só você fazer assim!! defib
Created by Noah
============== Insta: @angelogbl_ =============...
(魔女兵器) - 白烛 安全室读图背景 Loading background
Created by 这把一定过
替换了魔女兵器里的白烛大小姐(天才少女皮肤)作为安全室读图背景 我非常喜欢这身衣服,侧乳,白丝,长发,水滴嘴。Perfect. 倒不如说当初就是为了这个皮肤去玩的游戏,也没让我失望。现在已经是全皮肤的5星主力,是我最喜欢的角色。 Pivix ID = 69779822 感谢仓鼠太太带来的换屏插画...
(R18?) Kawaii Loli Swimsuit Sprays
Ecchi!! + Kawaii >w< How to use spray 1.Subscribe 2.Open game go option > multiplayers > spray 3.select spray and play game press T to use enjoy! ...
190 Sexy & Cute Anime Paintings
Created by Ellie
Okkay, so I KNOW that this is Anime, I KNOW that most of you will immediately say things such as "GTFO weebo". But please, I like doing mods for L4D2 (at least until now) and yes, there are people who like to fill L4D2 with Anime. I am mostly not part of t...
Admin System
Created by Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
Aiobahn - 過ぎゆく日と君へ(feat. nayuta) nameless 자막
Created by Merry Go Round
Aiobahn - 過ぎゆく日と君へ Ending Credit Song If you like it, please Youtube subscribe ...
Ak 47 - Diamond Tiger
Created by Camellia
Spanish: Otra skin para la ak 47 esta vez estilo diamante y camuflaje tigre azul, espero les guste la skin owo English: Another skin for the ak 47 this time diamond style and blue tiger camouflage, I hope you like the skin owo Diamond Tiger Red: https://st...
Created by Zaeryn
"And the Scrolls have foretold of black wings in the cold, That when brothers wage war come unfurled! Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound, With a hunger to take you RIIIIIIIGHT IN. TO. THE. DAAAANGER ZONE!!!" -Song of the Dragonborn Stupid sexy A...
Altera loading icon
Created by NadorCalatia
Replaces the default loading icon with Altera dancing....
Amano Nozomi Replace Nick V1.10
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Amano Nozomi replaces Nick MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/107511 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I hop...
Amatukaze-kai for Nick(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Nick for Amatukaze from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 天津风(Amatukaze) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures about"kai": -change a new skeleton -new wight painting -face posing(2016/12/31) It'...
[Isla] Pump Shotgun
Created by K"ashimura♦
Replaced in-game the Pump Shotgun. Guns can glow in the dark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 这次角色是 酱 由于用了自己做的铁喷替换木喷. 自己就懒得做木喷. 发布铁喷后说要出木喷. 无可奈何了.( ´_ゝ`) 能在黑暗中发光...
Yoshino Cricket bat
Created by Syksylehdet
这次做了个四糸乃主题的板球棒,动态文字,黑暗中发光,希望大家喜欢~ 喜欢的话麻烦高抬贵手点个赞吧QAQ~...
Yes - Roundabout for Death music
Created by LGDMF
Death music replaced with that part of Yes - Roundabout. Now you will want to die more times. Works with both L4D1 and L4D2 campaigns. Replaces: death.wav; death_l4d1.wav. L4D1 Version (2,43MB) is here Install instructions: 1) Paste death.wav on C:\Program...
Yamato-kai for Coach(Kancolle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Coach for Yamato from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 大和(Yamato) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skrit and headdress -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures about"kai" -new weight painting -new skeleton -face posing(2017/01/01...
Yamakaze-kai for Zoey(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Zoey for Yamakaze-kai from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 山风(Yamakaze) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync Original model:cham@niconico This is my 10th mod...
Yamakaze Loading Icon
Created by Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Icon GIF For Yamakaze Size:256x256...
Yakumo Itsuki Replace Ellis V1.02
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Yakumo Itsuki replaces Ellis MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/152352 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I h...
Yakumo Itsuki (past) Replace Francis V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Yakumo Itsuki (past) replaces Francis MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/133623 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is lim...
Goldeneye 64 KF7 Soviet Sounds
Created by Rukifellth
With this mod, the AK-47 will sound like the pensil-er, I mean, the KF7 Soviet from Goldeneye 64!...
Goldeneye 64 PP7 Pistol Sounds
Created by Rukifellth
Make the pistols sound like Bond's PP7 from Goldeneye 64! Simple as that....
Goldeneye 64 Rocket Launcher sound
Created by Rukifellth
Make the Grenade Launcher sound like the Rocket Launcher from Goldeneye 64! I know there is a Grenade Launcher in Goldeneye 64, but honestly, what sound is more iconic? ;)...
Goldeneye 64 Safe Room music
Created by Wolfenstin
Changes the music when waiting around the saferoom to that of the pause menu from Goldeneye 64. Wait for a bit and have a listen....
Goldeneye Bat slapper
Created by Wolfenstin
A while back, I put together a sound mod that made the frying pan sound like the slapper from Goldeneye 64. I then realized the pan is absolutely awful, and although funny, you wouldn't use it over something like a bat. Call me crazy for ruining the immers...
Goldeneye64 car alarm
Created by Delphy
Simple. This will replace the car alarm. First addon so dont hate me :/ ...
Created by 谷恒条野
HK416 HAKU弱音...
Azur Lane Inazuma & Ikazuchi Menu Backgrounds
Created by Vagrancy(本物)
The Inazuma & Ikazuchi Backgrounds Wallpaper Live video 20HUD - Menu https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2982769845&searchtext=20HUD The mod DOES NOT work when you subscribe. It only works if you manually copy and paste the files, which ...
Azur Lane Tda illustrious光辉 wedding dress replance nick
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 封面是从网上找的图,权侵删。 这个mod 裙子也有飘动骨骼。 但是没有表情动画。 这个mod加了乳摇。 希望大家能喜欢我做的mod。 别忘了点赞。 ========================================= 同系列光辉mod地址: 光辉-原版:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=158086196...
Azur Lane Tda illustrious光辉 replance Ellis
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 封面是从网上找的图,权侵删。 这个mod 裙子也有飘动骨骼。 但是没有表情动画。 这个mod加了乳摇。 希望大家能喜欢我做的mod。 别忘了点赞。 ========================================= 同系列光辉mod地址: 光辉-原版:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=158086196...
Azur Lane TDA illustrious光辉 Prom Dress replance Coach
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 封面是从网上找的图,权侵删。 这个mod 裙子也有飘动骨骼。 但是没有表情动画。 这个mod加了乳摇。 希望大家能喜欢我做的mod。 别忘了点赞。 ========================================= 修复某个羞耻的贴图bug。 我自己查看没有任何问题。 (真空哪有若隐若现美?) ========================================= ...
Azur Lane TDA illustrious光辉 replance Rochelle
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 封面是从网上找的图,权侵删。 这个mod 裙子也有飘动骨骼。 但是没有表情动画。 这个mod加了乳摇。 希望大家能喜欢我做的mod。 别忘了点赞。 ========================================= 同系列光辉mod地址: 光辉-原版:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=158086196...
Azur Lane Yuudachi Tank Theme. (6-4 Boss Theme)
Created by 「J」
BGM Taken from Azur Lane 6-4 Boss Theme. This addon will replace the Tank Theme (Made this a long time ago, but didn't thought of uploading it until a friend asked for it) How to install : 1) Subscribe to the addon and wait for it to download. 2) Head to y...
Back To Ravenholm V5.1
Created by IllusivePie
Mayday, Mayday! Our plane crashed! Damn it! I can't believe the pliot was infected. Oh,God bless him! We need to go to Ravenholm - the only little town! Cvar: map backtoravenholm_v5_01 ............................................... map backtoravenholm_v5_...
Baka Push Sound
Created by Edge
Replace push sound with baka sound because why not ? Right ?...
Baka! Hentai! Witch Music
Replace Witch Music When you awaken the Witch Please Rate For My Workshop and Thanks For Subscribed! https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif ...
Black Rock Shooter ump(uzi)
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
Video presentation\视频演示: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av22782967/ ump models:蕾大佬 thank:大鸟 This MOD modifies the uzi,It has a new sound.It has a new action.It also has a fluorescence.I hope you can like it,Thank you for the praise given and focus on my cr...
BMW M3 GTR - Jimmy Gibbs Jr.
Created by мяFunreal
You know where its from. The outro animations feautre the survivors inside of it. However, i think i might have to change that and remove the interior entirely because the game doesn't quite like switching bodygroups during animations. Sometimes it didn't ...
Bronya Zaychik School Swimsuit skin(Rochelle) - 崩坏3
Created by ClearSkyC
Credits: Me - Port, Rig, Materials. Model and Textures - 崩坏3 Feature: -FP arm -HUD Icons -hair jiggle bones Have fun~ 板鸭从睡梦中缓缓醒来,却发现身处异世界?!而且这个世界似乎也受到了崩坏的入侵,四周都是可怕的敌人。重装小兔也不知丢到了哪里,可喜的是板鸭的双腿在这个世界可以如常人般行走。当务之急是先找个可以容身的安全室,再计划接下来的事情。板鸭捡起来了路旁的手枪,向前方走去,但恍惚中貌似看见...
Butterfly Knife Style Jaguar Classic (Tonfa)
Created by Tanerseto
!! Very Big Info: Peoples, my Videos is not more available my Youtube Account is lost Sorry :(( but you can see Pictures ;) Have Fun !!! Butterfly Knife Style Jaguar Classic (Tonfa) Animation by AvengedDeathAlert <3 Amazing Video: https://www.youtube.com/w...
Butterfly Knife | Doppler (Phase 4) [Real Anim]
Created by Zack
This is (probably) something you've been waiting for... after an hour trying to figure out how to port textures and messing with source files, I've finally managed to strip in the Doppler on this beast! Please rate up and favourite it if you like what you'...
CAT-CAT Romance - Kanon Replace Nick V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Kougami Kanon Special Edition - Idol replaces Nick https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/114953 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My producti...
CAT-CAT Romance - Shiho Replace Coach V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Kunieda Shiho Special Edition - Idol replaces Coach https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/114955 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My product...
Girls' Frontline WA2000 (Rochelle)
Created by Kagarino Kirie
First Gun Girl for L4D2 Squad - More incomming in the future. Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. You can contribute at my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kagarinokirie - Feature: + Replaces Rochelle...
Girls' Frontline UMP9 (Louis)
Created by Mio
This is an edited version of 이슬비's UMP45 mod. One of the creators of the previous version decided to not publish parts of the model on the L4D2 workshop so I had to take it down. I made it look like UMP9 as best-ish as I could and here you go. - Feature: +...
Girls' Frontline UMP9 (Ellis)
Created by Mio
This is an edited version of 이슬비's UMP45 mod. One of the creators of the previous version decided to not publish parts of the model on the L4D2 workshop so I had to take it down. I made it look like UMP9 as best-ish as I could and here you go. - Feature: +...
Girls' Frontline UMP45 (Francis)
Created by Kagarino Kirie
So, we have M4 SOPMOD replaces Zoey, why not more cute Gun Girls for L4D2? I bet that getting all of them in the same squad will make this old L4D2 game more... Interesting... Please I'm not Korean, don't comment in Korea. Enjoy my mods and want to donate?...
Girls' Frontline M4 SOPMOD II (Zoey)
Created by 🧊
——此人物来源于手游(少女前线)中的人形 M4SOPMOD II ——This is a person from Girls Frontline ——在游戏中替换了一代人物 佐伊(Zoey) ——Replace Zoey ——欢迎各位少女前线(窖子)玩家,以及Left 4 Dead 2玩家前来订阅! ——Welcome to Subscribe! 嘛 还请多多支持吧~ 呐~这是你们要的狗子 语音包视频演示地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av40970237 【M4 SOP...
Charger Uuooo Porra!
Created by Titum
Muda o som do Charger atacando pelo grito de prazer e de "Po.rra!" de Ed Junior....
Charlotte Tomori Nao For Zoey | 夏洛特 友利奈绪 替换佐伊
Created by PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Charlotte Tomori Nao 友利奈绪 Replaces Zoey 替换佐伊 V2.0更新:全新的面部表情、全新的骨骼系统和飘动骨骼特效以及第一人称手臂系统 V2.0 Update:New flex animations,bones,jiggle bones,first person rig feature 模型特点: flex animations 面部表情动画 w model & v model W模和V模 Zoey's animations 佐伊的骨骼动画 jigglebones 飘动骨骼...
Check-point-arrow And Tankwall(Dynamic,luminous)
Created by 徒手开根号
Luminous arrow, fragile wall visible This is a gift for those cute blind players who love to 'add campaign maps' Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop htt...
Chiaki Nanami [coach]
Created by ☠Joshe Gatito☠
Chiaki Nanami (coach Replacement) Credits: アフォー.: Original model AYA SUPAY,dewobedil: rigging, editing Max Power: Porting, rigging CardboardLuigi: vgui materials Features: Jigglebones for the hair and some other important jiggly objects. Eye Blink & Lip Mo...
Choukai-Kaini for Louis(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Louis for Choukai-kaini from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 鸟海(Choukai) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync model:sm26159359 thanks for your very nice mode...
CODOL MK14 EBR(Hunting Rifle)
Mk14ebr sniper rifle, I encountered some difficulties in the production of this gun, but still solved. But to cancel the helper animation, I think it does not matter, although I made the helper animation MK14 EBR Sky Blue: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedf...
Complete Vocaloid Music Pack ボーカロイド
Created by Hamman
MAKE SURE YOU CHECK FOR CONFLICTING MODS BEFORE YOU COMMENT There has been a problem with this mod not giving the "conflicting mods" error when you enable it. So, if you have any sound mods that wound conflict with this, turn them off or it won't work. Rep...
Haku(Bikini) Replace Rochelle - RNG removed version
Created by 화밀 wMil
original(with more pictures) : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1135769543 if he wants, I'll delete this from workshop. 1 reason I made this, I like the white one best the original ver included RNG and coler of bikini, pareo changed e...
Hakurei Reimu Poster - 博丽灵梦 海报
Created by NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Poster Replaces Death Center billboards,Mall and Jimmy Gibbs Poster This is Hakurei Reimu Concert Posters : steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1427963789 -东方- 博丽灵梦 死亡中心 海报 替换了地图中路边广告板和购物中心海报 博丽灵梦的演唱会海报 : steamcommunity.co...
Hakurei Reimu Saferoom Loading Screen - 博丽灵梦 关卡读图背景
Created by NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Saferoom Loading Screen ... -东方- 博丽灵梦 关卡(安全室)读图背景 ......
Haruna Replacement for Bill (Kancolle)
Created by JazzMcNade
Fast Battleship Haruna Get her voice pack by Lillipa here Features: -Jigglebones for hair, sleeves, bust, belt, and skirt -Eyeblink -Lipsync -Firstperson arms -Hud and lobby Icons -Boomer Bile Textures For those unfamilar to who/what they are, I suggest ch...
Hasumi Urara Replace Ellis V1.04
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Hasumi Urara replaces Ellis MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/112378 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I ho...
Hatsune Miku (China Dress) (Ellis)
Created by dewobedil
Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid wear China Dress http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Cloth, Breast, Ribbon) ● More than 125 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Boomer Bile Texture ● Lobb...
Girls' Frontline HK416 (Coach)
Created by Mio
This is an edited version of 이슬비's HK416 mod. - Feature: + Replaces Coach + Anime Shader + Jigglebones - No facials again (I still can't figure out how to fix those...) - Credits: + Model by: Blade Wild + Yuuki_Akane + HK416 Port and Compile: 이슬비 + HK416 m...
Girls' Frontline HK416 (Bill)
Created by Kagarino Kirie
Nothing too hard to understand about this mod, it's just a version with clothes. Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. You can contribute at my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kagarinokirie - Feature: ...
Girls' Frontline G11 (Zoey)
Created by Kagarino Kirie
The final member of squad 404 is here. Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. You can contribute at my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kagarinokirie - Feature: + Replaces Zoey + Anime Shader + Jigglebon...
Girls' Frontline 59 59式手枪
Created by Echo·Iris
Girls' Frontline 59 59式手枪 作者:我没有弃坑,只是英语堵了脑子而已~ 未经授权 严禁转载 图片源:少女前线...
G41 For Ellis(Girl's Frontline)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Ellis for G41 from Girl's Frontline Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync This is my 23th mod on workshop,make for my firend and he let me release this,so if yo...
Fujimiya Sakura Replace Nick V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Fujimiya Sakura replaces Nick MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/114246 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I ...
[Obsolete] Counterstrike Weapon Unlocker
Created by Lt. Rocky
This mod is obsolete as of The Last Stand Update. I was on the team for the update, knowing that this mod would likely be retired. It's been a pleasure to work on this update, I hope you all enjoy it. Been a long time coming, hasn't it? A simplified way to...
CS:GO AWP +Rebalance
Created by 400 small
Original Mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222951058 Rebalances the AWP so that it isn't garbage: +More Damage/ 450 damage a shot -Much less accuracy when not using the scope -Less ammo in clip/ 5 bullets -Added recoil...
CS:GO AWP Neo noir
Created by Nyx Zero
Replace CSS AWP with animations, normalmap and sounds. Credits: Donschi - Skin Twilight sparkle - model Others: M4A1-S Neo noir ★ M4A4 Neo Noir UMP - 45 Neo Noir ★ Glock - 18 Neo Noir http://i.imgur.com/mksS8Z4.png ...
CS:GO P250 Cyrex ★
Created by Nyx Zero
Cs go p250 replace pistols and dual pistol include sounds. Credits: Twlight Sparkle - model NZ - skin Others: HUD Icon Ak-47 cyrex http://i.imgur.com/mksS8Z4.png ...
Created by Twilight Sparkle
So well everyone, this is just a small thing that was left out, so then i decide to keep continuing with it and well, here it is, this is the USP-S, and it uses its original animations for both single and dual pistols, it comes with its custom sounds as we...
CS:GO Weapons Pack (with RNG Skins)
Created by ShaneRuthless
(autoshotgun) XM1014 Skins: Tranqualitiy, Black Tie, Teclu Burner, Heaven Guard, Oxide Blaze, Red Leather. (hunting_rifle) SCAR-20 Skins: Bloodsport, Cardiac, Cyrex, Powercore, Blueprint, Green Marine. (pistol) P2000/Glock-18 Skins: Fire Elemental, Imperia...
CSGO Butterfly Knife (Machete)
Created by 󠀡󠀡
https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png CSS Knife version -> Link Replaces: ○ The Machete Includes: • Original Model • Original Animations • Original Textures • Original Sound Credits: • Me (Porting Model, Animations, Textures, Sounds) • Me (Screenshots) • Valve (...
CSGO Footsteps
Created by DeusXen
Replace the footsteps sfx with the one's from CSGO. -Also replaces the infected's footsteps. Rate if you like this mod :)...
Cyberdimension Neptunia:4 Goddesses Online Healthbar(HUD)
Created by Lappland Saluzzo
Just see the pictures,I have nothing to say. Feel free to report the BUGs....
Dark Blood 2 (Coop & Versus)
Created by CastorJudo
The survivors drifted at sea and a tankership seems deserted. But it's filled with infected. The survivors must try to restart the tankership motor, if they want to join the oil plateform where a helicopter was heading. have fun. 4 maps campaign map 1 : Ta...
Death Woods - Part I
Created by SAS_Chester
Part I: Stranded Update - 14 June 2014 - Fixed addon conflict message. Please see the Collection to download all six parts to play the campaign. Death Woods - Stick together until they rip you apart. From a chopper crash stranding the Survivors in the city...
Death Woods - Part II
Created by SAS_Chester
Part II: Tunnel Vision Update - 14 June 2014 - Fixed addon conflict message. Update - 3 Feb 2013 - Added subtle terrain elevation changes. - Fixed environment differing slightly at level transition area. - Updated and improved NAV. Please see the Collectio...
Death Woods - Part III
Created by SAS_Chester
Part III: Bridge Update - 14 June 2014 - Fixed addon conflict message. Update - 3 Feb 2013 - Added subtle terrain elevation changes. - Added throwable fallen tree prop to water containment area. - Added throwable wrecked car to area before hillside tunnel....
Death Woods - Part IV
Created by SAS_Chester
Part IV: Power Play Update - 14 June 2014 - Fixed addon conflict message. Update - 3 Feb 2013 - Added subtle terrain elevation changes. - Clarified power station event. - Adjusted chainsaw/launcher spawns to max 1 of each type per round. - Added missing In...
Death Woods - Part V
Created by SAS_Chester
Part V: Airfield Update - 14 June 2014 - Fixed addon conflict message. Update - 17 July 2013 - Fixed Finale generator button not working. Update - 3 Feb 2013 - Added subtle terrain elevation changes. - Improved Finale logic and escape sequence timing. - Im...
Death Woods - Part VI
Created by SAS_Chester
Part VI: Materials & Scripts Please see the Collection to download all six parts to play the campaign. Death Woods - Stick together until they rip you apart. From a chopper crash stranding the Survivors in the city, you must try to catch up with the milita...
DeepseaNaka For Nick(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Nick for DeepseaNaka from Kantai Collection Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync Original model:cham@niconico This is my 19th mod on workshop,happy spring fest...
Hatsune Miku ACR
Created by Okami
If you do not like anime DON'T COMMENT just leave! This is 1/2 of my first mods for L4D2 this addon replaces the SCAR-H / Desert Rifle / Burst Rifle / Combat Rifle Using |NMRiH Dev| Lt. Rocky port of Mr.Brightsides ACR for Insurgency with my Miku skin that...
Hatsune Miku Helicopter Pilot
Created by мяFunreal
Hatsune miku found herself a helicopter. Includes corpse models. She will, once in a while scratch her right arm, look at the dashboard, look out the window and move her feet. Credits: Mamama - model, textures Dewobedil - rigging, port to gmod MrFunreal - ...
HD Machine Guns (+ HUD Display)
Created by Ellie
http://i.imgur.com/aYht8f3.png VMT-Link between the HUD and an item to display formerly hidden helpful information (cf. Global Radar). ⚠️ If you DO NOT want the HUD, you can get this mod without it here. ⚠️ This mod replaces both Machine Guns with new ones...
HD Textures Mod for L4D2
Created by Funneh
] TI-MOD is my attempt to make Left 4 Dead 2's textures look much nicer than what they were before. This mod edits many of the low quality textures in Left 4 Dead 2 and turns them into a ravishing 2048px texture. Fixing the little details in L4D2 can reall...
Hentai book cover
Created by 幻想住人
This mod replace the book cover by R18 Ero honn's cover...... Because there are 16 books in the game,so i used 16 picture to finish this mod. No time to explain,get on quickly! {LINK REMOVED} 这个mod用R18工口本的封面替换了游戏中书本的封面........
Himukai Yuri Replace Rochelle V1.05
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Himukai Yuri replaces Rochelle MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/110940 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I...
Honkai Impact 3 Rita Rossweisse(nick)
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
Video presentation\视频演示: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av35353792/ PS:Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.Revision of the release is subject to my approval. 未经许可严禁转载,修改发布需经过我的同意 This character is from game Honkai Impact 3,She is the cha...
Hoshitsuki Miki Replace Ellis V1.03
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Hosh!tsuki Miki replaces Ellis MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/98373 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I ...
Hunter Training
Created by eyeonus
A portal-like hunter training map for teaching advanced hunter pounce techniques and the practice thereof. To play, open console and type "map hunter_training" without the quotes. If you like this, please consider donating. Even $1 helps. paypal.me/eyeonus...
Hyperdimension neptunia wood crates[R18]
Created by 小芝麻凛
-replace wood crates -dynamic artlet -light -transparent -R18...
Improved Bots (Advanced)
Created by Ziggy
This mod has been updated for the Last Stand update! THIS ADDON REQUIRES ADDITIONAL STEPS TO SET UP! After subscribing to this addon, navigate to the location that the game is installed (or right-click the game in your Steam library > properties > local fi...
Insurgency M1911(suppressed)
Created by zmg
Replaces Desert Eagle Credits: models/textures/sounds: New World Interactive suppressor: Yogensia animations: Cele compile: me...
Iris Heart - M4 Auto Shotgun
Created by Parpol ★
M4 Auto Shotgun with Iris Heart (HDD) from Hyperdimension Neptunia's Saga. Tags : Hyperdimension Neptunia - Iris Heart - Plutia - m4 Auto Shotgun...
K2 Saferoom Loading Screen : Girls' Frontline / Dolls' Frontline
Created by NPCsnake
-Girls' Frontline- K-2 Chapter(Saferoom) Loading Screen -少女前线- K-2 关卡(安全室)读图背景...
Kancolle Harusame Replaces Rochelle 舰C春雨替换Rochelle
Created by PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Kancolle Harusame Replaces Rochelle 舰C春雨替换Rochelle This model has: w model&v model Zoey's animations jigglebones proportions basewarptexture VGUI Zoey Version 替换一代佐伊: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1211809657 https://steamuserimages-...
KANCOLLE Medical cabinet
Created by Petunia Pretty Paws
KANCOLLE Medical cabinet Inner and outer surfaces : Amatsukaze Shimakaze and Hoppou...
Kantai Collection VAN
Created by Kotori
Replaced the Van....
Kawaii Jukebox Musics 2019
Kawaii Songs for Replace Jukebox Music Songs List 1.Kirara Magic & Yirokos - Chrono Replace All I Want For Xmas 2.DoctorNoSense - Fall Apart Replace Badman 3.KODOMOi - Popsicle Replace Midnightride 4.Maux (??) - Akashi! (GM) Replace Re Your Brains 5.NIB - ...
Kawakaze-kai for Francis(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Francis for Kawakaze-kai from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 江风(Kawakaze) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync original model:cham@niconico This is my 9th m...
Kirisame Marisa Bus Stop Animated - 雾雨魔理沙 巴士站
Created by NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Kirisame Marisa Bus Stop Animated The picture will be changed every 20 seconds -东方- 雾雨魔理沙 巴士站(公交站) 图片每20秒改变一次...
Kisaragi Voice Pack For Nick (Azur Lane)
Here come the Kisaragi Voice Pack For Nick Her sound isn't loud so you may not here it Cleary :{ How to install voice pack 1. Subscribe and wait for add-on to be downloaded on steam then launch the game and wait for it to download add-on again.After that c...
Kizuna kirameku koi iroha Suzakuin Tsubaki Menu Backgrounds
Created by Vagrancy(本物)
The Suzakuin Tsubaki Menu Backgrounds Wallpaper Live video 20HUD - Menu https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=939318267&searchtext=HUD+20 The mod DOES NOT work when you subscribe. It only works if you manually copy and paste the files, whi...
Default AK-47 Reanimated
Created by Arima
I don't support this anymore, please use the second version. Default AK-47 model on Cele's Animation. - Changed origin - Remodeled magazine - Improved mag UV map - New Shooting Animation Based on : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=511...
Diddy Kong (Jockey)
Created by Stay Puft
This mod replaces the Jockey model with Diddy Kong. It's on, like Diddy Kong!...
Diescraper Redux
Created by Rectus
After being firebombed, the survivors must flee their safehouse, and find their way to safety. A 4 map campaign playable in all game modes. Extensively tested on Versus. Now playable on offical servers (possibly running outdated versions). Supported mutati...
Donkey Kong (Tank)
Created by Stay Puft
Replace the Tank with Donkey Kong. It's on, like Donkey Kong! Original port for Garry's Mod done by RandomTalkingBush....
Enhanced Audio
Created by frawzy
Changes sounds for Left 4 Dead 2 with more up-to-date and high quality sounds, better sounds. Enhanced Audio add-ons all compiled into one pack with more sounds. Total amount of sounds changed right now: 1,134 Visit the collection for info on what I am cur...
Fate/Grand Order Elevator
Fate/Grand Order Elevator Replace the elevator`s picture.......
Flandre Scarlet Vending Machine - 芙兰朵露 自动贩卖机
Created by NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Flandre Scarlet HD Vending Machines (Animated) Replaces vending machines The pictures replaced about every 30 seconds -东方- 芙兰朵露 高清自动贩卖机/售货机/汽水机/饮料机/可乐机/... 图片约30秒替换一次 图片全部使用同一画师的图片,试过三种亮度,然后使用了中间的那个亮度 (Vampire,Kouma Kan,Devil,anime,二小姐,吸血鬼,恶魔,红魔馆,...
Flora - Anko Replace Rochelle V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Tsubuzaki Anko Special Edition - Flora battle suit replaces Rochelle https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/110884 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigi...
Flora - Asuha Replace Nick V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Kusunoki Asuha Special Edition - Flora battle suit replaces Nick https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/110882 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigirido...
Flora - Renge Replace Coach V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Serizawa Renge Special Edition - Flora battle suit replaces Coach https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/106275 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigirid...
[Deresute] Sagisawa Fumika [Rochelle]
Created by Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif I need like, it is my biggest encouragement. -Third person model -First person arm -Character UI icon -Jiggle bone -Zoey animation -blink expression Thank you for your like :3 All Content by CYGAMES/ BANDAI NAMCO Entertainme...
[Deresute] Igarashi Kyoko [Bill]
Created by Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif What are you doing, kyoko. Don't stop(refers to idol activity) -Third person model -First person arm -Character UI icon -Jiggle bone -Zoey animation -blink expression -deathpose Thank you for your like :3 All Content by CYGA...
[Deresute] Ichinose Shiki [Nick]
Created by Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif -Third person model -First person arm -Character UI icon -Jiggle bone -Zoey animation -blink expression -Supporting voice mod has been released. Thank you for your like :3 All Content by CYGAMES/ BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment I...
[Deresute] Anastasia [Nick]
Created by Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif I need like, it is my biggest encouragement. -Third person model -First person arm -Character UI icon -Jiggle bone -Zoey animation -blink expression Thank you for your like :3 All Content by CYGAMES/ BANDAI NAMCO Entertainme...
Furniture / Wood [ 4k / Full HD ]
Created by Szalik
Make sure you check out my Collection, it reworks the entire game and works best together Description: This mod replaces every single wood / furniture texture that you'll find throughout L4D2 with much increased quality one Any Bugs / Feedbacks: Join Disco...
Posters & Signs Remake [ 4k / Full HD ]
Created by Szalik
Make sure you check out my Collection, it reworks the entire game and works best together Description: Every single poster, sign, painting, decal etc has been painstakingly updated to higher quality texture. Any Bugs / Feedbacks: Join Discord and report it...
Word of Flower - lily-an (Ending Theme Music)
Created by Merry Go Round
Word of Flower - lily-an (Ending Theme Music)...
Whispers of Winter
Created by Honest
The cold keeps getting colder... About Whispers of Winter is a 5 map campaign,that supports Coop, Versus and Survival Mode. The chapters consists of a Shopping Mall, Military Outposts, Train Yard, Harbor and a Lighthouse finale. The survivors receive a cal...
Wedding Season - Kurumi Replace Ellis V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Tokiwa Kurumi Special Edition - Wedding Season replaces Ellis MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/101818 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limi...
Watagi Michelle Replace Rochelle V1.03
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Watagi Michelle replaces Rochelle MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/104123 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited...
Wan li
Created by CastorJudo
Coach, Nick, Rochelle and Ellis are in an airliner in distress. They ditch the airliner in mid-flight over China... Many areas of this campaign are based on the real Great Wall of China. 3 maps campaign map 1 : Great Plane map 2 : Great Wall map 3 : Great ...
Wakaba Subaru Replace Coach V1.03
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Wakaba Subaru replaces Coach MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/114248 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I h...
WA2000 Saferoom Loading Screen : Girls' Frontline / Dolls' Frontline
Created by NPCsnake
-Girls' Frontline- WA2000 Bikini Chapter(Saferoom) Loading Screen -少女前线- WA2000 泳装 关卡(安全室)读图背景...
Vsinger Live 2017 Wedding Dress yuezhengling(乐正绫) replance Ellis
惯例先感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬mmd模型配布地址。 http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 这个mod角色是vocaloid China 里的虚拟歌手乐正绫。 要做的v家中国的四个角色中的其三角色。 头发有飘动骨骼。 但没有表情。 希望大家喜欢! 别忘了点赞! 此系列其他v家中国角色mod地址(已发布): 言和:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1583817494 墨清弦:https://steamco...
Vsinger Live 2017 Wedding Dress yan he (言和) replance Coach
首先感谢牛肉大佬带来这么出色的模型。 牛肉大佬mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ V家中国我吹爆了! 身为v家粉,总算开始正式着手v家的角色。 以前那个言和的模型因为飘动骨骼数量不够所以头发没做飘动骨骼算是遗憾了。 这次mod你们肯定满意。 这次要把四人组做一遍,用上这几个月琢磨出的mod制作技巧,整合一下思绪。 算是为教程做准备吧。 看在我这么高产的份上, 还不赶快点赞!!! 此系列其他v家中国角色mod地址(已发布): 墨清弦:https://steamco...
Vsinger Live 2017 Wedding Dress moqingxian replance Nick
惯例先感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬mmd模型配布地址。 http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 这个mod角色是vocaloid China 里的虚拟歌手墨清弦。 要做的v家中国的四个角色中的其二角色。 头发有飘动骨骼。 但没有表情。 希望大家喜欢! 别忘了点赞! 此系列其他v家中国角色mod地址(已发布): 言和:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1583817494 乐正绫:https://steamco...
UMP9 Saferoom Loading Screen : Girls' Frontline
Created by NPCsnake
-Girls' Frontline- UMP9 Chapter(Saferoom) Loading Screen -少女前线- UMP9 关卡(安全室)读图背景...
UMP 45 | Primal Saber (Mp5 Version!)
Created by Stupid Guan
I am not the real model creator of this mod, just a mod porter and processor Real anthor are these: Twilight Sparkle:The Ump45 Model and animations (I am so Grateful to him!) Cocoa :convert this model from ak47 version to mp5 version!{Specially Thanks!Half...
Umikaze For Louis(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Louis for Umikaze from Kantai Collection Voice Pack: Umikaze Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync Original model:ぽんぷ長@niconico This is my 18th mod on workshop,...
U-511 Rochelle
Created by Mio
Loli sub- U-511 from Kantai Collection Replaces Rochelle Includes: - Jacket, dress and hair jigglebones - Eye blinking (no facial animations) - FPS arms - UI images Credits: Model by: Pon pu-cho Porting, rigging and eye tracking/blinking by: dewobedil L4D2...
Tokitukaze-kai for Coach(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Coach for Toitukaze from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 时津风(Tokitukaze) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair and necktie -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures about:"kai" -change a new skeleton -new weight paint -face posing(201...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Created by мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
The helicopter (miku)
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD changes the rescue helicopter, it is the appearance of blue MIKU,I hope you can like it,My computer technology is not very good, so the MOD is not very perfectBut I still want to thank you for your support,In addition,the MOD as a pink crashed hel...
The Akatsuki-Class Jump landing and Falling Damage Sound (Kancolle)
For replace jump landing and falling damage sound to the Akatsuki-Class Sound Please Rate For My Workshop and Thanks For Subscribed! https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif ...
Kougami Kanon Replace Nick V1.10
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Kougami Kanon replaces Nick MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/114953 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I ho...
Kunieda Shiho Replace Coach V1.10
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Kunieda Shiho replaces Coach MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/114955 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I h...
Kusunoki Asuha (past) Replace Zoey V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Kusunoki Asuha (past) replaces Zoey MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/133378 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limit...
Kusunoki Asuha Replace Nick V1.10
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Kusunoki Asuha replaces Nick MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/110882 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I h...
LED Flashlight
Created by ℭуисайд
Improved version of the flashlight...
Leek (Crowbar)
Created by Majro
Give it a spin! It's a leek, from Pokkén Tournament more specifically, held by a Farfetch'd. The more realistic style of that game might be uncanny, but the leek looks decent in here. And it jiggles a bit, because a leek would. Model ripped by Hallow on Th...
Left 4 GoldenEye
Created by Cass
This map deleted in workshop. I uploaded again. Made by Calleberg...
Left hand guns
Created by Coiie
近战武器,1代连发散弹,1代单发散弹,猎枪,两把连狙,AK47没有修改,修改会出现错误。 Melee weapons,autoshotgun,pumpshotgun,hunting_rifle,sniper_military,rifle_ak47 Not modified,Change will appear error ...
LJP Bile
Created by 悪霊退散
LJP Bile...
Love Live Snow Halation Bus
Created by Mugen YAYA
在無盡的末日中,每天在生死間徘徊,舉著槍與殭屍搏命,日復一日,我只求生存。 然而,我遇到了奇蹟般的邂逅。在遠方的那輛公車,繪著我熟悉的圖樣,伸手觸摸,滿腔熱血瞬間湧上。 我想起來了,我曾經,是個狂熱的粉絲,不惜一切的追尋喜愛的偶像。 令人動容的歌聲,在我腦中響起,那充滿希望的樂曲,那橙色的奇蹟,讓身處末日中的我,落下激動的淚水。 不知道她們現在過得怎麼樣? 如果可以,由我親自守護你們。 以上中二幻想小故事,Snow halation bus替換公車,希望各位喜歡~ Sorry,I'm not good at...
Lucky's color correction pack
Created by Zodiac killer
This is a pack of all my color corrections in one add on. Note: This for both the L4D1 and L4D2 campaigns BUT does not include color corrections for crash course or cold stream because it isnt possible to change them. Includes color corrections for Dead Ce...
Maya-kaini for Bill(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Bill for Maya-kaini from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 摩耶(Maya) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync model:sm26159359 thanks for your very nice model!! Thi...
Megumin Pipe Bomb "Explosion!"
Created by Chrimbous
Repaces the Pipe Bomb explosion sound effect with Megumin from Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku (Or just Konosuba) Shouting "Explosion!"...
Created by KoyomiLi
miku 系列smg第二弹,,喜欢请给我点赞_(:3 」∠)_ 点下顶又不会怀孕(╭ ̄3 ̄)╭ SMG MIKU hope you like it If you like it, please give it a little praise._(:3 」∠)_ ...
MIKU Shotgun Skin
Created by KoyomiLi
MIKU 木柄霰弹枪皮肤MOD 订阅了别忘记点个赞 QAQ MIKU wooden handle shotgun skin MOD Don't forget to subscribe to the point of praise ...
Created by KoyomiLi
简单改了下贴图啦,暗处发光,喜欢的可以去试下,,替换UZI Changed the simple map, and like to try, that glows in the dark, and replace the UZI didn't sound attenuation...
Minami Hinata Replace Ellis V1.02
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Minami Hinata replaces Ellis MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/114247 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I h...
Mirai Akari (Virtual Youtuber) (Bill)
Created by dewobedil
http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon, Breast, Skirt) ● More than 115 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Boomer Bile Texture ● Lobby icon / Ingame icon / Incap icon http://i.i...
Misaki Replace Nick V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Misaki replaces Nick MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/142835 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I hope the ...
Mitsurugi Furan (past) Replace Louis V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Mitsurugi Furan (past) replaces Louis MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/133622 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is lim...
Mitsurugi Furan Replace Coach V1.02
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Mitsurugi Furan replaces Coach MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/152353 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I...
Narumi Haruka Replace Rochelle V1.01
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Narumi Haruka replaces Rochelle MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/100317 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, ...
Nekopara Menu Icon
Created by Moosh
Changes the default menu icon to Nekopara's HUD Menu used in the screenshot: Erik Menu...
Nelson's laugh- Incapacitated
Created by Gecko
Did You hear that? That's right, it's famous Nelson from Springfield laughing at You while You are incapacitated by ruthless zombies! Nelson's laugh will be heard by the person who plays as a survivor and falls down to become incapacitated. If You have any...
Nepgear pills
Created by Hard luck!!!
Nepgear pills...
Neptunia Medicine Cabinet
Change medicine cabinet's picture, let medicine cabinet looks better than original....
New game - Suzukaze Aoba Dakimakura Med Kit (6 image)
Created by .seMI
The image of Suzukaze Aoba in Dakimakura changes randomly. Have a nice day~...
Nico Nico Niinfected! - Love Live [CI Mod]
Created by Nekky
Replaces all common and uncommon infected with the School Idol, Nico Yazawa Nico Nico Nii! What better way to show the world that you are the number one idol in the universe than by killing everyone that stands in your way? Get ready to fight for your life...
NiKo's Desert Eagle | Blaze [CSGO Anim]
Created by InfinityS-iwnl-
Replaces Magnum / Deagle cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor "82"...
Noire Cricket Bat
Created by PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Noire Cricket Bat 诺瓦露动态夜光板球棒...
Plutia's Noire Plushy pipe bomb
Created by Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the pipe bomb with Plutia's DLC weapon, the Noire Plushy, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -256px Texture -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model (if you find the viewmodel annoying, increase your viewmodel fov w...
Princess - Haruka replaces Rochelle
Created by -JoyRider-
Princess - Haruka replaces Rochelle part MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/100317 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo - A part of "BGH - 1st Year High School Threesome - I...
Re:0 Loading Screen Backgrounds(替换过场动画)
Created by Blue_蕾姆_Rem
点击订阅即可使用 上次的那张算是报废了 这次的图片都能下架,我也无fuck可说了。 原图片本来是7680×4320分辨率,不知道这个是多少,太大传不上去。 ...
Remilia Scarlet Vending Machines - 蕾米莉亚 自动贩卖机
Created by NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Remilia Scarlet HD Vending Machines (Animated) Replaces vending machines The pictures replaced about every 30 seconds -东方- 蕾米莉亚·斯卡蕾特 高自动贩卖机/售货机/汽水机/饮料机/可乐机/... 图片约30秒替换一次 第一次制作汽水机,有什么问题的话欢迎留言。 图片全部使用同一画师的图片,试过三种亮度,然后使用了中间的那个亮度 (Vampire,Kouma Kan,a...
Renge Item Pickup Sound
Created by FreakBees
Miyauchi Renge from Non Non Biyori saying ooooo replaces item pickup noise...
Resident Evil 3
Created by Roku
Roku's Discord Group New update after The Last Stand! -Addon campaign based on Resident Evil 3 Nemesis from PSOne. Maps full of puzzles and challenges while you survive the hordes. Coop map re3m1 ... Uptown map re3m2 ... RPD map re3m3 ... Downtown map re3m...
RNG Small Truck
Created by Ellie
This mod adds a bit of variety to the small little trucks (called Nuke Trucks because they were created for the de_nuke map) with 20 RNG skins for them. With the help of мяFunreal's new UV-Mapping for that truck, you'll now be able to see more variety in t...
Rom and Ram's Mic β frying pan
Created by Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the frying pan with Rom and Ram's shared β DLC weapon, Rom's Heart Mic Stick β/Ram's Palpitation Mic Rod β, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -256px Texture -Blood Splatter -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model ...
RWBY Weiss Franchi SPAS-12
Created by KoyomiLi
RWBY Weiss主题的连喷霰弹皮肤,带荧光效果,喜欢订阅的盆友 求个赞QAQ!!!!! ! 【以下为机翻】 RWBY Weiss theme SPAS-12 shotgun skin with fluorescent effect If you like it, please give it a little praise._(:3 」∠)_...
Sadone Replace Rochelle V1.06
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Sadone replaces Rochelle MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/106288 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I hope ...
Sadone's Campanella [Replaces Golfclub]
Created by -JoyRider-
Sadone's Weapon - Campanella the spear replaces melee Golfclub Apply golfclub data. My production experience is limited, I hope the user can provide some valuable advices to me. Have fun:) 莎朵霓专属武器 - 风铃草 替换近战高尔夫球杆 仅替换模型,套用高尔夫球杆原始数据。 新增加了部分光效。 本人制作经验有限,希望使用者...
Sadone's Hakuma Replace Medkit
Created by -JoyRider-
Sadone's toy bear - Hakuma replaces medkit Apply medkit data. My production experience is limited, I hope the user can provide some valuable advices to me. Have fun:) 莎朵霓的布偶 - 哈熊 替换急救包 仅替换模型,套用急救包原始数据。 本人制作经验有限,希望使用者可以提供一些宝贵的意见。使用愉快~:)...
sagiri axe(glowing)和泉纱雾夜光动态 消防斧
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
个人感觉一般,所以传着自己用吧 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923673299820494313/8B5BB2A8F81418B0F593C6BBBDE5F64D8E248448/ --------------------------------...
Urban Flight
Created by The Rabbit
The city is burning. As ash falls, the survivors attempt to flee to a small military airfield on the other side of the river. It's a straight path down the main boulevard, but nothing is ever simple. Crashed cars, blazing fires, police barricades, and the ...
USP-S Demolition Galaxy
Created by BagaturBey
https://media.giphy.com/media/g0gwRYir5ATV8Fv9QR/giphy.gif (This is a modified version of a "Usp-S" of Counter Strike Global Offensive.) 'USP-S Demolition Galaxy' Other mods ...
Vert's Holy Duel Lance fireaxe
Created by Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the fireaxe with Vert's DLC weapon, the Holy Duel Lance, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -HD Texture (512px) -Blood Splatter -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model -Removed Screen Shake -Glowing texture (1024px...
Vsinger Live 2017 Wedding Dress luotianyi(洛天依) replance Rochelle
惯例先感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬mmd模型配布地址。 http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 这个mod角色是vocaloid China 里的虚拟歌手洛天依。 要做的v家中国的四个角色中的其四角色。 头发有飘动骨骼。 但没有表情。 希望大家喜欢! 别忘了点赞! ps:因为原模型的一些配饰过于精细,可能会会导致游戏时闪退(组编译无法解决),所以,对模型进行一些优化处理),删除了一些看去无关紧要的配饰。 刚刚掌握半透明贴图效果。。。 此系列其他v家中国角色mod地址(已发布): 言和...
sagiri chrome shotgun (glowing)纱雾夜光动态二代铁喷
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923673299820494313/8B5BB2A8F81418B0F593C6BBBDE5F64D8E248448/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我就是喜欢sagiri怎么了!!!!!!!!纱雾mod必属精品! re...
sagiri HK416 replace M16 (glowing) 夜光动态HK416 替换M16
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
我又来补坑了 预览视频链接 等审核通过 下方是链接 :https://www.bilibili.com/video/av21054709 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av21054709 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av21054709 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
sagiri magnum(glowing)和泉纱雾夜光动态 马格南手枪(cs:go 沙漠之鹰)
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923673299820494313/8B5BB2A8F81418B0F593C6BBBDE5F64D8E248448/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我就是喜欢sagiri怎么了!!!!!!!!纱雾mod必属精品! r...
sagiri pump shotgun (glowing)纱雾夜光动态一代木喷
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923673299820494313/8B5BB2A8F81418B0F593C6BBBDE5F64D8E248448/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我就是喜欢sagiri怎么了!!!!!!!!纱雾mod必属精品! re...
sagiri smg(glowing)和泉纱雾夜光动态 消音冲锋枪
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923673299820494313/8B5BB2A8F81418B0F593C6BBBDE5F64D8E248448/ 我就是喜欢sagiri怎么了!!!!!!!!纱雾mod必属精品! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
sagiri uzi(glowing)和泉纱雾夜光动态 乌兹冲锋枪
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923673299820494313/8B5BB2A8F81418B0F593C6BBBDE5F64D8E248448/ 我就是喜欢sagiri怎么了!!!!!!!!纱雾mod必属精品! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Sakaide Mari Replace Bill V1.10
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Sakaide Mari replaces Bill MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/133621 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I hop...
[Gokou Ruri] M4A1-S Assault rifle
Created by K"ashimura♦
Replaced in-game the M16 assault rifle. Guns can glow in the dark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 本命黒猫. 替换游戏里的M16突击步枪. 创意工坊找不到相关的枪械皮肤. 只能自己手动做个辣. 如果喜欢欢迎订阅. 记得点赞...
[Desert Rifle] CS:GO Akihabara Accept AUG
Created by Eluée
Welp, I can't afford to purchase or even trade for this skin, so i'll settle for this. Putting it in L4D2. This is a replacement for the SCAR/Desert Rifle on Krycek's animations. Custom sounds included as well as Quad Damage effects for fire rounds. http://...
[Deresute x Mirishita] Christmas Survivors Pack 2018
Created by LiuP
*Luckily I fixed the 3ds max for Christmas. Phewww :3* MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. Hope things are going all right with all Producers and everyone. Now first collab between "Cinderell...
[black squad]m4a1 blue dragon
Created by MxDlZnB
m4a1 blue dragon replace m16a2 Dynamic map...
Yuudachi-kaini for Ellis(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Ellis for Yuudachi from Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 夕立(Yuudachi) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skrit and scarf -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures about"kai" -new weight paiting -new skeleton -Eyeblink -Lipsync model: 3d...
Yuri's Evidence [Replaces Cricket Bat]
Created by -JoyRider-
Yuri's Weapon - Evidence the sword replaces melee Cricket Bat Apply cricket bat data. My production experience is limited, I hope the user can provide some valuable advices to me. Have fun:) 火向井百合专属武器 - 艾维登斯 替换近战板球棍 仅替换模型,套用板球棍原始数据。 修正动画播放错误。 本人制作经验有限,希望使用...
U-511 Bill
Created by Mio
Loli sub- U-511 from Kantai Collection Replaces Bill Includes: - Jacket, dress and hair jigglebones - Eye blinking (no facial animations) - The Passing corpse - FPS arms - UI images Credits: Model by: Pon pu-cho Porting, rigging and eye tracking/blinking b...
TYPE-100 Saferoom Loading Screen : Girls' Frontline / Dolls' Frontline
Created by NPCsnake
-Girls' Frontline- TYPE-100 Chapter(Saferoom) Loading Screen -少女前线- TYPE-100 / 百式 / 100式 / 樱花 / ... 关卡(安全室)读图背景 天气还是冷,人还是懒 - - It's still cold...It's still lazy... - -...
Tuturu - Item Pick Up
Created by Keate piola
I Love This Sound :3 You have A Good Day nwn/...
Tsubuzaki Anko Replace Rochelle V1.06
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Tsubuzaki Anko replaces Rochelle MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/110884 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited,...
Tokiwa Kurumi Replace Ellis V1.03
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Tokiwa Kurumi replaces Ellis MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/101818 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I h...
TDA Ribbon Girl Miku (Francis)
Created by dewobedil
TDA Ribbon Girl Miku from Vocaloid http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Skirt) ● More than 95 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Boomer Bile Texture ● Lobby icon / Ingame icon / Inc...
TDA Haku Canary China Dress (Louis)
Created by dewobedil
TDA Haku Canary China Dress from Vocaloid http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Cloth, Ribbon, Accessories) ● More than 125 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Boomer Bile Texture ● L...
TDA China Dress Yan He(言和) Canary (young girl) replance NIck
惯例先感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬mmd模型配布地址。 http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 萝莉版的言和,希望大家喜欢。 所以做了一个教程。 很简单的一个教程,不需要玩家自己去刷权重,只要按照教程那样一步步做下去,哪怕你毫无3dsmax基础,也可以做出优秀的mod,就像我一样,其实我自己并没有太高的3dsmax基础,接触3dsmax也才3个月左右。 教程里的内容虽然简单,但是思路从一开始的“俺寻思着这样做也可以”到最后面完善整个教程,大约用了3个月时间。 希望大家喜欢。 教程地址...
TDA China Dress Yan He(言和) Canary replance coach
惯例先感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬mmd模型配布地址。 http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 这mod本来是想用来做教程的, 结果教程做到一半翻车了,因为在处理贴图上遇到了一些困难,当然这些困难最终也解决了。 当然,教程肯定会做的,让我再捋一捋最近的收获。 这mod主要是先做成年的言和,至于萝莉版的言和。。。。。看情况吧,大概率会做。 该有的飘动骨骼效果半透明效果都有了。表情不会,听说很难? 最后,希望大家喜欢我的mod,别忘了点赞 ========================...
TDA 艳娘幻梦谭 金莲 replance Bill
惯例先感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬mmd模型配布地址。 模型名称:TDA 幻想金瓶梅 金莲 http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 手痒做了一个mod,用的还是牛肉大佬的模型(因为其他作者实在是联系不到,而且牛肉大佬的作品的确优秀) 《金瓶梅》是中国名著,一般认为是中国第一部文人独立创作的长篇小说。。。。。以上皆为口胡,这是tony绘本《艳娘幻梦谭 》的人物,人设的确好看。。。。。 希望你们喜欢。 同系列人物 瓶兒:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedf...
TDA 艳娘幻梦谭 瓶兒 replance Zoey
惯例先感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬mmd模型配布地址。 模型名称:TDA 幻想金瓶梅 瓶兒 http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 手痒做了一个mod,用的还是牛肉大佬的模型(因为其他作者实在是联系不到,而且牛肉大佬的作品的确优秀) 《金瓶梅》是中国名著,一般认为是中国第一部文人独立创作的长篇小说。。。。。以上皆为口胡,这是tony绘本《艳娘幻梦谭 》的人物,人设的确好看。。。。。 我仿佛跟zoey有仇一样, 其他角色的动作都没有问题,唯独zoey的动作出现了bug。 所以用Roch...
Symphogear Tsubasa Kazanari M16A2
Default M16A2/Assault Rifle reskin with Tsubasa Kazanari with floral patterns glowing in the dark. Animations used in the screenshot: Default Rifle Reanimated Alt. Version by Unknown If you want to use full skin pack, click here . (Does not contain sniper ...
Symphogear Miku Kohinata Ak-47
Default Ak-47 reskin with Miku Kohinata with floral patterns glowing in the dark. Animations used in the screenshot: AK-47 Reanimated by IRIS and Arby26 If you want to use full skin pack, click here . (Does not contain sniper rifle, autoshotgun, SPAS-12, M...
Symphogear Maria Cadenzavna Eve SCAR-L
Default Desert Rifle/SCAR-L reskin with Maria plus floral patterns glowing. Animations used in the screenshot: Desert Rifle - KF2 SCAR Animations by Lt. Rocky If you want to use full skin pack, click here . (Does not contain sniper rifle, autoshotgun, SPAS...
Sunny Color Correction
Like all my color correction mods, this replaces ALL of them. Custom maps may contain custom color corrections, so that won't work. Have fun at the beach!...
Sshu Chrome shotgun
Created by 厄咒:秒倒
made for using by myself,you also can download if you like it....
Squad AK74 Sound for AK47
Created by Going2kilzu
Replaces: AK47 Sound If you don't like it don't bother to comment. Hello. I hope you enjoy this mod I made. Feel free to comment and please rate up of you enjoyed useing this mod. I work hard to make these addons in my pass time so it would be super if you...
Soul Worker: Total Reskin Pack
Created by Kagarino Kirie
#Yes... Another Total Reskin Pack. If you are using my Closers Reskin Pack, you will know the purpose of this mod: If V.AN makes a Reskin Pack, which mean a lot of Survivor models is coming"... And you know what is coming by looking at this mod right? #AND...
Snorlax (Boomer)
Created by Majro
Play the PokéFlute they said, it'll be fine they said... What's large, round, hungry, and about to cover you with its extremely acidic digestive juices? Why, it's a Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon! Its thick fat helps it withstand heat, cold and poisoning. W...
Smoker Yoshi
Created by BabyLuigiOnFire
Everyone's favorite, cutesy waste of time and its species of genetic color pigments mutated due to exposure from the deepest, dankest parts of all sewage treatment plants from the world has been constantly plagued by a nortorious, big-business corporation,...
Silenced guns
Created by SidNamo
pistol, magnum, rifle, ak47, desert, sg552, hunting_rifle, sniper_military, awp, auto_shotgun, spas, shotgun, chrome, smg, smg_silenced........ all guns sound is silenced....
Shirasato Karin Dakimakura - Medkit (RNG)
ちいさな彼女の小夜曲 Shirasato Karin Dakimakura - Medkit (RNG)...
Shimakaze-kai for Rochelle(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Rochelle for Shimakaze from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 岛风(Shimakaze) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,headdress and skrit -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures about:"kai" -change a new skeleton -new weight paint -face p...
SG553 | Aerial
Created by Stupid Guan
CSGO SG553 | Aerial replace SG552 Model and animations by Twilight Sparkle Enjoy! ...
Serizawa Renge Replace Coach V1.04
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Serizawa Renge replaces Coach MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/106275 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I ...
Senor Chang Horde Call
Created by Barnie Sandlers
Replaces the mob call with Senor Chang (Ken Jeong)'s "HA GAYYYYY!!!" quote from NBC sitcom The Community....
Sendoin Kaede Replace Coach V1.03
Created by -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Sendoin Kaede replaces Coach MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/110939 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited, I h...
Scout | Rusty Metal
Created by Matt
*Replaces the hidden CSS Scout Sniper* Model: CS:GO Anims: CS:GO Sounds: CS:GO Texture: Own Please rate, share and i would be pleased to read any suggestion:)...
Sazaki Ichiri Sprays
Anime sprays for replace default sprays with Sazaki Ichiri Artist イチリ☆3日目A22a How to use spray 1.Subscribe 2.Open game go option > multiplayers > spray 3.select spray and play game press T to use enjoy! Updates 12 February 2018 - Remove white background an...
Satania Replacement for Ellis (Gabriel Dropout)
Created by JazzMcNade
Introducing the demon girl Satania from Gabriel Dropout For LoliMaster Features: -hud icons -first person arms -jigglebones for hair and skirt -boomer bile textures -Eye blink -Lip sync Check out the Bill version here! Credits: Model and all textures: MMD-...
Satania Replacement for Bill (Gabriel Dropout)
Created by JazzMcNade
Introducing the demon girl Satania from Gabriel Dropout For LoliMaster Features: -hud icons -first person arms -jigglebones for hair and skirt -boomer bile textures -Eye blink -Lip sync Check out the Ellis version here. Credits: Model and all textures: MMD...
Sakurajima Mai | Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
Created by Kagarino Kirie
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, known in Japan under the general name Seishun Buta Yarō (Japanese: 青春ブタ野郎) and short name Aobuta (青ブタ), is a Japanese light novel series written by Hajime Kamoshida and illustrated by Keeji Mizoguchi. ASCII Media...
Sakura Miku Replace Witch
Created by Ronata
Sakura Miku in Witch Mode :D It change the Model,Sound, and Music of the Witch Model Credit to : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126001534 Image Credit to : http://ichigimy.deviantart.com/art/Seasons-451972420...
Team Health Counter
Created by Rayman1103
This addon adds a health counter for Survivor teammates. Now you can see how much health they actually have in numbers, allowing for a more accurate display of their health....
喵内替换推 Mya-nee replace push
Created by 真·勇者
喵内替换推 Mya-nee replace push 要记得三连啊 订阅 收藏 点赞 订阅 收藏 点赞 订阅 收藏 点赞 订阅 收藏 点赞 订阅 收藏 点赞 订阅 收藏 点赞 订阅 收藏 点赞 订阅 收藏 点赞 订阅 收藏 点赞 预览视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av47910273?from=search&seid=17127319067614258907 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYdf1oTWNL8 Previewing V...
天使降临到我身边 演唱会 / 天使降临到我身边 Concert
Created by PIO
替换了黑色狂欢节演唱会主题 电视动画《天使降临到我身边》、《私に天使が舞い降りた!》 演唱会使用曲 : 1. 気ままな天使たち(《天使降临到我身边》OP片头曲) 2. ハッピー・ハッピー・フレンズ(《天使降临到我身边》ED片尾曲) 替换了海报图片,舞台海报是会动的ED片段哦,自发光 【往期动漫主题曲演唱会】 邻家索菲:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1596798083 Comic Girls:https://steamcommu...
安全室读图背景替换/Saferoom Loading Background
Created by konekts
Replace Saferoom Loading Screen for Christmas Chi guo Merry Christmas 替换安全室的加载背景图 Tricolour Lovestory Pixiv id=72269579...
少女前线 读图背景/Girls' Frontline Loading background(404 not found)
Created by PIO
替换了安全屋读图背景 404夏休み! Pivix ID = 69797030...
[崩坏3]德丽莎 花裳月纱 (Theresa Rosy Bridesmaid)替换 coach
Created by 开胃master
此mod使用官模制作,当然,该有的都有 原mmd的mod:链接:https://pan.baidu.c om/s/1lM1qaxuyy2ZViBPR3Ae77Q 提取码:09jm 模型来源:mihoyo 喜欢的话,订阅呗 (月下语音包已发布)...
[TOUHOU]Rumia replace Francis
Rumia replace Francis...
[Warship Girls R] AndreaDoria Replace Rochelle
Created by FallenTiger
Andrea Doria replace Rochelle Remake Version >>>Replace Francis Update Sep 14 2019 Fully remake with source model weight Update July 4 2019: fix w_arm Update June 24 2019: fix v_arm ------------------------------------------------------------------ Feature...
[Love Live][µ's] Puchiguru Yazawa Nico Medkit
Created by LiuP
If you like my work, well... https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif This time is Nico nico...uhm...ni!?? Feature: -3 outfits RNG: Otonokizaka High School, Bokura wa Ima no Naka de, Snow halation -9 face expression RNG -custom animation *Testing* I use Toaster's s...
高腰裤 弱音 代替 louis
感谢 听说我叫君姐CindyKang 的模型。 模型视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av49705301 这个mod有 第一人称手模 表情。 飘动骨骼 ui界面。 希望大家喜欢。 喜欢的话就点个赞吧 ps:弱音小姐姐这套衣服正好对应louis的装扮< 带表情的mod调整模型大小真的超级麻烦。。。。。 =========================== 觉得太高了? 玩了几把,感觉就是弱音小姐姐身材真好。这高度正合适。 不改了(笑) ...
비오는 밤에 에메랄드 시티( Emerald City on a rainy night ) - 아우(あう) au
Created by Merry Go Round
비오는 밤에 에메랄드 시티( Emerald City on a rainy night ) - 아우(あう) au Credit Ending Music...
Auto Shotgun - Kasane teto
Created by Litchi
VOCALOID   • It's only a reskin of the Auto Shotgun. • There is no sound mod with this. • Click on "subscribe" for download it. • Restart you'r Left 4 Dead 2 game, for the mod work correctly.   ► Thanks to my friend Fates for the picture. ► Look at all my ...
Created by ✿ N A B I ✿
The AWP will be replaced with a new model and theme for Chocola. Description The colors for this AWP were selected from a vivid color palette in order to match the theme for Chocola. She is described as cheerful and cute. With a lot of cute details and lov...
AWP Dragon Lore for Military Sniper
Created by Nicocore
CSGO-Dragon Lore AWP Use new model and materials...
AWP Saferoom Loading Screen : Girls' Frontline / Dolls' Frontline
Created by NPCsnake
-Girls' Frontline- AWP Chapter(Saferoom) Loading Screen -少女前线- AWP 关卡(安全室)读图背景 身在没有供暖的地方,AWP又这么的雪白... In a place where there is no heating,AWP white as snow......
AWP | The Golden Dragon (Glowing)
Created by Matt
*Replaces the hidden CSS AWP* Model: CS:GO Anims: CS:GO Sounds: CS:GO Texture: Own Please rate, share and i would be pleased to read any suggestion:)...
Azur Lane Escort Destroyer Eldridge Dynamic ui
Azur Lane Escort Destroyer Eldridge Dynamic cute!...
Azur Lane Official Pixel Animated Sprays
Azur Lane Pixel Animated from original game This Sprays Have... - 13 Sprays In total Include Akagi,Akashi,Ark Royal,Enterprise,Hammann,Kaga,Laffey,Long Island,Portland,Queen Elizabeth & Warspite,San Diego,Shiratsuyu and Unicorn - Transparate Background - R...
AK47 | Asiizone 2.0
Created by kylocat
https://i.imgur.com/Qrv6hnl.gif A new and improved version of AK47 | Asiizone Replace ak47 model and sound Changes in 2.0 -Added glow to white strips -Modified brightness and color of glow -IZONE logo added to the model enjoy! https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.g...
AK47| Bloodsport (CSGO animations)
Created by Stupid Guan
CSGO AK47| Bloodsport replace AK47 (Model and animations by Twilight Sparkle,skin collected by me) Enjoy!...
Bronya (Valkyrie Chariot) - Loading Icon
English: Another simple and cute icon of Bronya from the game Honkai Impact 3rd, enjoy. Español: Otro simple pero lindo ícono de Bronya del vídeojuego Honkai Impact 3rd, disfruten....
Bronya replaces Tank (Honkai Impact 3)
Created by Kagarino Kirie
So... What is the diffirent between my mod and THIS MOD? The answer is my mod have Bronya and the other mod doesn't. Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. You can contribute at my Patreon here: https://www.p...
Bronya Zachik ammo stack
Created by crawlcrawl~~
ammo stack ...
Bronya Zaychik [rochelle]
Created by kaizen
It is welcomed to find me to make mods!//欢迎找我订制mods Price negotiable//价格好商量~ 欢迎加qq好友搞基 QQ号:249422525 demon best! 小恶魔赛高! Replaces rochelle. 替换二代人物 rochelle Models and textures:mihoyo Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me First person arms |第一人称手臂 HUD Ico...
Bronya Zaychik Loading Screen
Created by Eraise
This loading screen will appear after you go inside safe room. Sounds available. Tag: Honkai Impact 3, Bronya Zaychik, Anime, Mobile Game...
Bilibili 2233 Q edition model box
Created by 小芝麻凛
Bilibili 2233 Q edition model box replace crate...
bilibili 33 (zoey)
Created by 徒手开根号
33 Mascot of BiliBili network in China Name: 33 Niang gender: Female Age: unknown Height: 146cm bilibili 22 (Francis) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1205605648 https://space.bilibili.com/9092627/#!/ 233333333333333 https://i.imgur.co...
Created by 星碎の痕迹
Black Ops II Volvo VNL for Longnose Truck
These are not my models / materials, all credit goes to the developer artists who made these beautiful art assets as well as the developers of the tools used to make this mod. "Section, use the CLAWs to hack the mainframe and shoot your way into this weird...
Azur lane.belfast and belchan's Spray(R-18)
Created by Cheshire.Cat
Warning! Warning! This is hentai!!! 碧蓝航线。贝尔法斯特、小贝法喷漆(R-18)。 替换内置喷漆,远近渐变。...
B3小帮手 Miku(Desert Eagle)
Created by 蒜蓉炒面
初音11岁生日快乐!!!.点赞+收藏 原模b3左轮,模型 Twilight Sparkle 替换了沙漠之鹰 预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av30568065/ 打算混b站了,求订阅的大佬们点击关注 枪声替换成了泰坦陨落2的b3小帮手,贴图抛弃了六边形概念 再一次,初音生日快乐哦!!!! 更新:修复了logo镜像问题,添加了logo发光...
Baka Hud
Created by K"ashimura♦
I don't know what name to take for the work. I can only think of a name to my work<(‵^′)> Replace most of the Hud interface.Test multiple times is no problem. There may be some don't know the problem. Welcome to the players feedback and comments! Modify Ma...
Butterfly Knife | RNG [Real Anim] (Machete)
Created by Zack
A machete version of the Butterfly Knife | RNG, for those who barely plays on custom servers that has the hidden knife plugin. Don't worry! If you still like individual skins (rather than RNG), I'm still releasing Knife and Gloves skins individually. Stay ...
Butterfly Knife | Ultraviolet [Real Anim] (Machete)
Created by Zack
"This is a custom-designed balisong, commonly known as a butterfly knife. The defining characteristic of this weapon is the fan-like opening of a freely pivoting blade, allowing rapid deployment or concealment. As a result, butterfly knives are outlawed in...
City of the Dead Classic
Created by KingDavid
This campaign has been remade, it is highly recommended you download the remake here instead. This version is the original, classic version of the campaign and is not as polished as the remake. The Survivors leave their hiding spot in a set of apartments a...
CM3D2 MOMO?no pants?Replaces Rochelle
Replaces Rochelle This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --NO FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones ...
CS:GO Ak-47 Asiimov
Created by Nyx Zero
Cs go ak-47 replace default ak with inspect animations and sounds. Credits: Twilight sparkle - model base and animations Coridium - skin Nyx Zero - change in the position of the flashlight (hidde), lasersight and particle effect removal other mods: M4A1-S ...
CS:GO Ak - 47 Cyrex ★
Created by Nyx Zero
Cs go ak-47 replace rifle ak-47with spunds and original animations. Credits: Twilight sparkle - model base and animations NextGenZ - skin Nyx Zero - change in the position of the flashlight (hidde), lasersight and particle effect removal This recent model ...
CS:GO Scar-20 Bloodsport
Created by Nyx Zero
Cs go scar-20 skin replace hunting rifle, it include sounds and original animations glow effect. Credits: SLIMEface - Skin Twilight Sparkle - Model more Mp7 Bloodsport Mp9 Bloodsport http://i.imgur.com/mksS8Z4.png ...
CS:GO USP-S l Orion (Deagle)
Created by 墮落天使
Replaces Magnum FIX UV...
Tda Change Amiya Replaces Bill
Model belongs to Soy_SakuraM https://h.bilibili.com/24282348 Characters come from Arknights ...
TDA Change Maid Amiya Replaces Coach [ RNG ]
Model belongs to MMDdahuli http://tieba.baidu.com/p/6177949942 Characters come from Arknights ...
Eotech Crosshair V.2 Small
Created by -Specktra-
Adds a holographic Eotech crosshair (This one is for people that play in lower resolutions) You have to toggle the default crosshair off ( "crosshair 0" at the game console) for it to work properly...
TDA Uniform Haku (Louis)
Created by dewobedil
TDA Uniform Haku from Vocaloid http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon, Skirt) ● More than 115 Bones ● MMD shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zoey animation ● Boomer Bile Texture ...
Tda Haka Miku replance Nick
Created by aurora
Tda Haka Miku replance Nick ...
Hibiki For Rochelle(KanColle)
Created by Peakness Yang
Replaces Rochelle for Hibiki from Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 第六驱逐队(No.6 Kuchikutai) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync - Akatsuki-Coach Ikazuchi-Nick Inazuma-Ellis...
DATE A LIVE Tokisaki Kurumi [eills]
Created by kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time is Tokisaki Kurumi from DATE A LIVE,it replace eills in game. 这次是狂三校服版替换了eills,! 喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces eills. 替换 eills ------------------------Then/胡说八道的瞎吹逼-----...
Tda Floral Haku replace Rochelle
replace Rochelle This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones Model belongs to EndiBell https://www.deviantart.com/endibell/art/Tda-Floral-Haku-1-00-787237067 ...
TDA Bondage Luka replace Ellis
replace Ellis This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones Model belongs to EndiBell https://www.deviantart.com/endibell/art/TDA-Bondage-Luka-1-05-684530465...
TDA Bondage Haku replace Louis
replace Louis This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones --Zoey's animation Model belongs to EndiBell https://www.deviantart.com/endibell/art/TDA-Bondage-Haku-1-04-629782886...
Created by 星碎の痕迹
Tda HMS illustrious wedding dress replace Bill
replace Bill This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones --Zoey's animation Model belongs to samsink To animation opponents You are really annoying. You have the ability to make models on your own. I never oppose realistic models. But ...
Girls' Frontline 404 Not Found Team Loading Bar
Created by Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Bar GIF For 404 Not Found Team Size:256x64 Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=64784647...
Megurine Luka Delivery Van
Created by Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal both sides same pics n words Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy...
Meiko Vocaloid Airort Fuel Truck
Created by Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal both sides same pics n words Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy ...
t+pazolite - RNG Tank Music
Created by Hano
Song used: -cheatreal -Oshama Scramble -Pump up ur NRG -censored!! t+pazolite...
M4A1 Silenced ○✿○ Chia ○✿○ [Replaces M16]
Created by ✿ N A B I ✿
This silenced M4A1 will replace the M16. The M4A1 without the silencer is available here. https://i.imgur.com/G3jKXqs.png https://i.imgur.com/dTI4Xb1.png https://i.imgur.com/2SGJUYU.png ○✿○ Features ○✿○ ● Highresolution 4K Textures (All) ● Custom Animation...
Laser Sights ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Created by ✿ N A B I ✿
Laser Sights from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI, or in general often the laser sights spawn in random locations on the map. The intention behind this mod was to make ...
DATE A LIVE Yatogami Tohka [zoey]
Created by kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time is Yatogami Tohka,it replace zoey in game. 这次是夜刀神十香替换了zoey! 喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces zoey. 替换 zoey ------------------------Then/胡说八道的瞎吹逼------------------------ It ...
KanColle Yuudachi Semi Trailer
Created by Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy...
KanColle Kaga Nuke Truck
Created by Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy...
KanColle Helicopter Choppers
Created by Hawkiepaisen
shimakaze n shigure crash included concert rooftop parish Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy ...
KanColle Amatsukaze Airport Fuel Truck
Created by Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy...
KanColle Yamato Catering Truck
Created by Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy ...
KanColle Prinz Eugen Delivery Van
Created by Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy ...
KanColle Magazine
Created by Hawkiepaisen
Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy ...
KanColle Nagato News Van
Created by Hawkiepaisen
due to horrible uv its very simple Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy ...
KanColle Bus
Created by Hawkiepaisen
by me POI Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Kongou KanColle Ambulance
Created by Hawkiepaisen
me after doing this for the fourth time: https://data.whicdn.com/images/316432077/large.jpg Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
HK416 (SCAR)
Created by Zkeierea's Storage
Replaces Scar. I managed to put this on the scar slot with working scar animations, so th re-load animation works perfectly. Special Thanks to Doktor Haus arby26 - animations Doktor haus - hack, compile, icon AcidSnake - HK416 textures Antman - Ris Plate, ...
Miku Zatsune&GLaDOS (Witch&Witch Bride)
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
This one originates form a Well-known witch model https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126001534 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=322584371 This is a reskin of it.I didn't make it,I just combine them together as a vp...
HD Skyline
Created by Ellie
Update 30 of July 2016 I added more buildings because the city looked empty (how come all tall buildings are just around the hospital) and added some rare light beams effects (cop cars + regular cars) in the city streets Have you ever been bored of the "al...
Tda Maid Miku replace Zoey
replace Zoey This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones...
Retrofit Kisaragi (azur_lane)replace Ellis
Created by 苍狐
model:td56637 by 不沈空母...
TDA Wedding dress Bouquet replace Frying_Pan
replace Frying_Pan Model belongs to samsink ...
Remove Rain effects
Created by JAiZ
Tired of your FPS dropping whenever there's rain? Fed up of being blinded by an ambush of raindrops during random storms? Then this mod is for you! This simple mod removes all the rain and associated particle effects, in order to increase framerates and vi...
MK48 Tomahawk (Machete)
Created by Deusion (Mz.Hyde)
This new Hack 'n Slash Tomahawk is the way to kill the zombies! Replaces the machete. Credits: Divesh 'Deusion' Jagger - Model, Textures Rafael De Jongh - Textures, Shaders, Render Help Yogensia - Compile Enjoy!...
Goldeneye 64 Enemy Grunts
Created by Humphrey Fauxgart
Replaces the painful grunts from the enemy with the stock grunts from the N64 classic!...
战舰少女r 列克星敦 替换 zoey
模型来自:洛里空凉透了 地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av58571751 mod演示视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av59775535#reply1777498262 总算搞定这个mod了!! 这个模型花了我不少时间调整。 到现在终于完工了! 太太是我的!!!! 这个世界本该是列克星敦的所有物,所有人本该是列克星敦的忠实奴仆! ========================== 这个mod有表情 有ui 有飘动骨骼。 列克星敦语...
明日方舟 R18 阿米娅抱枕医疗包(amiya medical)
Created by 蒜蓉炒面
(封面的是有衣服版,进游戏果体)。 打包声:勃士,现在还不能休息哦。 我:不要停下来啊!(指迫害) 你们好了没?我反正是🐍了。 p站:billie 侵删...
Mobile toilet
Mobile toilet...
Dry Sister! Small burial soil burial (pillow)
Created by mmi开心
-Dry Sister! Small burial- soil burial (pillow) 干物妹!小埋-土间埋(抱枕)替换医疗包...
[Touhou]Roukanken 樓觀劍
Created by ☯あきけん☯
Replaces katana 替換武士刀 The models are not made by me, origin link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=866606237 注意:模型不是由我創建的,原作者: K"ashimura♦ 鏈結: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=866606237 我只是個造動畫的 由於我個人技術不足,如果你知道如何...
Tigg's tactical M4A1(FIX)
Created by Denny凯妈
The left thumb bug has been fixed! And adjusted the perspective. :D Replaces Rifle/M16 替换M16A2突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: New World Interactive - flashlight Denny凯妈/Insurgency: Sandstorm - Audio Lt. Rocky - Original Compile/Animations/scope lens tigg...
[Azur Lane]Yukikaze Luminous Door
Created by QiuDxf
Azur Lane Yukikaze Door(Luminous) Replaced most of the doors. pixiv id : 68129978...
[GirlsFrontLine]Hud V2.1
Created by 可児澪です
爆肝20多个小时终于算是把坑填了.. -把血条改为战斗内选中人形的UI样式 -武器栏简化并更改了颜色 -打包和拉人的进度条改为简约风格 -白色圆点准星 -击杀提示框与字体颜色改为白色 注意_(:з」∠)_ -如果战役内有超过4名玩家在场的话可能会出现未知的显示错误 -虚血实血全靠猜(你以为我是大绿 其实我是全是虚血哒! -团灭界面里会乱入一个其他玩家的界面 -暂停界面时准星依旧还会显示 -倒地背景图可能会与其他人物Mod冲突 调整加载优先级或直接放入本地Mod文件夹内为最优法 看心情也许会有后续更新(吧 就...
Erotic Cartoon Teacher Hequan Yarn Fog (Pillow)
Created by mmi开心
-Erotic Cartoon Teacher - Hequan Yarn Fog-replace- (Pillow) 情色漫画老师-和泉纱雾(抱枕)替换医疗包...
Saber Gas can in 9 pictures-glowing version
Created by 夹心酱
如图。Saber贴图的油桶发光版。总共9个皮肤随机生成。改了普通红桶和任务橙桶。糖厂绿桶没改。 Saber图源为P站画师 榊しの@1日目西よ12a 。 要把油桶贴图做好看真不简单。。 视频设置中 模型/纹理细节 建议调高,否则贴图很糊。 发光强度0.2。另有不发光版 点击跳转 Replace the gas can with 9 pictures of Saber whose author is 榊しの@1日目西よ12a from pixiv。 There is no glowing version Cli...
iPhone 6 with WhatsApp for Pills (Core)
Created by Ellie
http://i.imgur.com/aYht8f3.png This mod replaces the Pain Pills with an iPhone 6 that includes WhatsApp and a lot of neat animated features. Basically, now that your Pills are an iPhone 6, you can check the time, admire beautiful wallpapers and the last bu...
(R18) iPhone 6 [Skin] : Hentai anime girls(RNG) Ver 1.3
Created by Petunia Pretty Paws
Only subscribe to this mod will not work. You need to subscribe to the original mod too. This mod replaces the screen of the iPhone 6 with 30 RNG Anime Girl hentai screens. original author : Ellie iPhone 6 with WhatsApp : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedf...
iPhone 6 [Skin] : Anime Girls
Created by Ellie
http://i.imgur.com/34Ud4S6.png This mod is a skin for the iPhone 6 with WhatsApp. This mod alone does nothing, you need the base mod for it to work. This mod replaces the screen of the iPhone 6 with 29 RNG Anime Girl screens. There's no Hentai (obviously) ...
haku maid replace Ellis
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 封面来自:https://www.jijidown.com/Video/Av5775767 这个mod有。 表情 飘动骨骼。 第一人称手模 ui界面。 反正该有的都有了。 也用这个模型做了一次教程。 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av49112036 授人以鱼不如授人以渔。 这个教程可能是国内最简单的也是最完善的mmd转求生之路2人物mod的教程。 希望大家喜欢...
TDA 方舟指令 旗袍弱音 替换 coach
模型来自:听说我叫君姐CindyKang 身体素材来自:samsink 视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av52787473 ===================================== 果然我对旗袍更不没有半点抵抗力。。。。 emmm 这个mod有 表情 飘动骨骼 ui界面。 手模 希望大家喜欢 喜欢花里胡哨的可以订阅RNG版本。 六色切换! 地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id...
TDA 洛天依 汉煌矜女 replace Rochelle
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 模型来自samsink的TDA 洛天依 汉煌矜女 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 对模型进行了一些修改。 主要是袖子实在是太长了,飘动骨骼根本不够用。 这个mod有 表情动画 expression Animation 会眨眼。 说话会张嘴 生气会皱眉。 有衣物头发飘动骨骼。 有第一人称手模。 有UI界面。 封面武器mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails...
TDA China Dress Luo Tianyi(洛天依) Canary replance Rochelle
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 封面来自:https://www.jijidown.com/Video/Av5775767 权侵删 你们要的御姐(?)4人组进度:3/4 最近因为要准备考试。所以mod的更新速度可能会下降,毕竟没那么多时间弄了,这个mod还是花了几天时间的碎片时间挤出来的做的。 这个mod 有第一人称手臂模型 ui界面 飘动骨骼。 但是没有表情。 希望大家喜欢。...
Kantai Collection Inazuma Loading Icon
Created by Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Icon GIF For Inazuma Size:128x128...
TDA Kimono Skirt IA
Created by neps
Replaces Francis This mod has: FPS arm Vgui(Applicable to any UI and HUD) Whole body Jiggle Bones Simulated physical collision(skirt only) Face animation Light model Using Zoey's animation Voice Packet Using Tutorial(This mod does not contain speech!): 1、D...
Love Live Chika Nuke Truck
Created by Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Neptune's Mecha-Nep Blade katana
Created by Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the katana with Neptune's DLC weapon, the Mecha-Nep Blade, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -HD Texture (512px) -Blood Splatter -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model -Removed Screen Shake -Glowing texture (1024...
Ump45[original animation]
picture form grils'forntline (huaji) ump45 is the best!!! no sliencer and Eotech,the picture ony for amusement! *The Model is from gamebanana,i have no idea about the author.If the author is not willing to see this or have some complaints..Please contact w...
Created by dbqwcl
时隔一年,突然就想给成成做个MOD 喜欢就不妨订阅+收藏?顺便点个赞 总之,希望你们能够喜欢啦QWQ ...
Nepgear's Beam Zapper tonfa
Created by Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the tonfa with Nepgear's DLC weapon, the Beam Zapper, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -HD Texture (512px) -Blood Splatter -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model -Removed Screen Shake -Glowing texture (1024px) A...
Rom's Staff of Truth cricket bat
Created by Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the cricket bat with Rom's DLC weapon, the Staff of Truth, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -256px Texture -Blood Splatter -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model -Removed Screen Shake -Glowing texture Note: The ...
M4A4 | Asiimov
Created by CombatBowl
Replaces *M16* CS:GO M4A4 With Hyper Animation ...
Date A Live Tobiichi Origami Satan(Put water into the well cover)
Created by mmi开心
-Date A Live- Tobiichi Origami-Satan--replace -(Put water into the well cover) 《约会大作战》 鸢一折纸-救世魔王- 替换 (下水到井盖)...
Glock 19 (9mm Pistols)
Created by 8sianDude
What's a better way to celebrate Forever Alone Day Valentine's Day other than blowing a few zombie heads with these brand new compact Glock 9mm pistols? After all, you don't need chocolates in an apocalypse. A revised/alternative version of my initial Gloc...
Miyauchi Renge replace hunter
Created by Lost my pieces
宮内 れんげ Model:icemega5...
[Deresute] Ogata Chieri - Merry Merry White [Ellis]
Created by 徐子平
緒方智絵里( Ogata Chieri ) - Merry Merry White replaces Ellis - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression Thank 志希トワレ and 芙蕾保护协会会长 for their guidance. All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI ...
Date A Live Tobiichi Origami (Bile effect)
Created by mmi开心
Date A Live- Tobiichi Origami-Satan-replace-(Bile effect) 《约会大作战》 鸢一折纸-救世魔王- 替换 (胆汁特效)...
Hequan Yarn Fog (Bile effect)
Created by mmi开心
Hequan Yarn Fog--replace Bile bottle 《埃罗芒阿老师》 和泉纱雾 替换 (胆汁特效)...
tda haku lace dress replace ELLIS
Replaces Ellis This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones --Zoey's animation...
TDA Kimono Skirt Haku
Created by neps
Replaces Ellis This mod has: FPS arm Vgui(Applicable to any UI and HUD) Whole body Jiggle Bones Simulated physical collision(skirt only) Face animation Using Zoey's animation Voice Packet Using Tutorial(This mod does not contain speech!): 1、Delete four fol...
Sakura miku White dress replace francis
模型来自https://www.deviantart.com/mmdvocaloidthailand/art/TDA-HatsuneMiku-Sakura-White-dress-Move-682013690 原模型有30w面, 未和作者联系但不违反规定。如果作者觉得侵犯权利,请在下方留言,我会下架此mod。 花了九牛二虎之力,总算优化到10w面以内了。 这个模型有, 第一人称手臂模型。 飘动骨骼 uI界面。 但是没有表情。 希望大家喜欢。 ====================== 史诗性修复! 终于解...
CS:GO USP-S l Neo Noir (Deagle)
Created by 墮落天使
Replaces Magnum FIX UV...
Imouto Apocalypse! "CI MOD"
Created by Kagarino Kirie
So, this is a big mod i was working in for a while, because there are alot of models need to replace. But anyway, now it's done and Iam glad to show you the BEST COMMON INFECTED mod ever made. Shooting cute anime girls will surely bring new gaming experien...
Kantai Collection Kancolle Yuudachi Menu Backgrounds
Created by Vagrancy(本物)
The Yuudachi MENU Backgrounds Wallpaper Live video 20HUD - Menu https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2982769845&searchtext=20HUD The mod DOES NOT work when you subscribe. It only works if you manually copy and paste the files, which can b...
Nightmare Difficulty
Created by Iizvullok
Nightmare is the 5th difficulty level and one step above expert (contains realism aswell). Things that have been changed: -non headshots deal less damage -nearly all infected have sligtly increased health -the tank has now 12000 hp instead of 8000 -commons...
Xmas Tree Decorations
Created by Keep Staying Puft
Nothing like killing zombies during the holidays. Now with some lights and decorations on the trees, it really does feel festive. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!...
Prinny Pipe Bomb (RNG)
Created by Heartlz
After learning a bit about RNG method by Ellie, I decided to try create my own RNG by myself. Still replacing an item, not a survivor (because I still bad on 3D Modeling). This mod replaces pipe bomb with Prinny from Disgaea. What cool about this is I usin...
荧光的杀戮天使ray的铁喷|Angels of Death ray shotgun
Created by VioIet
我第一次做mod Making MOD for the first time 感觉还是不错的 I feel that it is good 在黑的地方会发光 It will glow in dark places 图片来自于网络 Pictures from the Internet 谢谢你的订阅和赞 Thank you for your subscription and praise 谢谢你的订阅和赞 Thank you for your subscription and praise 谢谢你的订阅和赞 T...
Himouto! Umaru-chan Opening Intro/Background
UPDATE #1 - 28 Feb. 2016 - CREDITLESS RELEASED!! This mod replaces the intro video to L4D2 or the background video within the main menu with the Opening for Himouto! Umaru-chan (Himouto! Umaruchan). This is the creditless version so you could see its beaut...
sagiri scar hk416 replace scar (glowing) 夜光动态消音m416 替换scar
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
********很重要声明************* https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2431257084890934502/3689BA5FB5A99AEF8946AAF488ABDE4A9F11069C/ 这个三连发mod 和我 上一个做的 sagiri m16 (上方图片)公用一个贴图!!!!所以一定会冲突! (显示两个mod是红色的!!!!)但是 不影响任何使用 因为仅仅主题模型一样罢了!! ---------------------------...
sagiri pistol(glowing)和泉纱雾夜光动态 双持小手枪
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
我来补坑了!!!!!!!!!!!!! 四星评价做下一个!!!!!!!! 这系列我会做到我自己满意为止!!!!!! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923673299820494313/8B5BB2A8F81418B0F593C6BBBDE5F64D8E248448/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
low cost touhou hinanawi tenshi magnum
Created by mahou shoujo XzDash
sauce https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/84826681 very beautiful very kawaii before this one i already make three different weapons but this one is good about model that starter kit in game folder was joke no animation file and model was alot missing part so i...
Meow meow | Gasoline - 喵喵の汽油 o(*°▽°*)o | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
Meow meow(Cat claw) replace the Gasoline | Luminous 喵喵の爪 替换 手提汽油桶 | 含: 普通汽油、任务汽油、背后汽油 (暴风骤雨) 、路障汽油组 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1852682864760626400/6B94935725327C83296457B6918966F3C02A7258/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&i...
AK-47 Simple Blue
Created by 十年公交男
AK-47 Simple Blue https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305522025025742/2C73BD7D8DF17FF7248473D8832B64BF3BE7EC72/ Included: V mode, W mode, Sound effects, Icons. Description: AK-47, simple blue, it's just plain (LOL). Statement: Model from CSGO: T...
frost hive 3.0
Created by Itsuka
replaced military...
Muzzleflash Light Disabler/Remover, Offical Servers
Created by CHAUS
Description: Removes the muzzleflash light on a local server/single player. On official servers, replaces the muzzleflash light with a flashlight sprite to make the flickering less noticeable, since on official servers the flash cannot be removed. This is ...
碧蓝航线 乐队绫波斩舰刀替换吉他/Azur Lane Ayamani's Blade Replacing Guitar
Created by ShrinLEI
碧蓝航线 乐队绫波斩舰刀替换吉他,使用原版动画,尚无自定义音效。如果喜欢请点赞和收藏 内含: V模 W模以及攻击会留下血迹 Credits ----使用了桑shineboy的碧蓝航线乐队绫波斩舰刀模型...
[CSGO Anim]AK-47 | Neon Revolution
Created by InfinityS-iwnl-
Replaces AK47 cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor "82" saturn-iwnl-'s AK-47 | Neon Revolution + Eazy E's CSGO AK47 ...
朋朋替换弗朗西斯/ pengpeng repalce francis
Created by 风悠子
模型提取自恋活,来源为B站作者“花桃梦华”二改 包括表情,飘骨,vrd,第一人称手臂,vgui 猫耳还会随眨眼晃动v 第一次移植恋活模型,可能会有一些不足之处,欢迎大家多提提建议哈// 开低配置有问题的话可以复制评论链接下个低shader版本(链接要去掉表情符号) ...