Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

6,794 ratings
BlackICE Historical Immersion Mod
Content Descriptors: General Mature Content
File Size
2.569 GB
Sep 17, 2017 @ 6:22am
Nov 13, 2024 @ 5:28pm
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BlackICE Historical Immersion Mod

In 1 collection by maverick
3 items

We aim to bring Hearts of Iron 4 to an all new level, making your game experience more immersive, historical and challenging.
Black ICE completely overhauls most national focus trees, changes game mechanics, adds in tons of events, technologies, units and much more.
While playing ahistorical will work, Black ICE mainly aims at improving the plausible historical experience.

Current BICE version: v8.1.1
Supported HOI4 version: 1.14.8

Supported game language: English ONLY (other languages will produce errors!)
Highly Recommended: Get the Black ICE GFX Add-on here, which adds images to all events.
Make sure to ONLY use Black ICE + Black ICE Gfx, as any other loaded mod most likely will cause issues. Even purely cosmetic mods have been known to cause problems.

- New and improved national focus trees for all majors and most minor nations
- Hundreds of new techs to research, including country-specific armor, aircraft, and ships
- Completely revamped naval system. Customize your ship classes or rely on premade historical designs
- Air War with realistic losses and improved gameplay
- Dozens of new battalion and support unit types
- Extended laws and politics that allow you to fine-tune your strategy
- Immensely detailed, all-new production system, which provides a much more detailed approach to unit equipment
- Events and decisions to completely immerse you in the game and the history it follows
- Improved AI across the board to provide for a more unique challenge

We are proud of our amazing community! Your feedback, praise and constructive criticism drives the project forward, and we are very thankful for it!
Our main hub of activity is our Discord, which currently hosts 10000+ members. Ask questions, be in direct contact with the Devs and coordinate your next BICE Multiplayer game.

BlackICE on Discord[discord.gg]

Paradox Forum Link[forum.paradoxplaza.com]

BlackICE Test Version

BlackICE Official Guide

Of course a project of such scope does not come without bugs, and we are truly thankful for any messages that bring them to our attention, either here or in the Discord.
Please keep in mind that this is a project we are doing in our free time, so keep it civil. Nobody is forcing you to play the mod. (Although we think you should definitely be playing it!).

Alas, a lot of issues and bugs are out of our hands, as they are a result of un-moddable assets from Paradox.

Go here for the official Paradox troubleshooting in case your game doesn't load, or if it crashes.[support.paradoxplaza.com]

Black ICE has and is being worked on by a lot of dedicated people, and many countless hours have gone into it.

Main Developers
Dr. Potato
Sol Inherent (Jack)

Honorable Developer

Junior Developers
Without Reason

Active Contributors
Cirri, Darthkenson, Timoteo the Meme God, Benni, Falcon, Jaden, Axe, Cyric,
Insano, Jango, Panzerbefehlswagen Tiger Ausf. B, IronMarshal, Warhammer

Honorable mentions
Meridio, Energico, Msslupu, duel_obliteration, yuudachipoi, George Parr, Maulwurf, ryjz, pxroberto, ichatv,
franc sher, erwin78, verenikin, Silvercloud, Stjern, Alkin, Aranax, Artur, atheory, Cassian, HoI4 Modding Coop,
Thedeciderr, Comrademisha, Deadend85, Mackman113, Oumajgad, Timasaurus007,
solfall, Sunwhisper, Wunder wuffle, Xxroxx, Alex Kamal, Spaceraider, Indyclone77, Andret, Grenight
Belgian Panzer, MisterJay, Dramien, Runsondiesel, Yagashura, Polarace, Chemical Art, Darth Kazzaz

Thanks to other mods, whose work we were kindly allowed to use.[justpaste.it]
Popular Discussions View All (817)
Feb 3 @ 7:55pm
PINNED: BlackICE Bugs and Feedback
Sol Inherent
Feb 2 @ 9:07am
any chance of winning the air battle for UK?
Jan 2 @ 9:20am
Expansion of division equipment
darthkenson  [author] 10 hours ago 
@dezzzr Fun fact:

In muh Play test games I do that all the time. Either I assign Individual divs to a "Corps commander then to as 4 or 5 divs into a Corps under an another "Field Marshal".

Alternatively I assign minimum of 5 divs to a Corps commander then 4-5 Corps to an Army commander.

It lets me maximize the Officer pools quite nicely :)
dezzzr 12 hours ago 
Thanks for the reply, Darthkenson. Yea, like you said the Army brass didn't want Marines at the top level so what I was thinking was assigning each Marine Division as its own separate army then assign Vandegrift as the general of the 1st Marine Division/Army then making General Robert Richardson or maybe Alexander Patch a Field Marshall and assigning that single division(army) to that Field Marshall. Marine Generals Roy Geiger and John Marston are already in the game so I'd make them generals of the 2nd and 3rd Marines armies. Does that make sense? lol

Thanks again for the reply, Darth.
2003werewolf 17 hours ago 
darthkenson 100 percent with you. Now a about to attack Russia
darthkenson  [author] 22 hours ago 
@2003werewolf Well ya see it is a PROCESS :)...TEST was recently updated and that last dlc from PDX was rather complex to BICE-ify. When TEST is stable, MAIN is updated from that point.
Until that happens, it would be counter-productive to release a new version until it is ready.
2003werewolf Feb 5 @ 8:16pm 
It's been 3 months we have to be getting close. No hurries no worries. Playing 1.14.10
fareadam3422 Feb 5 @ 9:29am 
when does a event pop us in the right cornor it doesn't go aways
darthkenson  [author] Feb 5 @ 9:15am 
@dezzzr :

Vanilla focus was 'Expand the Marine Corps', gave Vandegrift. I guess most of the famous ones during the war were focused at the Divisional level and below as opposed to anything higher which is the only historical issue with adding more I'd think (with some exceptions). Army lost their minds anytime a USMC leader got precedence.
[3IRD] ✜Zürichtalva✥ Feb 5 @ 2:03am 
hello again, is it supposed to be like army Spirits doesn't work in Officer Corps?
[3IRD] ✜Zürichtalva✥ Feb 4 @ 12:56am 
understandable, thank you
darthkenson  [author] Feb 3 @ 9:11pm 
@[3IRD] ✜Zürichtalva✥ The GFX submod CANNOT crash either version of BICE. It is fully compatible and is merely text and pictures.

MAIN must run on 1.14.10 with NO other mods and submods.

TEST is ONLY run with 1.15.4 plus the GFX submod.