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I play a lot of TF2 with the lads, I main the MEDIC!

My main alias is Slemmy, put a nickname on me, I occasionally change alias for a meme.

epic videos i like:

I'm cringe and that's based


mario sightings

Greatest TF2 parody

a true classic

TF2 Theme Feat. Heavy and Medic

Message from Mohammad Khanaqin

Level 4 Sentry

Heavy Gameplay

Heavy song

TF2 get into shape

Heavy fists

Heavy vs Luigi

This is my Playstation 2, this is my Xbox 1, this is my.... Xbox 360 and this right here..... is my Playstation 3, and this is what I like to call "The Nintendo Sh!tcube".
And the reason I call it "The Nintendo Sh!tcube" because IT’S A PIECE OF FUACKING SH!T!! FUUAACKING SH!!!!T!! The original Nintendo Entertainment.... System sucked, because you had to perform a certain amount of blowjobs on the cartridges in order for the games to work. And then..... Nintendo... Uh.. They release the certain console, The Super Nintendo, now that was a very good.... Now that was good system.. Now that was a very good system.... Um the games, they did not..... Freeze and the games, they did not stop while you were playing.
And the.... And then.... Nintendo.... They release..... The Third video game console. The Nintendo 64, now that also was a very good system, but it didnt have full motion video. It wasn’t bad for a 90s system.
And then! Nintendo releases the fourth video game console.
The Nintendo Sh!tcube.

:ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel: :ujel:
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In Chat
popados1102 May 19 @ 2:32am 
+rep Genghis Khan won't conquer this domain:tavro:tavro_5::tavro_4::taglur:
Jansson350 May 18 @ 2:21pm 
+rep for Tf2 Heavy :medicon:
Eggsoloute Unit May 17 @ 12:00pm 
i am wanted in 50 different states
Swaglord Seatrus May 11 @ 5:38pm 
+rep bing bing wahoo
Slemmy May 11 @ 5:37pm 
Marty!!! :))))
Marty May 11 @ 12:20pm 
Responding to your message in team fortress 2...... yes, I love you too!