Augmented Revolutionist
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Bob Page: Your appointment 📋 to FEMA 📉 should be finalized ✅ within the week 📅 . I've already discussed 🗣️ the matter with the Senator 👴🏻.

Walton Simons: I take it he was agreeable ✅ ?

Page: He didn't ❌ really have a choice.

Simons: Has he been infected 🦠 ?

Page: Ah yes, most certainly ❗ . When I mentioned 💬 we could put him on the priority ❗ list 📋 for the Ambrosia vaccine 💉 , he was so willing 🙏 it was almost pathetic 🤣 .

Simons: This plague 🦠 — the rioting 💥 is intensifying to the point ⏺ where we may not ❌ be able to contain it 📦 .

Page: Why contain it ❓ ? Let it spill over 💦 into the schools 🏫 and churches ⛪ . Let the bodies 💪 pile up in the streets 🛣 . In the end, they'll beg us to save 💾 them.

Simons: I've received reports 📁 of armed attacks 🔫 on shipments 🛳 . There's not enough vaccine 💉 to go around, and the underclasses 💩 are starting to get desperate 🔪 .

Page: Of course 👍 they're desperate 🗡 . They can smell 🐽 their deaths 💀 , and the sound 🎵 they'll make rattling 🐍 their cages will serve as a warning 🚨 to the rest.

Simons: Hmm 🤔 . I hope you're not ❌ underestimating the problem ⚠️ . The others 👬 may not go as quietly 📵 as you think. Intelligence 🧠 indicates they're behind the problems ⚠️ in Paris 🗼

Page: A bunch of pretentious old men 👴 playing ▶ at running 🏃 the world 🌍 , but the world 🌍 left ⬅ them behind long ago ⌛ . We are the future 🦾👽 !

Simons: We have other problems ⚠️ .

Page: UNATCO 🕶 ?

Simons: Formed by executive 👁 order after the terrorist 💣 strike on the Statue 🗽 . I have someone 👨 in place though. I'm more concerned 🤨 about Savage 👨‍🔬 . He's relocated ↩ to Vandenberg 🇺🇸 .

Page: Our biochem 🧪 corpus is far ⏫ in advance of theirs, as is our electronic ⚡ sentience, and their... ethical ✝ inflexibility has allowed us to make progress 📈 in areas they refuse ❌ to consider.

Simons: The augmentation 🦾 project?

Page: Among 🈷️ other things, but I must admit 😲 that I've been somewhat disappointed 😕with the performance 📊 of the primary 1⃣ unit.

Simons: The secondary 2⃣ unit should be online 📶 soon. It's currently undergoing preparations 🦿 and should be operational 👍 within six months 📅. My people 👬 will continue to report 📁 on its progress 📈. If necessary, the primary 1⃣ will be terminated 💀 .

Page: We've had to endure 💪 much, you and I 👬, but soon 🔜 there will be order 🎖again — a new age. Aquinas spoke 💬 of the mythical 🔮 City on the Hill 🏙. Soon 🔜 that city 🏙 will be a reality, and we will be crowned 👑 its kings, or better than kings 👑: Gods! 😇✨💯
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One of the three designs. Simple and elegant. My main inspiration was... a triangle. Geometric shapes holds some sort of aesthetic that appeals to me. Portrayed in gold and black give me some sense of luxurious side of cyberpunk dystopia. Two remaining var
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Status - Pending, Created by - Augmented Revolutionist
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crickitt Apr 7 @ 11:38am 
+REP git wszystko dobrze : ]
Dmusen Mar 11 @ 3:53am 
+rep thx for game
Niesubordynacja Jul 25, 2019 @ 3:20pm 
i suspect you have questions.
SzapoBa Jun 27, 2016 @ 1:13am 
gg m8 u mad