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:spycon: I am the real deal beware impersonators. :spycon:

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Etalase Screenshot
The no leg demoman. And he wasnt even a spy. God Bless TF2
4 1
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67 Jam dimainkan
Unfortunately I have to give this game a no. I've been playing since this game first launched in beta way back when and i can honestly say from the bottom of my heart and a fan of arena shooters that this is in no way an arena shooter in the sense. Feels like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ attempt at some Overwatch clone with skill being thrown out the window in favor of cheap parlor tricks and RNG. I tend to lose most fights of equal skill purely out of durability with certain characters being way too bulky and others being extremely frail. In an arena shooter everyone should share the same health and armor, the same speed and the same weapons. In this game i feel as if you're disadvantaged playing certain characters. Everyone shares the same speed and yet some characters walk around with health pools in the 200s while others just have it at a measly 100 or less in some cases. The game would do so much better if everyone had equal health. Some weapons are extremely weak and a few are just really random when it comes to damage. You could hit someone with a shotgun at point blank and instantly kill them or deal no damage at all. Its frustrating how random it is and can be the difference between winning or losing. Overall this game can come back from the brink if everyone had the same health pool, weapons were tweaked and the leveling system was returned. Some games you can be put against sweaty ♥♥♥♥♥ who've never seen daylight. Other times you get matched with people who got curious and downloaded the game 10 mins ago because the picture looked cool. Bring back the level system so people can play much more balanced games. Until then this game will just slowly wither away and die.
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terakhir dimainkan pada 2 Jun
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terakhir dimainkan pada 2 Jun
kitty🐾 21 Mei @ 11:34am 
Nicky 15 Mei @ 3:13pm 
Thanks for the quick response!
RANGOD 25 Apr @ 4:38pm 
wtf is that price on the spruce deuce
swag-iwnl 7 Apr @ 4:00pm 
nice rq :steambored:
ker blam 8 Mar @ 5:27pm 
nice collection, is the strange purrer for trade?
Fredy (ger) 30 Jan @ 9:14pm 
+rep, I kinda liked your profile and thought we could be friends :3