"What is it that we all need to stay alive? Water? Food? Certainly. But what we need most… is life itself"

Featured Artwork Showcase
Ash playing Bass
3 2
Featured Artwork Showcase
Ash playing Bass
3 2
Salvager's Code
1. Swim like a fish, drink like one too!

2. Always help others that help you!

3. Make a girl cry? That's not gonna fly. Make a girl smile? You pass the trial!

4. Open a chest, it might turn out great. Until then, it's just a crate.

5. First have a punch-out, then drink to forget. Once you've forgotten, the friendship's all set!
Video Showcase
FFXIV - Moonfire Faire Tower 2023 Speedrun (0:57)
3 2
Artwork Showcase
Screenshot Showcase
Cyberpunk 2077
Workshop Showcase
Allows you to play as the simpleton form of the Aegis Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 *UPDATE LOG* Metalness has been added onto the gold pieces of her armor making them look alot better, her fingers has also been improved a bit.
Created by - grensen23
Workshop Showcase
Fight alongside Aerith from FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Optional mods: Bladed staff for Sarah: Other mods: Aerith (Iris ver):
Achievement Showcase
Favorite Game
Hours played
Recent Activity
45 hrs on record
last played on May 16
341 hrs on record
last played on May 15
320 hrs on record
last played on May 11