David...It's David.
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25 Hours played
Hello, I'm David and this is an in-depth review. This will be rather long and from my very own experience playing on "Nightmare" difficulty and unlocking almost everything.

Gameplay- This DOOM is a great return-to-form, nonstop movement and shooting, on nightmare the enemy AI is INCREDIBLE. as simple as that but as complex as it gets in game. this game puts a great deal and emphasis on constant movement much like the original DOOM "the faster you go, the easier the level gets" and this has brought me back to my good old days where I've played DOOM 2 (funnily, my first DOOM game), during the game you pick up new guns, gun mods which alter the way they function and adds a new depth to the "just shooting" you do in the beginning. it adds a layer of complexity as to "where and when should I use which mod at which situation" which is, to say the least, innovative. no DOOM did not introduce the concept of modding a gun, but the modding itself is what's so fun and leaves a lot of room for experiments, glory kills are a new mechanic, when demons get staggered, they flash blue, get close enough and they flash red, press F (default key) and you get a glory kill, this is a risky move which earns you more HP rather than just killing them, adds yet another layer to combat, "do I go for the glory kill or do I keep shooting and dodging?", there isn't much more to say, you'll have to experience it for yourself

Progression- This ties in to my previous paragraph, as I briefly touched on it, you get new guns as you go through the levels, this encourages exploring as you can find guns much earlier than you "actually" should (most notably the plasma rifle and supershotty). dealing with every gore nest, efficiently killing demons and ofc, not dying earns weapon points which further strengthens the gun mods all the way to the "mastery" tier which unlocks the full potential of said mod, each gun has 2 mods (except the BFG) so getting these points to progress is crucial, thankfully exploring and finding secret areas earns you points but it's mostly from combat, so even people who are not interested in exploring can still earn them. Throughout the game you get Runes, a simplified explanations would be modding a certain aspect of the Praetor suit outside of it's tree, such as picking more ammo, glory killing faster, earning armour from glory-ing and much more. by the end of the game you feel like you can't be stopped and that's a great feeling, yet you sometimes still feel vulnerable and it kept me on the edge of my seat. The Praetor suit itself has it's own tree which is mostly useless, you upgrade it by finding praetor token from elite guards(encourages further exploring) and Argent cells permanently increase Health, Armour and Ammo count, you find these through exploring too.

Level Structure- I HAVE to talk about this aspect, the original DOOM games (and yes, I can SOMEHOW include 3) had complex level design that utilised the smooth, yet somewhat refined, movement of DOOMGUY, this game has this in SPADES, each arena has at least 3 directions you can attack from (except 2-3 in hell itself which have 1 road that leads to it) and are wide, with varied heights and varied demons (especially in hell) which keep each arena fresh, they are paced well and makes every encounter a blast. outside of arenas, meaning, the levels themselves each hold a retro map you can explore a bit, a DOOMGUY toy and 2-3 secret areas which encourages exploring, you get rewarded for finding everything with weapon points which make you stronger.

Story- This was the hardest portion to write simply because the story of DOOM is not in your face, much like Dark Souls it is built on the lore you discover through the dossier and demon recordings of the slayer(Doom Slayer that is) all hint towards and event that happened in the past which leads us to the present day. I had loads of fun finding these and somewhat revealing what happened to the slayer, how was he sealed, who where the knights that guided him etc. with Eternal out I hope that answers some of the questions I have accumulated through me playing, finding and reading everything there is to find.

DIfficulty- Now this will be the WORSE paragraph of mine yet, simply because I have only played the game on Nightmare, I'm a long time fan of this franchise and I came to the conclusion that you either play on the hardest or you don't. and it is simply phenomenal. I thought at first that because I got loads of guns, runes and upgrades that I was simply too strong and the game got easy, that was not the case as I have let my friends play this game on nightmare and they had a very rough time which made me actively appreciate how well nightmare taught me how to play the game, the enemies force you to adapt to each and every demon, to varying environments and to the mechanics. on Nightmare the game really does teach you how to play DOOM and forces you to master each gun and each mechanic, I do not know if this was intentional, if it was it's simply BRILLIANT and if not, a very VERY good "mishap". I highly encourage ANY fps fan to play on nightmare and if you're up for the challenge, ultra nightmare.

Graphics- Mindblowing, I have ran this game on the highest settings with cinematic rendering and the game is a blast to look at BUT, the gore is very much lacking, for a game as violent as DOOM you'd expect rivers of blood, gore and guts bursting out of demons with every glory kill, this is not the case. when I quite literally open a demon in half I'd expect it's insides to be on the floor swimming in a pool of blood. there's barely any blood, corpses disappear after 5 seconds and the blood amount is pathetic judging from the fact that just killing a demon and blowing it's head off let out the same amount of blood, VERY VERY disappointing and it IS noticeable during play, I didn't get out of my way to notice that "hey, I blew this possesd scientist's head off, where the blood?" it actually distracted me at times. that's really the only complaint I have with the graphics, the rest such as ragdolls, models, movement of demons, authenticity, similarity to the original DOOM demons etc. are just, well, good. very good.

Soundtrack- Wow. simply wow. I don't even know where to start. after a long debate and asking myself that very question I came to a solution, that is, how DYNAMIC the soundtrack is. It's simply as if it has a mind of it's own and knows which track to play and where. when you are mid combat the soundtrack gets intense, very intense, and gets you in the mood of killing every single demon, if you keep dodging, killing and ripping and tearing, the track "Rip and Tear" begins playing, and when you notice that you feel UNSTOPPABLE. I have taken my time listening to every track I could find, I like... No, I LOVE every track, both the subtle ones and the ones that get me into slaying. Very enjoyable,I have played the same level twice to confirm it, first time with sound and the other without, the track really does make you a better slayer and I hope every player will take their time to appreciate it fully and give it the credit it so very deserves.

Character Progression- in a word, barely any. DOOMGUY doesn't really talk OR show much, if any, emotion. the only noteworthy emotion I noticed was at the very beginning when Samuel said they did what they did "for the betterment of humanity", after that sentence DOOMGUY looked down on a human corpse, didn't talk, he just cracked his knuckles in what seems to be an angered motion, kind of like "this is better for humanity?!" that is the general vibe I got from him. except that, when he picks up his own toy and fist bumped it, which was a funny touch.

Multiplayer & Snapmap- I don't have any experience with either so I can't write about them.

And this concludes my review. 9/10 I cannot give it a 10 simply because the gore is THAT lacking.
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I've literally no info to share, nice to meet you all!
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