Peanut Arbuckle
Ethan   United States
I am biologically Mexican but I am trans-Jewish which means I identify as Jewish and love Jewish things. My Mexican blood compels me to street race and means that behind the wheel of a lowered CR-V I am unbeatable, but the other street racers don’t understand when I celebrate my wins with matzoh balls and klezmer dancing.
Currently Offline
Recent Activity
49 hrs on record
last played on May 31
285 hrs on record
last played on May 29
147 hrs on record
last played on May 28
Sosa Feb 6, 2022 @ 6:23am 
⎓ᔑꖎꖎ ⊣ᔑ||ᓭ ᔑℸ ̣ 3 ᔑᒲ ᓵ⍑ᔑꖎꖎᒷリ⊣ᒷ osama bin laden ألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكراتألعاب الكرات
Bombaboy Jan 15, 2022 @ 8:07pm 
So you're going by "Dragonyetti" now nerd? Haha whats up ya poop bag, it's Chad from Highschool. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in school. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Ashley the girl you had a crush on? Yeah we're married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a mustang GT. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol.
✪Dave💀💀 Nov 13, 2021 @ 6:43pm 
I'm fighting my demons on the henny wit bubble gutz