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2 people found this review helpful
17.4 hrs on record
- The intro and visuals are very well done, title screen and music remind me of Sekiro O.o
- Tutorial explains things very well, even a visual hologram to show you
- Advanced training is what will set you on your path for bots and PvP games, just heads up new people
- Level 10 cap before PvP is great, lets you practise with bots. I'd advise sticking to easy if you don't want to smash anything you own, Normal and above are really infuriating
- Mechanics are quite fluid and most climbs are fine, sometimes it'll do the dumbs and climb to roof instead of the level below it for the item you wanted. Grappling hook if you can find charges (you start with 0), very nice for getaways or even offensively!
- RNG isn't too terrible with the loot, and the ring is quite forgiving damage wise :O
- The depth of levelling is nice, weapon mastery, talents, plenty to focus on
- Story is gruesome but good, at least what I saw of Viper's. Really loved the transition into the black and white story art as well. Never played the others
- Bots games still earn you levels and weapon/talent progress etc, which is very nice :)

- Lots of different currencies and unlocks and game does a poor job explaining it to you. Same with menus, so much to take in at first
- Free training just overwhelms you with options, no walkthrough so you feel like a deer caught in the headlights
- Training or even normal gameplay does NOT show you the damage numbers done to you, only to the training dummy. Make the dmg numbers both ways please so I can test how strong each armor is more easily
- Normal is NOT "Normal" difficulty for bots, OK?! I don't care what any stinking "git gud" elitist says, those guys felt like Hard+, it was very frustrating just going for the 1 win in solo. Took me several tries anyway
- Defense options are very limited, just attack at same time, dodge (iframes afaik?), focus parry when they do blue focus attacks (basically armored moves you can't interrupt). Game doesn't bother to tell you how to deal with gold focus moves and the Narakapedia ingame doesn't cover everything, so use actual Wiki outside game to learn
- Some ergonomics could be better. The scroll bar is so tiny you have to use mouse wheel instead of drag

Overall, if you did get this game, get it on sale, not full price. And expect a lot of pain and frustration at first, whether in Normal+ bot difficulty or PvP before you either get the hang of it, or ragequit and leave a bad review like I did. Choice is yours.
Posted December 22, 2022. Last edited December 22, 2022.
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1.7 hrs on record
So thoughts on SoD2 so far as free weekend:

+ Slider difficulty reminds me of Silent Hill 3 where you can chance action difficulty as well as other parameters. Very nice touch!
+ Replayability via different starting survivors + aforementioned difficulty sliders in different parameters
+ Characters are good enough
+ Lot of depth to it, community, morale, supplies

- That freeze during one early game cutscene...bruh. Come on. It snapped out of it, but that was kinda annoying not gonna lie >.<
- Doing some of the side quest stuff isn't immediately clear whether storage locker or "manage storage".
- Clunky menu where I literally HAD TO GOOGLE "State of Decay 2 escape menu" because escape would exit the base/community menu ENTIRELY instead of back up one step. And nothing in the ingame controls edit that hinted at this, probs some ini file I have to look at. Annoying
- Speaking of clunky, felt like the melee would auto target with no way to turn this off. Annoying af so I can't have fine control of it
- Another clunky? So hold crouch is the same mapping as dodge, which is stupid. I wouldn't mind if, if there was "hold crouch/dodge" and "hold crouch" so I can have dodge separate to say, mouse button 5 (side mouse button)
- Some things need to be more specific. Bandage, cool, but how much HP does it heal?
- Speaking of specific, doesn't tell me my ally's HP during tutorial or if they can die or not as a result of a zombie (if not, then I can just meatshield distract with them and farm free kills ^_^ )
- No quick save/load. Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!! I know save scumming is frowned upon with some gamers/devs, but given the side quest ♥♥♥♥ wasn't clear it'd be nice if I got another shot at trying to do what it wanted of me. Also lets me experiment and see what's what, how much HP a zombie attack does, what happens if you exile people and then revert to a previous save state. Just f*** around you know? 😄
- Can't arrange your backpack items either in a particular order. That sucks
- Driving to the plague zombie, no roads, just off road ♥♥♥♥. Wooow.

Overall thoughts: great game hampered by clunkyness. Hard to recommend tbh...I'd rather play Far Cry 5 instead tbh. Or Dishonored 1 and 2. I was loving it until I discovered just how CLUNKY it was to play, Jesus! I really went from "this game's great" to "f*** this I'd rather play something else..."
Posted May 23, 2022.
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3.6 hrs on record
Actually a decent game so far! :O I really enjoyed it.

- the customisation was so detailed, I love it
- same with Photo mode
- combat's pretty fun, if you're decent with positioning you can hit multiple enemies at once
- standard stuff like graphics etc are top notch

- the partner mechanic, while well intended when you're in combat they just rush ahead and murder everything, so you hardly have a chance to hit anything :(
- they respect you trying to backstab when you sneak up while holding guard, but it would be nice if you could issue them commands. Like "wait here/come here/need help/go ahead to *point*/attack *marked enemy*
- sucks you can't change voice once game's started, I had to reload my saved custom character and forgot to change the voice pack to 8. RIP 2h progress if I want to start again with the deeper voice :/
- I love parries, but it feels a bit TOO easy to nail them imo. Not that I mind, free kills :D but still
- for some reason it lags when I screenshot, then back to normal framerate. I'll look into that...but if others have it, would be nice if the game was optimised better

Overall great game, one I'd recommend to others if you want a "Souls like" but not overly annoying and punishing. And not as buggy *glares at Fallen Order*
Posted February 11, 2020. Last edited February 11, 2020.
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9.2 hrs on record
Was doing OK up until the old knights with mace, f*** those guys!!! Seriously!!! Otherwise game itself is fine, just annoying that part. Oh and the top of the log slope, the 1v3 with the knights is kinda annoying too. F*** that.
Posted February 11, 2020.
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3.0 hrs on record
I REALLY wanted to like the game but these few things killed it for me:
- menu bugs, MANY times when selecting controls after picking menu it would refuse to go down, even with keyboard. Really infuriating to deal with, I had to keep exiting out of menu before it SOMETIMES worked
- game bugs, the stormtroopers on the train? It didn't display the left click attack prompt so I thought it was safe to go past. NOPE!! I was f****** softlocked on the next section, it was really annoying
- remapping keys, it doesn't have climb and interact/evade as separate entities, so when you remap interact/evade it demaps the drop down/climb up key. VERY annoying
- honestly, the default mappings compared to Sekiro on PC are kinda garbo, I won't lie. And because of the remapping keys problem, I can't have space for dodge and E for jump, Q for interact and E/Z for climb/drop without those mappings getting removed
- it does feel kinda similar to Souls in a way, not a bad thing if you like the games but I'm not a fan of them so...RIP. I love a challenge but Souls games are just way too obnoxious for me
- that said, iframes on roll/dash would've been cool, but if not oh well I'm used to plain dodging like I'm in Ninja Gaiden anyway

Positives though:
- really like the story so far, and Cal's quite likeable
- standard stuff like graphics etc are AMAZING

That's about...it? Sorry but the menu bugs really killed it for me and I hope I don't get softlocked further if I give this game another chance, it's kinda annoying being stuck in place
Posted February 11, 2020.
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5.9 hrs on record
f*** those stupid lorithian knights + transforming skeletons
Posted February 6, 2020.
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2.8 hrs on record
Went from really liking it... to getting really burnt out and p***** off with it.

- Pretty decent graphics I guess
- The female interviewers are cute
- Decent variety of teams
- Racing line track on ground is good assist
- TONS of options to keep you busy
- Great atmosphere and they do a good job of recreating what irl F1 is like with the commentary and visuals

- NO tutorial mode. Well, just bits and pieces, rest you gotta Wiki ♥♥♥♥♥ or look up someone on YouTube as you'll get a LOT of jargon thrown your way. Compared to say Gran Turismo 1, which makes you get your license by testing you on various manoeuvres BEFORE you can race this does a horrible job of setting you up to win and more sets you up for failure unless you're a veteran or learn quickly
- AI is just godmode even on easiest difficulties. Expect to lose a LOT before you win ANYTHING!!!
- AI is just cheating c**** who'll just ram you and then dat spin
- It doesn't clearly define "off the track" penalties, there's times I was partly on the grass = fine but some sections just ONE wheel on the grass = penalty. WTF?!?!
- Your car can get terminally destroyed, so if you're coming from arcadey racers like Need For Speed...get lost? You won't find happiness here. Means you'll be hogging that restart session button like a hippie hugging trees

Maybe I'm just garbage at these f****** games but I REALLY wanted to like this. Instead it's just trial by fire frustration and well...I give up. Can't do it. I'm expecting some moron to flame me into the Netherworld and tell me "get gud" instead of ACTUAL CONSTRUCTIVE advice on how to improve, as I honestly wanted to like this game. Back to Warhammer I go...*SIGHS* at least free weekends means I can try games out. I guess this wasn't for me.
Posted March 15, 2019.
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1.1 hrs on record
Tried it, showed a lot of promise but:
- trying to find crafting materials SUCKS if you're new. Couldn't find ANY during my time trying it, no hints on what they look like or where to commonly find them
- sneaking past the turtles and huge creatures is fine, but AI human defenders are more sentient
- combat itself is just cancer. Hit detecting on fists is SO BAD, even Dead Island, a game I played that is KNOWN to be buggy is more responsive than this!!! >.<
- stunlock cheese from human defenders, meanwhile the shoddy fists mean I'm punching thin air even though I'm POINT BLANK NEXT TO THEM!!! WTF!!!
- such little stamina, even Bloodborne I was able to dodge reliably with my starting character once I got used to the game

Customisation is cool, even breast slider for the pervs out there :3 and nudity option, but I think this is the end of the road for me. Idk, if a 2nd free weekend comes up I'll give it another chance, but really frustrating not being able to find the materials needed to craft a simple hatchet to fight back for example.
Posted March 11, 2019.
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2.2 hrs on record
As much as I wanted to recommend this game, sadly I couldn't. Here's why:

- Controls are clunky as s*** and trying to steer is really annoying, reverse steering even more so. It's only when you get the Geotech wheels (the yellow blocks) that it becomes nicer to manage
- Before you get nicer wheels, you have to go ALL the way round the trader with a stiff a** vehicle and right click on a tiny screen to open the shop up. Have fun with something that takes longer than the Lord of the Rings Trilogy to do!
- Camera has the annoying spring regardless of the setting you put it on. So stiff and clunky to manoeuvre
- You can get stuck REALLY easily and die some cheap deaths because they're so terrible to drive uphill
- Speaking of death, enjoy the lousy presets you have once you die, salvaging your old self is costly and there's no option to save up and buy back, you have to choose on the spot if you can afford your custom made back or not. You CAN salvage your old self back but it's not always easy to do so
- Sure when you get the yellow blocks you can start pubstomping those who get in your way but before that you gotta avoid hitting up on others unless you got a ton of guns/blocks. Or they're just blind.
- The combat music plays even IF other players aren't firing at you.

- Oh and the icing on the cake? THE GAME PAINTS THE ENTIRE SCREEN BLACK ON THE ABANDONED CRATE MISSION. Have fun not being able to see a f****** thing at all!

Seriously one of the most frustrating games I've EVER played. It *can* be fun when you beat that boss or get a mission done with a few seconds left on the clock, but that last bug on top of ALL the frustration I endured to get the yellow blocks: yeah no thanks. I don't feel like dealing with "get gud" fanboys so I'm denying you your voice, go cry on another negative comment. :P
Posted February 25, 2019. Last edited February 25, 2019.
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