This is my only account : lvl 180, 25k+ trades made, 500+ games, 3k+ hours in TF2. :esc_warning: Watch out for impersonators if you comment.
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:GreenArrow: Inventory [] :backpack:

:GreenArrow: Cash Shop [] :kaching:

:RedArrow: Inventory [] :backpack:

:GreenArrow: Cash Shop [] :kaching:

:RedArrow: Free Stuff [] :mysterygift:

:GreenArrow: Steam Rep [] :ok:

:RedArrow: Trust [] :gearthumbsup:

Why I trade:

:e1big: Trading is my favourite hobby, I've been doing it on and off for 9 years. For now it is my only source of income and I'm currently saving up to travel. :butterfly:

What I trade:

:e1big: 50+ Unusuals and more in the first few pages of my TF2 backpack. :hot::DSTtophat::hot:

:e1big: Thousands of different items from TF2 and Rust primarily on my Mannco.Store personal shop linked above, feel free to offer on those too no matter how weird. :happyfrog:

:e1big: I'm always buying Backpacks and Quicksells , and can always get more keys if needed. Don't be afraid to ask me for an estimate, it's free! :moneysack::cleankey:

:e1big: I'm also happy to trade Rust items and most of my Steam items, though not CS at this time. :alwayschicken:

:e1big: If you have a question about trading or need some advice feel free to ask. I'm by no means the best trader out there but I'm always happy to dispense my hard-earned knowledge to newer traders when time allows. :amadeus_happy:


Things I enjoy:

:csdsmile: Food and cooking, well-seasoned memes, wasting my precious lifespan in video games, reading a good book, learning cool facts about life, having profound conversations or a good laugh with a friend, being in nature and searching for its treasures, instantly falling in love with music I just discovered, observing people and being inspired by them, gaining deeper understanding of the ever-deepening mysteries of life in those rare moments of revelation.

Things I can do without:

:csdmad: Bots, cheaters and scammers, the need to control everything and everyone, bad cooking and the food industry, boring small-talk, never having enough time to do everything I want, feeling stuck in life, paperwork, war, mosquitoes.


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step." Lao Tzu

"All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream." Edgar Allan Poe

"There is nothing permanent except change." Heraclitus

"Without music, life would be a mistake." Friedrich Nietzsche

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Plato

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." Albert Camus
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140 hrs on record
last played on May 23
3,321 hrs on record
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32 hrs on record
last played on May 15
Noah#TF2EASY May 21 @ 8:33am 
hot roblox :steamthumbsup:
❤Ralsei❤ May 20 @ 12:53pm 
Added to talk about an unusual
tr4cker May 18 @ 4:29am 
buh i added
Jolly Roger May 18 @ 2:19am 
I added you to trade
Nin10Ninja May 7 @ 2:37pm 
I added you to trade
Goltinris May 2 @ 7:34am 
Let's go on a winning streak.