Aluvian Darkstar
Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg City, Russian Federation
My empty house of stolen dreams and broken hearts
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more like Tales of Worries or Tales of AreYouOkay?
TL;DR - don't play, unless you love indecisive characters, who worry too much and question whether you ok....
Below is my rant regarding certain things that piss me off the most. I won't be talking about battle, graphics, or anything of like, just the narrative concept...
Jesus christ, i am on 30 hours of playing this game and i cannot wait till it ends because i am at my wits end... It started out ok, but the more characters joined the "main quest", the more i hated them, narrative and skits that follow the cutscenes.
First 15 hours they all talk about what to do next, sometimes several times in row even though no progress was done. Game also sets a kind of milestone for players, for example whenever party reaches a next town to progress the main story, they all go about their own business and you, playing as Yuri, have to find them all at not so obvious points in the area and talk about "stuff" that is barely related to the quest and is mostly related to "worries" that characters has. Only after you found all your party members, you can finally rest at the inn and trigger a cutscene to progress the quest. Once this "milestone" happened at the castle, and my god this place can be confusing (i been running in circles like an idiot for 10 minutes because layout is not intuitive) to find all the characters to talk about "stuff"
And my god, i think if i put a counter on how many times i heard lines like "I am worried about <x>" or "<y>, are you ok?", this would probably take the 50% of all the narrative in this game... Skits are not helping either, because they continue the "worry" event, which just happened at cutscene before the skit... Skits also contradict\make little sense in certain situations, begging for sanity checks. E.g. - during cutscene, a character <x> played a hero and took out a badass monster against all odds, because rest of the party was trapped by powers of this monster. Character <y> then talks about how such action was a manhood test for <x>, how freaking cool he was, etc. But then, in a skit, that follows this event, that same <y>, who praised <x> in a cutscene, begins his "worry" lines and also critizies the decision <x> made... What the hell? You just praised how manly was <x>, and then a second after you genuinely wish <x> never done that?
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JimmyBlah Aug 4, 2017 @ 11:16am 
qeta nergadZe May 13, 2017 @ 12:33am 
signed by Putin:insfist: