Falls Church, Virginia, United States
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58 Hours played
I played this game a while ago back in 2018 but didn't write a positive review for it.

Reflecting back, this is actually a very good game. Everything about it was great. I'm not one to really rate/like a game for the story, so I'm not gonna comment on that.

The difficulty of the game was just right in terms of pretty much puzzles and combat. It was a solid ~60 hour experience, but I was also the guy who found all the chests without using a guide, and before the end of the game when it gave you an item to tell you that you missed a chest on the current screen you're on.

I spent hours running around huge zones to figure out where I possibly missed a chest. I made markers on the map to indicate which rooms are possible to have missing chests, etc. I went all out. I had fun figuring out how to get all the chests because it required you to figure out how to get them. I found that to be a puzzle in itself, but not really quite right to call it a puzzle. Somehow, I didn't find this to be tedious at all and found it fun. It was satisfying to get those chests that gave you an initial feeling of "How tf do i get that?"

The last boss surprisingly took me several tries to beat. It's much harder than any other boss in the game, but that should always be the case.

I recall the skill tree was pretty big, so can allow for some pretty different play styles. You can spec each "element" differently have one mode where you build into melee skills, one mode into ranged skills, etc.

There was only one gripe I had about the game - melee attacks. Sometimes it was infuriating that I was doing a range attack instead of a melee attack that I wanted. I thought that feeling would disappear by late game, and it mostly did, but it still sometimes plagues me. It's not that big of a deal, but can be annoying.

There is still free DLC coming out in the future that extends the story once you've achieved the true ending, so there's always that to look forward to.

This is a very solid game. One to remember even a decade from now. I'll certainly remember this one as one of the best games for its genre.
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