Tennessee, United States
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32 Hours played
Great game, definitely recommend if you are into grindy hack n slash games.

Only Con i would give it is how easy the enemies are in general. The start of the game feels just like a tutorial for the most part. Once you finish the graveyard, tutorial is over but the enemies aren't much harder.

Edit: I love that the leveling system is for literally everything. You can level up your gear, your skills, your weapons, basically everything.

I will definitely be putting a lot of time into this game in the future, I really can't wait to see how the game develops.

Edit: The difficulty does ramp up a bit in regards to throwing more enemies at you after you clear the first area and start running expeditions and increasing the difficulty. The enemies will still have telegraphed attacks, but they do a good job of throwing a lot of them at you making it harder to dodge everything. Basically becomes a grindy bullet hell for gear, slorm, and gold.
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JOHNNY PARLAY Jun 12, 2020 @ 12:05pm 