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Twitch Streamer, Amateur Programmer, Game Designer, Mod Creator.
Developer on the LOUD Project for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance!

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Noitavania is a vanilla-friendly (kinda) map expansion project that fills once empty space with new and expanded biomes, aiming to provide a metroidvania-like world experience, as well as providing a new and interesting map challenge for Nightmare/NG+. Wha
509 ratings
Created by - Tanksy
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Fallout: New Vegas
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1,485 hrs on record
last played on May 19
75 hrs on record
last played on May 16
505 hrs on record
last played on May 5
Moriko Yumi Dec 11, 2023 @ 4:07pm 
Let any fish who meets my gaze learn the true meaning of fear; for I am the harbinger of death. The bane of creatures sub-aqueous, my rod is true and unwavering as I cast into the aquatic abyss. A man, scorned by this uncaring Earth, finds solace in the sea. My only friend, the worm upon my hook. Wriggling, writhing, struggling to surmount the mortal pointlessness that permeates this barren world. I am alone. I am empty. And yet, I fish.
Moriko Yumi Aug 13, 2023 @ 6:00am 
So me and my friend have been living inside the same house for about a month now. We are short on money and usually only one of us has a vape at one time so we always share. He usually borrows my vape for a little bit and brings it back but recently he’s been taking it for at least an hour at a time. I thought nothing of it until one day he handed it back to me and it had an odd taste. I thought it might be a problem with the vape but it got worse and didn’t taste burnt so I popped it open and there was a thick layer of slimy cloudy liquid. I immediately was in denial that it was his ♥♥♥ and tried to think of every other possibility but it was definitely ♥♥♥. This was yesterday and I already got myself a new vape but I still haven’t confronted him about it. What was he even trying to do? I’m just so confused and don’t know how to handle this.
Moldos Jun 20, 2023 @ 11:24pm 
i apologise for mould n noita
Moriko Yumi May 31, 2023 @ 10:03am 
If you ask Rick Astley for a copy of the movie “UP”, he cannot give you it as he can never give you up. But, by doing that, he is letting you down, and thus, is creating something known as the Astley Paradox.
Moriko Yumi May 7, 2023 @ 6:12pm 
So he was having problems with his laptop computer and asked me to look at it. I of course agreed since he's my grandpa. Well I opened it up and logged in but I guess he doesn't know about clearing his browser history or incognito mode because he watches a TON of hentai. As in that's the vast majority of his web browsing.

Well I saw what he was talking about and what his problem was. His hard drive was full. Full of hentai. Now I have to talk to my grandfather about his porn habits and exolain that he's going to have to delete some of these videos now. Today is not going great.
Moriko Yumi Nov 10, 2022 @ 10:19pm 
Did you know in the bible Judas never actually hurt anyone?
We only know the bible as it is today altered by the Roman emperor Constantine, to spread his personal beliefs on to roman society at the time.

In the original version however, Judas was actually the one being murdered, because at the final supper one of the people there was a devil in disguise.

After years of theory crafting however most scholars have come to the collective conclusion that Jesus himself was the murderer, we can conclude he was the imposter by the fact his name ends in Sus.