🛈 this user is silly
feelin kinda oinked
what the hekc


i dont own the pig in my pfp its from google images

i like cute and wholesome things and horror

100%'d a bunch of soulslike games and enjoyed it a lot (for the most part)
(demon's souls, bloodborne, and second sekiro platinum are all on playstation [psnprofiles.com]).

my lords of the fallen 100% is somewhat cheated because the game requires an immense amount of pointless grinding. for more information on what I did and what I cheated, here's the checklist I used. [docs.google.com] here's my list of save files [drive.google.com] as well. do not play this game if you value your sanity - one of the worst gaming experiences I have ever had. i know it's a bit entitled to cheat for achievements, but i truly believe i earned it after the torture i endured playing that steaming pile of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

personal achievements (not much but i'm proud :DSTpigman:)
- a lot of soulslikes platinums
- elden ring rl1
- sekiro belless+charmless
- all sekiro boss rushes
- another crab's treasure lvl 0
- another crab's treasure shelless
- funger 2 maso mode

personal soulslikes rankings are elden ring > another crab's treasure > lies of p > sekiro > ds3 > ds1 > ds2 > bloodborne > thymesia > demon's souls >>> lords of the fallen (2023)
i absolutely love all of these games, except lords of the fallen.

favorite steam games below, in order:
(not necessarily most played, just my favorite.)
Recent Activity
51 hrs on record
last played on May 30
19.8 hrs on record
last played on May 29
386 hrs on record
last played on May 28