Tubby   Victoria, Australia
Just a random guy, living a not so random life!

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Overall I'd give it a 9.9/10, the humor, the story, the art style, the gameplay was all top notch. saddly it ended to fast, though that might be because i didnt take a break. It kept me interested all the way through. Other then the length there really isnt anything i could say was bad. If you like a good singleplayer with a good story that keeps you entertained + amused at the same time. I definitely recommend you buy this, its worth it.

Its a severely underrated game that deserves your attention and a sequel. That might be pushing it though..
Review Showcase
Simple, intense, addictive..Words are not enough. Just play it..
Augz Dec 14, 2011 @ 12:05am 
TUBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W00000000000000000000