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Recent reviews by Riney

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1 person found this review helpful
4,198.3 hrs on record (3,781.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Made a bar world. Has complex security system. People use it to prevent kids and vibe check bad actors at the gate. 10 outta 10, will make another world after The Sunset Bar. >:D

Presenting: the solution to your kids/squeaker problem in VRChat! https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_44f4a344-4489-4e11-a54a-86971f16f0e6
Posted January 29.
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25.1 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Armored Core 3 and Silent Line are my favorites (I never got the chance to play Nexus/NB/LR and probably would have loved them too), and I can say for certain, despite how much I disliked AC4, this is the one that brought me back into the fold.


-- I'll probably post the differences between this game and PS2 era games eventually.
Posted August 24, 2023.
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82.5 hrs on record (72.8 hrs at review time)
While I've enjoyed the series over its various iterations, and formats, DF2 (Dead Frontier 2) has kept me interested since it came out, but it wasn't more than a time waste. The newest update, adding unique items that are perfectly reminiscent of Diablo and Diablo-Like games such as Path of Exile, gives more interesting variety to the game while keeping the loot fresh. Ideally, I would enjoy seeing more base type items eventually, but for the time being it's plenty good.

The thing that literally entertained me the most is the recent balance change included that allows you to walk without losing your "aim". This means you don't have horrifically disgusting aim when tapping your movement just barely. The game feels more action-y because of this, and while may break some of the original image of "survival horror" being a stronger element in this game unlike the previous top down shooter Dead Frontier, I am absolutely in love with the change.

All in all. The leveling process is quite entertaining. Skills are incredibly meaningful, meaning your level is a raw indication of pure badassery. Loot is fun, though prepare for absolute disappointment. And getting ganked on the street by a boss is pure terror by yourself, and a pinata of fun in a group.

It's Zombie Time >:D
Posted June 13, 2020.
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237.3 hrs on record (217.4 hrs at review time)
An excellent survival horror game for those who can endure a jump scare provided by fellow players. Escape, kill the SCPs, or be a terror to everyone else until the inevitable demise of all and a nuke goes off. What's not to love?

(Updates are bizarrely slow with this game. If you enjoy it, don't burn out on it too quickly.)
Posted June 29, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
20.3 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
Solid game, solid fun. A sequel. Not like John Wick 2 sequel, but a sequel. And sometimes not messing up the sequel is about all you can ask for these days.

But the thing people want to know most; yes, the game is fun.
Posted November 25, 2017.
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947.3 hrs on record (477.5 hrs at review time)
Edit 2:



AMAZING GAME. Terrible CEO. Proud of women and anyone who stand against Texas' anti-women laws.

-- Received the game as a gift from a friend / Edited review for launch --

Is Killing Floor 2 the living sequel to the original Killing Floor? Mechanically yes. Visually sure. But spiritually it takes a different approach. Enemies aren't just terrifying, the player is just as terrifying, employing the use of several different mechanics that make this game a lot more tactical, rather than just run for your life and hope for the best.

I personally enjoy the changes from the original; running, different skill trees, and all of the new enemies. The elite versions or "Albino" versions of the zeds also really start to hammer in the difficulty, without just being a numbers game. They bring new mechanics in the harder difficulties, which really start to make you choose your targets even more wisely.

Overall, the soundtrack is amazing, the gunplay is great and helps me stay competative in other games, and the overall feel and excitement from running around a level with three angry things chasing you is top notch. Voice comms can get exciting.

I give the game a recommendation, and if I had to score it, 8 / 10.

This was written with level 25 all perks, with a 15 survivalist
Posted June 13, 2016. Last edited September 6, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
73.9 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
After playing the Armor Games flash version, getting the steam version, with updated features, as well as additions to the core game seemed like an obvious choice. I've followed this game on the Game in a Bottle blog for months, waiting paitently for the release, then the Steam version. I can confidently say, I'm glad I could wait as long as I did.

Gameplay is fantastic, blowing away the Tower Defense genre with unique features similar to an MMORPG. With the ability to grow skills, customize your strengths with the talisman, and grow by constantly throwing yourself at the same levels with constant increases to difficulty, this game will manage to suck away hours, while staying fresh for a while.

Then theres the hardcore side of things. Endurance runs to actually BEAT a level. It's a faux-endless, but every stage can be beaten. And your power never stops growing.

For the gamer who is an upgrade enthusiast, this is the game for you.
Posted May 1, 2015.
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23 people found this review helpful
1,556.4 hrs on record (1,136.1 hrs at review time)
Edited review for 1.6:

The game has undergone drastic changes, and overall I find them to be very healthy for the game. We have several new ways to hone our abilities, and grow stronger, to improve on our skill as a whole, while not overshadowing other players completely in the process. Firefall is now a game about building yourself up for a fight that you can eventually win, and that's the fun of it. The journey is there, and it is long. It's fun. It's exciting to share it with others. And overall, I feel everyone who enjoys a shooter with MMO mechanics will love this game.

The graphics are beautiful for their style, offering a unique look from the drab "Realistic" we see every day. The game performs well, with constant optimizations that have made the game play well even under hectic firefights. The gameplay is solid, with missions being straightforward, and although at times shooter mechanics can be repetitive, the combat stays fresh because you can easily switch to other classes on the fly, rather than having to deal with multiple characters or accounts.

This is the MMORPGShooter that the world deserves. Enjoy it!
Posted July 14, 2014. Last edited January 28, 2016.
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4 people found this review helpful
3,434.8 hrs on record
Hands down, one of the best ARPG titles I've ever had the pleasure to play. And I didn't have to pay a dime. Didn't stop me from doing so, as the cosmetics are awesome, and often times come down in price during big holidays and season based sales.

The game itself features one of the more robust skill creation systems I have ever had the pleasure of playing with, and likely is no where near done making new ways to let players battle foes. The gear is solid, and the grind isn't too bad up to what is considered the end game. There is always a stronger fight waiting for you around the corner as well.

The music, I HAVE to talk about the music. Some of the best stuff out there right now, with boss fights being wonderful, and several areas having the grim, dark, and creepy music you would expect from a game such as this. But even the more sacred tracks, such as the crypt, aka Church Dungeon, sees love, even though its a side area, and man, I could sit there for hours listening.
Posted October 24, 2013. Last edited June 19, 2015.
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