Overweight Fanboy
Motol/Metal/Brett/Fat arse
I'm open with who I am because I've been doxxed over Dead By Daylight 3 times and counting. I have nothing to hide to you bozos. Keep posting my Name, Address, and Zip code. I know where I live, idiots.

My name is Brett. I'm 31. I'm a depressed idiot from Indianapolis. I have a plethora of mental and physical health issues. I should have ended it ages ago yet I still stand. I'm a huge downer and I trash talk a lot but I'm open to invites if we had fun in a game together. I'm kind of a toxic jerk but I'm an open book.

My computer is outdated and garbage I take forever to load in game because of this. I work at a movie theater and a smoke shop for a living. My hobbies include video games, movies (My favorite franchise is Godzilla), tv (I consume way too much tokusatsu), mini-fig painting and assembling (40k and I play Orks), writing (I have way too many unfinished story ideas), extreme garbage trash posting, speaking nonsense, having existential dread, and eating like a garbage disposal.

I am not a healthy individual. Used to abuse booze and pills. Roughly 2 years sober now. I'm overweight and eat like I could put Case-oh to shame.

My games I play vary but I play DBD way too much and wish I could quit.

-Been playing since 2017. Somewhere between Legion and Plague's releases
-Killer main (I suck horribly at survivor I'm sorry if I'm on that role and make your game horrible by being your team mate)
-Favorite survivors include Dwight, Bill, Jane, Ash, Steve/Johnathan, RE characters, Alan, and Ellen. I'll most likely gravitate to the Castlevania survivor.
-I'm having a killer main identity crisis right now meaning I kinda play a lot of killers and don't know who I consider my main ATM because I've been having way too many mixed games to really decide on one. I think my best killers are Nemesis, Clown, Oni, Pinhead, Xenomorph, and Bubba though.
-I trash talk in this game a lot. It's part of the game to me
-I'm toxic, sorry not sorry
-I hate myself for still playing this game
-I may randomly depression AFK in a corner or just go next if I'm having a bad game.
-I will randomly flip flop between sweaty meta builds or for fun builds experimenting with different ideas to varying degrees of success
-my gameplay reflects my current mood
-I need a dinosaur or pirate killer in this game ASAP please BHVR I'll pay top dollar.
-all of the licenses I want in this game are niche and unheard of or have zero chance at happening
-If you challenge me to a 1v1 i will just play killer then block you after that round to prove a non-point
-I have an astigmatism and nearsightedness so some maps really mess up my eye sight
-I am a mod in Pro Vengeance's youtube streams. If you dislike him, go ahead an avoid me.
-I'm open to SWF-ing but see above that I am G A R B A G E at survivor.
-my PC/Soundcard has this weird issue where sometimes it won't detect things like headsets/speakers and it'll restart my sound card to detect them. This Alt tabs me and I have lost kills because of this. If I randomly go afk mid chase this might be why.
-I mostly play to get points. If I feel like you're trying hard, I'll reply in kind.

Currently Online
Recent Activity
13.5 hrs on record
last played on Jul 26
3,208 hrs on record
last played on Jul 26
31 hrs on record
last played on Jul 23
Loaferon TTV 19 hours ago 
+rep good team m8 for 2v8
hughietism Jun 30 @ 1:58am 
brett? close enough welcome back brett dalton
Overweight Fanboy Jun 26 @ 2:22am 
holy cringe lmao
femininomenon Jun 26 @ 2:01am 
mad cuz i said gg? maybe the gg stands for get good! <3
Overweight Fanboy Jun 26 @ 1:29am 
Overweight Fanboy Jun 25 @ 12:12am 
cringe blight using flag equipping furry thinks he's got any room to judge someone's character
