
Последние обзоры LivingDead1989

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27.2 ч. всего
Hidden gem of a game!
I brought this for roughly £3 and have played for 27 hours+, this completed the main story and expansion maps, plus the horde maps while playing on a Linux system, max settings and smooth FPS.

The developers have done a lovely job crafting a beautiful game, with well designed levels that make me stop and absorb the environment, which often other games cannot capture the players attention.

The Co-op is fun, but I would highlight that it feels more like a competitive co-op more than a true co-operative game, as players can fight over kills and chests, which translate to gold and runes.

I wrapped this title up as far as I felt I needed to in regards to achievement, without hunting them out, most of the levels I was only a single pot or story from completion without assistance.
Опубликовано 1 января.
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12.3 ч. всего
A wonderful title to play with a loved one, this has a fun, easy to pick up and play, casual feel with a strong emotional story line, which is guaranteed to tug on the heart strings of any parent.

On purchase you are granted a free access for another system so you can play together.

This was played on a Linux system, which had no issues.
Опубликовано 26 декабря 2023 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
81.7 ч. всего (64.7 ч. в момент написания)
Wish I Found This Title Earlier!

This game offers excellent solo play, but even better 3 player co-op, either between friends or with strangers.
The game captures, what can be lost in other titles, the ability to work together, without the greed factor.

There are three starting sets (class) to select, but with time they blend into one, so it's merely a starting choice instead of an end-game decision. - Your characters become customised, through gear and traits earned from all sorts of tasks.

The base game consists of 3 different lands, with 1 DLC land and 1 DLC expansion story, which consists of 2 lands. This combined offers hours of gameplay. (60-100 hours)

The game will keep players entertained and engaged because the lands are different each time, some NPCs, quests and bosses all being random. This means that obtaining gear and traits, although it can be a grind, at least it's a fun one.

Lastly, the game has 4 different difficulty settings and a hardcore (perm death) mode, which can be really fun with a co-op partner.

If you are a fan of souls like titles, then this is a no brainer. - Buy and Enjoy!
Опубликовано 2 июля 2023 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
21.8 ч. всего (18.5 ч. в момент написания)
A well developed puzzle game with a pleasant linear single player story. Portal 2 introduces multiplayer co-op which was enjoyable.
Опубликовано 12 февраля 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
1,541.4 ч. всего (131.9 ч. в момент написания)
A beautiful world that stays true to The Elder Scrolls.

Having played many role-playing games and massively multiplayer games this title brings back the joys of being lost in a world, the lore and non-player controlled character stories. I haven’t come across a quest that didn’t have a real purpose and I have enjoyed taking my time to explore the beautiful world that has been created.

Elder Scrolls online offers a complex world and non-linear character development that makes for a bespoke gaming experience, I would highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys an role-playing style game or previous Elder Scrolls title players

1359 hours in and I still think the game offers vast amounts of quality gaming, which doesn't require mass grinding or countless hours of investment before you can enjoy the game.

Its dynamic game play brings fantastic solo and partner play as well as group (4) and larger without limiting roles by restrictive races or classes. The community is non-toxic, at least in my experience with players being friendly and helpful, which is a fresh experience from other titles.
Опубликовано 23 марта 2020 г.. Отредактировано 19 апреля 2022 г..
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42.3 ч. всего
One of most played games (8+ completed) across different platforms (PC, Xbox, PS).

Great gameplay, great characters and story and extremely fun to play with others.
Опубликовано 24 ноября 2018 г.. Отредактировано 24 ноября 2018 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
70.3 ч. всего (52.8 ч. в момент написания)
Highly enjoyable game, online players are friendly.
If you have played Left 4 Dead then you will enjoy this title the gameplay style is very similar.

The missions are simple but have a purpose, they offer replayability which changes due to the horde based system and other players.

The loot system is random but you increase your odds based on the game difficulty and collected dice (tomes, grims etc).

The bots are usable for lower difficulties but are pointless on the highest setting, this isn't a problem as there are plently of online players.
Опубликовано 27 августа 2017 г..
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134.3 ч. всего (88.3 ч. в момент написания)
Brutal Fun Solo and Co-op

This game has offered hours of fun and I’m still nowhere near completion, I have been playing this as a co-op pair and solo and it’s amazing how 'teamwork' pays off so well in comparison to other games. We have found it easy to group up with a maximum wait time of 45secs (Average 5-10 seconds) with the use of the ‘Name Engraved’ ring.

Although this title is easier than the original Demon Souls it still offers challenge and a penalty for death with heightens the overall game experience although very annoying (I would definitely would not want this kind of difficulty removed though).

This landscapes are breath-taking offerings multiple play-throughs and optional areas for extra rewards, I think the encounters (mobs and bosses) offer interesting mechanics and dynamic move sets based on how you want to take them on.

Currently 68 hours into the game and I’m still loving this title, worth while purchase!
Опубликовано 11 июля 2015 г..
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227.3 ч. всего (184.4 ч. в момент написания)
One of the best online communities around, players are normally chatty, kind and nice to play with.

The game is highly addictive with a combination of Tower Defence, RPG Character deployment and Loot Grinding.

I played this before on the Xbox 360 but the extra DLC is well deserved and will keep you entertained for many hours.

This title is pure value for money.
Опубликовано 9 июня 2015 г.. Отредактировано 24 ноября 2016 г..
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7.4 ч. всего
Perfect Game after a long week at work, the gameplay is linear and the storyline is basic but this game offers a fast paced shooter which makes you never leave the edge of your seat until the end.

I completed this game in a Sunday afternoon which was perfect for me since I didn't want to devote to much time.

The graphics isn’t the best compared to more modern titles but this offers huge boss battles and city wide destruction, I personally felt the overall graphics and creation of the game world got better as I played through, I even took some screenshots because the scene was beautiful.
Опубликовано 29 марта 2015 г..
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