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107.6 изиграни часа (24.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Great game. Too bad it crashes every time I try to load a save. I spent more time troubleshooting the issue than I got in gameplay and that's saying a lot.

I'll take my refund nao thx.
Публикувана 31 май 2018.
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Разработчик е дал отзив на 31 май 2018 в 14:04 (преглед на отклика)
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Developer: Creative Assembly
×°×★Summary Review★×°×
Overall Rating: ★★☆☆☆ [2/5]
Story: ★★☆☆☆
Gameplay: ★☆☆☆☆
Sound: ★★★☆☆
Alien: Isolation teaches us that you can't trust the majority's opinion. This game has been praised to high hell, but I found it severely disappointing. I thought I was buying a game about Aliens, but what I got was a half-baked stealth/walking simulator. After just two hours, I couldn't take it anymore. It made me want to scream at the sheer amount of mediocrity assaulting my eyeballs. Don't buy it!

It's like they spent an afternoon developing the story for this game at a pizza hut. You're playing Ripley's estranged daughter. Your motivation is the promise of finding your mother that's been missing for years. That's about it. Yep. That's your motivation for risking your life on a broken ass space station with a psychotic monster on-board. Everyone is dead or dying or killing each other. Does this make you want to stop, turn around, and get the hell out of there? Nooope.

Omg the gameplay is just the worst. Most of my time was spent wandering empty halls wonder where the ♥♥♥♥ I was supposed to go, because the waypoint system is complete garbage. Most of the time, I was given an objective with no clue where to go or how to achieve it. I've never had to resort to Youtube guides within the first hour of a game before. Everything is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dark that you can't see anything, even with the gamma turned up to max.

You can't jump and are often blocked by TINY BOXES, fallen pipes, or sealed doors that serve as a barrier to keep you from exploring too far, so there's literally NO exploration to this game. In one instance, instead of hopping over a knee-high barrier, you're forced to climb through a fallen vent that has collapsed onto said barrier to get past it. I mean, come on. That's just awful.

Once you pull out your flare, there's no way to put it back. If you accidently push the X button, oops! There goes your last flare. Too bad, so sad. Guess you'll have to use your flashlight that gobbles up batteries so fast it only lasts a few minutes.

The production value of the music and sound effects are truly the only saving grace of this game. It's really top notch. But unfortunately, it's not enough to save the game.

It really bothers me that this game is being sold as a cutting-edge graphics engine that will knock your socks off. Well, that's a lie. The use of lens flare and really, really, REALLY dark gamma correction is used to cover up the flaws like a makeup on a cheap hooker. Once the cutscenes (of which are too frequent for my tastes) take over the screen, you get a good look at how bad the graphics really are.
Публикувана 28 януари 2017.
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8.0 изиграни часа (5.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
×°×★Summary Review★×°×
Overall Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ [1/5]

Let's get right down to it. Does it look better? Yes. Are there some gameplay improvements? Yes. Do I recommend buying it? No. There is nothing new added to the content of the game. These tweaks to the gameplay could have been done in an update to the original Skyrim, instead of creating a whole new product. And if it's the graphics upgrade that attracts you, you should know that with mods the original Skyrim can be made to look as good or even better than the Special Edition.

Skyrim Special Edition is obviously meant as an upgrade for console players that were unable, until now, to play with mods. Given the huge support for this game by the modding community, playing Skyrim without mods is not nearly as fun as the vanilla experience. Mods give Skyrim an almost infinite replayability, making Skyrim: SE an obvious choice for console players.

For PC gamers, however, it's nothing more than a cash grab. If you already own Skyrim and all 3 DLCs, you get the Special Edition for free, so you don't need to buy it. If you don't own all the DLC, it's much cheaper to just buy the DLC. If you don't own Skyrim, than yes, it's slightly cheaper to buy the Special Edition. But I still think you're better off buying the original, and I'll tell you why--

Despite having access to console commands in the PC version, which allows the player to cheat to their heart's content, Bethesda decided to DISABLE achievements while mods are installed. This is not the case with the original Skyrim, where mods and console commands do not interfere with players earning achievements.

It's become a huge issue for a large majority of players and mod creators alike. But Bethesda remains silent, neither justifying their choice nor recognizing that it feels like a punishment to the modding community, which has kept this game alive and in the top sellers lists for six years. Anything that was improved with the Special Edition can be done through mods with the original Skyrim. PC players are just too far ahead of the curve on this one, making the Special Edition pointless to purchase. Someone has already created a mod that RE-enables achievements. And if that’s not a giant middle finger to Bethesda, I don’t know what is.
Публикувана 18 януари 2017.
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27.3 изиграни часа (25.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Developer: Crystal Dynamics
×°×★Summary Review★×°×
Overall Rating: ★★★★★ [5/5]
Story: ★★★★★
Gameplay: ★★★★★
Sound: ★★★★★
Rise of the Tomb Raider is a cinematic action adventure game and a sequel to the 2013 title Tomb Raider. The series is a reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise, focusing less on exploring tombs and more and action adventure story telling. "Rise" picks up where the last game left off and continues the story while upgrading their graphics engine and doubling down on fast-paced action scenes. It's rare that a sequel is better than the original, but Rise of the Tomb Raider succeeds in improving upon everything the first game had to offer.

One year after the events of Tomb Raider, young archaeologist Lara Croft is struggling to explain her experience of the supernatural on Yamatai and appears to be suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder due to her having to kill to survive on the island. Looking for answers, she turns to her late father's research into the lost city of Kitezh and the promise of immortality. Her father's partner Ana attempts to warn her off as his obsession with Kitezh drove him to ruin and suicide. Lara ignores her and organises an expedition to Syria, hoping to uncover the tomb of the Prophet of Constantinople, a key figure in the legend of Kitezh.

The story is entertaining enough to hold interest and justify Lara's motivation to continue her quest, with a plot twist here and there. The ending felt solid, leaving Lara more empowered and even more determined to take on the remnants of the sinister organization known as Trinity.

The game mechanics have been improved since the last game. The crafting system is pretty much the same, with more options for special ammo and improvised weaponry. They've doubled down on the interactive cinematic action scenes, making them much more frequent and even more intense.

The Skills system has been expanded to include new abilities that allow you to focus on a playstyle that suits you best. There are dozens of weapons to choose from with various pros and cons to using them. Each category of weapon (Bow, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Pickaxe) has different types of of weapons to pick from within said category that can be unlocked through gameplay and/or DLC. For example, the "Bow" has Compound bows, Recurve bows, etc. Pistols have Semi-automatic pistols, Revolver pistols, Heavy pistols, etc. You get the idea.

The parkour mechanics of the game have been expanded upon and many elements of it have been automated. Grabbing ledges, balancing on beams, and other such actions are now handled by the system instead of your controller. As long as you land square on your target, you're pretty much guaranteed to stick it. Which is welcome news during long sequences of "Run for your life," where the player must literally run and dodge obstacles on the fly with very little time to react. Under this improved system, all you need to focus on is where you're going, instead of complex button presses.

The ambient noise is perfect in every way. From a bird fluttering out of the bushes, to an injured deer hobbling to safety, it sounds good. Weapons fire sounds authentic enough while still being a bit Hollywood in places. The music adds urgency to any given situation, whether you've just discovered a new tomb or you're being hunted by a pack of wolves- it definitely makes you stop and grip the controller just a little bit harder.

It's amazing to me that in a game this big, I've experience NO bugs! None whatsoever! No crashes, no glitches, no failing mechanics. It's a welcome surprise to the usual ♥♥♥♥-show developers seem to put on these days. I don't even have any complaints about the game. There's nothing wrong with it! It was great. The gameplay was long and enjoyable all the way through. And there's even some replayability. I'm a hard sell, but Rise of the Tomb Raider has earned a solid 5 stars from me.
Публикувана 13 януари 2017.
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4.8 изиграни часа
Developer: Campo Santo
×°×★Summary Review★×°×
Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆ [3/5]
Story: ★★★☆☆
Gameplay: ★★★☆☆
Sound: ★★★☆☆
Firewatch is not your typical 'walking sim.' At first, it seems simple and beautiful. But things take a quick turn for the strange as isolation and paranoia take their toll. This is one of those games that's better the less you know about it, so I'll keep it vague. It's a short game- about 5 hours long and only 10 achievements. Honestly, $20 is a little too rich for what the game offers, but keep it on your wishlist. Once it goes on sale, snatch it up and enjoy an evening of mystery.

You play Henry, a man trying to escape his complicated life and spend a simple summer enjoying the Wyoming wilderness as a lookout for the national forestry service. It's your job to keep a constant vigil for signs of fire and preserve the natural beauty of the forest. With just a handheld radio to communicate with another lookout miles away as your only company, the loneliness of the woods can drive a person mad.

Your responsibilities become more than you bargained for when you realize you're not as alone in these woods as you thought. Or are you? The forest can play tricks on you. Try to stay calm.

The gameplay is simple. You can walk and run, you have a map and a compass to guide you through the forest. There are various tools to help you navigate the natural barriers provided by the landscape. The game is fairly linear, although, you're generally allowed to go where you please. But the story will only progress when you go where you're pointed.

The landscape is large enough without feeling too massive or empty. There are enough landmarks to make getting lost easily overcome. The heart of the gameplay is done through dialog between you and the other lookout via your handheld radio. You are provided 3 or 4 options when responding to conversations which shape the general mood between you and your only other contact in the woods. But the dialog options didn't feel important enough to change the flow of the story. It ends the same way every time, with only a few details being different.

Lending to the backdrop of isolation and loneliness, there isn't much music except during important scenes. Even then, the music is hushed and only there to encourage the given mood of the scene. It's well done and sounds good.

I didn't experience any bugs with this game, which was a welcome surprise. That being said, I do have one thing that stuck in my craw.

The ending. It made me feel... disappointed. I was hoping for something a little more science fiction-ey, or frightening, but that wasn't the case. Now, that may just be me. I have high expectations and a wild imagination. All this doesn't take away from the enjoyable experience I had during the meat of the game. The ending wasn't *bad* it just wasn't what I was expecting, that's all. It's a good game and I still recommend it.
Публикувана 11 януари 2017. Последно редактирана 11 януари 2017.
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19.2 изиграни часа (18.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Developer: ConcernedApe
×°×★Summary Review★×°×
Overall Rating: ★★★★☆ [4/5]
Story: ★★★☆☆
Gameplay: ★★★★★
Sound: ★★★★★
Stardew Valley is the dream of every 90's kid that grew up playing Harvest Moon. And luckily for us, one man made it his personal mission to make that dream a reality. Harvest Moon was (and still is) a great game. But Stardew Valley has more depth to its gameplay by taking pieces of other games like Terraria and adding it into the mix. It's not just a farming game- there's exploration, hidden storylines, a rich crafting system, dungeon crawling, monster fighting, a dating sim, and so much more wrapped up in a cozy little casual experience that will leave you satisfied every time.

You play the role of a young city kid that inherited their grandfather's old farm plot in a small town called Stardew Valley. Since city life has left you feeling unfulfilled, you take a chance at a new start with only a few hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you must restore your grandfather's crumbling farmland to its former glory. But success is hard earned, especially with the rival Joja Corporation trying to take over the town, threatening to destroy the old ways of life. Or you can choose to become a member of Joja Corp and turn the town into a modern metropolis. There is no right or wrong way in Stardew Valley.

Along the way you'll delve into dungeons, mine rare minerals, raise livestock, grows seasonal crops, make friends, restore historical landmarks, meet mysterious wizards, fight gelatinous oozes, cast your reel into the bounty of the sea for exotic fish, craft everything from furniture to gadgets and gizmos that will make farm life easier and more profitable.

There's a fully functional weather system that goes with the seasons, rain, thunder/lightning, snow, sunny, and cloudy days. Your first year will be spent learning the ropes and feeling somewhat overwhelmed by all the things you can do, but after a while you'll slip into a routine that fits your playstyle. Whether it's all about the farm, delving into dungeons, restoring the town to its former glory, or any of a thousand other things to do, you'll enjoy your time at Stawdrew Valley.

If you hail from such classics as Harvest Moon, you'll recognize the inspirational overtones played by the soundtrack. Everything seems to fit perfectly; Chopping trees, cracking rocks, watering plants, fishing a lake. It's a relaxing experience in a gaming industry flush with challenging and explosive titles.

I didn't encounter any bugs, but there is one minor bother I feel worth mentioning- FISHING! Yes, fishing has a rather harsh learning curve. This is not helped by an only brief and vague description of how fishing mechanics work. You're generally just left to figure it out by trial and error, which is very frustrating at first. This is a fishing mechanic that you've never seen before, and it's so strange that I can't properly describe it to you. One wonders why they chose to go this route, but take comfort that it does get easier as your fishing skill levels up.

The one pointer I can give out is, only use rapid, short clicks to maintain your fishing "green zone" steady. To land a fish, you MUST keep it within this little zone as the fish bobs up and down the gauge. The meter will slowly (or rapidly) fall if the fish is outside the zone, depending on how far away it is. Practice, don't give up, and you'll be rewarded. I promise.
Публикувана 11 януари 2017.
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3.0 изиграни часа (2.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Save your money and replay Diablo 2. Or just play Diablo 3 and stop hating. At least it works.

I wanted to like this game but I only got about an hour of gameplay out of it. The rest of my "play time" is me trying to fix the damn game.

Every time, within 30 seconds of launching, screen goes blank, sound freezes, PC locks up and I have to hard reboot. After searching Steam forums, Grim Dawn's forums, and googling the issues, I discovered that many people are having the same problem. None of the solutions I've tried work. The game is unplayable and one would think that after almost a year, a fix would have been provided. This is not a cutting-edge graphics game. These problems shouldn't exist.
Публикувана 4 януари 2017.
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13.2 изиграни часа (12.1 часа по време на рецензията)
If Mirror's Edge and Left4Dead met and f*cked, Dying Light would be the ♥♥♥♥ that they birthed.
Developer: Techland
×°×★Summary Review★×°×
Overall Rating: ★★★★☆ [4/5]
Story: ★★★☆☆
Gameplay: ★★★★★
Sound: ★★★★★
Dying Light, the answer to the question: what is missing in Left4Dead? Why, running on rooftops, of course!

Overall, it's a great game to play with some friends. It is best experienced in co-op. While solo can become boring quite quickly. There's lots to do and lots of different types of zombies to smash with your friends. It's a big area that allows for a lot of sandbox entertainment and exploring. The visuals will have you snapping screenshots like a chinese tourist.

This is another zombie game. Every possible angle of zombie slaying has already been explored by 10 games before it. That being said, Dying Light makes a good effort at an interesting story. You are a highly trained spec ops soldier. Your mission: to infultrate the quarentined zone, maintain your cover as 'just a civilian' while completing your main objective, which is to surpress any proof that there is no cure for the virus responsible for the zombie outbreak. Of course, as soon as you land in the drop zone everything goes to ♥♥♥♥. You're immediately thrust into conflict between two rival factions that are viaing for power and the ever dwindling resources. There is nothing humane about humanity here.

The game mechanics seem clumsy at first (I had a difficult time adjusting to them myself) but you'll quickly learn to master them before the sun sets on your first night in ground zero. Which is a good thing, because night time is truly intimidating. It's pitch dark at night and you will encounter special zombie types that are much, much stronger than your grade A run-of-the-mill walkers. When the sun goes down, you can easily find yourself swarmed and backed into a corner where death comes swiftly for your sweet, sweet brains.

It's a great time, but let's talk about where this game truly shines: CO-OP! Yes! Dying Light has fully featured co-op so that you and a buddy can play the entire game together (except for the beginning tutorial which takes about 45mins to complete before co-op is enabled). This is the best part of the game. It's easy to join, it's easy to host, it's easy to jump in and out of the game, and all the loot is individually rendered- meaning you don't have to share that ♥♥♥♥ with anyone!

There's a huge crafting system that allows you to create and modify your own weapons, bombs, drugs (buffs), medkits, and best of all FIRECRACKERS! Hell yeah! It's so satisfying tossing firecrackers to lure a bunch of zombies near a propane tank and watch it explode, sending zombies flying everywhere.

There's a talent system with some light RPG elements that allows you to customize your character the way you like to play. With three main trees to explore: Survival, Agility, and Power. You will earn experience by doing things related to each tree, like climbing earns you exp with Agility, Power is earned by smacking zombies in the head with a pipe, and Survival is earned by, well, surviving!

The parkour system is really well done. Like I said before, it's like Mirror's Edge mixed with Left4Dead. You can run, jump, and climb on just about everything. And the environment can be used to your advantage by pushing enemies into spikes, shoving them off a ledge, or catching them on fire.

The sound effects are truly great, especially with headphones. Zombies can be heard off in the distance fighting, growling, and scratching their way through the city. Gun shots ring through the air so loudly you're guaranteed to attract a swarm of hungry, hungry hippos. The music is very ambiant in that it's effective in setting the current mood depending on what is going on without being distracting. It's a good mix.

There aren't much bugs to speak of. At least, none that stand out in my mind or stick out enough to list off the top of my head. The only bother here is that Dying Light was designed for a co-op experience, something it excels at, I might add. However, if you're playing the game solo, it can be a bit dull whacking zombies by yourself, running from waypoint to waypoint, etc...

It's a great game, and you should buy it if you got a group of buddies to play with, but in the interest of honesty, as soon as I lost my co-op buddies I lost interest in this game completely.
Публикувана 4 декември 2016.
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3.4 изиграни часа
Developer: DONTNOD Entertainment
×°×★Summary Review★×°×
Overall Rating: ★★☆☆☆ [2/5]
Story: ★☆☆☆☆
Gameplay: ★★☆☆☆
Sound: ★★☆☆☆
I was severely disappointed by this game. The trailers make it look like an action packed thrill ride supported by a story rich environment; something like Batman meets Assassin's Creed in a Blade Runner universe, but sadly it fails at what should be a sure win formula. I'm only giving 2 stars for effort, but you've definitely flunked the class DONTNOD.

This is one of the biggest drawbacks for me. It feels like they decided to make an action game based off the success of Batman and Assassin's creed set against a cyberpunk backdrop, but they forgot all about the story and just shoe-horned in something to justify why you're doing any of the crazy things they ask you to do. For instance, the first chapter of the game is all about you escaping from prison, because you'll surely die if you stay there. Fast-forward to chapter 4 and suddenly you're being asked to break back into the prison again. Because, you know, that makes sense. It's not like you could have just done whatever you needed to do in the prison while you were there in the first place.

The character interaction is just... awkward. Dialog feels like it was written by a twelve year old boy that just saw Blade Runner for the first time and wanted to make a fanfic with boobies.

Supposedly you're able to customize your combos and chain interesting moves together to "make your own" playstyle, but all the moves are basically the same and there's no real customization to be had. Not to mention you have to buy a $4 DLC just to get some extra moves.

You can heal yourself by hitting people in the face, because, you know, that makes sense too.

Zombies can cloak themselves like ghost in the shell meets Left 4 Dead, because, you know, that makes sense. And to make them visible, you have to turn on a conveniently placed light switch that only works for about three seconds, then you gotta hit it again with your virtual bullets (which doesn't break the light switch at all! even tho you just destroyed a crane with it early) because... that makes sense.

You have these powerful combo chains that involve about five or six combos that you'll never get to the end of because you'll have to hop around the place like a rabbit on cocaine trying to avoid getting hit by your enemies. Say it with me now, "because that makes sense!"

I never thought a game could have bad music, but I've been proven wrong here. The music is terrible. It's bland electro-house music mixed together on some free app on someone's phone, I think. Cutscenes are WAAAAY too loud and the rest of the game is far too quiet, so enjoy turning your volume up and down for the entire game, because that makes sense.

I'm not even gonna bother with the "Bugs & Bothers" section because this entire review is already filled with them.
Публикувана 10 септември 2016. Последно редактирана 10 септември 2016.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
48.6 изиграни часа (10.9 часа по време на рецензията)
No Man's Sky is a game about exploring the unknown. It's a game of discovery. It's about the journey, not the destination. Not all that wander are lost.
Developer: Hello Games
×°×★Summary Review★×°×
Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆ [3/5]
Story: ★★★☆☆
Gameplay: ★★★☆☆
Sound: ★★★★☆
Keep in mind that NMS was developed by 13 people over the course of six years, unlike the vast scores of teams that work on mainstream games and pump out a new title every year. This is an indie title, created by people that are passionate about the project. You cannot expect it to be flawless fresh outta the box during the first week of release. That being said, I'll update my review as time passes and I invest more play time.

No Man's Sky is a vision of the epitome of open-world, science fiction exploration games. It is the only game currently in market that has taken a shot at a nearly infinite universe. And it came pretty damn close. This game is about exploration and a casual experience, so if you're looking for an action game you should probably pass on this one. Personally, I enjoy NMS a lot and I recommend it. But whether or not it's enjoyable to you is a choice you'll have to make. I suggest watching some Twitch and/or Steam broadcasts to get a feel for the game before you purchase it.

There isn't much of a story. You play an astronaut who crash lands on an alien world. While gathering resources to survive and repair your ship, you stumble across what appears to be an escape pod with a sentient AI in the form of a floating sphere, its name is Atlas, and upon introduction, it tells you your destiny is to reach the center of the galaxy. You can choose to follow Atlas' instructions or wander the galaxy without any particular destination.

No Man's Sky is a game that reminds us it's the journey that is important, not the destination.

Let me clear one thing up: this game is SINGLEPLAYER only. There is an online service that allows you to share your discoveries with other players in their games and vica versa, but you cannot see each other. You may stumble upon a planet that someone else has already been to and named everything on that world.

Gameplay is pretty solid. Learning the mechanics is a fairly easy process; however, you should be prepared to die a couple times while learning the ropes of combat. Despite the marketing and descriptions of this title, it is not an Action game.Sure, there's some combat, but that's not the core of NMS. It's about exploration and survival. Most of your time will be spent gathering resources, repairing/upgrading your equipment and spaceship, trading on the Galactic Market, and exploring different planets.

While playing NMS you will hear soft music while the ambient sounds of nearby life forms can be heard in the distance. It sets a perfect backdrop to the futuristic science fiction overtones. The music shifts to a more intense beat during combat situations to score the significance of the encounter.

As of 8/19/2016 optimization has drastically improved. I have retracted my statement about the poor FPS. Good job Hello Games! Thank you for listening to your players :3

If your try to minimize it in fullscreen mode, you won't be able to alt+tab back into the game which causes you to lose progress since you have to force quit.

Spaceship battles are extremely tough. The enemy ships will tear through your shields like paper and the only way to recharge them is via the inventory screen. Some sort of quick button recharge would be nice.

Constantly recharging your ship's launch thrusters becomes tedious. There's plenty of plutonium, so that's not the problem- it's that you only get FOUR times to take off and then they're empty. I'd like to see this reduced to maybe 10 or 15% of your fuel for each launch. The current rate of 25% of your fuel is just too much.

The jetpack doesn't last long enough. Sure, there are upgrades, but I still think the base about needs to be increased. In its current state, it's little more than a glorified double jump system. I want to be able to fly for short distances instead of 'hopping.'

Even when there are no sentinels around, if you pickup a rare item, you're immediately swarmed by attacking drones. I think this needs to change. These items are anything but rare, so I guess they added the aggro bots to discourage hording them for quick cash, but that's just absured since some planets are litterally covered with mountains of gold or other rare metals. So if quick cash isn't the problem, then why do this at all? Just remove the rare items or change them it be actually rare and fun to find.

Aggressive planets. Please turn down the amount of aggressive sentinels on hostile worlds. You can't take two steps off your spaceship before you're surrounded by attacking drones. This makes those worlds incapable of exploring and thus a waste of time.

What's being called "screen hijacking" needs to go away. This feature takes over your GUI whenever a milestone has been reached, which happens frequently, thus making it impossible to defend yourself, or see your HP and shields status. And it's extremely annoying. Please remove this feature. I like to see my achievements but I want to keep playing when I achieve them.
Публикувана 15 август 2016. Последно редактирана 19 август 2016.
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