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Reseñas recientes de LordFartquad

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I hate how the story is the only thing keeping me from refunding this.
Gameplay is a basic ♥♥♥♥♥ rhythem game, where you smash buttons to wail on someone.
Pretty mediocre, but the dialogue is 24 karot pure gold.

You know why you're playing this.
Publicada el 22 de diciembre de 2022.
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18.6 h registradas (7.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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It's just a DMC Gunslinger first person hack.
It's pretty cool if you like arcadey shooters, plays like a smoother Doom Eternal. Without the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ glory kills, and just that Rally system from bloodborne. It's pretty slick.
Publicada el 10 de marzo de 2022.
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5.4 h registradas (3.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
So I dunno if theres a point saying this, but it's like the exact opposite of what I said in my amid evil.
Great gameplay, kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥ visually. Like theres some stylistic choices, some very cool stuff they do. but then like, hoo wow what the hell are you doing.

but man game feels great. Guns and all that are pretty gewd. Sept the pistols, what the ♥♥♥♥ why are the pistols so garbo. Please fix.
Publicada el 24 de julio de 2021.
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9.3 h registradas (7.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Kinda basic on the shooter side of things, like the actual design or layout of levels is incredibly linear with back tracking similar to Dooms Keycard hunts. Not to say that it's unimpressive. The actual layout is well thought out, but it's not memorable in terms of a shooter. However. The levels are absolutely gorgeous. Like I would have to routinely stop what I'm doing just to soak in what I'm actually looking at.

It rides a fine line of a shooter, the weapons feel great, but they dont' have that master craft of balance. Same with the enemy design. However, everything else visually just makes up for it. Little too easy for my tastes, but definitely a fun experience. Music and atmosphere knocks it out of the park.

I would say it sacrificed a little gameplay to iron out everything else. It was not a bad trade off.
Publicada el 19 de julio de 2021.
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24.3 h registradas (5.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Okay so simply put. Have you played Blood? It's easier blood, but in a way that it's not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Have you played Duke-nukem? It's effectively Duke nukem but with a lot more polish and thought.
Only played doom? Well you can jump in this game. Lot more visceral.

Major change is that theres next to no hitscan I know of.
Enemies shoot stupid fast, but you can actually dodge fire with some really good strafing and dodge.
I've jumped over enemies, used them as pogos and ♥♥♥♥♥ out grenaders to splat their allies.
Movement is absolutely solid. Best by far for a retro shooter in my opinion.

Now Guns. This game commits the sin of Alt fires which basically double what a gun can do. The abilities aren't... really that creative. There are several explosive alt fires. Multi enemy hitters. Alt fires that turns one weapon into a shotgun, one shotgun into a grenade launcher. (Dubious if it was originally a shotgun when it's just a grenade launcher shooting HUGE shotgun shells.)
However. The main melee isn't useless, and the revolver can snipe great. SMGs are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bullet hoses, and I only use them when I find ammo for them. Cause they're just stupid good, but stupid fast.
The signature weapon the bomb ball, kind of pales in comparison to the grenade launcher. Simply that. I click button. I shoot. They explode into wet messy chunks. On top of this, it's an alt mode to the shotgun. Likely the devs knowing you will never need to swap off of this gun, so they doubled down and made the room clearer it's alternate fire.
It's a lot more skill based than the auto lock bomb balls. They're not bad though. They just feel kind of "cheap" that you usually only use them when you've ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up a run and know where the enemies are. They're sadly not dynamite. Even with the alt fire that just turns them into dynamite. Their short supply just doesn't see the same use as the oodles of grenade launcher rounds you get nearly everywhere.
Did I ever say how much I love the grenade launcher? thing is an absolute blast. Pun not intended, but I'm keeping it in anyways.

The main sound track has it's moments. I'm not a music afficianado. The only thing I remember from the sound track is the sound of the bomb ball bouncing at the loading screen. That's not to say it's forgetable or bad mind you. It's more of an ambient track, less harmonic or whatever the words called. Not something you hum like Kitchen Ace. (Please help it's still stuck in my head). But it's there, completely sets half the mood.

I turned off the music for a split second, then I turned it back on. There is no soundscape/ambience what have you. Only thing you will hear are the monsters and your own guns.
which. just. Like I've already been gushing about the shotgun right? That Pop when you reload. The tink when ♥♥♥♥ bounces off walls. Absolutely great. Some guns like the revolver kinda felt a little flat instead of that really boomy POW you expect. (I might have to relisten.) but everything else is top notch.

At this point I'm getting lazy and tired with my review. But I will say the absolute best part about the game is the visual aesthetic. The maps are gorgeous. Blow all other indie posers out of the water. Feels like I'm half way between some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 90s/80s TV show about mutants and hazardous waste. Maps too, great ♥♥♥♥. Like I actually would like to go on about the design of them. Because theres a load of subtle ♥♥♥♥ they do, and just general commitment to the levels that blows me away. My favorite thing, like most old games. They never EVER keep you bored when you're backtracking. When you turn around to visit a room you just cleared. That ♥♥♥♥ is full of new monsters again. I know the monster closets are real. But they're full of health and ammo, and they sort of add to the world with all these doors that actually get use.

Now. My one gripe with the game so far. Besides the fact that I'm only using a gun when I realize I have full ammo for it, and just got more to use.
There are a bunch of "subtle" memes in the games, and there are posters with really really on the nose references. Yes I saw the internet. I used it before. I get memes exist. Holy jesus stoooooooooop.
But they're very few and far between. Theres actually some really nice references, half of which I doubt I'll get. There were some that I had to ask myself genuinely. "is this a reference... or is this just what the games setting is making me think is a reference to something". Then you also get ♥♥♥♥ like the cake is a li-

Moving on.
As I wanted a good retro shooter, this has scratched an itch I had in the most sublime way possible.
In my personal opinion I would give this game a 9/10. As a fan of this genre.
For anyone else uninterested in shooters. Is this a must buy? Perhaps. I'd say it's probably the best the genre would give you outside mods, but at the same time. You'd need to slowly inch your way into it. Then you'll learn to love this.
For those people I'd give this game a solid 8/10. It's mindless fun enough that I think anyone that enjoys fun, blood and guts to have something worth their money at around 20 some dollars.

Oh and last tidbit I almost forgot.
As someone that despises women in all forms that aren't scantily clad.
The voice ♥♥♥♥ she did worked really well. I don't know how or why. Like if it was the delivery or just the sliiight intentional corniness they leaned into. But whatever it was it worked for me. It wasn't quippy, even though it felt like it should have been. It was solid. Like Duke Nukem solid. Like Teamfortress 2 voice lines solid. It made painting a room red with the entrails of machine cultists and mutant freaks so much sweeter when she tosses out whatever one-liner.

Good ♥♥♥♥. Recommend it fully if you're a fan of the genre.
Publicada el 20 de abril de 2021.
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26.2 h registradas
It's the sequel to dungeon keeper that you wanted but didn't know existed.
I wouldn't be surprised if they called it Dungeons 3 because it was the unofficial sequel.
Publicada el 8 de abril de 2020.
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35.3 h registradas (24.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 25 de marzo de 2020.
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0.1 h registradas
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Don't buy it.
People will see it in your steam library and will message you in the dead of night about your life choices.
Hell you could litterally just go to a strip club and pay people there for the same experience. The game basically treats it like a strip club where you pay for a strip.
Maybe you can jack off at home in VR. I dunno. You do you.
Publicada el 1 de diciembre de 2019.
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93.1 h registradas (6.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Yes, "but".

game has a hurdle thats a fair deal into it. But its less a hurdle and more a valley.
You'll be thinking "wow this is stupid easy, I'm just killing clerks and powerlevelling my dudes"
Then you have like 8 different anomalies that are like playing with live grenades. Everything you do will trip something off, and most of them instantly kill your favorite little agent, who you just montage trained a few days ago. Its not as hard as I make it out to be really, it actually makes it a lot of fun.

Saying anything else would be spoilers.
And speaking of which, this is a game you most definitely want to play blind (and possibly play on a lending link first, just to see if you like it).

Play it if you're interested in the idea of SCP autism management with cute girls.
Publicada el 15 de noviembre de 2019.
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11.5 h registradas (10.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Spectacle action game with press X to "holy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ I'm slicing and dicing". This game is very entry level, things like perfect parry and dodge are easy as hell. If you have a controller you should pick up this game.

It's a very visually appealing game to say the least.
Publicada el 29 de junio de 2014.
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