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353.7 hrs on record (317.0 hrs at review time)
It is a fun game when it gets out of its' own way and lets you play it. If you want to play the game with a friend you have to do a workaround. Capcom thought they did a good job on their cutscenes so decided they want to force you to enjoy them by making them unskippable. They did not do a good job they are very uninteresting ouright hard to watch at times. If that isn't annoying enough you can't play with your friends in story missions until both players have watched the cutscene on their own missions. On the topic of multiplayer there are technical issues on that front. You will learn to hate some characters (actually most of them that speak) and you will learn to hate some of the monsters. While improved over previous games some monsters have really wonky hit boxes still. Leading to a lot of "how did I get hit by that?". Using peer to peer means that if you or any of your friends has an unstable connection to each other it could destroy the entire lobby.

Again though when the game gets out of it's own way it is worth your time. It is just that it gets in its' way a lot and that is worth noting. There are 14 weapons and each function pretty differently from each other many of which are pretty fun no real duds depending on what you are after. Really technical weapons like Charge Blade, button mashy weapons like Longsword or big honking damage of the heavy bowgun. Lots of experimentation with weapons and armor 'talents'. Min maxing your set is a big part of the game so if you like the pursuit of upgrades in games this is a pro. Some of you will read this as "grinding" which is true. Is that good, bad or indifferent? Up to you.
Posted February 6, 2021.
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494.4 hrs on record (275.9 hrs at review time)
It is one of the best first person shooters. The game has style, charm, beauty and most importantly it feels good to play. The game has very high levels of customization both cosmetic and functional weapon/tool modifications. This customization gives the game an incredible sandbox despite only having 16 weapons total but because of the customization and how well balanced most of the mods are there are effectively countless sub weapons. This is one of the first games I have played as well where there is no single 'meta' for the weapons and you can effectively build however you like it is all viable.

Getting ahead of myself slightly, Deep Rock Galactic is a Co-Op, PVE, Mission based FPS. You delve into a cave with a group of 3 other friends or randos and complete various mine based objectives. You are dwarves after all and dwarves mine. There are locals with a distaste for your beer breathed presence those locals being large bugs. After completing your objectives and fending off waves of bugs mission control will send in a drop pod to get you out. But it won't stay forever, leaving you behind if you take too long in the do or die sprint to the evac. If you like Left 4 Dead you will likely love this game.

There is one big issue I would like to address however. Progression post "cap" is genuinely quite poor and is very frustrating. The game has special overclocks which are like the weapon mods but just a step above. Sometimes changing the weapon significantly with heavy downsides to counteract enormous upsides. The system is fine once you have them but getting them is really bad. It is completely up to chance which ones you get and you only get a few tries a week. I get why it is spread out over a weekly period so that people don't unlock everything too quickly but you can't have both RNG and an artificial spacing of an important weapon progression system. You should be able to target exactly what you want or have RNG but you can spam the crap out of it.
Posted July 16, 2020. Last edited May 8, 2021.
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2.3 hrs on record
It is okay. It is essentially a more modern Runescape for better or for worse that is up to you. I don't particularly like a really grindy game like this and am not looking forward to the pvp zones.
Posted April 10, 2020.
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7.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Bad on every possible front. Don't waste money on this.
Posted April 4, 2020.
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A developer has responded on Apr 4, 2020 @ 1:08am (view response)
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463.6 hrs on record (32.9 hrs at review time)
There is a reason this game is overwhelmingly positive with 67,000 reviews. It is good. This game is really good. This game is so good that if you told me this was a kickstarter project I would have called you a liar. It makes other RPGs look like they were made by amateur. If you are on the fence about this game just pull the trigger. I don't like RPGs and hate turn based combat but still loved this game.

It is a crime that this game costs what it costs.
Posted March 15, 2020.
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41.4 hrs on record (40.3 hrs at review time)
Avoid anything made by Sean Young. He makes games with promise and then abandons them for the next game. Don't give them money.
Posted March 4, 2020.
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552.2 hrs on record (82.5 hrs at review time)
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a very good game, well at least 50% of it is. The single player is very good not perfect there are still issues, the gameplay itself in the missions is not all that great, wonky controls and there are quite a number of bugs. That is made up for the incredible world Rockstar has crafted, a great story that makes you root for the gang even if you are like me and don't really care much for story in games. If you are buying this game for the single player than it is worth the buy.

The reason I say 50% of the game is good because the multiplayer side is really bad. It is only good with friends and even then it can often be a frustrating experience. In short all of GTA Online's issues are still here but amplifed.
Hackers: Yes and not only will they just kill you over and over the second you spawn but there is no way to change lobby or create an invite only lobby so if you find one the best course of action is to completely reset the game because this is the fastest way to join a new lobby. Luckily there isn't too many at the moment but there also wasn't a lot in GTA at first. More will come in time.
Grinding hard for minimal reward: You bet you are going to be grinding hard. Rockstar made extra sure this time by making a premium currency that is required for things like roles (business in gta essentially) some horses, many of the cosmetics and what appears to be a battle pass. From missions and quests you get anything from .08 -.25 gold. More often you will be getting .08 and .16ish though the .25 really is a gift. gold costing items usually start at 10 gold unless it is a beard or hat.
Bugs: The online is stuffed full of bugs some funny and just a side effect of making a game this large. Some frustrating. Like doing a bounty hunter mission and the guy teleports off your horse and falls off a cliff and dies. Funny until you realize now you are not going to be paid anything for the 10ish minutes you spent on the mission not counting the travel time. Trying to swap to another lobby often puts your game in a loading loop where it never loads (which is why earlier I said the fastest way to change lobby was to reset your game entirely. Couple minutes is faster than forever).
PvP: Anything revolving PVP in this game is pretty frustrating unless it is voluntary and for fun. If you forget to disable auto aim in the gamepad settings despite using a mouse and keyboard you will be dropped into games with people with the auto aim from the gamepad. If you queue for deathmatch you will find you have to use your weapons against people with the best weapons and best ammo again with auto-aim if you forget to disable it. In the open world the lasso which is fun to use is not at all fun to be roped and tied by a random. Especially with the reinforced rope which is pretty much impossible to get out of unless you kill yourself. These games have never really been that much fun to try and PVP in I wish Rockstar would understand that and let people do PVE in multiplayer instead (in other words invite only lobbies with friends).

This review is too long and nobody is going to take the time to read it but in short the single player does very little wrong and the multiplayer gets it wrong in every possible way, oh no wait that isn't true. There is one thing they did right. The grind to get dollars, the non premium currency. That seems fair and doesn't take that long to get anything with it. That is it though, I have nothing positive to say.
Posted January 12, 2020.
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3.0 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So I have not put a lot of hours in this game but I feel like what I am going to say is fair, and what I have to say is that this game is really fun. Nervous about early access? Don't be the only indicator that it is in early access is the store page the game feels and looks done.

Dislike Rogue like games? Don't worry about it the game doesn't punish you with a complete restart when dying. Instead a new miner will spawn with a portion of the gold and all of the levels you have earned. But still punishes you for dying as you lose buff items you gain though the dungeon.

It is a good game. It is a cheap game. What more could you want quite frankly?
Posted December 25, 2019.
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82.8 hrs on record
I used to play this game a lot on their launcher and got to playing it again as of recently and it is not a very good game. At least it was and kind of is but a lot of things ruin it.

The lag combined with the enemy/level design: Network lag that is. The game has a horrific lag rubber banding at low ping causing many enemy attacks that clearly miss hit you. Either rubber banding into attacks/traps or things just "hitting" you anyway. It is pretty frustrating to get hit and or die in such a way and it happens a lot. I can't think of many times I have died due to actually being hit but nearly all of my deaths due to this rubber banding/just taking damage. Combine this with the enemy design. Nothing is wrong with it besides their attacks are extremely lenient. They often attack very quickly and with large hitboxes while there are idle periods where they will not attack with multiple enemies and the fact that the enemies attack so fast there are not many periods in which you can get some hits in. Range is not much of a help either as many of the early weapons fire extremely slowly and do quite poor damage and some that do neither of these force you to stand still while firing and reloading. The safest way to play the game is to spam bombs but even this doesn't really work out because of the lag some bombs you place just fail to actually place and each bomb must be charged up. It is also extremely boring. Internet will not save you unless you are fortunate enough to live on top of the servers wherever they are hosted. I have good internet low ping but extremely high lag. It is so bad sometimes the simple task such as "entering a door" requires multiple attempts.

The Grind: It is a grind. The gameplay loop is grinding. Everything about this game is a grind all the way down to just fighting enemies. Each battle is a grind. It would be a fun little arcadey game if it wasn't for this and the horrific lag.

I got about halfway though the game on this recent time playing the game and can safely say it is not worth bothering with. It might be better when you get to the end but it is not at all fun to get to that point. Avoid like the plague.
Posted December 19, 2019.
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33.7 hrs on record
This used to be a decent but still incomplete survival game you paid 15 dollars for. Now it is a free to play minigame game with overpriced microtransactions for blueprints and crappy cosmetics. Then you have to pay 15 dollars to play the survival game which is worse than it used to be. There is actually no reason to play this game at all. You want to build stuff? Well the building is awful. Want to play minigames? Well those are awful as well. I am not fond of minigames but if that is what you wanted to do Gmod and Minecraft do these better and you probably already have both of those.

I'd avoid touching this game. I would avoid touching anything Bohemia Interactive makes. They have no idea what they are doing and this is more evidence for that claim.
Posted December 8, 2019.
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