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48.4 hrs on record (29.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is like if you took every genre of game that has been popular in passing for the past 15 years and crammed it all into one game that does all of them in a mediocre way. There is nothing that the game does specifically well, and many aspects of the game are exactly what you would expect from a unknown company with four games in early access at once. Also worth mentioning the CEO of this company owns a cryptocurrency exchange, and crypto people are notorious for making promises then bailing with everyone's money.

1. The game is poorly thought out past the first few hours.
-Progression slows down dramatically by needing to generate bulk resources from the previous tier. Most of these resources (iron, coal, sulfur, ect.) either dont have a way to be autofarmed or can only be autofarmed by utilizing jank.
-The base claim area is too small to hold everything you need past around level 25, which is where more than half of the game's xp and bosses take place. Additionally resources are not shared between bases, and the quantity of the resources you need means even if you have effective autofarms your going to be fast traveling back and forth for a long time to get anything done or keep up your production lines.
-Poor balance on many items and pals. For example handgun ammo costs twice as much as coarse ammo and takes longer to make, but the makeshift handgun has a higher dps than the handgun anyways and is unlocked at a lower level. Pals also do far more damage than your weapons, which makes the extremely grindy process of unlocking and making ammo unrewarding.
-You can walk around the map for 30 minutes or more and find exclusively copy pasted structures with one of two enemies and no reward. These two enemies look like they were taken out of a random asset pack and given guns from a different random asset pack. Every dungeon is also nearly identical.
-Adding stars to pals is extremely irritating and grindy. The first level, you need four additional copies to sacrifice to get a small (<10%) stat bonus, then you need 16, then 32. Catching over 50 of the same thing in this game takes an enormous amount of time, especially if they are pals that are hard to catch you end up needing to use a crazy amount of resources on pokeballs.
-After catching so many pals, the gameplay loop gets very stale. Since ammo and pokeballs are so resource intensive this also can make catching pals extremely irritating when they pop out or require 100+ bullets only to have your companion not hit them the entire fight and swoop in and kill the enemy once it is within catching health.
-Companion pals are both unbalanced and ineffective most of the time. They do over 5x the damage as you at the same level and have multiple times as much health and defense. This is pretty pointless though since most attack animations take such a long time that the enemy AI will dodge it by accident. All the AI in the game gets stuck on terrain given enough time too, especially if they are large creatures.

2. There is some seriously suspicious things about this game and company.
-Four of their five games are in early access. Two of which have been in early access for over 2 years, one of those over 4 years.
-The CEO of this company owns a cryptocurrency exchange.
-There are stylistically mismatched items and textures that make it obvious they are using asset packs instead of making these items. The guns, humans, and certain base buildings are all examples of this.
-Many pals are blatantly just pokemon with very little variation.
-A lot of the mechanics feel incredibly half assed. Pathing is especially bad as everything walks in a straight line, frequently getting stuck in the process.
-The more generic a mechanic of the game feels the less likely it is to be buggy. This is a tell that the company used premade unreal engine assets and plugins then hastily stitched them together. This would also explain the oversights with progression the lack of base management mechanics.

This review is ultimately negative because the game is very tedious and repetitive past a certain point. The early access stuff is just something worth pointing out since it is eerily similar to many games that are asset dumps that copy other games for a quick buck.
Posted January 29.
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462.0 hrs on record (378.6 hrs at review time)
Mods good
Posted June 25, 2023.
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4.0 hrs on record
At almost 4 hours of gameplay there are enough things that annoy me that I am posting a review after requesting a steam refund.

I don't think the game is bad, Techland just focused on all of the aspects of the first game that I never personally enjoyed. It is not an FPS game.

The bigger complaints:

1. Can't turn depth of field off. It's supposedly for immersion but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I don't want to be playing a character who needs new glasses.
2. No guns. Yes, there are actually zero guns, again for immersion purposes. But guns make the gameplay much more fun, and going on a scavenger hunt in dangerous areas for firearms was likely my favourite part of the first game.
3. Forced night gameplay. In order to get health or stamina, you need to go complete specific areas at night. The game basically tells you to just use stealth and don't even try to fight the zombies.
4. In the first game, you grind to get rewards like weapons, in this one you grind for quality of life features. This ties everything together, no guns, grinding at night for stamina, borderline forced stealth gameplay, and most of all the crafting upgrades. You need to kill an immense amount of special zombies to upgrade or even get essential blueprints like medicine, when paired with the forced stealth at the beginning, this is incredibly annoying.

Personal gripes:

-Lack of polish, the game isn't terribly optimized but it's not great either. Lots of player animations feel choppy, the parkour is not nearly as smooth as the first game, and the menus feel like they were designed for console players.
-They used the same voice actor for the main character as in the first game. He is a great VA, but considering I played through the first game a few times, it really does throw the immersion off for me at least.
-Feels like stealth is your only option at the start of the game. Your character is WEAK at the start of the game, it takes as many hits to kill any given enemy as it does you and you cant even really run away since you have such a limited stamina.
-Storyline is less believable. In the first game it made sense why you were some dude running around with great parkour skills, doing quests. This game is not quite there.
Posted February 4, 2022.
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1.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Runs extremely poorly on my high end pc, even on low graphical settings.
Posted July 4, 2021.
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67.7 hrs on record (42.2 hrs at review time)
Worth the $25, especially if you have friends who play.
Posted September 11, 2020.
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203.3 hrs on record (179.0 hrs at review time)
In my opinion, when I started playing Rust it was fun and exciting to start out into a new world with hope of getting far before the reset. It was at least a 7/10 on gameplay even if the community wasn't exactly friendly. Then out of wat felt like nowhere they release the blueprint and crafting station system. What this system did was it locked almost every single item in the game behind grinding and added more of a straight and narrow tier system that you essentially had to follow to get good weapons/ bases/ armour/ even decorations. Now this system by itself wouldnt be bad if it werent for the fact that you had to farm scrap for around an hour for 300, assuming nobody kills you and you have average luck. And you need the item itself to make a blueprint which is about a 10 hour grind for a single item you want assuming youre looking in the right spots. So in total since you can do both of them at once it takes about 10 hours per specific item in the game which is already pretty awful since you need these items to play the game. Then guess what happens, you get raiding by a group of 10+ people who are absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at the game and just want to piss everyone off, even if it is at a cost to them they will destroy your base and drop all you other items on the ground from chests so they despawn. So basically rust ends up being endless grinding to just be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ most of the time by edgy 13 year olds. the game dropped to a 4/10 in my mind. I'm only writing this review after not playing the game for the past two months and it still makes me mad thinking about what they devs have done to drive Rust into the ground as much as they can.

You can play with Friends

Toxic community
Ignorant devs who would rather add new content than fixing the current
Endless grinding
Poorly Opimized
Cheaters will ruin weeks if not months of progress in one fell swoop
Aimcone on guns
Huge groups everywhere
The idea of this being a survival game is half baked because its incredibly easy except for PvP

TL;DR, Rust went down the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and is just getting worse, it used to be a good game with potential but now it's terrible.
Posted July 11, 2018.
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5.3 hrs on record
Basically this is an app ported over to pc. It's a good game for a while but keep in mind that it will essentially force the fact that you need to pay 3-5$ in mxt every time you want to unlock a new class or upgrade certain gear. So if you plan to play it for more than a few hours expect it to actually cost real money.

Aside from that the game itself is a basic level based dungeon crawler. Only a few abilities exist per class, so it makes to game feel monotinous the more you play. Also you have to grind for gear with specific synergies, which are never explained in game and you havae to look up. In addition the game also has enemies that scale to your level so if you ever want to go back and destroy a boss you had trouble with before, its probably still going to give you trouble which is frustrating because it make you feel as though you aren't progressing at all.

I can't recommend this game because of it's downfalls. But it is much more fun if you are playing it with a friend.
Posted October 7, 2017.
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33.6 hrs on record
The story's missions are repetitive and boring. Survival isn't a threat past the first 2 hours of gameplay. Despite watching multiple tutorials I still don't actually know how I can consistently upgrade my inventory space other than buying new ships. Most of the planets are essentially the same with differently named organisms. The thing that compelled me to write this review was the 4th mission in the main story line where I had to go to a broadcast tower to talk to someone, which is around 1 minute of landing, 3 minutes of climbing ladders to get to the top, and then 3 minutes of main story dialog. Everything about the game feels like the devs deliberately tried to slow it down so they could say it has more playtime/content than it actually does.
Posted August 15, 2017. Last edited July 25, 2020.
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1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Can't run it above 20 fps on lowest settings with a gtx 960. Apparently after launch there was an update that quartered everyone's frames. Will repurchase when it becomes optimized enough to run.
Posted July 29, 2017.
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60.9 hrs on record (43.0 hrs at review time)
this game has enoug content for 30 hours minimum. After the story is over and you have all the items you want it does get a little bit redundant, but it's still a good game. 100% worth buying this game if it goes on sale for under 30$.
Posted July 28, 2017. Last edited August 15, 2017.
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