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1 person found this review helpful
15.7 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
After playing True Colours I can say it's probably my favourite LiS game in the series. Especially after LiS 2 this game goes back to the way I felt about LiS 1. An engaging story with great characters, especially Alex in this game. Alex is a really great protagonist that is supported by a small, but well written cast.

In terms of visuals and 'filmography' this game stands above the rest by quite a margin. The 'sets' are built extremely well and are fun/engaging to explore and the way the game utilises them in the writing is great as well.

So all in all a strong entry in the Life is Strange series that takes about 10 hours to complete (which is more than adequate for this type of game imo).

Posted September 13, 2021. Last edited October 28, 2022.
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55.1 hrs on record (54.9 hrs at review time)
One of my favourite RPG series ever.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition bundles the original trilogy into one perfect package. This is the best chance to play through all three games with the same character.

With the legendary edition there are many quality of life options that make it worth your while. I've purchased the LE edition even though I own all originals. For 60 bucks it's a steal, can't wait for what comes next in the Mass Effect universe.

Posted May 23, 2021. Last edited October 28, 2022.
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26.7 hrs on record (19.7 hrs at review time)
I had been eyeing this game since before the Final Cut came out. The content update pushed me to finally purchase it, and boy was I satisfied with my purchase.

This RPG is slow paced, filled with well written dialogue (A lot of reading), superb voice acting, lore all around and a beautiful art style. Perfectly suits my playstyle.

The only inconsistencies I found were some minor faults with continuity, but other than that it was flawless.

Posted April 26, 2021. Last edited August 15, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
119.5 hrs on record (46.8 hrs at review time)
Too long won't read: Very solid foundations, if you are willing to see through the bugs and glitches it's definitely worth a playthrough. If you don't, you should probably wait a few months more. 6.5/10 (At the moment of writing, solid 8.5 if the bugs were not present.)

This game was reviewed on 14 December, less than one week after release after playing through the whole game.

This game is an interesting one, It's flawed, but also very good at the same time, which makes this pretty hard. Let's start with the good things and then move on to the not so good things.

The good:
The story in this game is very well done in my opinion, there's loads of variety and interesting characters along the way. It took me around 40 hours to complete the main story with a bunch of side quests in there as well. All the quests feel like they actually matter, even though I feel like they don't have that much impact on the ending of the game.

Graphics and sound: Overall the graphics and sound are amazing. I played on 2560x1080 at 75Hz on ultra settings with a r5 3600 and a RTX 2080 Super. For me this game ran near perfect (your mileage may and probably will vary) throughout my playthrough, no hitches or stuttering except for when I turned on Ray Tracing. And my god, this game does look beautiful. The sound is also stellar in my opinion. From environmental sounds and music to voice acting, they all feel very fitting to the game.

The open world: The open world aspect of this game is pretty well done in my opinion, the world itself is very open and you can traverse its landscape through various means. The world is littered with various tasks to do and interesting sights to visit.

These were a few of the highlights of my playthrough, now on to the not so good things:

Bugs, bugs, bugs.
Gosh this game is a buggy mess sometimes, missing textures, NPC's that won't call you or talk to you even though they're supposed to, scenes not loading... It's a bit much to sum it all up in this review. At the time of writing this the bugs in this game are pretty bad, they are not game breaking and are almost always fixable by reloading the save, but that shouldn't be necessary in my opinion. This game was released to early, even after all the delays.

The AI is also a mess, the AI is unable to drive, pedestrians act super weird when anything happens and I don't even want to mention the police. Police officers spawn everywhere in a blink of an eye without them being anywhere around you before, how this got through QA is so odd to me.

The Life paths: Why the ♥♥♥♥ did they even include these life paths? All the life paths are just a 3 hour intro and then a few meaningless dialogue options scattered throughout the game, they amount to almost nothing. I was pretty interested in the "Corpo" lifestyle, but alas, it was not meant to be.

In conclusion:
This game has very solid foundations that could be something really great if these problems were addressed. If you are willing to see through the bugs and glitches it's definitely worth a playthrough. If you don't, you should probably wait a few months more. 6.5/10 at the moment of writing, solid 8.5 if the bugs and glitches were not present.

Thanks for reading my short and quick review :)
Posted December 14, 2020.
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8.0 hrs on record
This game is a snoozefest which could have been really damn cool.

I really don't know what to think about this game, i really wanted to like it.
The graphics and sound design is amazing, this game looks stunning.
The physics are superb as well, with a lot of destructive options.

The downside is that I just did not care about the story, it's basically SCP-Foundation by Remedy Entertainment.
Now this sounds cool, but they just didn't make it work for me.
The only character I cared about was the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ janitor, the rest was just not present.

Idk man, get it when it's on sale for a tenner or two.

Posted November 3, 2020. Last edited May 1, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
533.0 hrs on record (418.1 hrs at review time)
Installing the game: Around an hour
First time set-up: 3 minutes
Loading in to online: 5 minutes
Game crashes due to hacker in online lobby: 2 minutes
Uninstalling the game: 10 seconds

What a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, this used to be fun...
Posted July 2, 2019. Last edited March 3, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
54.1 hrs on record (45.9 hrs at review time)
-- This review was posted after I completed the game at patch 1.2.5 with the saving anytime mod--

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a good game with some shortcomings.

You start out as a normal peasant, but you slowly work you way up as a skilled knight/herbalist/horse rider... etc.
That's the main thing I like about this game. You don't just get your skills out of nowhere and there are fun skills like the drinking skill.

The voice acting in this game is also fairly good with some odd voices here and there (sir Divish for example), but this is not that distracing as the story in this game is pretty damn good. The dialogue options were pretty good and you can use skills like speech and charisma to try and get your way.

Quests are fun and have a good variety, especially some of the sidequests are pretty fun. The main story quests are also quite good. The story did feel like it was cut off though, I presume this is because they are planning a sequel. The story did end on a point where it was not that bad to cut it off, so that's good. But it leaves you hanging after the epilogue, which is a shame.

The graphics of this game are amazing, altough taxing on your pc. I used medium to high on my pc (RX480, 4690k) and struggled to keep a smooth 60 fps especially in heavily populated areas.

The game world is amazing, the cities feel very lifelike and the attention to detail on medieval acuaraccy is amazing. The country side is full off trees, animals you can hunt, bandit camps, random NPC's and more.

The combat is really hard at the beginning, because you have no skill or good armour. Once you get more skill and armour it becomes easier and more fun in my opinion. (Also Vitality and Lazarus potions are your best friend).

This game does have some bugs, some hilarious, some very annoying. For example you get stuck in random stairs or doorways or you shoot of while using an alchemy table like I did here:

Overall I really liked this game, but it could have used some more care in the bug departement and it would have been better if the story actually concluded in this game. If I were to buy this game again I would do it, but I would wait for more bug patches and/or a small price reduction.

Posted February 26, 2018. Last edited October 28, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
98.7 hrs on record (93.2 hrs at review time)
This truely is one of the best games of all time.
The writing, the design, the graphics and music are A+++.
If you have not played this, you should.

Posted November 24, 2017. Last edited August 15, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
6.7 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
I've played this game for 4 hours straight and completed it, that's how good this is.
This is sort of an interactive story and it has a great story.
If you want to play a nice game with nice music you should choose this one.

Posted February 12, 2014. Last edited October 28, 2022.
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36 people found this review helpful
11.0 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
This is great to have with GTA IV, loads of new guns and cars and more story of course.
Posted November 26, 2013.
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