CachyOS Linux. Arch all the way :TheBureauAlien:
Playing in offline mode most of the time + often AFK.
Playtimes are never accurate because of this.
Online played is often just enough to be able to leave a review or for trading cards.

I dont give out ratings 8-10 lightly.
Consider 7 the general best rating most games will get- it was a good game that I enjoyed.
8 and above is rare and hard to earn from me and I cant be bought :Limbo_control:
I also rate mostly pr genre/type, meaning I can give a hidden object or puzzle game that takes 1 hour to finish, the same rating as I would a huge action adventure game if I judge it on the same lvl within its own parameters.

I always review a game Ive finished/played enough.
Forcing peed, woke DEI or political propeganda down my throat will affect my rating greatly, either directly from a positive to a negative, or at the very least a few points lost depending of the severity of the crime and the need for punishment.
If I see it I will call it out, no matter how good the game is otherwise.

I love checking out new and older games that gets overlooked and need players, and free games.
There are so many decent, even good, free games up for grabs that dont have players/reviews because they arent the hugely advertised generic garbage that just seem to attract most braincells.
Give some of them a chance, explore and try new things :steamthumbsup:

Remember to make ur report if ur a Linux player to help other new Linux users! :stray_B12: :steamthumbsup:

Dont add me as friend without leaving a comment first as to why pls. If we have nothing in common or I havent interacted with u/know who u are then dont bother.
Im good by myself :pjheart:
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Soul Tolerance
1 1
Review Showcase
9.7 Hours played

Not recommended.
WARNING: imo this game contains cleverly disguised and disgusting visuals and sounds relating to current real world sexual (and worse) things that is becomming popular and increasing in many games right now, like we see with games being partnered and consulted with Sweet Baby Inc for example.(not saying this game is)

Decent fun game initially, decent platforming and puzzles.
The story tho is, what??? Doesnt make sense, unless ur into the sort of stuff and dark evil twisted because u love this kind of twisted stuff.
A bunch of kids? who fight the adults who are monsters, yada yada blabla the typical cover story like we see in Little Nightmares and Bramble the Mount King, while implementing certain propeganda, sexual themed images and ideologies around children.
This is how I see it but I could be imagining things.

At one point u find a lost stuck boy called Simeon (i mean he looks and sounds like a boy and the name sounds male) and he is obese, and trapped in a round ball of something of himself.
You then have to attract a big worm thingy boss that hangs from the ceiling and flabs around and looks like a male genitalia on a mission of destruction.
This is a picture of it in its later evolved and 'destroyed' state:

Later in again, the fat ball of boy is apparently alive after all and is freed, but voila! Now he is a tall grown creepy looking man with big arm muscles and boobs?!?

How to wake that boss up and get it out to fight it? Why u simple roll this fat obese (boy was my clear impression at first) all the way aruond and down below, and feed it to this lets just call it a 'worm boss'.
Then u proceeed in the game and u find more disgusting things that has zero to do with the story except for the perverted visuals and SOUNDS they make.
Or thats just what it sounds ilke to me. Im probably crazy. A total mad hatter.
Such as the gay guys(they look and sound gay to me) in the steel cages wearing only underwear, who it seems the only thing u can do with and interact with them in is to hit their cage to 'wake them up' shown here:

And when woken up every time u hit it they make a very gay sexual dominatrix kind of sound, and that is their only purpose in the game that I could find. For no apparent reason.

I forgot to take a screenshot of when he was a round ball of fatness to compare sry, and i have no desire to play through it again to get to that point to show it.

There are other visuals like the bird boss who just looks like another male genitalia to me but hey..:

..and so on and so on. The game is full of things ull recognise for what they are and their intended goal once u know how these things work and who is hired as 'consultants' or get their ideas from, whether intentional or not I dont know but this is my impression of the game.

This game is like many others in orbit right now, such as the 2 i alr mentioned as well as games like Time on Frog Island who is such a cozy fun casual game with clever hidden agendaes, ideologies and propeganda, that most eyes are too indoctrinated to recognise.

Its a decent game besides and i liked many aspects of it, like the song part (not how the male genitalia boss sings in the end tho) and at first its all nice and fun then it all creeps up on u and u just want to finish it.

This is ofc just MY oppinion and Im probably crazy and santa is real and a woman and im a black chinese currently growing a mermaids tale to fit in properly. So take it with a grain of salt and play it if u dont care and judge it urself.
I am neither transphobic or homophobic, I am gay myself. Simply calling it when I see it so our kids dont grow up thinking this is normal or okay and because reviews would be honest and real.

Worth playing for free only.

For a Better Day.

-Arch Linux Manjaro KDE Plasma 5
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Words for the soul, heart and mind
Courage is fighting the kingdom that enslaves you, no matter that their armies overshadow yours by ten thousand to one. You know nothing of courage. Honour is resisting a tyrant when all others suckle and grow fat on the hypocrisy he feeds them. You know nothing of honour. (Warhammer 40k)

The will of the force is a flowing current. You can follow it or fight it, but it is always there. (Star Wars)

Monsters don't sleep under your bed. They sleep inside your head.

I think, therefore I dont have much in common with a lot of people.

A prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages.

Saving one animal definitely won't change the world but it will change the world for that animal

When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

"The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about, yet refuse to investigate."

Let your weird light shine bright so the other weirdos know where to find you.

Embrace what makes you kooky. - Mad Hatter

Oh dear, I'm way past strange. I think I'm probably incredible. - The Doctor

Do not judge me untill you know me, do not underestimate me untill you have challenged me and do NOT talk about me untill you have talked to me.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

I dont want to survive. I want to live.

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist. - Oscar Wilde

We're all in the same game; just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different devils.

My life is so much more interesting inside my head.

It's what u do with the time given to you that matters. (Gandalf)

Behind every great man there is an even greater woman.

Succes is 1% inspiration 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail. (phil dunphy modern family)

The most amazing things that can happen to a human being will happen to you if u just lower ur expectation. (phil dunphy modern family)

There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.
(Douglas H. Everett)

If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything in between can be dealth with. - MJ

Who stands by idly, does evil.

With an open mind, one hears truth, however dark it may be.

I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

The creative adult is the child that survived.

Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress? All of them realize that one day, amongst their many victims, there is sure to be one that rises against them and strikes back! -Dumbledore

It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay though never quite eradicated. - Dumbledore

Dont let anyone else ruin your day.
Its YOUR day.
Ruin it urself.


:Limbo_control: :LIMBO_boy: :Limbo_control: :LIMBO_boy: :Limbo_control: :LIMBO_boy: :Limbo_control: :LIMBO_boy: :Limbo_control::LIMBO_boy::Limbo_control::LIMBO_boy::Limbo_control::LIMBO_boy::Limbo_control::LIMBO_boy::Limbo_control::LIMBO_boy::Limbo_control::LIMBO_boy::Limbo_control::LIMBO_boy:
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