Ash   Texas, United States
Watch a dumb transwoman sing a song she wrote and give her views.

100% Games List (in no particular order):
-Yakuza 0
-Yakuza Kiwami
-Yakuza Kiwami 2
-Rise of the Tomb Raider
-The Typing of the Dead: Overkill
-The Walking Dead
-The Walking Dead: Season Two
-The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
-Tales From the Borderlands
-Getting Over it with Bennett Foddy
-Gone Home
-What Remains of Edith Finch
-Virtual Cottage

"Pssh.. being addictive is cool. Loving who you are to the point of being ok alone as long as you don't have to change and having someone like you for that.. is intoxicating."
My love for Wifey is so great,
my heart melts for her 'til the end of day.
I love her more than donuts and cookies,
I love her so much you might think me gay.

I shoot bullets at her and she shoots at me too,
I dominate her and she takes her revenge.
Even when I shout “NO” at the top of my lungs,
she knows my love is much more than pretend.
-My wife

The SECOND most beautiful poem in the world:
i dream a chat full of bees: tytytyt
i dream a chat full of bees: lmao
i dream a chat full of bees: now i gotto do one
i dream a chat full of bees: She don't gotta a name
So for now lets call her Ashley
Had her gym close on
Seen her when she pass me
i dream a chat full of bees: She rearin on by me
i dream a chat full of bees: think she trying to flash me
i dream a chat full of bees: think she trying to be sexy
i dream a chat full of bees: but she really being classy
i dream a chat full of bees: all i got
i dream a chat full of bees: tytry
현재 오프라인
좋아하는 게임
완성주의자의 전시대
About Me:

:thegirl: Name: Ashley

:apencil: Occupation: Accountant

:LIS_PostCard: Location: Central Texas

:apencil: Hobbies: Music, writing, standing on head

:steamsalty: Favorite Games: Dead by Daylight, and pretty much any Tabletop RPG

:mixtape: Favorite Music: (Musical Theatre) RENT. (Modern Music) Sufjan Stevens. (Choral) Poulenc's Gloria

:trophy: Accomplishments (Bragging Rights - I have no shame):
:LIS_star:4/18/16 - First ever residency at Carnegie Hall in NYC
:LIS_star:5/29/17 - Second ever residency at Alice Tulley Hall
:LIS_star:12/31/2016 - Got Lucio's "Floor is Lava" achievement. These are all equal in my eyes.

:8bitheart: Besties: Emmy | Jade ❤ | VoxNeutron | RyeFroggy | Foxy |

:Coffee42: Beasteas: Tea

:chirp: Social Media: Absolutely not. (◕‿◕✿)

More Information
:stop: ATTENTION :stop:
I will not accept friend requests for any accounts that are private , so if you are interested in trading or just having another medium-leveled person on your friends list, be sure to try and get in touch with me first :)

Quote Wall:

"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." -Addison

9 in the Afternoon ❤: life isnt like a box of chocolates
9 in the Afternoon ❤: its like trying to masturbate, cry, and eat the chocolates at once

"Pssh.. being addictive is cool. Loving who you are to the point of being ok alone as long as you don't have to change and haivng someone like you for that.. is intoxicating."

"Waoooow. When did ~I~ become the deviant?" -Jade

"Want me to whip it out?" -Jade

"I'm your friendly neighborhood drug dealer, hiding underneath your pool." -Jade

Me playing Rocket League with my 5 year old sister watching
Little Sister: Do you like this game?
Me: Oh yeah. I've put WAY too much time into this thing.
Little Sister: Oh. They why aren't you any good at it?

"Killing people is how I make friends."


<Anyone>: Hi Emmy!
Emmy: NO!

"No touchey touchey my golden gun."

"I don't want you to judge my thumb like that. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life >.>"

"I'm being abused by tiny people."

<looking at me> "...You're not the medic I wanted..."

"Just let it flop into your face."

Doctor: Emmy... You have cancer...
Emmy: Okay... Can I go home now?
Emmy: Your wifi sucks

"♥♥♥♥ Utah"

"You gotta put a disclaimer
I do not hate Utah"

=(eGO)= Emmy : go away aimbot
=(eGO)= Emmy : i'm trying to hit my wife with a bat
=(eG)= aimbot : that's wrong
=(eGO)= Emmy : Don't worry she loves it

Emmy: go tit
Emmy: Fly away


"Itsly, there's a fat man separating us."

=(eGO)= Spitfire : Emmy your wife hit me with a bottle
=(eGO)= Emmy : Yeah she does that

Emmy: I got paid the same amount for killin 1 dude
Emmy: That's communism

Emmy: Wifey don't die to the poop

Emmy: *wiggles hips*

Emmy: No, I'm the pimp. Pepper's the ho.


Emmy: I have, recently, come to greatly enjoy trolling my wife

"Ashes to ashes, dust to goop."

=(e)= cherrymeelon : team fortress has decent story, and is an emotional roller coaster, but the water stages are challenging

"When in doubt, thrust about."

"Feed the children who are in my basement."
--Jacob Satorious

Games Completed (all achievements and 100%)
-Yakuza 0
-Yakuza Kiwami
-Yakuza Kiwami 2
-Rise of the Tomb Raider
-The Typing of the Dead: Overkill
-The Walking Dead
-The Walking Dead: Season Two
-The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
-Tales From the Borderlands
-Getting Over it with Bennett Foddy
-Gone Home
-What Remains of Edith Finch

(these games were originally completed but have since patched in additional achievements)
-A Hat in Time
-Rocket League
제품 평가 전시대
130시간 플레이
Below Uncharted in Story, Above it in Dynamic Gameplay
This summer, in anticipation for the new Tomb Raider game, I decided to play through Rise of the Tomb Raider. Since then, I have completed the game 4 times on the three hardest difficulties, 100%’d the game, and gotten all 143 achievements. After 130 hours of adventuring, I have successfully squeezed every ounce of unique gameplay out of Rise of the Tomb Raider. And I’m not disappointed. Rise of the Tomb Raider is a fantastic adventure game and shooter, and it does an incredible job letting casual players enjoy the experience while also allowing for hardcores to ram their heads into the walls in frustration.

Story – 2.5/5
The weakest part of Rise of the Tomb Raider is its campaign. It is a mixed bag. Having played through the campaign four times (because the achievement hunting willed it to be so), there are numerous irritating plot holes. Lara’s allies here are overall more compelling than in this game’s predecessor (y’know, when they ineptly crammed the nine npcs’ backstories down our throats and then made saving them the primary objective of the game? Yeah. Doesn’t suck as much as that did), but they act erratically and often have nonsensical dialogue. The entire plot is a macguffin hunt, which ends up getting sidetracked by another macguffin hunt. After bad stuff happens that was caused by the secondary macguffin hunt (the eradication of an entire village), it is then revealed that a close contact of Lara’s knew the ENTIRE TIME where the primary macguffin was, making the secondary macguffin hunt (and all lives lost because of it) completely pointless. If that was irritating to read, I can assure you that’s because it was just as irritating to play through.

Gameplay and Progression – 4.5/5
While its story may be lackluster, hot damn is the gameplay fun. Parkour is a blast here, and optional challenge tombs make fantastic use of the player’s increasing move repertoire. Combat makes you feel like a badass, and the ability to build your moveset more towards stealth, run-and-gun, or a hybrid as you level up is intuitive and fun. The XP you get is directly correlated to how much you’re adventuring, so if you are having issue with progressing in a certain area, you can always backtrack and explore to level up.

Style and Graphics – 5/5
This game is very well optimized, and the third person exploration is greatly enhanced by the fact that everything is just so darned interesting. The outdoors are a gorgeous landscape with ecosystems Lara actually has to interact with to survive. Lara winces and shivers. She clutches her wounds. Her raspy, pained voice contributes to the atmosphere, which sounds different depending on the environment you’re in. When you find a relic, Lara becomes excited and makes suppositions about the object’s relevance and what led to its abandonment. Crystal Dynamics aced the aesthetics on this one.

Baba Yaga DLC – 4/5
Good albeit predictable plot. Adds psychedelic twists onto the game as well as a final boss battle that is probably the hardest fight in the entire campaign. Ashly Burch (Chloe, Tiny Tina, Ms. Pauling) plays Nadia, and the puzzles involved here rival those of pretty much any challenge tomb you can find. A lot of awesome.

Additional Gameplay Modes
Out of all my 130 hours, my campaign playtime accounts for probably 25ish hours in the grand scheme of things. The additional modes in this game are numerous, and are honestly the thing that makes this game worth buying.

Score Attack – 5/5
The crown jewel of gameplay in Rise of the Tomb Raider is timed mode. You have to pick up collectibles, shoot paper lanterns and kill enemies all in a row to keep your combo multiplier up and hopefully beat the threshold for that gold score. Taking damage, waiting too long or dying will reset your combo and potentially ruin minutes worth of precision parkour, stealth and puzzle solving. If that isn’t enough, the game allows you to mod your experience through the use of in-game cards. Beneficial cards divide your final score while detrimental cards make it bigger. It leads to some great cost/benefit analysis as the more difficult you make it the higher your score. With 27 levels to struggle through, this is an addicting game mode, and one that I am surprised other games don’t copy left and right.

Endurance and Endurance Co-op – 4/5
Endurance loads you with a warmth and a food meter that both go down fairly quickly for different reasons. Out at night? Warmth drops rapidly. Running around all over the place? Food starts to plummet. In the meantime, Lara has to avoid enemy soldiers and locate tombs to plunder artifacts. The achievements are buggy. Sometimes the game decides to throw a mix of five bears and lynxes at you at the exact same time. On rare occasions your hunger and warmth meters will break and start to plummet for no reason. But all of these bugs are completely overshadowed by the sheer novelty and fluidity of this game mode. Co-op brings Nadia back as your partner and lets team members revive one another for when you or your friend inevitably get mauled by a cougar. This game mode is a blast, especially when you mod it with beneficial cards to nerf some of the overly difficult parts – because the score really doesn’t matter.

Blood Ties and Lara’s Nightmare – 2/5
Advertised as an exploration of the Croft mansion, I anticipated this portion of the DLC to be the one I liked most. It turned out to be kind of a bummer. I hoped for a reprise of the original Tomb Raider 2 (1996) mansion, which was rife with obstacle challenges, mysteries and secrets. Where the environment in Tomb Raider 2’s mansion felt understated and mysterious, Blood Ties just lays all its cards down on the table and walks you through a set path you will have a hard time deviating from. The color palettes are dim, environments uninteresting, and the family letters and artifacts Lara finds feel forced and dull. There is nothing you have to hunt for. No secrets. Lara’s Nightmare adds back the Baba Yaga influences to make it more psychedelic, but is marred by technical screwups. Overall, this portion was a humongous letdown.

Cold Darkness - 5/5
Another short and hidden gem, Cold Darkness is a subversive narrative that relies on some interesting mechanics. Slowly building your arsenal and rescuing prisoners, you have to shut off three big machines that are releasing a toxic agent into the air turning all males into zombies. Nadia and Lara get to talk a lot in the downtime as the former guides Lara through the process of deactivating these machines. The tone works, the voice actresses do a tremendous job, and this is probably my second favorite mode in the entire game.

Rise of the Tomb Raider packs a lot of different experiences into a single package. Crystal Dynamics’ reboot of the franchise continues to improve, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider has all of the tools it needs to be fantastic. The issues of Tomb Raider have largely been resolved, and the alternate game modes really push the limits of what this game can do. This is the closest thing to Uncharted for Steam, and has a myriad of fantastically diverse game modes that will keep you hooked well past the 50 hour mark.
스크린샷 전시대
And so it begins.
최근 활동
기록상 6,358시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 10일
기록상 52시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 8일
기록상 1,165시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 5월 28일
Burger King employee #32 2024년 5월 11일 오전 9시 51분 
just so you know Polemic in your friends list is a scammer
Amateur 2022년 5월 21일 오전 12시 51분 
+rep Sorry bud I brought bad perks, so we all died.
MintyWicked 2022년 4월 14일 오후 3시 07분 
Mintys Empire shall conquer the world
Logan 2021년 10월 22일 오후 10시 41분 
+rep "#### ###" You too. :)
Eggys 2021년 7월 22일 오후 8시 54분 
+rep a very nice and good survivor <3
lee.k 2021년 3월 25일 오후 1시 40분 
♥♥♥♥ texas tech but good sounding music ok bye