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5.4 hrs on record
This is a great horror game. This game follows the mechanics of you will fear the unknown and the dread that creeps up on you. There are puzzles you will need to complete for this game and side options to do as well. The visuals of this game are fantastic. The art makes it more creepy and atmospheric with how terrifying a small mountain town can be. It is kinda short but the are multiple endings. All in all, a really fantastic game and I cant wait to see more from this developer.

10 outta 10. A solid horror game.
Posted April 26, 2021.
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204.5 hrs on record (116.5 hrs at review time)
Hello readers. Best Bird doing another review on a game I am putting hours in. This time it is Monster Hunter: World. Now I used to play Dauntless before this and received this game as a gift from a good friend of mine. Coming off the Dauntless boat into MH:W is like riding a tricycle as a kid and going straight into a BLOODy FIGHTER JET CAUSE THIS GAME DOES NOT FORGIVE YOU! Monsters in MH:W are difficult to fight but as you proceed to level up your armor, weapons, gem slots, pendeants, and jewerly, monsters become easier to fight. My favorite monster to fight as I type this is DevilJho cause he is a big pickle boi. My only thing about this game I didnt like when I originally played was it just had so much information being shoved down your throat is what threw me off the game for a few weeks and made my mind just have so many brain farts I couldnt handle it. But I love the game now. Its much more fun to play with friends.

I give this game 9 seeds outta 10 seeds. Its yummy.
Posted November 23, 2020.
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1,354.6 hrs on record (27.5 hrs at review time)
Allright. So I got Destiny 2 when it was made free on Steam. Now I didnt really play a whole lot when I got it. I was in a Warframe craze for a long while and didnt really saw a reason to play Destiny 2. This year is different cause of a certain pandemic forcing people to stay home I finally found time to play games I never really played. This game is actually really good, very heavy lore based, and feels amazing to play. From what i understand Bungie continues to update Destiny 2 with more free expansions, missions, and season passes for those who are into PVE games. There are PVP modes in this as well, but as with Warframe, I have no care for PVP. You have many worlds to explore, many players to enjoy the game with, and many stories to expierence. This game is a lot of fun and I recommend it. 10 outta 10. Will continue to play again.
Posted July 12, 2020.
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155.5 hrs on record (110.7 hrs at review time)
Oh man. Okay so I am going to come off as a Basic Beetch when I saw the Netflix show and after finishing it I was amazed by The Witcher. I bought this game for the sole purpose of having a very long game adventure and this delivers it. I would recommend also getting the Witcher 1 and 2 to fully understand the entire story and events that take place here in The Witcher 3. If you like huge open world games that have a ton of content in it then this game is for you. I highly enjoy this game and will continue to do so. 10/10. 100/100. Would recommend.
Posted March 21, 2020.
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45.1 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
So I was recommended Killing Floor 2 by Vhansmurfn a while back after he noticed I was playing a bit of the first game. Needless to say I wasn't really that much into the whole zombie survival games not since COD: Black Ops but I did enjoy Killing Floor. Killing Floor 2 has revamped what a Zombie Survival game should be. With frequent updates and optional paid DLC, this game has me hooked. Not only did they add more classes since the first game, but added in new zombies, new bosses, and a sprint mechanic not found in Killing Floor. Killing Floor 2 is a great game to play with friends, family, and loved ones. Just make sure you stick together......
Posted November 21, 2019.
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1.4 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
NiGHTS Into Dreams is a Sega Classic that is has been on Steam for a while now and I really never heard about it before until I played Sonic Adventures DX back in 2011. Now I may have played this game for almost a hour now but hear me out. The visuals on this game are really fluid. Now this is the HD update version but you can still play the classic visuals as well. The music in this game is an absolute blast. It is a bit difficult to learn what to do at first, but when you get down the controls and gameplay elements, NiGHTS is a game to fully enjoy! I give this game a ****/***** stars.
Posted November 3, 2019.
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8.3 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I have a question for you all. Do you like trains? Do you like Open World Building? Do you like to drive a Train with simple controls for the fun of it? If you said yes to all 3 questions THEN THIS GAME IS FOR YOU! Tracks!: The Train Set Game is an Indie Game that is very fun and addictive to play. You basically have a blank world you start in and then you build a wooden railroad to control your train and travel on. You can build cities, country sides, suburban homes all the while controlling a train while doing so. The game isnt fully out yet but will be soon and will have the feature when it comes out to play other peoples creations! This game is a lot of fun!
Posted November 3, 2019.
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43.7 hrs on record (29.2 hrs at review time)
SCP Secret Laboratory is a free Indie Game that takes inspiration from the SCP Wiki and the Free SCP Containment Breech game most would know. It is Multiplayer due to the fact there are different factions to randomly play as. You have the D-class, Scientists, MTF, Guards, Chaos Insurgency, and then the SCP Subjects. What makes this game unique is that the SCPs are what they are. Monsters and Paranormal Subjects that have on their wiki pages want to kill or destroy humanity, but in this game, the monsters are controlled by the Human Element, so if you want to escape the facility, you can try to appeal to whoever is playing as a SCP and maybe, they might let you go......... For now
Posted November 3, 2019.
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8.3 hrs on record
Ori and the Blind Forest (Definitive Edition) is an Indie game that is loads of fun and is basically a Side-scrolling/ 2D Platform/ Collectithon game. The story is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences I have ha playing this game. It was absolutely amazing and I recommend it. Though I do have one concern for it. As with all platformers are, Ori can be very finiky to control in some levels of the game and it can become EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING trying to complete a level. So expect to die. A lot.
Posted November 3, 2019.
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9.4 hrs on record
Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy. FF XIII. What is there to say about this game but holy crud is this game fun but can quickly be very repetitive. If you know what FF XIII is then there is no need for you to read this, but for those of you who have played FF Online or FF XV or any of the more popular ones (FF VII, FF X, etc.) this games mechanics are what become so boring about this game. So for one, you can not move your characters during combat. They only move to attack and if a character attacks an enemy into the air, there is a chance that said character might now be able to dodge incoming attacks. Other than that, 89% of the time, you will get hit and take damage. There are certain bosses that such a pain in the ass to defeat unless you super grind for hours before you reach them. When lvling up a character, they all have something called Crystal Trees. These trees represent what kind of atributes some characters have. For example: Lightning is a Commando, Medic, and Ravager at first. Meaning each tree contributes to her physical, healing, and elemental moves. You also earn HP and new attacks and moves the higher you go on a tree, and all procs on all trees will total out together, meaning HP you earn on a Healer Tree and a Commando tree will combine for your characters total health. (Spoilers: Later in the game, all characters will be able to unlock all 6 different Crystal Trees). The story. Let me tell you. Originally when I played this game when it came out on PS3, XBox 360, and PC at the time, I thought the story was riveting, mysterious, and exciting. Replaying this game again, I was almost correct on what I said before. The story is riveting know that the characters you play are considered the enemies of life when in reality, they are chosen to change and save the world ( like most FF games, for the saving the world part). What I don't like is Hope. Hope as a character is such a huge, huge, HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT. Through out most of the game, Hope is a literal hopeless cause because he lost his mother by the military that was supposed to protect civilians, when in reality, they were off to be sacrificed, but who does Hope shift all of his problems and sorrows, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ boo hooing on? Snow. Because Snow couldn't save his mom. Snow tries his damn best and most of the characters take a huge ♥♥♥♥ on Snow, but who unlocks their summons first? Snow did. Who wanted to stick together as a team later in the story but Lightning and Hope go "Ah Nah GUys, wE arE sOoOoOoOo MoOdY". Snow. Hope is a garbage character and I hate him.

Do I recommend this game? Yes.
Do I recommend you play as everyone else but Hope? Yes
I give this game 7 Orks out of 10 Borks.

P.S. When you get to this enemy: Ambling Bellows. I am sorry.
Posted May 1, 2019.
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