Rob   Texas, United States
Strategizer, 4Xer, former TF2 & Dota 2 player. Xwing chewer. I am terrible at making small talk so I usually don't. If we haven't conversed in awhile you're always welcome to send a message!

Random ye olde TF2 quotes:

"You can always tell a Texan, but you can't tell him much."

"You just ain't doin' it right."

"It ain't gettin' any harder for me to kill ya!"

"You cannot burn me, I do not have time to combust!"

"I just wish y'all could see how bad I'm kickin' yer tail!"

"I just rode you out on a rail, down under."

"Stand. On. The. Brainz!"
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ATTN: Random Adds & Adders
:hi: Please do not add me for my profile level or to beg for free stuff. I wish to keep my friendslist to a manageable size so I will regularly prune such adds. :warningsign:

Additionally random adds from trade ♥♥♥ accounts, private profiles or suspicious empty accounts will be auto-blocked. If you weren't a scambot I apologize, but I receive multiple per day and it gets tiresome... If you are adding me to trade please send a trade offer instead, thanks! :Uranium:
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I do all my card trading via Steam Card Exchange. Check out their site!

If you're already on my friends list and you will use one of my discount coupons, just ask and it's yours!

The wishlist is just how I track games from past bundles, events or sales. As much as I like free stuff it does not mean I really want the game!
Grup Favorit
Ars Technica - Grup Publik
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Etalase Workshop
This map is based on the well known Yet Another Giant Earth Map from Gedemon in 180x94 and wouldn't have been possible without his hard work in converting Genghis Kai's GEM for Civ5. I have tried to make the continents more atlas-friendly, but with a blend
Dibuat oleh - Shield Hero V
Etalase Screenshot
The Nightmare Before Tiny
11 8
Etalase Ulasan
140 Jam dimainkan
Heavily addicting little RTS game with a beautiful soundtrack! Just think Oregon Trail set in the Star Wars universe and that sums up this game perfectly. It took several playthroughs before I realized the game has more depth than it first appears, with plenty of special conditions and tests hidden thorough the game to unlock new ships.

Another thing worth mentioning is the mod support, there is extensive modding community with this game that have created customized mods, an easy-to-use mod manager, and the ability to even write your own missions. My favorite mod so far has to be the one that disables the pursuing Rebel fleet allowing the player to visit every planet along the way. But even then, you won’t see everything there is to see after a few playthroughs…
Panduan Favorit
Dibuat oleh - Fifty-Fifty
253 rating
Hello folks. Here's are some terms that been using in DotA community. This guide is created to help up DotA newcomers to get familiar of "DotA Language". Although there're maybe more terms out there, but here's are the basic ones. Hope you enjoy learning i
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Nah i'd win 1 Mei @ 4:55pm 
RGameFire 27 Des 2023 @ 6:21am 
++rep very good and fast trader(P) - highly recommended!
pan 24 Des 2023 @ 2:43pm 
hey! letting you know you won the my time at portia giveaway!:winter2019happysnowman:
Ðravu 🐺 3 Des 2023 @ 12:41pm 
Pet the kitty
KiQ 4 Okt 2023 @ 4:29pm 
+rep fast, kind and reliable trader
󠁳⁧⁧goigois1 21 Jul 2023 @ 3:49pm 
Added regarding a game!