

325 ratings
Uuugggg's RimWorld mods
Some mods that "should be in the base game" (and... a few fun ones)

I play, I run into an annoyance, I make a mod to fix it.

Hey, people seem to like donating, so: https://ko-fi.com/alextd
Items (29)
Gear Up And Go
Created by Uuugggg
Adds a button to draft, swap gear, then go to the target location --- "A Raid! Is it time for battle!" "Suit up!" "Okay I've got my armor vest, I'm going to go plant some corn" "I've already got armor so I'm still mining" "GET OVER HERE NOW" "But I haven't...
Meals On Wheels
Created by Uuugggg
Colonists grab meals from animals, or each other, if needed - if there is nothing else available. --- "I'm so hungry, but there is no food" "You dumbass there's food on the muffalo" "... muffalos scare me." --- Note that 1.3 did add "Food from animals" But...
Safely Hidden Away
Created by Uuugggg
Bases that are in remote locations don't get raided as often. Travel time to islands is determined by nearest coast, plus a few days. Caravans/visitors also don't visit as often. High wealth can cancel out the delay though. Configurable delay times. Check ...
Smart Medicine
Created by Uuugggg
Some smart choices and options when using medicine --- "Alright, that raider base was tough, but we killed them all and we can recover here for a day" "I'm going to rest until healed" "I will patch up that wound for you" "Good thing we brought medicine on ...
Thick Armor
Created by Uuugggg
Multi-layer armor applies its armor value for each layer it occupies. How effective this is can be configured in the settings. Recommend ~50% and reduce armor penetration --- In vanilla, Armor is applied to an attack for each layer of apparel separately. M...
Five Second Rule
Created by Uuugggg
Deteriorated food/items that don't become worse with low HP also don't sell for less. Now, this is crudely done by setting their HP to full if placed safely: under an indoor roof or on a shelf. But their HP literally affects nothing other than market value...
TD Enhancement Pack
Created by Uuugggg
A whole bunch of UI enhancements or tiny improvements. Most things can be toggled on/off in settings. Features that only add a little UI or don't really change how the game works will default on, but features that change how something works will default of...
Room Food
Created by Uuugggg
Prefer to get food from the dining room. "A dining room" is defined as "room with a table". Colonists will get food from the nearest room with a table, before checking elsewhere. This includes lower quality food and nutrient paste dispensers even if there ...
Mining Priority
Created by Uuugggg
Prioritizes mining to the rarest metal first; unskilled miners only work rocks. --- "Hey! A plasteel meteorite dropped! Let's go mine that valuable ore!" "Okay, I'll put it on the list of things to do, after we finish tunneling the next few rooms" "And min...
What Is My Purpose
Created by Uuugggg
See your pawn's target, and click to look at it : "What Is My Purpose?" Any target also shows who is targeting it : "I Am Whose Purpose?" Hold down the mouse on the target to track it. Right click to select all reserved things. --- Ludeon Forum (modpack) :...
Use Bedrolls
Created by Uuugggg
Bedrolls are used from the inventory (ie when on a caravan) When a pawn needs to rest but can't find a bed, he'll place a bedroll from his inventory (he can find an uninstalled bed on the ground, or in some other inventory) Bedrolls are picked back up afte...
Share The Load [Obsolete 1.5]
Created by Uuugggg
Obsolete in 1.5: Minor features will be found in the TD Enhancement Pack What 1.5 has that Share the Load did ☑️Share The Load tracks what is needed and doesn't deliver too much. ☑️Option to deliver even if there's not enough to finish the building What 1....
Replace Stuff
Created by Uuugggg
Place buildings anywhere, on top of existing things, and the game will handle it - Replace the stuff that the building is made from ( replace a wooden wall with slate wall ) - Upgrade things: like doors to autodoors, beds to bigger beds, workbenches to the...
Fuel Economy
Created by Uuugggg
Transport Pods use less fuel for less mass ; Small 20kg Transport Pod for more efficiently transporting small amounts Customizable pod weight for how broken you want it to be; The default is that an empty pod will consume 50% as much fuel as a full pod. Mo...
Random Research
Created by Uuugggg
A scenario option for random research, with optional blind research: You don't even know what is being researched (until a certain amount of progress is made) Note that you do need to Turn it on as a scenario option. Which is to say, you can keep this mod ...
The Price Is Right
Created by Uuugggg
Your Caravans trade closer to market price instead of the meager 2% caravan bonus Even a 30% bonus is weighted against a 50% selling penalty, so game difficulty and skill is still relevant. Colonists on a caravan get a Mood bonus, more if they have beds. -...
Stockpile Ranking
Created by Uuugggg
" "Makes stockpiles better" " - Mehni --- Stockpiles prefer certain items, but if none are available, allows others. --- Set multiple ranked filters for stockpiles, to prefer some items over others. Only the highest ranked items will be put in the stockpil...
Crazy Cat Lady
Created by Uuugggg
Adds the colonist trait: "Crazy Cat Lady" Such a person will be very sad with no cats, but very happy with lots of cats. This person will also be distracted by cats every so often (when they are nuzzled) --- modded cats? Well, anything that uses "cat" in t...
Everybody Gets One
Created by Uuugggg
Set a bill to craft things until there's one for each member of the colony. When someone joins, the bill target count automatically increases. Features - "One per colonist + X" : Set it "+2" to keep two *extra* hats around, "-2" for hats for everyone but t...
Ground Scanner Redesign [1.0-only]
Created by Uuugggg
Redesigns how the 1.0 Ground-penetrating scanner works. !!Version 1.1 RimWorld already updated the Ground-penetrating scanner, so this is a dead mod!! (albeit there is room for a "surface resource scanner" that would be a new building and a new mod) It sca...
List Everything [1.3] (Now Ctrl-F in 1.4)
Created by Uuugggg
List and Alert about things on the map with custom search filters. (for 1.4 See Ctrl-F) Obsolete This mod is obsolete with 1.4, replaced with these: Ctrl-F and Custom Alerts. The search functionality of this mod has been made into a framework for other mod...
Build From Inventory
Created by Uuugggg
Construction will use things in your colonist or pack animal's inventory. Your own inventory is used first, then any resources as normal - and then if there's nothing available anywhere, other people's inventory will be used. --- This is perhaps the most u...
Ctrl F
Created by Uuugggg
Press Ctrl-F to pop up a search for things on the map. Features It's pretty Simple. Hit Ctrl-F and it opens a search you can type in. It shows a list of matching things. Hit enter to jump to the first thing. The thing list can be manually refreshed, or set...
Custom Alerts
Created by Uuugggg
Set up alerts using custom filters so you know when something shows up on the map. Features There's a Button on the bottom right to open the Alerts Manager to get started. From there, you can create a new search, or import from the library. When things mat...
TD Find Lib
Created by Uuugggg
A framework for user-customizable, highly-detailed filters for things. Library mod This is a Library mod which does nothing by itself! It does have some UI to hold the library of searches, which you can set up, peek at and save. But other mods are needed f...
TDS Bug Fixes
Created by Uuugggg
These are bugfixes, incomplete features or overlooked edge cases I found I needed for my mods. (Little to no use otherwise because these niche scenarios don't show up in vanilla.) Drag-Reorderable row items - Allows reorderables in draggable windows. (Vani...
Stop Poking Me
Created by Uuugggg
Just a few sound effects to make the game more realistic --- Grab these other fine mods to make the game more realistic : Bloody Mess Crazy Cat Lady Melanin Matters Errors Scream At You --- https://github.com/alextd/RimWorld-StopPokingMe/releases...
Bloody Mess
Created by Uuugggg
By some strange twist of fate, people around you die violently. You always see the worst way a person can die. Aye so it's a random trait (5%), and whenever they kill someone it's really bloody. --- Grab these other fine mods to make the game more realisti...
Created by Uuugggg
RimWorld screams at you when you get an error (Thanks Youtube/75MKX1nmeNA for most sounds) --- Grab these other fine mods to make the game more realistic : Bloody Mess Stop Poking Me Crazy Cat Lady Melanin Matters --- https://github.com/alextd/RimWorld-Err...