ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Maelstrom-Gaming [PvE] 2021+ Mod Collection
Maelstrom Gaming PvE Mods.

This is Maelstroms Mod collection for every one to enjoy in game.

If you "Subcribe to all" of the clusters mods this will make your gaming more streamlined.
If we drop a mod this will also clean it from your folders too. We also understand Space with ark is crucial so we have also added where its possible to save a little space with optional mods if your never going to travel to those maps.

Everyone is more than welcome to join our Discord and have a chat.
Click Here []

CORE Cluster Mods
(These mods are needed on all maps)
Super Structures
Platforms Plus (Open Source)
Stairs Mod with Rounded Walls v.4.2
eco Trees
eco's Shoppe Decor
eco's RP Decor
eco's Stable Structures and Decor
Crystal Isles Dino Addition
Editable Server UI (WBUI) Open Source
The Chasm - Additional Creatures
Valguero Dino and Map Extension
Variants of Caballus - Mod
S-Dino Variants [Svartalfheim Dino Mod]

Simple Spawners
Hallows End

Items (16)
Super Structures
Created by Legendarsreign
This mod is a fork of S+ from the July 11th, 2019 release of Structures Plus. This mod includes everything that mod had at that time. Any further updates to S+ past that release are not necessarily in this mod. Join our discord to get help, make suggestion...
Platforms Plus (Open Source)
Created by orionsun
IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THESE STRUCTURES ARE NOW INCLUDED IN STRUCTURES PLUS Source Code (No license, use as wanted, with or without attribution) Tree platforms with snap points for perimeter walls, extending ceilings, ladders, ramps and catwalks. Also adds p...
Stairs Mod with Rounded Walls v.4.2
Created by MacLobuzz
You don't like ramps or you need stairs in your awesome building or rounded walls to your castle? Now you can build them. No more ramps! Updates: v.1.0 Stone stairs Required Level:20 Engram Points:1 ------------------------ v.2.0 *Added wooden stairs! Requ...
eco Trees
Created by eco
MOD ID: 670764308 Craft and plant trees, rocks, bushes, and more to create your own garden paradise! 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after planting, it will return the exact amount of materia...
eco's RP Decor
Created by eco
MOD ID: 741203089 Craft decorative furniture and tons of other items for your RP (Role Play) servers! 100% Stackable Mod All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after placing, it will return the exact amount of material...
eco's Shoppe Decor
Created by eco
MOD ID: 902548451 Create wonderful decorations for the interior and exterior of your RP shoppes! 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after planting, it will return the exact amount of materials u...
eco's Stable Structures and Decor
Created by eco
MOD ID: 1091147617 Craft rustic structures, old west decor, and storage for your stable, ranch, barn, western towns, or equestrian base! 100% Stackable mod. When using a structure mod ALWAYS make sure to check that the mod folder and the .mod file are corr...
Created by Professor Cupcake
Yet another spyglass mod. Also binoculars and scopes. Just looking for the controls? See this guide. Mod ID for the lazy: 1890796153 Adds several new tools for better observation of the environment and dinosaurs. Most of these are upgrades to previous vers...
Editable Server UI (WBUI) Open Source
Created by Don Camillo Editable Server UI Clean and stackable The UI will be shown if you hit "F1" per default. it is adjustable via GUS.ini / ingame as admin How to configure this UI: GameUserSettingsini SUPPORT NO SUPPORT VIA THE COMMENTS SECTIO...
Valguero Dino and Map Extension
Created by Nekatus
IMPORTANT If you want to unlock extinction engrams, you have to use a mod/config for that. Its not possible to unlock engrams with a map extension! We are NOT gonna add reaper.The aberration part is too small for reaper. If you want this dino on your serve...
The Chasm - Additional Creatures
Created by Trappel22
The Chasm - Additional Creatures This mod is solely created to be used on ARK: The Chasm or ARK: Valguero if using the Dino and Map Extension made by Nekatus and me. The Aberrant Deinonychus will spawn naturally on The Chasm and Valguero. The Golems natura...
Variants of Caballus - Mod
Created by Doudel
ONLY USEFUL WITH CABALLUS MAP Mod ID: 2795445162 How to Start: First you need the Caballus Dinos Mod. You can find it here. On all your Server (including Caballus itself) you need to add the Mod ID to your Mod list. The Concept is simple: We need to replac...
Simple Spawners
Created by darklore
Mod Id: 1295978823 Mod is clean and stackable. Spawn creatures, harvestable resources, loot crates, or nests anywhere! Make your own biomes! Customize ANY map however you want to! I am working on an ASA version of this mod, it is going to take a while. I m...
Hallow's End Purge
Created by SPEZZ
Halloween Event Mod Decided to make this mod since Ark didnt have a Halloween Event! Enjoy! This mod adds Grim Reapers to any map. They only appear at Night around 24:00 ingame Time. There are 2 types of Grim Reapers normal ...
S-Dino Variants [Svartalfheim Dino Mod]
Created by Nekatus
This mod was made for my modded map Svartalfheim (Download here) and adds the following new dino variants: Mod ID: 2869411055 S-Allosaurus S-Ankylo S-Doedicurus S-Maewing S-Magmasaur S-Plesiosaur S-Reaper S-Rex S-Rockdrakes S-Shadowmane S-Fenrir S-Velonasa...