Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Daily Needs Survival Kit ( DNSK - Mk4.1a )
1.861 commenti
Skallabjorn  [autore] 5 giu, ore 5:00 
This is a known thing and is solved in the Bug Reports area. Its a glitch that happens from time to time when the game saves.
Escaped Psycho 3 giu, ore 16:28 
Okay, was having an issue where my needs were stuck at respawn levels after being injured. Tried lots of things, but in the end dying three times in a row seemed to fix it. IDK what the deal was, no changes to my load order or anything... but for now anyways it seems to have sorted itself out.
Skallabjorn  [autore] 25 mag, ore 10:07 
@darstar74 - probably a script conflict between DNSK and Tools Core
Garrett 25 mag, ore 7:34 
@skallabjorn they are in the input but still show th issue, potatos i can make but not carrots, not a big deal just wanted you aware
Skallabjorn  [autore] 22 mag, ore 7:21 
Works fine on my test server. Make sure the required resources to grow them are not in the blocks output block, know issue with SE that assembler type bocks cant draw from an output on a block.
Garrett 21 mag, ore 16:36 
Found an issue, atleast on my end, Its not a major issue but I can not craft carrots even though I have more than the required amount of Mats, it shows up in the selection window as being craftable (lit-up) but won't craft. again not major just an issue i found
DH88 17 mag, ore 7:05 
Every time I play this game without this mod, I make it about 3 hours before I get bored from not having it. I wish Keen could get in touch with you and make this a critical part of the game like some other mods have become. Like oh you like survival here is another degree of difficulty for you. Awesome work, really awesome! I hope this keeps being updated. :steamhappy:
Skallabjorn  [autore] 10 feb, ore 6:56 
Nope, its all there. Asked and answered many time years ago. It has its own grouping.
The Engineering Man 10 feb, ore 6:43 
Uhhh in survival with progression the only block you can get is the LCD panel????
Skallabjorn  [autore] 6 feb, ore 6:08 
Please read the guide area, asked and answered several times there. Cheers.
[COLOR_BLUE]ImmortalDestroyer 5 feb, ore 19:22 
With the hydroponics they keep instantly filling themselves to capacity with gravel instead of pulling water and nutrients instantly when I remove it so I cant manually fix it, any ideas how to make them work?
Skallabjorn  [autore] 12 gen, ore 19:11 
TY TY , this is one of the few mods that over the years had never broken due to KEEN making changes
DigitalLawrence 12 gen, ore 18:23 
Thanks! The pod did the trick! I will tweak things a little for fatigue, but the default config for thirst and food is pretty great for a gritty start! Amazing job!
Skallabjorn  [autore] 8 gen, ore 4:28 
additionally, if its literally minutes, you have someting conflicting with the mod OR the server host if your playing that way, has cranked up the rates in the mod. at spawn, your at 35 % cause you have cloning sickness and have about an hour before your needing water ( 0 water on bar )
Skallabjorn  [autore] 8 gen, ore 4:25 
use a spawn pod mod that has supplies in it to give you the time
DigitalLawrence 7 gen, ore 18:11 
I tried this and I loved it, but I couldn't figure out how to play it when starting on a planet. How can I not die in minutes? There's no way I can mine and build things before my first thirst death (depending on the planet, not even before my 10th).
Skallabjorn  [autore] 4 gen, ore 4:52 
There is another od out there that has you growing Algae specifically in an Algae grower. Not this mod. This mod you make algae-soy products in the hydroponics blocks. See above in the quick reference #4 and #5. Then follow up and read on those blocks in the guide.
FoxtrotDelta3 3 gen, ore 20:54 
I looked at the guide and didn't see it, could've possibly looked over it, but where do I find Algae product?
Skallabjorn  [autore] 10 dic 2023, ore 10:44 
All the info is in the guide, pleas read that but

in Summary you plant seeds in the crop growing blocks, seeds can be bought at vending machines or found in unknown signals. Seeds can be made from crops you grow.
Cato 10 dic 2023, ore 9:57 
Where can i found carrots and this stuff? Are there on planets?
Skallabjorn  [autore] 9 dic 2023, ore 7:52 
You remove it the same as any mod, remove it from the worlds mods list. It sounds like you have another mod in game that requires DNSK as a dependency and thus THAT mod reloads this mod.
Adrian Eldritch 9 dic 2023, ore 6:48 
How to remove the mod? When removed from the server, all objects and the HUD are still in game.
Skallabjorn  [autore] 3 nov 2023, ore 7:19 
Additionally ( sorry for the late reply ) when you process ice to water it filters organics out that you can use.
Skallabjorn  [autore] 23 ott 2023, ore 7:48 
No organics in space, thus you will have to use the organics that are yielded from your suit when you use a washroom / suit facilities.
Danman1354 22 ott 2023, ore 17:36 
Are you able to mine organics from asteroids?
If not, what is the best way to get them from a world with no planets?
Skallabjorn  [autore] 20 ott 2023, ore 6:25 
Sounds like your using Eats Sleep Drink Repeat ( the bars down by the vanilla bars ) and our mod ( the top bars ).

ESDR is not our mod, we dont support it. The 2 mods are not made to work together ( well, not very well )

So, its a mod conflict, you can use one or the other not both.
ArizonaBLACK 19 ott 2023, ore 23:26 
the mod showed 2 seperate sets of needs bars. i drank all the water and cola i started the game with as it said i was getting thirsty, the needs bar near the vanilla bars showed my thirst full while the second needs bar showed my thirst at zero and i started to take damage
smelly linux user 19 set 2023, ore 21:18 
damn. thanks for sharing.
Skallabjorn  [autore] 19 set 2023, ore 7:54 
No, unfortunately thats a long known glitch in the game itself when using modded assembler blocks.
smelly linux user 18 set 2023, ore 18:29 
having to select the assembler every time i want to make something is very annoying. is there any way to move this mod's blocks down in the assembler list so when i open the production tab it opens to the parts assemblers?
Skallabjorn  [autore] 12 set 2023, ore 23:44 
Not at this time.
SiriusBlack 12 set 2023, ore 11:13 
Any plans to further expand this mod? You already have food from "hunting", I think it would be neat to add husbandry. Nothing crazy, just similar to say Minecraft. Just lure an animal to a pen and look after them, for a reliable food source.
Skallabjorn  [autore] 5 set 2023, ore 5:30 
Its a mineral added to the game, its used in fertilizer. if you read the guide, more info there.
sSpaze 4 set 2023, ore 12:35 
what is phosporus?
Skallabjorn  [autore] 26 lug 2023, ore 19:54 
Your mod order as he says may be an issue, tho it is listed as an auto required dependency.
McCloud Jr 26 lug 2023, ore 13:37 
Awhile back Keen Software added a piece of code to auto grab Required Mods for whatever mod your using (in this case it will auto grab Text HUD API for this mod).

This is true to basically all mods that have required items.

Please note however some mods need to be placed in a Load Order and sometimes the auto grab doesnt work (though this is very rare)
Cronyx 26 lug 2023, ore 13:15 
Do I need to manually subscribe to Text Hud and add it to my modlist, or as a dependency, will it be added automatically?
Skallabjorn  [autore] 25 lug 2023, ore 6:43 
check your sid bar block menu for the mods blocks under Daily Needs Category.. The Blocks do have different names.

If you cant see them there, you have a mod conflict.
Caelaran 24 lug 2023, ore 17:50 
Having an issue where the only available food resequencer is the small block version, new to the game, am I doing something wrong? Have tried scrolling the mouse wheel with no luck, and a block search only shows the small block version. Is the large block version under a different name?
cgw 7 lug 2023, ore 14:12 
Text HUD APi All OK AllWork.
MOD_CRITICAL_ERROR: Crop Grower, in file: Unknown
MOD_ERROR: Daily Needs MK 4 Simplified - Survival Needs for Space Engineers 6 Error
MOD_ERROR: Daily Needs Survival Kit ( DNSK - Mk4.1a ) 4 Error
MOD_ERROR: DNSK - Bio-Fuel Production & Power Generators 1 Error
load only 5 Mods
dneylon 1 lug 2023, ore 17:04 
Oh ok
Skallabjorn  [autore] 1 lug 2023, ore 9:48 
Asked and answered several times in the past.

Food items are treated as ores or ingots by the scripts and game, sorry, not possible ( when this mod was written, Keen had not implemented that function ion game, and we are not prepared to rewrite all the scripts , if even possible , for accommodate that minor inconvenience )

dneylon 30 giu 2023, ore 23:12 
can you make the food into tool items so it wont pull it out of your inv when you use the put all compoinets away button ?
Skallabjorn  [autore] 13 giu 2023, ore 7:31 
Please see the guide. However, what I myself usually do is use conveyor sorters on switches, and isolated inventories.
the_kuz 12 giu 2023, ore 15:38 
I'm having an issue where the Hydroponics (both open and enclosed) blocks grab *ALL* Water Packets and Gravel into it's inventory and holds onto it.
This makes it impossible for the Food Resequencer and Crop Growers to make things that require those items, because they cannot pull them from the Hydroponics' inventory, even though they all have valid conveyor connections.

Any suggestions? TYIA :)
Skallabjorn  [autore] 7 giu 2023, ore 7:00 
See below - most likely its a mod conflict. search the guide and bug reports.

Thank You.
123 6 giu 2023, ore 21:37 
Cant find how to fix this issue
Skallabjorn  [autore] 6 giu 2023, ore 7:02 
Multiple possibilities
1- Mod conflict
2- incorrectly installed , delete the mod AND all player data for the mod and re install
3- using a pirated copy of the mod

Suggest you read the guide and the bug reports area. All this has been seen before and handled there
123 6 giu 2023, ore 3:50 
so i reload the game when i am dying cause of dehydration
and when i log back in the stat just stuck
like the hunger thrist and stamina all at 45
i tried to run for a while the stamina not decreased
i tride to sit the stamina not increase
i tried to suicide , disable and enable mod still bugged
this mod cant be work with what mod? any mod restriction if using this?
i burry again this game deep down cause this mod not working
123 6 giu 2023, ore 3:31 
nvm its stil buged