Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Old World Blues
Showing 31-40 of 132 entries
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Update: Mar 21, 2023 @ 10:05am

-- Update 4.1.18 --

### Major Features
- A round of balance passes have been done on many background parts of the game and unique units given the current health of tech and unit balance overall. Changes include quality of life for many unique units, minor adjustments for robots and changes for many background defines or values pertaining to industry or armies. Full details can be found here: https://pastebin.com/iu9S4UiD

### Added
- Added an event for Wild Wasteland allowing the Legion to acquire a certain, especially talented general after taking the Mojave
- Added a Melee Weapon Manufacturer and two new Air Designers for Fighters and Bombers
- Added a different trait for New Vegas’s Benny advisor for players without La Resistance
- Added Combat Language and the first Encryption tech to Navajo at gamestart
- Added the second tier of Naval Invasion tech to Last Patrol at gamestart
- Added an additional Augment slot to TV Town at gamestart
- Added supply caravans and recon company tech to TV Town at gamestart
- Added 5% more War Support to the NCR at gamestart
- Added 1% consumer goods and -5% caps income to the NCR at gamestart via their economy modifier
- Added +5 Maximum Command and +5% caps expenses to the NCR at gamestart via their army modifier
- Added additional scripting to the AI for NCR and Last Patrol to help with the handling of their early wars somewhat
- Added additional scripting encouraging a Vargas-aligned Desert Rangers to pursue joining the NCR much more quickly as AI
- Added an additional province to the railway in Sons of Kaga to remedy it being disjointed
- Added tribal visibility tech to the starting focuses of Legion paths that receive technologies from the tree, alongside explanatory tooltips and slight focus prerequisite adjustments
- Added a militia template to Far Son so they’re not managing the garrison with Spec Ops
- Added a tooltip for WARDEN to explain the Processing Power requirement for their final decision.
- Added basic vehicle techs to 39 nations.

### Changed
- Changed the “Cities: Skylines” achievement to instead require a finite amount of development decisions
- Changed Compliance Gain bonuses from occupation laws and a majority of country modifiers or advisors to be smaller or changed from flat to percentual bonuses
- Changed Compliance Gain to receive small flat increases both for being at peace and for having claims on the state
- Changed Resistance Target reductions from most occupation laws to be 5% less
- Changed the Resistance Target reduction for a state having a claim to be 5% greater
- Changed Resistance to demand slightly less suppression per percent
- Changed a majority of nations to start with slightly (or in the case of some outliers, significantly) less war support or stability depending
- Changed World Tension generation to be 20% less from all sources
- Changed unit Caps Expenses to be 8% higher
- Changed War Support to change Stability by up to -20% when at war rather than up to -15%
- Changed War Support to grant up to +40% Justify War Goal time when below 50%
- Changed the base value for production efficiency growth to be 10% lower
- Changed Army Leader XP gain to be marginally slower
- Changed Radiation Storms and Extreme Heat to penalize Supply Consumption less
- Changed many generic decisions, primarily stability or war support related decisions, to be slightly weaker, have higher cooldowns or be otherwise altered
- Changed volunteer capacity bonuses for some nations to be smaller
- Changed some miscellaneous focuses or events to grant off-map factories rather than factories in a state
- Changed AI Vault City to pursue the Lynette path slightly more often by default
- Changed some TV Town augments to grant slightly stronger or altered effects
- Changed some early TV Town focuses to have adjusted lengths or slightly stronger effects
- Changed TV Town to no longer start with advisors granting organization opinion
- Changed TV Town to start with flat maluses to organization opinion
- Changed the modifiers for TV Town’s starting spirit and Sandman spirit somewhat
- Changed the starting Power Armor units for Eureka to start with slightly worse equipment
- Changed the Research Site P-1 spirit for Washington Brotherhood to be slightly weaker
- Changed some advisors, focuses and national spirits for Maxson Chapter to be slightly weaker or otherwise altered
- Changed some focuses for the Malpais, Lanius and Cult of Vulcan Legion paths to be stronger or altered
- Changed some focuses for the Kings path in New Vegas to be stronger or have additional effects
- Changed some focuses for Navajo to be stronger or have additional effects
- Changed the NCR Dollar currency to grant 5% less of a bonus to Trade Tariffs
- Changed some focuses for the NCR’s Redding and California Way paths to be stronger or slightly altered
- Changed some states for the NCR to have less resources as well as less or more victory points in order to shift more VP’s from the southern parts of the nation to the northern parts
- Changed the first Shi focus for the NCR to give a slightly stronger effect
- Changed a handful of NCR focuses for Kimball, Allgood and Hayes to be marginally stronger to compensate for separate nerfs or marginally weaker as part of said nerfs
- Changed the NCR’s Roaring Economy focus to also grant 10% surrender limit
- Changed the NCR’s Mama Van Graff advisor to grant an additional -5% Caps Income on both her potential traits
- Changed some early news events for the NCR to grant small effects
- Changed the Hub crisis event for the NCR to also reduce the development of the state’s node
- Changed the Army Reform decision for Allgood’s NCR path to grant slightly more significant debuffs
- Changed some election decisions for the NCR to have slightly increased costs
- Changed the Maxson Chapter final Vault 0 event to grant less resources and building slots
- Changed Mojave Chapter’s starting “Elijah’s Determination” spirit to be slightly weaker
- Changed many aspects of WARDEN to be weaker and no longer have an overabundance of modifiers or techs. Changes are comprehensive.
- Changed K-9 Army to also apply to robots, allowing WARDEN to focus on its actual strong suit
- Changed Heavy Infantry bonuses for WARDEN to boost suppression and defense
- Changed WARDEN’s Processing Power research speed modifier to be weaker
- Changed K-9 army to now increase unit supply use, army training time and Dog equipment cost. Feed your dogs.
- Changed WARDEN to no longer have access to Cybernetics
- Changed WARDEN’s Robocop decision reworked for NEW man made horrors beyond your comprehension
- Changed WARDEN to no longer receive Power Armor beyond tribal or Vault-Tec variants
- Changed the rewards from WARDENS initial brotherhood decision to be split so infiltration rewards something different.
- Changed Colossus changes nations on the WARDEN civil war event now so people who cheat can still get it in charge, cheaters.
- Changed WARDEN to have slightly less access to advanced motorized technology
- Changed the population and building slots from restoring Denver to be lower
- Changed the Last Patrol’s starting units and production to include demolitions instead of fireteams
- Changed some focuses for the Hardin path for Operation Sunburst in Mojave Chapter to be slightly stronger
- Changed some focuses for Robot City to be weaker or slightly altered
- Changed Robot City to start with additional modifiers to justify time and enemy justify time
- Changed some focuses from the Shared Cascadia tree to be slightly stronger or weaker
- Changed Santa Anna to start with 5% more Conscription Factor via his national spirit
- Changed some of Alamo Chapter’s starting and wartime emergency focuses to be slightly weaker
- Changed Alamo Chapter’s Hardliners spirit to grant 5% less factory output

Check Discord or https://pastebin.com/Q2pcDAQf for the full changelog

Update: Mar 7, 2023 @ 4:57pm

-- Update 4.1.17 --

### Major Features
- Sizable performance improvements made. Measurements from early to mid game indicate a reduction to CPU usage of roughly 10%. Results will vary between sessions and hardware.
- Added 12 new achievements and tweaked or removed some achievements impossible without cheats or exploits for the benefit of completionists.
- Another set of background balance changes refining 4.1.16’s tweaks. This includes additional slight tweaks to robots and their doctrine, buffs to Asymmetric Warfare, adjustments to many unit leader traits and support company tweaks. The full list can be found here: https://pastebin.com/bkwMk3ER

### Added
- Added the mistakenly omitted Standing Rock event upon blowing up Mount Rushmore
- Added an additional minor technology for Enforcers following Riot Gear
- Added two new generic air design companies
- Added a new Portrait for Hecate of Ouroboros! Animated!
- Added a new flag and country color for Wright in Reno
- Added a new tech category, Combat Support Technology, for future use
- Added minor defense maluses to mud and extreme cold weathers
- Added two previously unfinished Followers decisions intended for unlock by focuses in the Allgood path for NCR
- Added Basic Vehicle Tech to Iron Alliance at gamestart
- Added Pre-Agricultural Tech to Standing Rock at gamestart
- Added a victory point to a Highland Watch state which lacked one
- Added 1 naval base to Maxson Expedition and Montana Chapter and 3 to Navarro Territories at gamestart

### Changed
- Changed the Greatdive trade node to now be located in Rosebud
- Changed trade opinion and influence to scale more gradually
- Changed the Air Volunteer cap to be somewhat more forgiving
- Changed many Standing Rock focuses to be slightly stronger or tweaked
- Changed many Hand Warband focuses to be slightly stronger or tweaked
- Changed the Cyamus Asina Army Chief for Hand Warband to use different gfx
- Changed Lone Star’s Research Advisors to be slightly stronger
- Changed the stats for Caesar’s Legion’s starting generals slightly for balance
- Added economic and research advisor roles to Aurelius for Caesar’s Legion
- Changed some volunteer bonuses for Free Fighters, Caesar’s Legion and the NCR to be slightly weaker
- Changed some focuses in the first Allgood branch and right portion of the Bear Roars branch to have marginally adjusted effects
- Changed many Mirelurk Tribe doctrine bonuses to be for Outsider Warfare
- Changed the length of several The Cause focuses to be shorter
- Changed The Cause’s ATA focus to be accessible earlier
- Changed The Cause’s starting spirit to grant less Recruitable Population
- Change Olympus Tribe’s starting temporary debuff to be slightly higher
- Changed some focus effects for Broken Coast to be slightly stronger or altered
- Changed the modifier for one Itza advisor trait for balance
- Changed a Montana Chapter focus which gave Plasma Weapons tech to instead grant the schematics and a research bonus
- Changed Far Son and Highland Watch to both have slightly more units at gamestart
- Changed the modifiers for one Maxson Expedition spirit
- Changed Santa Anna’s focus requiring ownership of Armaggeddon to be available if you ally with Rio
- Changed Navarro Territories’ starting units to be slightly stronger
- Changed some focuses for Old Country focuses to be slightly stronger or altered
- Changed Texas Brotherhood’s AI to time its wars on Gator Maws and Desperados better so as to not be stalled as frequently
- Changed Strathcommune to receive slightly less justify wargoal time reductions
- Changed generic tribal focus tree icons
- Changed Attrition from Radiation Storms to be lower
- Changed AI Logic for Advisor and Idea choices to place far less extreme emphasis on high flat values
- Changed some AI Templates to use support companies more properly

### Fixed
- Fixed a crashed related to the OOB loaded by the New Reno focus “The Queen of Reno”
- Fixed the California, Arizona, and Colorado unifiers not receiving the Unifier Spirit at gamestart
- Fixed non removable advisors being removable due to changes from vanilla 1.12.8
- Fixed some opinion modifiers for government and ideology being out of sync
- Fixed an oversight causing Lost Hills to not retain any Special Forces Capacity modifiers across its wage laws by moving some of said modifiers to Lost Hills Logistics
- Fixed Akigahai not becoming a corps commander during the “Falling Star” event (if Ruler path) by removing her promotion from “The United Front” focus.
- Fixed a Strathcommune focus that did not properly give core cost reduction
- Fixed a Strathcommune focus that didnt work without a tech
- Fixed a Arroyo focus adding Plasma Equipment to stockpile rather than Ballistic Weapons as intended
- Fixed Santa Anna not receiving Zapata’s Alamo Chapter event properly
- Fixed a bug for Caesar’s Legion that blocked the main tree after the civil war
- Fixed Old Country mistakenly starting with portrait-less generic advisors
- Fixed AI for nations with cavalry not prioritizing those units over other special forces properly

### Technical Changes
- Changed effects granting wargoals and claims on another nation's core states to no longer give claims on impassable states. This should help prevent unintended consequences from impassable changing hands to third party nations automatically

Update: Feb 22, 2023 @ 12:31pm

-- Update 4.1.16 --

### Major Features
- Another round of various balance adjustments. Highlights include significant nerfs and buffs to some doctrines, improvements to light motorized. The full details can be found here: https://pastebin.com/0Ujg3b3m

### Added
- Re-added the previously removed decisions from the Followers mechanic
- Added many new economic and cultural advisors to New Reno all based on character or cut characters from Fallout 2
- Added a description and economic advisor role to Vault City’s Guard Captain Wallace general
- Added unique Samurai Enforcer armor for the Yakuza
- Re-added Chained Choir’s ability GFX with tweaks to allow it to work better on varying screen resolutions
- Added Animated Leader Portraits to V for Chained Choir.
- Added additional river crossings along the eastern section of the Snake River
- Added AI scripting to make Lost Hills prioritize focuses more intelligently
- Added AI scripting to make Lost Hills pursue chapter interaction focuses more heavily, adding additional weights for the focus if the nation in question has a human player
- Added an opinion modifier between Lost Hills and its chapters acquired via the Communique events sent to each chapter
- Added a starting agency and several upgrades to Lost Hills at gamestart
- Added Counter Intelligence and Cryptology to the Lost Hills Logistics national spirit
- Added Ohm’s Law tech and the first two Special Forces perks to Lost Hills at gamestart
- Added 5% Factory Output to the Lost Hills and Alamo Chapter unique trade law
- Added 10% Division Experience Gain to the Lost Hills and Alamo Chapter unique outsider law
- Added percentual Army Experience Gain modifiers to some national spirits acquired by Lost Hills in their starting events
- Added additional Special Forces capacity to the starting Lost Hills army wage law
- Added small amounts of various equipment to Lost Hills’s stockpile at gamestart
- Added fireteam equipment to New Reno at gamestart
- Added techs Resource Production, Tyre Profile and the first two Maintenance techs to Two Sun at gamestart
- Added 5% more War Support to Two Sun at gamestart
- Added 5% more War Support to Guardians at gamestart
- Added 5% more War Support and 250 Ballistic Equipment to Arroyo at gamestart
- Added slightly more state population for Umbra and Arroyo at gamestart
- Added -15% Max Entrenchment to the Rogue Ranger’s unique leader trait
- Added defense maluses to the modifiers from the Nevada stockpile events to help accelerate the conflicts
- Added a new Air Advisor for WARDEN
- Added new decision for WARDEN to invite Reclamation Army Depot to the Defense network if they share a border, completing the buffer zone for now.
- Added a description to the Mojave Territories “...We Can Refuse” focus

### Changed
- Changed the costs or effects for some caps and organization decisions for improved balance
- Changed the Unifier national spirits to last slightly longer and generally stronger/adjusted
- Changed all Lost Hills chapter interaction focuses to be faster
- Changed various early or miscellaneous Lost Hills focuses to be faster
- Changed many Lost Hills advisors to be stronger or slightly altered
- Changed the Lost Hills Bunker state modifier to grant additional flat and percentual conscription increases
- Changed Lost Hills Paladin deployment to correctly cost 200 manpower rather than 100
- Changed Lost Hills’ Dig Deeper decision to cost 50 less Political Power
- Changed Lost Hills to start with the Knightly Armaments Power Armor design company appointed for free at gamestart
- Changed the Lost Hills Communique and Supply Package events sent to other chapters to be stronger
- Changed Lost Hills’s starting generals to be slightly stronger
- Changed some miscellaneous Lost Hills focuses to be marginally stronger
- Changed the NCR’s Hayes path to give marginally weaker economy bonuses
- Changed some New Reno advisors and some focuses in the Expansionism and Thradd trees to be slightly stronger or altered
- Changed New Reno to start with 5% less Stability and 5% more War Support
- Changed White Legs to start with the first Asymmetric Warfare tech in place of pre-agriculture tech
- Changed various White Legs focuses to be somewhat stronger
- Changed some Two Sun advisors and focuses to be stronger or altered
- Changed Two Sun’s starting national spirit to grant political power gain
- Changed the Two Sun and Navajo conscription laws to be slightly stronger
- Changed various Legion decision categories to appear higher in the list
- Changed the Legion decision to subsidize Navajo to raise Navajo’s loyalty
- Changed some focuses in the Lanius path for the Legion to be stronger
- Changed some Southwest Arizona states to have more population and building slots
- Changed the Sons of Kaga starting spirit to grant +5% Attack again alongside -5% Defense
- Changed the Mad Trains starting spirit to give more recovery rate
- Changed Umbra to have less conscription from their starting spirit
- Changed the NCR Dollar Currency to give less stability with its modifier
- Changed the Legion Denarius currency to give slightly more flat caps with its modifier
- Changed Vault City’s NCR spirits aside from the starting one to have small additional modifiers
- Changed one Big Grass army chief to give slightly less max planning
- Changed the Gun Runner Contracts national spirit from NCR’s Allgood path to be stronger
- Changed Rex to be a 50% gooder boy (now gives .15 pp per day)
- Changed Hangdogs/WARDEN advisors to be color coordinated based on whether the advisor is for Hangdogs, WARDEN or shared
- Changed Maxson Chapter to no longer be able to form their Occupied New Mexico puppet while a subject themselves
- Changed WARDEN’s OOB to include increased starting equipment
- Changed the penalties for Marsh and Radiation terrains slightly

### Fixed
- Fixed a crash from an Arroyo event loading an OOB when feuding with Eureka
- Fixed a bug causing the tutorial video buttons to pop up on top of alerts and be unremovable
- Fixed a bug related to AI production of Radio equipment that caused some instability
- Fixed an issue related to a base-game peace conference trigger bug that could break some AI behavior or lead to game stability issues when peace conferences including AI occurred
- Fixed Tlaloc and NCR/Lost Hills being able to revoke their starting non-aggression pacts
- Fixed Hangdogs’ advisor descriptions no longer showing up
- Fixed Hangdogs’ Settler Physician advisor not transferring to WARDEN like other neutral advisors
- Fixed Eureka’s “Drill Granite Company” decision costing 25 command power instead of 75 as listed
- Fixed Strathcommune focus “Gulag Mines” often having no effect.
- Fixed the NCR focus Rapid Settlement targeting the wrong provinces to rename cities
- Fixed some Two Sun focuses adding national spirits they already started with
- Fixed New Reno focus “Sorting Out Reno” giving claims just about everywhere in the NCR except Redding
- Fixed New Reno’s starting Infantry template being smaller than intended due to an error
- Fixed some previously missed effects related to the old slavery system still being present
- Fixed Alamo focus ”Alamo to the Skies” giving Intermediate Air instead of Sophisticated
- Fixed Kaga not getting a core on Navarro when making it a capital
- Fixed missing localisation for the Vault City infrastructure company
- Fixed the names for some states and strategic regions

### Technical Changes
- Removed duplicate focus icons from the Khans
- Updated the Pip-Boy Credits

Update: Feb 5, 2023 @ 3:03pm

-- Hotfix 4.1.15a --

### Fixed
- Fixed a doctrine tech in Automated Warfare which incorrectly gave a far larger Hardness modifier than intended

Update: Feb 5, 2023 @ 9:04am

-- Update 4.1.15 --

### Major Features
- Integrated the majority of Holypotato’s Alamo Polish submod, making various changes, additions and improvements to the focus tree and nation as a whole.
- Made several adjustments to tech balance. Summary includes buffs to Enforcers, many minor adjustments to Robots, buffs and nerfs to some unique units, small targeted reductions to research time and more. The full details can be found here: https://pastebin.com/Q1gnVfUC

### Added
- Added White Leg infantry model
- Added Generic Canadian infantry model
- Added Canadian Mountie infantry model
- Added Rebel Canadian infantry model
- Added Mercenary infantry model
- Added unique model to Nightkin unit type
- Added one or more new Unifier choices for each existing region
- Added additional crossings to the South Saskatchewan River
- Added 3 new Unifier regions: California, Arizona, Colorado-New Mexico
- Added new generic Brotherhood portraits
- Added AI scripting to make the NCR AI pursue the civil war focuses immediately should the election result in a deadlock
- Added custom peace AI scripting for Free Fighters, Metis Congress, Snowmads, Mad Trains, The Cause and Washington Brotherhood
- Added Elko Posse to the nations Ai Lynette seeks to puppet during peace conferences

### Changed
- Changed the Mexico Unifier to no longer contain Gente and Las Granjas
- Changed Caps Expenses exponential scaling to be slightly more aggressive
- Changed development decisions to no longer require manpower to be visible
- Changed some first or second tiers for Conscription Laws to grant slightly more conscription
- Changed the Passive Caps bonuses from Trade Laws to be lower as the law is increased rather than higher
- Changed the Stimulus Caps Decision to grant half the development in exchange for a slightly lower price and partial caps refund based on how low the node’s development was when bought
- Changed the modifiers of some major or pre-war businesses slightly for balance
- Changed many focuses and events for Kimball to be slightly stronger or slightly altered
- Changed Allgood’s Rangers Revitalized focus for the NCR to grant additional effects
- Changed the starting industry in some states across Canada to be slightly lower
- Changed some starting national spirits buffing Robots to be slightly reduced
- Changed Kaga’s leader traits to grant slightly more Enforcer Speed again
- Changed Kaga’s starting units to have marginally more equipment
- Changed Lanius to start with slightly less stockpiled chariots and slightly more population in his
starting states
- Changed Shale and his general Masticator to have appropriately high starting stats
- Changed Troll Warren’s starting units to have slightly less experience
- Changed a focus for Troll Warren’s top right path to grant slightly more infantry equipment
- Changed the values of the modifier for the NCR advisor Oscar Stone slightly
- Changed the NCR AI to prioritize its choice of advisors and where to use its industry more intelligently
- Changed many aspects of general peace AI to make peace deals more sensible
- Changed peace AI to be slightly more optimized for performance in peace deals
- Changed AI to much more aggressively spend caps on decisions
- Changed AI to prioritize research of techs for Encryption, Decryption and Habitation less
- Changed AI production priorities to better handle infantry equipment demand
- Changed AI production priorities to more effectively prioritize planes above Gliders when available

### Fixed
- Fixed Wardens of the White recruitment and training laws for The Old Country
- Fixed the Wendover and Robot City trade nodes lacking trade routes when spawned
- Fixed many crossings intended to be present on the Snake River being improperly set
- Fixed Robot City being able to start certain foci before Warden defeats the Hangdogs
- Fixed Caesar’s Legion occasionally starting the game with -35 political power
- Fixed various instances of “the the” in localization
- Fixed Eagle Rock divisions instantly disappearing once time starts
- Fixed a typo in the NCR event “A United Front”
- Fixed Robot tech not using the properly assigned models
- Fixed the Laser Rifle model specular map making them appear too bright
- Fixed Basic Weaponry not using the custom Varmint Rifle model appropriately
- Fixed Lost Hills Paladin name list not functioning correctly
- Fixed Rogue Rangers and Guardians not properly receiving a full NCR puppet tree
- Fixed a Shared Attis Army tree focus mistakenly being 20 days instead of 30
- Fixed missing localisation for a Stoon national spirit

### Technical Changes
- Changed leader triggers in the Legion tree
- Minor changes to AI battle planning

Update: Jan 25, 2023 @ 8:14pm

-- Update 4.1.14 --

### Major Features
- Fixed some effects which could lead to a crash for players on Mac or other Unix systems. This is in accordance with the 1.12.9 Hotfix by Paradox. Mac Players: Please let us know if issues persist

### Added
- Added a crossing for Stoon to fix their starting states being disconnected

### Changed
- Changed the Hangdogs decision to break into Boulder Dome to have less extreme requirements
- Changed some focuses in the Hangdogs tree to have shorter completion times and adjusted some modifiers and effects in the tree slightly to accommodate the change
- Changed one starting Military Factory for Hangdogs to a Civilian Factory
- Changed Troll Warren’s conscription laws to only remove the research speed penalty rather than grant a bonus
- Changed Troll Warren’s conscription laws to grant bonuses to Breakthrough and Outsider Warfare research speed
- Changed Khans AI to never reject the Followers once they spread there
- Changed the AI for many Utah and Idaho nations to prioritize their unique focuses slightly more

### Fixed
- Fixed Twin Mothers not teleporting units properly after losing to Lanius
- Fixed the Chosen One to no longer can be swapped for another leader after his glorious return
- Fixed AI White Legs to now annex Tar Walkers in the peace conference
- Fixed Shale being sent on vacation by CALIX
- Fixed the Hangdogs decision for breaking into Boulder Dome not firing the intended event

### Technical Changes
- Changed NCR triggers for some leader related focuses

Update: Jan 21, 2023 @ 7:30pm

-- Update 4.1.13 --

### Major Features
- Adjustments to many aspects of tech in combat. This includes scaling back last patch’s temporary fuel increase, changes to the innate strength of some combat modifiers, nerfs to reinforce rate and air attack, significant Wasteland Tactics doctrine tweaks, changes to many different types of equipment or units and more. The full details of the changes can be found here: https://pastebin.com/KWkFrzrC

### Added
- Added 2 new advisors to the Last Redoubt
- Added 1 new decision in the Last Redoubt for Annabella
- Added cores of Jicarilla to the Maxson’s Chapter territory to prevent them starting with cores on Fort Lyon’s and New Syracuse, which was rendering two foci useless.
- Added 13 events and 16 decisions to Hangdogs including effects related to Lanius or the Legion, the chance to recruit Lupa, acquiring certain tech and a new/returning formable
- Added the ability to unlock the Tribal tech tree to the Riches of the Box focus for Hangdogs
- Added single decision to WARDEN to invite the Last Patrol to the Defense Network if they share a border
- Added the Scout Kit and PA Support Frame techs to Heaven’s Gate at gamestart
- Added 3% more stability to 215th at gamestart
- Added the first tier of Agriculture tech to Arroyo at gamestart
- Added AI weighting discouraging Free Fighters from sending volunteers to certain targets

### Changed
- Changed the effects of some Settler, Raider and Tribal advisors for balance
- Changed certain focuses in the Settler, Raider and Tribal trees to be slightly weaker or altered
- Changed many national spirits that reduced production cost of Robots or added flat entrenchment speed across many nations to be weaker
- Changed the ai weights for researching most Naval Technologies to be lower
- Changed Naval Bases to be constructable on allied terrain
- Changed the maximum number of Coastal Forts per tile from 10 to 8
- Changed Outposts and Coastal Forts to have slightly less base cost but higher cost scaling
- Changed Deadline’s general portraits to improved versions
- Changed Site Y’s ideas, names, and flag to differentiate them from the Brotherhood
- Changed Hangdogs to no longer start with doctrine tech
- Changed some Hangdogs focuses for parity between the WARDEN/Hangdogs paths
- Changed WARDEN to inherit technology from Hangdogs again to encourage players to make proper research decisions.
- Changed Caesar’s +5% Organization from Conqueror of Tribes to +5% Recovery Rate
- Changed the modifiers of the Legion’s national spirit Legion Training slightly
- Changed some modifiers or effects in the New Reno tree to be slightly stronger
- Changed starting spirits for Santa Anna, the Flawed Parish and Reclamation Army Depot to give smaller fuel consumption reductions and fuel capacity increases
- Changed Arroyo’s starting spirit to grant 5% more political power
- Changed the NCR Dollars modifier slightly
- Changed Reclamation Army Depot to start with 20% less stability and war support, slightly less equipment in their divisions and 1 less civilian factory
- Changed 80% Compliance to give less non-core manpower
- Changed the Chems and Mutant Recruitment laws to give slightly lower conscription penalties
- Changed the modifiers of Brotherhood Outsider laws slightly for balance and consistency
- Changed the Outpost Builder design company Outpost Construction Speed from 20% to 15%
- Changed the Basic Hygiene Education decision to have a slightly longer cooldown
- Changed the Followers’ research decision to last longer and have a shorter cooldown

### Fixed
- Fixed a new occasional crash related to the Legion Navy which a previous one covered up
- Fixed many Air units not bearing all applicable unit categories
- Fixed Patrolmen having no generic decisions
- Fixed the event for conquering Sun Dogs being fireable multiple times
- Fixed a focus for Twin Mothers that allowed for Hecate to be removed as a country leader and general for Ouroboros despite Ouroboros being independent
- Fixed S’lanter not having access to the generic advisors.
- Fixed the second and third starting events of the Bank End Bandits malfunctioning
- Fixed Santa Anna not becoming a naval commander when taking the focus “Appointing the Almirante”
- Fixed an Ouroboros focus which sometimes granted no effect
- Fixed players being able to delete their units to exploit and ignore the Hangdogs civil war
- Fixed a New Canaan advisor which lacked a properly localized name
- Fixed some minor development project typos

### Technical Changes
- Adjusted the position of Lanius’s branches for symmetry
- Fixed a mostly innocuous missing bracket in a Robot City file

Update: Jan 13, 2023 @ 7:39am

-- Update 4.1.12 --

### Major Features
- Extremely significant performance improvements made. Measurements from early to mid game indicate a reduction to CPU usage of more than 25%. Results will vary between sessions and hardware
- Reworked Hangdogs and WARDEN shared focus tree. Additional branches and focuses have been added for both nations, slightly expanding the tree overall, while certain focus paths have been reworked, moved or had their requirements altered
- Fixed an issue resulting in the update to 30 Maximum Building Slots not functioning properly, and adjusted the State GUI to fit all 30 slots accordingly. 30 Slots is now officially the maximum for a state
- Significant round of balance changes, including rectifying a very significant fuel-related vanilla HOI4 bug, a significant change to doctrine tactic counters, universal decreases to conscription from laws or higher penalties for later stage conscription laws for every nation, industry tech changes and many Caps related tweaks. The full list of tech or system related changes can be found here: https://pastebin.com/jCPmXQpf

### Added
- Added new gamerules for Desert Rangers, Navajo, Chained Choir, Ouroboros and Mojave Territories created by Dots
- Added new idea icons and descriptions to most Hangdogs/WARDEN ideas
- Added new focuses and icons to Hangdogs/WARDEN tree
- Added the unlock for the Military Heritage tech to the second starting event of The Last Patrol
- Added a tooltip for the Military Heritage unlock to both the tech and the events which grant it
- Added the Resource Production tech to Rogue Rangers at gamestart
- Added 1 additional military and civilian factory and slightly more slots to Reservation at gamestart
- Added starting Anti-Tank and Demolitions production lines to Reservation
- Added a second stage of the Vault City Lynette robot production cost spirit to the Robotic Caches focus
- Added CnC-Bot tech and 5% more War Support to Protectron Security Hub at gamestart
- Added 15% Bipedal Robot Research Speed to Protectron Security Hub’s starting spirit

### Changed
- Changed Decimation to be re-enabled by default via a new option which disables any accompanying state population changes
- Changed the penalties from Radioactive terrain and some weather to be slightly higher
- Changed the frequency of weather on certain terrains slightly
- Changed Crossings in much of Southern Mexico as well as the Chained Choir and Last Patrol border to allow for more fluid and sizable fronts
- Changed the times of most Nueva Aztlan focuses from 60 to 50
- Changed the population, building slots, starting factories and resources for the Itza, Aztlan, Tierra De Los Tzotzil, Costa Cafeinada and Honduras slightly for better balance
- Changed Paullus’s starting stability from 15 to 35
- Changed Vault City’s research group and many others to start slightly weaker
- Changed Vault City’s puppet tree to grant a smaller bonus to the nation’s research group
- Changed the victory events for Caps Raids by Raider nations to grant small amounts of Stability, or political power if at 80% Stability
- Changed MacArthur’s Pacification mechanic from the Coring Button to be allowed for states which border other pacified states rather than only states that border cores
- Changed many focuses and modifiers for Aurelius’s Legion path to be stronger
- Changed some focuses and modifiers for the Vulpes and Lanius Legion paths for balance
- Changed the Navajo Spec Ops units spawned by the Legion’s vassal decisions to both start at max experience and have larger combat width
- Changed Southern Nevada resource distribution slightly, including reduced water
- Changed Arizona resource distribution to be slightly more sensibly placed and replaced some water sources with energy
- Changed the effects and requirements of focuses in the Desert/Rogue Rangers Purification Station branch
- Changed the Opinion Modifier for being in the same faction from +50 to +75
- Changed the Opinion Modifier for having a different ideology from -10 to -5
- Changed some Robot specific fuel consumption modifiers in national spirits to instead modify all army fuel consumption due to a vanilla bug
- Changed the bonuses of the Military Heritage techs to be slightly lower
- Changed the bonuses of some Legion Reward Techs to be slightly higher
- Changed the starting leader trait for Snowmads to give 5% less Supply Consumption reduction
- Changed the second starting spirit for Mad Trains to give 0.5% more Reinforce Rate
- Changed the starting population and factories of Snowmads and Mad Trains for balance
- Changed the Victory Hits leader trait from the Generic Raider tree to be slightly weaker
- Changed the multi-stage idea granted to nations created by the Unifier Gamerules to have both its stages expire one year later
- Changed the Archbishop Daegar advisor for Lanius’s Cohort to grant slightly more Stability
- Changed some early focuses for Lanius’s Cohort to be slightly stronger

### Fixed
- Fixed an occasional crash caused by a decision for Eighties after changing the name of their starting template
- Fixed a bug causing Site Y to not be properly annexed by the Nebraska Unifier Gamerule
- Fixed some focuses in the White Legs tree having improper triggers
- Fixed Modus not properly appearing in the event for “Contact the President” focus
- Fixed Vault City’s AI strategy not working due to focus renames
- Fixed Shi’s “Navarro Farms” focus available trigger not functioning properly
- Fixed a focus for Eighties taking 14 days instead of 7
- Fixed missing localisation for a Vault City event
- Fixed missing localisation for some demolitions equipment in specific locations

### Removed
- Removed certain redundant triggers in unit leader traits for performance purposes

### Technical Changes
- Implemented the backend code for a Montana Enclave faction for future use
- Changed the Followers Demand mission and Scavenging Rescue mission to be manually checked for and fired externally rather than working off country flags in order to improve performance

Update: Jan 5, 2023 @ 7:15pm

-- Update 4.1.11 --

### Major Features
- Winter Wonder Wasteland will no longer be set to spawn Polar Soviet by default. See you all next year!
- Significantly adjusted and improved the effects or strength of many focuses for the generic Settler, Raider and Tribal trees
- Very significant round of adjustments made to tech and combat balance. Changes include raising the strength of the Reconnaissance stat, increased research ahead of time penalty, tweaks to Conventional and Asymmetric Warfare, air attack and cell usage adjustments, buffs to Dogs and Transport Planes and much more. Full details can be found here: https://pastebin.com/nNjxPKUi

### Added
- Added research slots to various nations to keep them more consistent with the rest of the mod or if an extra slot would make them more interesting and fit their flavor
- Added a new civil war event for Vulpes Legion, where Vulpes meets the greatest spy of Mojave
- Added -50% Coring Cost for Las Granjas to one of the Legion post-conquest focuses
- Added 1 Dockyard, a minor Naval Tech and the 2nd Invasion Tech to the Legion at gamestart
- Added additional river crossings for the Colorado River near Rapids and Tohono Nation
- Added a new industry focus to Hayes’s NCR branch
- Added NCR puppet names for Nevada and Utah nations
- Added a new Wild Wasteland event for Shi by L Blanco
- Added Lawkeeper Upgrade Techs to Patrolmen
- Added Motorized all the way up to cars to Patrolmen
- Added a starting Arms Factory to Patrolmen to match their starting production queue
- Added factories and manpower to Passkeepers’s capital to compensate for their state control changes
- Added starting Special Forces perk to Cowboy Country at gamestart
- Added Lawkeepers and Upgrade Techs to Cowboy Country
- Added the first Conventional Land Doctrine tech to Cowboy Country at gamestart
- Added Wyatt The Demon as a Unit Leader, the Two Sun Clients spirit and 5% stability for Two Sun at gamestart
- Added bypasses for Vault City’s wargoal focuses that lacked them
- Added a bonus of 20% compliance for Shi in the event where they annex Fusang
- Added slightly more building slots for Arroyo and Gente at gamestart
- Added slightly more buildings slots and population for Navajo at gamestart
- Added offsets to some Surrender Limit bonuses to prevent the limits from reaching 100%

### Changed
- Changed the maximum number of building slots in a state from 25 to 30
- Changed the research ahead of time penalty to 115% per year, up from 100%
- Changed Coring Costs to be lower from some sources and also factor strategic value of the state
- Changed many conscription laws to have higher or altered penalties at high levels
- Changed the highest generic Trade Law to export 5% more resources
- Changed the values for many other generic laws slightly
- Changed a large majority of puppet laws to have adjusted effects and to generally grant less factories to the overlord
- Changed War Reparations and Resource Rights to cost 33% more in peace conferences
- Changed War Reparations to grant 25% of Civilian Factories, down from 40%
- Changed the Militarize Society decision to grant more War Support per Stability
- Changed the wing sizes for some aircraft
- Changed the Planning skill on unit leaders to grant 0.5% less planning speed per level
- Changed Radioactive Waste terrain to give slightly higher penalties
- Changed wargoal justification time or cost reductions for targets at war to be slightly lower
- Changed the resource distribution for much of Nevada as well as Eighties’s territory to have less water, more of other resources and generally adjusted placement
- Changed Passkeepers from Tribal to Settler
- Changed Pursuant from Settler to Raider
- Changed Slags to also have the Settler Tech tree on top of the Army tree
- Changed McBride from Passkeeper to Dredger control
- Changed the Hoover Dam border war to cut terrain and fort modifiers down to 20%
- Changed the NCR’s economy laws to have adjusted effects and require gradual advancement through specific focuses when Allgood, Kimball or Hayes
- Changed Allgood to no longer be allowed to take the NCR’s Free Trade equivalent after taking the focus which downgrades it
- Changed some later NCR focuses for Kimball and Hayes to also raise their economy law
- Changed the order and strength of many NCR focuses for Hayes (including within his events) and a few focuses for Allgood and Kimball
- Changed some bonuses on Mojave Territories’s starting spirits to be reduced
- Changed Texas Arms Association to now start on a new, gamestart-exclusive puppet law similar to their unique one when re-puppeted instead of (mistakenly) the Free State puppet law
- Changed Texas Arms Association to start with Basic Ballistic Weaponry, additional stockpiled equipment and an off-map civilian factory to compensate for their new starting puppet law
- Changed Rio Grande’s capstone focus for the RGRB branch to give slightly less resources
- Changed Rio Grande to start with slightly reduced and rearranged factories
- Changed Deadline unit voicelines from Ghoul to Monster
- Changed Cowboy Country unit voicelines from Mexico to Settler
- Changed Cowboy Country unique spirits to be more legible and effective
- Changed Cowboy Country’s Formable to grant Sophisticated Special Forces and Infantry on formation
- Changed Cowboy Country to also start with 2 Lawkeepers and a Lawkeeper template
- Changed Cowboy Country’s Formable to grant Sophisticated Infantry/Spec Ops and additional cores in exchange for being harder to take
- Changed Gente’s bonus weapon production modifiers from the Legion branch to be reduced
- Changed some Desert Rangers advisors and their capstone focus to be slightly weaker
- Changed Desert Rangers’s purification station focuses to be stronger and easier to attain
- Changed the effects of many starting Legion advisors and spirits to be stronger or otherwise slightly altered
- Changed some rural Legion states to have slightly more building slots
- Changed Legion’s Focus for Caesar’s Army Tree to buff Motorized Infantry alongside normal Infantry
- Changed many Malpais Legion focuses to be slightly or significantly stronger
-Changed Legion’s “The Army of the Lord” focus to buff normal Demo and Fireteams instead of PA demo and Fireteams as they could not access Power Armor Tech
- Changed Two Sun’s Will Faster’s Unit Leader level to match his starting stats and started him with the Desert Fox terrain trait
- Changed one of Two Sun’s advisors to no longer have the same Trait as another
- Changed Two Sun’s Invitation Focuses from 30 days to 15 days
- Changed Two Sun’s “Race Track Construction Crews” idea from 10% infrastructure construction speed to 30% (reduced after the “Dreams Fulfilled” focus is completed)
- Changed New Reno’s starting events to have altered and overall weaker effects
- Changed some of New Reno’s weaker starting advisors to be slightly improved
- Changed some early New Reno Broken Brothers focuses to be slightly stronger and some others to be slightly weaker
- Changed the strength of Vault City’s “The Servant Class” idea
- Changed Vault City’s “A Long Time Coming” focus time from 60-45 days
- Changed some of Vault City’s wargoal focuses from puppet to the standard wargoal given on a nation’s cores
- Changed Vegas’s “Motor Runner” military high command advisor’s modifier from 0.1 experience gain factor to daily experience gain
- Changed Vegas’s decisions to join factions from 30 to 10 days and made it so they cannot attempt to join multiple times if rejected
- Changed the strength and modifiers of Vegas’s “Omertas”, “Consigs” and “White Gloves” ideas
- Changed Vegas’s “False Khaganate” idea from +20% reinforce speed to +10% reinforce speed
- Changed Vegas’s “The Joker” idea from 0.1 daily elite support to 0.15

Check Discord or https://pastebin.com/8ARF5GgS for full changelog

Update: Dec 27, 2022 @ 10:04pm

-- Update 4.1.10 --

### Major Features
- Fixed a set of crashes related to the Legion starting navy changes last update that would frequently occur for players without the Man the Guns DLC
- A set of balance changes including nerfs to resource rights and war reparations, tweaks to support companies, Automated Warfare changes, tribal air buffs and more. The full details can be found here: https://pastebin.com/pEmqisqD

### Added
- Added Missions to the Reclamation Army Depot to inform players that they will receive wargoal events and prepare the Parish AI
- Added Eden to the list of possible capitals to choose from in the PRT event
- Added a tooltip to the Warden “K-9 Integration” tech explaining its effects
- Added 2 new national spirits to locations in the Texan Arms Association tree

### Changed
- Changed the effects significantly for the generic Brotherhood tree currently used by Washington BoS and The Cause, including many new ideas and effects and buffs or improvements spanning almost every focus
- Changed many effects in the Texan Arms Association tree for balance purposes
- Changed a focus for Texan Arms Association which previously granted Sophisticated Vehicle Tech to instead add a national spirit decreasing motorized and tank production cost
- Tweaked Balance in the Plaugelands Wargoal Timing and OOBs
- Changed the way Scarlet becomes President of the PRT (she is now an option in the election event)
- Changed some localisation for the Spec Ops unit itself to “Special Ops” or “Spec Ops” rather than “Special Forces” for the sake of clarity
- Changed the puppet laws for BoS nations as well as Washington Brotherhood’s unique puppet law to give smaller portions of factories to the overlord
- Changed Eden’s AI to prioritize getting rid of their starting debuff when at war with Shale

### Fixed
- Fixed a bug causing the naval branch in the Shared Brotherhood Tree to not appear correctly
- Re-added a mistakenly removed river crossing between Maxson Chapter and Robot City
- Fixed the Army Depot not having Recruitment Laws
- Fixed a bug causing Polar Soviet to lack proper access to all of the Settler conscription laws
- Saved the Sky Reaver unit that spawns in the Divide; no longer will they have to brave the storms home
- Fixed typos in Lanius, Deadline, and the Black Demesne
- Fixed Legion Chariots not taking a penalty to defense when crossing rivers as intended
- Fixed the name list for Legion ships including “White Legs” in the ship names erroneously
- Fixed missing localisation for the Alamo Chapter’s unique Sentinel Command equipment
- Fixed a focus in the TAA tree which accidentally added 12 dockyards rather than the intended 2 dockyards. My apologies to all the exploiters out there.

### Removed
- Removed the Entrance from the map, splitting the land between Big Grass and Whitecourt

### Technical Changes
- Implemented targeted unit organization modifiers and accompanying localisation, meaning devs and submodders can now give percentual modifiers to organization for specific units in national spirits and the like
- Implemented missing unit modifiers for Skate Infantry and accompanying localisation