Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Old World Blues
Showing 11-20 of 132 entries
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Update: Feb 28 @ 8:27am

-- Update 5.0 --

### Major Features
- Added new focus trees for 26 nations in Canada and the Northern U.S.:
- Arborg Junta
- Baron’s Eyrie (Shared Wyoming tree)
- Cab Vultures (Spawned via Great Stampede)
- Cult of Liberty (Shared Montana tree)
- Dundurn
- The Gateway Gang
- The Great Stampede
- Iron Confederacy
- Jacksons (Shared Wyoming tree)
- Kingdom of Manitoba
- Duchy of Langenburg
- Loid’s Ministry
- Marshall Republic (Shared Wyoming tree)
- Metal Mouths (Shared Montana tree)
- Middlemark
- Niitsitapi (Shared Montana tree)
- Northern Khans
- Passkeepers (Shared Cascadia tree)
- Pioneer Company
- Pleasantdale
- Ruminators
- Safehaven (Shared Vault tree)
- Stoon Dandies
- Strathcommune
- Swords of Hayman (Spawned via Montana Chapter)
- Unbound
- Added reworked focus trees for 2 nations:
- Métis Congress
- Vault 37 (Shared Vault tree)
- Added additional focus content for 2 nations:
- Highland Watch (Shared Wyoming tree)
- Montana Chapter
- Reworked and expanded the previous Shared Wyoming focus tree.
- Added over 32 new original music pieces by developers Lusa, MotherfuckinG, and Hammer, former developer Skip and one piece commissioned from Harald Allacher.
- Added OWB’s unique implementation of the Officer Corps spirits from the No Step Back DLC! This includes roughly 118 new spirits. Many unique spirits exist depending on a nation's ideology or chosen doctrines, and many nations also have unique spirits.
- Major AI Overhaul. Tags will now use varied templates depending on their doctrine and industrial capacity, build and use Close Air Support and Strategic Bombers, utilize tanks, and build and use Fat Men and Artillery cannons.
- Various tech balance changes, the summary of which can be found here: https://pastebin.com/0tz3r1Fh

### Added
- Added a PipBoy PLUS menu entry for the Organizations Marketplace mechanic.
- Added a major business that specializes in Fireteams.
- Added a new negative starting spirit to Eureka targeting APA Power Armor which is removable via focus.
- Added another Infantry division, military factory, and building slot to Arroyo at gamestart.
- Added AI focus scripting for Standing Rock.
- Added Pre-Recycling tech to MacArthur at gamestart.

### Changed
- Changed various aspects of starting situations for countries in 5.0’s regions. This includes Stability and War Support, starting units, starting factories, starting population, starting resources, and other similar areas.
- Changed some outlying conscription modifiers to be slightly lower. This includes certain autonomy laws, Eighties, Elko Posse, Gente Del Sol, Heaven’s Gate, Highland Watch, Iron Alliance, Mojave Territories, the NCR Puppet Tree, Santa Anna, Sundogs, and Troll Warren.
- Changed default province Combat Width from 60 to 80.
- Changed the base output of all Civlian and Military factories to be 0.5 lower (about 8.3% less).
- Changed general and field marshal combat skills to be worth more per level with a reduced cap from 15 to 10 for each skill.
- Changed the reduction to enemy Planning from Intel Networks to be percentual rather than flat, generally reducing the impact of weak Intel Networks on Planning greatly.
- Changed many generic advisor traits to be slightly stronger.
- Changed some generic military theorists to provide higher research bonuses.
- Changed around river crossings between Rio Grande Republic and Pecos Colony to produce smoother frontlines.
- Changed the shared Attis Army conscription modifier from 3% flat to 20% percentual.
- Changed Alamo Chapter’s starting spirit to also grant 5% Core Attack.
- Changed many focuses and spirits for Standing Rock to be stronger.
- Changed Standing Rock to receive Intermediate Exploitation tech via their focus tree and Intermediate Construction tech at gamestart.
- Changed some MacArthur advisors to be slightly stronger.
- Changed MacArthur’s conscription laws to grant slightly higher conscription.
- Changed The Hub starting population to 40000 from 25000, changed starting infrastructure from 3 to 5.
- Changed NCR AI focus plan so that if the Legion fails to attack the NCR, NCR will now attack the Legion once it has completed its focus tree.
- Changed a Vault City focus to give a war goal for TV-Town.
- Changed the NCR to be able to take decisions to declare war on the Brotherhood of Steel while at war.
- Changed the default Cavalry unit model from the vanilla one to a more fitting one made by NuclearForest.
- Changed all HP buffs to be increased 10x because they are flat, not percentual.
- Changed the Lanius gamerule to allow you to force him to be loyal.
- Changed the modifiers for the Demolitions major business slightly for balance.
- Changed Max Sec’s starting divisions to be slightly weaker.
- Changed Fourways and Max Sec to have 5% less starting War Support
- Changed scavenging to no longer reward Gauss, Plasma, or Vertibird schematics prior to 2280.

### Fixed
- Fixed AI building unbuildable roads and clogging up its construction queue.
- Fixed Oliver not resigning if the Mojave Territories take the Hanlon Route.
- Fixed the Mojave Territories being unable to build the Western Boatlift on the Hoover Dam
- Fixed NCR Focus “Reno, Our State” breaking in certain circumstances if New Reno gets annexed by another country.
- Fixed Rio Grande Republic being unable to puppet and annex Las Granjas and Pecos Colony if at war.
- Fixed several ideas which were an incorrect trade value modifier.
- Fixed special NCR ability “Deploy the Cannons” having broken GFX.
- Fixed Lanius not being able to continue his tree under very specific circumstances.
- Fixed Lost Hills not getting the proper leader when they appoint a foreign High Elder.
- Fixed the Aurelius option not giving the intended reward for the Phoenix uprising.
- Fixed Shi being able to take the truce with the NCR while fighting them together with Lost Hills as BoS.
- Fixed the New Canaan naval advisor not functioning properly.
- Fixed Lucius not transferring over to Lucius's Legion and instead replacing Vulpes in Vulpes's Legion in the Legion Civil War.
- Fixed Caius not receiving a portion of the Legion's units in some instances of his malpais replacement spawn condition in the Legion Civil War.
- Fixed a duplicate occurrence of a focus in the Standing Rock tree which was hidden under another focus.

### Technical Changes
- Changed some AI frontline behavior to have slightly more aggression when executing strong plans.
- Minor optimization improvements to code involved in backend country triggers and La Resistance recruitment

Update: Feb 28 @ 7:59am

Update: Jan 17 @ 9:46pm

-- Hotfix 4.2.13a --

### Fixed
- Fixed a bug causing the economic law for NCR to not progress for Allgood properly.

Update: Jan 17 @ 9:47am

-- Update 4.2.13 --

### Major Features
- Disabled the Winter Wonderland gamerule by default.

### Added
- Added a new economy law stage for Kimball’s path following the Vote of No Confidence in the NCR and rebalanced some of the other laws slightly in tandem.
- Added 4 additional focuses for Kimball’s path following the Vote of No Confidence.
- Added several new decisions to the NCR in conjunction with Kimball’s new foci.
- Added a new reward technology granted via Kimball’s new foci for the NCR.
- Added a new decision category--intended for further use in the future--and several associated decisions to Caesar’s Legion’s “Uniting the Wastes” focus.
- Added an economic node to O’Brien in Fourways at gamestart.
- Added the leader trait “Old-Worldist” to Hayes in the NCR.
- Added more resources, building slots and infrastructure to O’Brien in Fourways at gamestart.
- Added Dynamite tech to Arroyo at gamestart.
- Added the “Hill Fighter” unit leader terrain trait to Nagor and the Chosen One in Arroyo.

### Changed
- Changed several focuses of Kimball’s path following the Vote of No Confidence to be slightly stronger or altered and to progress his economic law sooner.
- Changed the NCR’s Power Armor subpath in the shared army branch to be slightly stronger.
- Changed the NCR’s focus “Begin Waking the Slumbering Giant” to now come after “The Baja Republic” and to require that the Rural Revitalisation economic law has been in effect for at least a year.
- Changed the NCR’s focus “Propose the Rural Revitalization Act” to no longer grant flat penalties given its associated law’s changes.
- Changed the NCR’s focus “Reorganization of the Rangers” to also grant a research bonus.
- Changed the NCR’s focus “Van Graff Corruption” to require and deplete 50 political power.
- Changed the NCR’s foci “Our Friends in the Stockmen’s Association” and “The Commercial Economy” for Kimball to grant slightly different or weaker modifiers following his adjustments.
- Changed a national spirit for Gente Del Sol to give 1% less Conscription.
- Changed a Max Sec decision to require them to own the land before coring it now.
- Changed the MacArthur Enclave economy law to no longer have tension limits to justifications and other diplomatic actions.
- Changed the Apostles to get a research bonus for outsider warfare instead of asymmetrical.
- Changed Beltran-Leyva to have basic PA tech at start.

### Fixed
- Fixed issues resulting from an incorrectly defined country flag for Polar Soviet.
- Fixed miscellaneous spelling issues for NCR.
- Fixed New Reno’s new temporary starting spirit being omitted from the bookmark and using the wrong caps modifier.
- Fixed minor errors in CAS localisation.
- Fixed a Robot City advisor having the wrong description.
- Fixed the Wanamingo decision for MacArthur to actually cost caps.
- Fixed a Vault City idea that gave the wrong resource bonus to purification stations.
- Fixed “Hire Additional Merc Companies” for Lonestar to bypass for the Hand Warband.
- Fixed Navajo being able to ask the Legion for land they do not control.
- Fixed a New Reno focus to require the right leader to be in charge of Vegas.
- Fixed an Old Country focus being completable by joining Washington's faction instead of owning their land.
- Fixed a New Hammond focus not bypassing if you already own Eastport.
- Fixed Troll Warren renaming the wrong state when you destroy the temple.
- Fixed a Troll Warren focus that gave infrastructure in the wrong state.
- Fixed a MacArthur event having the wrong localisation.

### Technical Changes
- Added localisation to training and combat xp modifiers on air units for future development use.
- Added localisation for the Riot Gear technology itself in case it is added via effect.
- Changed Arroyo’s AI research priorities to be slightly improved.

Update: Dec 24, 2023 @ 7:02pm

-- Update 4.2.12 --

### Major Features
- The Winter Wonder Wasteland gamerule has been enabled by default. Happy Holidays!
- Added an all new unit: Combined Arms Platoons. More information can be found in the tech balance changelog below.
- Made significant changes to smooth out the rough parts of tech and unit balance. This includes Piercing and Armor changes accompanying the Combined Arms unit, tweaks to default values for Entrenchment and some air missions, substantial improvements to Dogs and Blimps, faster research and other improvements for Implants, buffs to Trooper Warfare,, and many other changes. The full details can be found here: https://pastebin.com/ZfsnU7Lt

### Added
- Added Cavalry bonuses to the Animal Friend trait.
- Added new events for Caesar’s Legion sent by Gente Del Sol and Two Sun as they earn the favor of your advisors in their bids for Ultimo.
- Added new events to Kimball’s uppermost New Reno diplomacy focuses for the NCR, improving the narrative and providing a new option to lease the Sierra Army Depot without annexation.
- Added 4 additional Arizona victory points in Elephant Hill, Hubbell, Malpais, and Sedona.
- Added a new spirit to 215th’s "Honorary Powder Gangers!" focus.
- Added localisation for the NCR election button.
- Added 5% more starting Stability and War Support to Jackals and Vipers.
- Added Dog Support to the starting units of Jackals and Vipers.
- Added Dog technology to Jackals at gamestart.
- Added 500 more starting manpower to Vipers.
- Added focus filters to Mojave Territories and Mirelurk Tribe.

### Changed
- Changed the focus Treaty Ports for the River League for Standing Rock to build a highway connecting the new Port to the existing supply network.
- Changed Lanius’s Mustering Cohort spirit to penalize caps income more
- Changed Lanius’s Beast of the East spirt to also grant -10% Trade Opinion.
- Changed Lanius to no longer start with Army Training tech or basic tools and industry techs.
- Changed Lanius to start one level lower on his trade law.
- Changed Caesar’s Legion’s "The New Generation" and "The River Wars" foci to both be available regardless of how the Legate is dealt with.
- Changed Caesar’s Legion’s “The Great Exchange” focus to grant slightly less caps.
- Changed some advisors for NCR to be slightly stronger.
- Changed NCR’s early New Reno diplomacy focuses and "Free Market Contracts" focus for Kimball to be slightly stronger.
- Changed some advisors for Hangdogs and Warden to be slightly stronger.
- Changed some foci in the right branch for Hangdogs and Warden to be slightly stronger.
Changed the focus following the civil war for Hangdogs and Warden to also grant 5% War Support.
- Changed the starting units of Warden to be slightly stronger.
- Changed the starting generals of Jackals and Vipers to be slightly stronger.
- Changed Jackals and Vipers to start with a higher conscription law.
- Changed the starting spirit for Vipers to grant 5% less of a Stability penalty.
- Changed the spirit granted to Eighties and Thunderbirds upon their split to last longer and also grant -50% Training Time.
- Changed some wargoal focuses for Thunderbirds to have a minimum deployed manpower requirement.
- Changed Eighties’s Road Builders unique tech to also grant +10% Army Supply.
- Changed Ironmongers’s "Heavy Duty Weapons" spirit to be slightly stronger.

### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with focus AI weights for Eighties not enabling properly under some circumstances.
- Fixed an issue preventing the NCR AI from taking its border war against New Reno following their refusal to give up Sierra Army Depot.
- Fixed a minor spelling mistake in the focus Gente Customs Union.
- Fixed minor spelling and grammar mistakes in various bookmark descriptions.
- Fixed several non-functional air advisors which targeted an invalid equipment category.
- Fixed a minor spelling mistake in the Rusty Hooks’ Raiders of the Lost Space Center idea.
- Fixed typos in several technology descriptions.

### Technical Changes
- Added AI scripting forcing Eighties and Thunderbirds to deploy above a minimum division count following their split.
- Changed AI for Ironmongers to prioritize vehicle units more consistently.
- Changed the autonomy decision category to appear slightly lower in the decisions tab.
- Changed the victory point of the Greater Dayglow state to just Dayglow.

Update: Nov 13, 2023 @ 1:38pm

-- Update 4.2.11 --

### Major Features
- Made a round of tech balance changes focused on uplifting counters or competition for stronger strategies and adjusting how stats differ between stages for some types of equipment. This includes buffs to some Power Armor techs, overall buffs to Motorized defense and breakthrough, small buffs to Tanks and another minor nerf to Demolitions and Fireteams, among other things. The full list of changes can be found here: https://pastebin.com/TJYK8bzQ

### Added
- Added 6 new achievements: 2 for Lost Hills, 1 for Robot City, 1 for Caesar’s Legion, 1 for The Reservation, and 1 for Protectron Security Hub
- Added “Raider Conscripts” undesirables law to the 215th at game start
- Added a 3 day delay and new events between the Battle of Hoover Dam and the Battle of Boulder City to prevent bugs related to the conflict
- Added new Supermutant Portraits by Herckeim to nations that use generic supermutant portraits.
- Added a small number of additional victory points to Shi and NCR

### Changed
- Changed Warhound Platoons to now count as standard infantry and have a higher base organization and recovery rate
- Changed the “K-9 Integration” to now increase the supply use of affected units slightly more
- Changed the Animal Friend general trait to now boost Warhound Platoons in addition to its previous effects
- Changed the modifier on the Fringe spirit “Stateless Society” to improve the Surrender Limit rather than weaken it
- Changed the Legion Civil War so that Willem Clark will no longer side with a faction since he is attempting to cleanse the wasteland
- Changed the Legion and Lanius’s Cult of Mars spirit to grant 5% less Army Experience Factor
- Changed the Legion Wave Tactics tech from -0.3 Combat Width to -0.2
- Changed Lanius’s later leader traits to no longer grant +0.01 compliance gain
- Changed NCR’s River Patrols national spirit to also grant +20% Naval Range
- Changed NCR’s Speartip Tactics national spirit to grant 2.5% more Tank Attack
- Changed NCR’s Lame Duck Address focus to change its icon based on the current president
- Changed the Mojave Territories California in Chaos event’s text
- Changed the news event following the Eighties and Thunderbirds split to also fire for Elko Posse and NCR
- Changed the majority of Eden’s provinces to Jungle
- Changed the MacArthur Enclave path to better suit the updated map
- Changed the “A star is born” decisions for 215th to be worthwhile to take
- Changed the focus that annexes Uintah for Eagle rock to give a wargoal instead if Uintah is a player
- Changed the trading with Hawai’i and the southern empires events to have more of a caps cost

### Fixed
- Fixed the CAPITALZIER! Red vs. Blue event for Big Grass not giving proper claims.
- Fixed the alerts being off center due to not telling the game how many frames exist in the image file.
- Fixed Far Son leaders not having portraits.
- Fixed the typo in the national spirit The Sound of Music
- Fixed Paladins counting as Special Forces for the Lost Hills Brotherhood.
- Fixed the Unit Training Technology Decisions giving technologies in the same advancement level instead of the next tier as they should be.
- Fixed the New California Republic focus 'Good Old 51st' not giving Tlaloc's lands for Moore's new Government.
- Fixed typos in Lone Star's Bookmark, Mojave Chapter focus 'Assigning Power', and MacArthur event 'The Bizarre' description.
- Fixed Eureka, MacArthur and the Republic of the Rio Grande not having medals
- Fixed the Marrow Drinkers brainwashing Klamath early in the focus for the Bone Dancers
- Fixed several instances where MacArthur referred to Ellen Santiago instead of Martha
- Fixed the loc for a New Canaan event referencing the Great Khans instead of the Sky Reavers
- Fixed achievements “Mexico Restored” and “Nullify the Treaty of Guadalupe”
- Fixed Alamo Chapter focuses from not considering Tlaloc states allied territories if Rosada released Tlaloc’s children as puppets
- Fixed the event California in Chaos not switching leaders properly.
- Fixed a Navajo focus to require owning the land you core with it
- Fixed a marrow drinker focus to require you to own the apostles so you can core them

### Technical Changes
- Changed some names in the MacArthur character file to localisation strings.
- Changed the Continent of many provinces while fixing Mexican achievements

Update: Oct 14, 2023 @ 5:36pm

-- Update 4.2.10 --

### Changed
- Changed the loc for consumer goods back to pre AAT

### Fixed
- Fixed the McArthur AI removing all it's resources in the 'Ask What You Can Do For Your Country' event by adding more trigger checks so the AI can't choose certain options after giving the correct amount of resources away.
- Fixed the Montana Enclave not being able to obtain a wargoal against the Great Stampede
- Fixed the Montana Enclave getting two favors from one campaign
- Fixed the Washington Enclave receiving a generic puppet tree instead of the enclave one
- Fixed Vault-Tec Calling events' localization not correctly appearing
- Fixed Omma not being removed from the Chained Choir as an advisor upon dying
- Fixed one of Dundurn's division templates starting with overlayed infantry battalions
- Fixed one of Eureka's events having an invalid namespace
- Fixed global alerts not displaying correctly
- Fixed volunteers not being able to be sent
- Fixed a bug in the MOT tree
- Fixed Crusher not having a wage or officer law

### Technical Changes
- Fixed supply use modifier tooltip being only 1 decimal place.
- Optimized state target decisions for Eagle Rock
- Fixed an issue brought up by someone using a translation of certain triggers ONLY checking for the english names and not just the characters in general. Applied a fix to these triggers so they check for the character Id itself instead of the name of the leader.

Update: Oct 10, 2023 @ 9:28am

### Major Features
- Mod updated for compatibility with the new Hearts of Iron IV DLC: Arms Against Tyranny.

### Added
- Added AI scripting for Las Granjas to provide minor support to Baudelio Ranchers when they’re attacked by the Legion

### Changed
- Changed the organizations market Caps prices for Demolitions equipment and Sophisticated Fireteam equipment to be higher and changed the prices for Basic and Intermediate Fireteam equipment to be slightly lower.
- Changed the Centurions unique tech’s organisation bonus from 5 to 3.
- Changed the first Cult of Mars spirit for Caesar’s Legion and Lanius from -3% conscription factor to -5%.

### Fixed
- Fixed some state-targeted decisions across the mod not highlighting said states on the map properly.
- Fixed an oversight causing a completed Eureka news event to not be triggerable when intended.
- Fixed a support decision for Hayes’s NCR campaign instead acting as if it were an enemy campaign mission.
- Fixed Calhoun’s tiered spirit for NCR not providing its intended Medical Chems Support bonus properly.
- Fixed Redding’s “...And New Tricks” focus not providing the first Energy Weapons tech as intended.
- Fixed an NCR puppet tree focus not properly fortifying the nation’s capital in its effect.
- Fixed Vault 37’s spirit “Vault-Tec Workers Council” not providing its intended Support Robots bonus properly.
- Fixed Standing Rock’s spirit “Historians Presence” not providing its intended modifiers properly.
- Fixed New Canaan’s spirit “Poor Only in Spirit” not providing its intended Political Power bonus properly.
- Fixed New Canaan’s “Drop the Pretense” focus not always promoting Jeremiah Rigdon properly.
- Fixed the second option for MacArthur’s “Warriors For the Working Day” not also applying its coring cost reduction to the states of Ruminators as intended.
- Fixed Metis’s “The Northern Congress is Called” news event not always showing up for nearby countries as intended.
- Fixed an event for Troll Warren’s puppet tree not correctly providing the intended bonus for its Betty option.
- Fixed an error causing Caesar’s Legion to lack one of its intended naval techs for players without the Man the Guns DLC.
- Fixed the Eighties’s Sac City focus not properly firing its event for exchanging the state if an ally controls it.
- Fixed a Lanius war preparation focus for the Diana tree not properly enabling for allied control of New Apache.
- Fixed some resource decisions for MacArthur not enforcing their resource checks properly.
- Fixed several Paullus focuses checking his favor not performing said checks properly.
- Fixed some decision for Paullus’s Warband not enforcing their manpower checks properly.
- Fixed Paullus’s “Australi Vento” and “Alamo Blueprints” spirits and “Coffee Baron” leader trait not providing all of their intended bonuses.
- Fixed Wishmaidens’s “Working With the Girls” decision not properly adding its intended national spirit.
- Fixed Chained Choir’s “Thralls into the Mines” event not properly including all the intended effects for its second option.
- Fixed the Boomers not properly receiving their starting units when spawned via custom gamerules.
- Fixed many division templates created from foci, decisions and events not adding all their intended support units properly.
- Fixed Eagle Rock’s Operator Ross general not receiving the Charismatic trait as intended.
- Fixed focus description for The Day of the Jackal not displaying properly.
- Fixed typo in the Free Folk Victorious in Navarro event.
- Fixed several typos in event A Knock at the Door.
- Fixed typos in the Shut Down the Navarro Probe focus.
- Fixed Daniel always having the Wild Wasteland Portrait.
- Fixed typos in some Tierra de los Tzotzil events/ideas.
- Fixed some localisation using a localisation function that doesn't exist.

### Removed

### Technical Changes
- Fixed a large amount of previously undetected bugs or codebase errors. Some of these fixes that are not readily apparent to players have been omitted from the list of fixes above for brevity.

Update: Sep 11, 2023 @ 7:29pm

-- Update 4.2.8 --

### Major Features
- Updated our Credits in the Pip-Boy, and on the Steam Workshop and Paradox Plaza pages to better represent current and previous Dev team members and honor their contributions
- Made minor balance touchups to Demolitions and Fireteams following the previous patch’s changes as well as a quality of life change to Automated Warfare. The specifics can be found here: https://pastebin.com/Es5GtDxQ

### Added
- Added 30 S’lanter focus icons
- Added a new trade node in Calgary
- Added the ability to remove a punishing Mojave Territories idea through the Oliver Civil War focus tree.
- Added decision category text to "Lost Hills Diplomacy" to provide background to the NCR/BOS tension system and display the current tension.
- Added 7 new regional news events for the West Coast, and 1 for Texas
- Added new events to notify when a nation has rejected or accepted territorial dispute demands
- Added addition checks to limit the Ironmonger declaring war when puppeted
- Added Ghoul Paratroopers to the Last Patrol
- Added Ghoul Paratroopers to the Spec Ops upgrade techs
- Added Ghoul Paratroopers to the Sniper trait
- Added New Canaan access to Generic Settled medals

### Changed
- Changed Caesar’s Legion’s conscription laws to have appropriate caps and factory maluses and strength ratio requirements
- Changed Caesar’s Legion’s Dale Barton and Guillermo Rossi advisor traits slightly
- Changed the Legion Denarius currency’s flat caps income from 8 to 7
- Changed the “A Legion with a State” modifier to have marginally higher penalties on its second and third stage
- Changed the Legion’s second starting event options to be marginally weaker
- Changed some Caesar’s Legion central economic branch foci to be slightly weaker
- Changed the Legion’s post Baudelio Ranchers focus to grant 1 less civilian factory
- Changed Caesar’s Legion to start with 2 less civilian factories
- Changed Caesar’s Legion’s Aureus and Eternal Empire foci to be slightly weaker
- Changed nations using the appropriate doctrines to now utilize firebases in infantry templates
- Changed Lanius' Legion to get all cores of LAC to prevent instant capitulation upon the start of civil war.
- Changed the “Settlement Raider” generic advisor trait’s modifiers
- Changed the generic tribal advisor traits “Scoundrel” and “Crusher” to be stronger
- Changed the shared Attis Army “Mutant Sized Tools” idea to grant 5% less efficiency cap
- Changed Unity of Austin’s sterility spirits to raise factory output rather than efficiency cap
- Changed the effects of the shared mutant Slaving Bastard advisor
- Changed some Troll Warren economic advisors to be cultural
- Changed some Troll Warren advisors to be smaller or have slightly altered effects
- Changed Troll Warren to no longer start with pre-agriculture and resource generator techs
- Changed some miscellaneous early Troll Warren foci and events to be slightly stronger
- Changed the scaling for Troll Warren’s conscription law, ending in slightly lower research speed and slightly higher combat buffs
- Changed Cartel "Gente Support" idea by nerfing surrender limit increase by 15%
- Changed Navajo’s Wanamingo idea to grant 2.5% less attack
- Changed three Free Fighters doctrine and medical tech buff foci to be slightly stronger
- Changed NCR idea "Victory in the Mojave" granted by MOT to be temporary
- Changed Eureka to only be allowed to join the NCR after 2279, and declare on ARR after 2278 to prevent premature NCR intervention.
- Changed “Honouring the Maxson Elders” to only be available for John Maxson
- Changed Sisters of Steel focus “Cross-Hearted” to not bypass when the Cult of Liberty is conquered
- Changed the Arroyo/NCR event “A Bribe” to remove Fourways from the NCR faction
- Changed USA Pipe Guns to no longer be called M1 Garands
- Changed several Tribal Focus Tree buffs to apply to Ghouls on top of regular infantry
- Changed Arroyo to no longer be able to join the NCR while at war
- Changed ~30 generic icons
- Changed every unique TAA icon
- Changed TAA Flag
- Changed Todd Howizter’s portrait to better suit flag change
- Changed Eureka Flag
- Changed Withered Dogs Flag
- Changed Scorpion's Bite Flag
- Changed Eureka Territories Flag
- Changed Arroyo Flag
- Changed Timekeepers Flag

### Fixed
- Fixed Territorial Dispute Decisions disappearing after 24 hours, and a situation where owning part of a disputed territory would not allow claiming the rest of it
- Fixed a caps event which would show a blank node
- Fixed raids being able to target impassable states
- Fixed mismatched SHI Navarro intervention event effects
- Fixed Provisional Republic of Texas' leader not updating from "Provisional Congress of Texas"
- Fixed Umbra’s navy starting in Eureka territory
- Fixed grammar and spelling in “Stoppen or Die Young Stumpy!” event
- Fixed a number of issues with Kimball NCR's "Great Basin Campaign" decisions
- Fixed Vault City Gecko renovation decisions not showing up properly
- Fixed Reservation decisions to sell to Caesar’s Legion working when the Legion was dead
- Fixed being locked out of the Shared Cartel tree when Gente Del Sol is dead
- Fixed Free Fighters being locked out of war with Caesar when puppets border Caesar
- Fixed "Treaty of New Vegas" idea persisting when Vegas no longer exists
- Fixed many missing tooltip localizations for Moore's NCR Civil War Path
- Fixed many ideas which were missing pictures, particularly for the NCR
- Fixed a tiered New Reno idea for the Chimeran Consensus that was not upgrading as intended
- Fixed many, many instances of incorrect capitalization, punctuation, grammar in localization.
- Fixed every instance of "rather then" to "rather than"
- Fixed Unity of Austin not transferring units or unit leaders to Provisional Republic of Texas upon integration
- Fixed the New Victoria Achievement “Canadian Royalty” not firing
- Fixed Shale’s portrait for Caesar and Paullus
- Fixed Eagle Rock’s decision to buy Gauss weapons
- Fixed Santa Anna getting stuck in his tree if Itza loses bordering states
- Fixed the NCR focus “Lost, But Not Forgotten” from being completed twice via event
- Fixed the Sinaloa Cartel to properly recruit a General added via event
- Fixed missing Colorado Mutant Support unit icons
- Fixed minor error of there being two calls in the Free Market Contracts description for NCR.
- Fixed focus in White Legs tree that was missing interface definition
- Fixed Sonora, Ranchers and Las Granjas failing to join the NCR faction after Allgood releases them as puppets
- Fixed an error in Dale Barton’s advisor description for the Legion

### Removed

### Technical Changes
- Added NCR AI strategies to use air more often in Arizona, not naval invade when it is physically impossible due to the Hoover Dam, assist FFI/RRG when both at war with the Legion, not take foci that grant large wargoals while it is in a war (to prevent NCR declaring wars while it is losing).
- Added Texan BoS AI checks to make it less suicidally aggressive
- Added research weighting for Texan BoS and changed research weighting for NCR to more heavily prioritize infantry techs
- Changed White Legs AI plan to prioritize going to war with the Clockkeepers and Tar Walkers early
- Changed Rio Grande AI to take decisions to puppet and annex Las Granjas and Pecos Colony.
- Changed Rio Grande AI for Guerra to now take foci to attack Caesar’s Legion at the end of its tree.
- Changed Unity of Austin AI to now actually build divisions
- Changed the 3 loc keys for coring_button_label_name_scripted_loc to be actual localisation keys to allow for proper translation.
- Fixed Timberline Leader names not being proper Localisation keys.
- Updated the link to open the wiki to the new wiki page

Update: Aug 5, 2023 @ 12:18am

-- Update 4.2.7 --

### Major Features
- Made several adjustments to the pacing and structure of Lanius’s main tree, starting situation and campaign progression. Changes include focuses no longer locking from tree progression, 2 added focuses and several spirits returned from an older version with adjustments, slight focus rearrangement, some new effects and many weak focuses adjusted to be more powerful. More significant balance changes not directly tied to the tree are detailed further down in this changelog.
- A round of tech balance changes focused most on air and support weaponry. This includes nerfs to CAS, changes narrowing AA’s floor and ceiling of strength, buffs to Militia and Behemoths, significant changes to Fireteams and Demolitions including unit width changes and reworked naval hull production costs. Full details can be found here: https://pastebin.com/AbeJPcPM

### Added
- Added back Lanius’s old “Mustering Cohort” spirit at gamestart with upgrade stages in his tree
- Added political party names to The Last Redoubt
- Added a new description for Grant C. Hayes upon winning the NCR election
- Added an animated portrait for The Immortal
- Added a new focus icon to Standing Rock’s first focus
- Added 2 new advisors to Vault City
- Added 2 Heavy Ships and stronger initial ship variants to Shi at gamestart
- Added starting Recon tech to Gente Del Sol
- Added several additional starting naval techs to Baja State
- Added a bypass to the first stage of the Mojave Chapter’s operation chain

### Changed
- Changed the unifier system to now infuse small amounts of world tension monthly for each unified region to help compensate for decreased natural tension sources
- Changed many ideas and advisors to affect node income, rather than the tariff rate
- Changed NCR post-legion focuses to only require owning some core Legion territory, rather than all of it
- Changed the Vault Tec Calling decisions no longer rename provinces of faction members
- Changed the “Frontier Runner” trait used by Tribal and Vault City advisors to also grant +5% recovery rate
- Changed Lanius’s starting research slots from 4 to 3
- Changed Lanius’s starting military factory count to from 12 to 11
- Changed Lanius to no longer start with Tribal Tech Tree access, instead receiving it from “A Bitter Truth”
- Changed the bonuses of Lanius’s infantry army chief
- Changed Lanius’s starting army to have slightly less chariot battalions and infantry starting equipment
- Changed Lanius’s “Beast of the East” spirit to a permanent starting one with different modifiers
- Changed Lanius to receive less manpower and send more caps to the Legion via his Dog City timer spirit
- Changed Lanius to start with 5% less war support and on a higher economy law
- Changed Lanius’s “Monster of the East” to grant 5% less attack and garrisons reduction
- Changed starting stability and/or war support to be slightly higher for Archidocese of Santa Fe, Baja State, Blue Rose Society, Mescalero Nation, Summers Federation and Sun Dogs
- Changed some of the starting armies, spirits and leader traits of Lanius’s 5 early targets to be slightly stronger over all
- Changed the Legacy of Centurion Paullus spirit to inflict slightly smaller army penalties
- Changed some events and foci for Summers Federation to be slightly stronger and have more consistent lengths
- Changed Hangdogs’ focuses remedying their “Limited Salvaging” debuff to each have an additional, unique minor effect and slightly more flexibility with their order
- Changed the length of a few Hangdogs foci slightly, with a marginal net decrease in length
- Changed Hangdogs’ “Sharper Teeth” to provide a 75% coring cost reduction rather than free cores
- Changed some Hangdogs foci of the “Old World Salvagers” and “Riches of the Box” branches to be slightly stronger
- Changed Hangdogs’ 2nd event option for factories to be weaker
- Changed Hangdogs to start with 1 more civilian factory
- Changed the strength of some Hangdogs advisors slightly
- Changed NCR’s starting NCR Economy caps income from -10% to +0% and Mama Van Graff’s initial caps malus from -10% to -5%
- Changed NCR’s “Mechanized Bull” Power Armor foci to be altogether stronger
- Changed NCR’s “New Necropolis” and “The Bear Roars” foci to take 15 less days and changed the latter to give 5 less army xp.
- Changed NCR’s “Across the Great Divide” for Kimball to bypass if Mojave Territories dies
- Changed NCR’s Kimball’s “The Chop Shop”, "Open Up the Navarro Reservation" and "Lessons of the Baja Campaign" to have stronger or more flexible bonuses
- Changed NCR Moore’s President General trait to swap from weekly modifiers to flat value equivalents via focus "Moore Victorious"
- Changed some NCR/Lost Hills diplomacy decisions to cost slightly less
- Changed some focuses for Baja State and the shared NCR puppet trees to be slightly stronger or faster
- Changed Mojave Territories’s Mojave Pacification spirit garrison damage malus to be 5% lower
- Changed the Mojave Territories to start with militia as their garrison unit
- Changed Mojave Territories’s Warden Nathan advisor to reduce--rather than raise--resistance as intended
- Changed New Reno’s available conscription and manpower for Thradd to be higher
- Changed the Twin Mothers focus “Meeting A Legend” to bypass if Lanius dies early, enabling the “A Legend’s Early End” path
- Changed Caesar’s Legion’s decision to attack Nipton to no longer remove a core if the Mojave Territories or the NCR have cored it. Will now damage the state instead
- Changed Caesar’s Legion’s Wave Tactics tech to be granted by the start focus of the Mojave victory/loss branches rather than a focus which would not trigger if against Mojave Brotherhood
- Changed Caesar’s Legion spirit “Centurion Glory Idea” to “Centurion Glory”
- Changed Shi’s “Engineers of Our Time” focus to grant 1 more research bonus
- Changed some Rio Grande Guerra foci to be stronger and added a spirit to "The Home Effort"
- Changed Rio Grande’s ally integration decisions to also transfer troops
- Changed Rad Hazards’s starting spirit slightly for balance and granted them a unique caps law
- Changed Troll Warren’s Ice Jaw advisor and "Overrun the Armoury" focus to be slightly stronger
- Changed the generic brotherhood tree to grant slightly higher power armor research bonuses but slightly lower production cost reductions
- Changed Washington Brotherhood’s “Dark Foundries” focus to grant 1 less military factory
- Changed Washington Brotherhood’s final Troll Warren decision to require less battalions from Warren
- Changed some autonomy laws of Enclave nations and Washington Brotherhood to grant less industry
- Changed MacArthur foci “Snow It Goes” and “Snow Days are canceled” to reflect the removal of the Snowmads
- Changed the Safehaven leader bio and spirit description to no longer mention Nordikon
- Changed the Mirelurk Tribe focus “Offer Muttfruit for the Rib-breaker Coast” to mention the Willamette River rather than the Columbia River
- Changed the Two People’s spirits “White Moon” and “Red Moon” Political Power reductions from 100% to 50%
- Changed Ouroborus event “Dae’s Challenge” to no longer reference poisoning a blade instead of a healthy breakfast
- Changed the music player UI slightly
- Changed Rio Grande decision so it can now invite TWO and GDH to Mexico without completing a focus that requires owning them, which previously rendered the decision useless
- Changed NCR focus so that NCR will no longer annex New Reno while it is at war

Check Discord or https://pastebin.com/QE1khwzY for the full changelog