Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Artículos (30)
Creada por Mlecz
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif This mod will optimize your game and make the map more clear and colorful. Addons: *less shaders *non-reflective water *sharper borders *coloured icons *strategic view adjustments HOI4 version: 1.14+ Mods Paradox version: ht...
War music collection
Creada por 掉色人
·替换了23首震撼人心的音乐! ·添加了12首音乐。 ·更正了,音乐对应国家。 ·音乐质量全部升级完成 ·后面会持续更新。 (不试试就不知道有多好!) -----------如果觉得不错给个赞吧! ·歌名: Adventure Time Atlantis Becoming a Legend Breath and Life Brotherhood Conquest of Paradise Cyberworld Dragonfly Keeper E...
52 Chinese Localisation
Creada por 电脑小龟L.T.
钢铁雄心4 v1.14.3 简体中文汉化包 240401版 * 目前AAT之前的是用的本民间汉化文本(修正了官中的一些错误),AAT之后使用的是官中文本。 * 覆盖了官中的文本和字体,打了本MOD后无论“英文”和“中文”都是汉语且都是修正后版本。 * 目前没有打算做全面的官中润色,基本上就是把大家汇报的汉化错误修一修,定期发布一下。 ===============汉化包说明=============== 本汉化包由52pcgame汉化组和牧有汉化组合作完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏本体及所有已发布的DLC。 汉化...
Modifier Icons CN ver.
Creada por 1+1=⑨
Hi, This is a Chinese localised version of one famous mod called "Modifier Icons". If you're looking for the original one, please go to https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2668048070 Cheers. https://i.imgur.com/WGjlAIi.png 在所有BUFF修正前加上了图...
Creada por Hungry Fool
~~~欢迎大家订阅~~~ 有问题可以加QQ群反馈:1037588016 支持最新版本,旧版本不再适用 需要全部的主要dlc,缺少dlc可能导致崩溃报错 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 这个汉化补充mod内容比较全面,比工坊其他补充mod多出很多东西,如随机人名等都有汉化到。 现在支持最新绝不...
Force Number CN
Creada por SnowSwallow
注意事项: 1.会【禁用成就】! 2.本mod一般随P社更新而更新,可能稍晚那么几天! 3.序列番号如果存在英文或BUG,请在评论区留言一定让我知道! 4.希望大家伙儿能多多推荐! 目前已汉化: ALL countries!!! 更新日志: =======2024.04.14======================= 更新了南美洲DLC相关内容。 =======2023.03.22======================= 优化了中国番号,中国、日本自带部队进行汉化。 =======2022.09....
Better Mechanics : Optimization
Creada por Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Current Mod Version: 1.2 Compatible with Hoi4 Version(s): 1.*.* (Any version of the game for past, present and future) If you want to support me , you can do that here : https://bmc.link/arcanemaster Presentation Hello This ...
Better Mechanics : Combat
Creada por Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Fully compatible with All DLCs,Vanilla and A Lot of Mods. If you want to help me 'fight' Paradox's mistakes, you can do that here : https://bmc.link/arcanemaster Wowee! Hello and welcome to Better Mechanics : Combat In this ...
Better Mechanics : Production
Creada por Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Not Ironman Compatible Current Mod Version: 4.2 Compatible with Hoi4 Version(s): 1.14.* If you want to support me, you can do that here : https://bmc.link/arcanemaster (buy me a coffee) Presentation Using the Better Mechanic...
Better Mechanics : Training and Experience
Creada por Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Not Ironman Compatible Current Mod Version: 1.7 Compatible with Hoi4 Version(s): 1.14.* Presentation I think hoi4 has gotten much better as time has passed, however one thing still remains the same as at launch - land units ...
Better Mechanics : Resource Wars
Creada por Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Not Ironman Compatible Current Mod Version: 1.9 Compatible with Hoi4 Version(s): 1.14.* I like the resourcenkrieg mod I with the creator's permission, I took the mantle of updating the mod Expect some updates here and tehre ...
[ENG/CN]Diplomacy Puppeteering
Creada por Stakataka_3030
Introduction: Welcome to Diplomacy Puppeteering, a small Hearts of Iron IV mod that allows you to dominate geopolitics in a simpler way than ever before. Are you tired of watching other countries slip from your grasp? Now, you can reassert your dominance t...
Convert Equipment
Creada por time lapses
装备改装 https://i.imgur.com/5EFfZ8A.gif 给个免费的赞吧 支持游戏版本:1.13* (1)mod兼容 本mod修改了装备文件 不兼容其它修改了 装备或科技 的mod,比如KR,56之路,之类的mod (2)装备升级与改装 原版的改装功能需要DLC才能启用。 ·改装:退役旧版装备后,可以把它改成最新的。 缴获一大堆万国造的垃圾,可以升级成自家最新装备。 请记得点击“退役”!!! ·升级:因AI平衡问题,限定少数最终装备可以升级,升级大概相当于把科技树延伸了3年 升级按钮在生产界...
Warship Conversion
Creada por Saratoga
This mod allows you to convert your warship or the warship of a defeated country you have taken over to the same or higher level hull Pre dreadnought, Panzerschiff, Coastal defense ship, Conversion bb and Conversion ca can be converted to any Battleship or...
50 Construction Slots
Creada por MrBlazzar™
This mod makes the maximum number of building slots in a state 50 instead of 25. It also makes it so you can build 40 of a factory instead of just 20. Also I doubled the amount of starting slots for each state type. So cities use to be 6 now they are 12. I...
Creada por dybhkc
基于 dismiss leaders 修改扩展而来,感谢原作者Oskar 按钮在屏幕右侧边缘中间偏上的位置,是一个向下的三角箭头,点按钮左侧可拖动,快捷键是shift+数字1 如果觉得有用,左上角点个赞👍吧,非常感谢 mod原名:将领培训班和养老院(功德林) steam创意工坊和paradox mod同步更新 功能: 培训班: 自由分配现有技能点 将领等级升级,降级 晋升,降职(元帅,将军) 自由删除,添加特质(可批量操作特质) 清空特质 删除将领 增加,减少将领特质槽位 指挥上限:加修改指挥上限的特质 把...
Modifier GUI 2024汉化版
Creada por 河口穿梭人Aper
⠀⠀⠀    Modifier GUI,最好的作弊菜单回来了!还带着中文汉化 模组介绍 作弊菜单开启:在屏幕右下角,陆军海军空军那些按钮面板的上方有一个长方形按钮,点击就能打开作弊菜单。 这个MOD可以让你修改政治、外交、军事、研究、经验等等,几乎涵盖了游戏各个方面,非常简单好用!如果你在寻找可以即时修改游戏的修改器,那么一定要试一下本MOD。 注意!必须使用最新版钢铁雄心4,并且以中文语言启动游戏!保证你的游戏是正版,最新版本,保证你的启动器是最新版,游戏内UI缩放是正常的,本人不保证本模组能兼容所有模组...
Modifier GUI CN
Creada por VDilang
Modifier GUI(汉化简中版) 原模组(最初版):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1941325398&searchtext=Modifier+GUI 原模组(更新版):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2999056384 注意事项: 1.需要订阅原mod后,一起使用才生效 2.修改界面:在游戏地图按键的上面浮窗 3.兼容问题,可以去最初版看说明...
Modifier GUI Updated
Creada por NISZS
The ModifierGUI Mod is a powerful cheat mod that allows you to customize and tweak various aspects of your gameplay experience. Originally created by the talented modder MrDuckFIN, this mod offers an enhanced version of the original cheat mod. With the Mod...
Toolpack without the Errors
Creada por marijn211
Another continuation of Toolpack, since the main one, Toolpack 2023, was discontinued for a while. Naturally I got my code from the original mod and I'm updating from that, I didn't get anything from other continuations. Please read the page before comment...
Toolpack Equipment Expansion
Creada por marijn211
This mod is a submod to Toolpack without the Errors that adds adding equipment to your nation or removing it. Unlike the main mod, I'm not aiming to have it be error log free when using vanilla, as I'm adding Road to 56 compatibility, this just throws some...
Creada por SSS
火星部队Mod(1.12更新) A cheating mod for obtaining high-level troops 更新中文 随本体版本升级改动一些代码 Steam讨论区一直显示当前地区不可用,回复不了消息······ Mod介绍 -包含召唤火星部队、海空军生产buff、状态显示、辅助等功能 -版本:1.12 -进入游戏后在决议中触发Mod -所有功能均为被动触发 -可搭配大部分Mod使用 可召唤的火星部队(经验等级均为最高): - 现坦师(编制1092)(满支援连,下同); - 机步师(154)...
Better Mechanics : Air/Land/Sea Designs (AI)
Creada por Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Not Ironman Compatible Current Mod Version: 2.8 Compatible with HOI4 Version(s): 1.14.* For full effect and efficiency, use it along my better mechanics mod collection If you want to support me , you can do that here : https...
Better Mechanics : Divisional AI
Creada por Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Not Ironman Compatible Current Mod Version: 6.6 Compatible with Hoi4 Version(s): 1.14.* If you want to support me , you can do that here : https://bmc.link/arcanemaster Presentation Using Better Mechanics: AI Divisions, you ...
Better Mechanics : AI Research | Vanilla Tech Tree
Creada por Amine Alkaline
Hello This is a companion mod for one of my other mods : Better Mechanics : AI divisions This mod tweaks vanilla AI reserah in order for the mod to be more effective with any other mods that dont modify the vanilla tech tree Ai Change: - Locks useless tech...
Better Mechanics : Frontline AI | Updated
Creada por Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Updated Version of the previous mod to account a bit for modern hoi4. If you want to help me 'fight' Paradox's mistakes, you can do that here : https://bmc.link/arcanemaster Not Ironman Compatible Current Mod Version: 7.2 Co...
来都来了,顺手点一个赞怎么样,支持一下 来都来了,顺手点一个赞怎么样,支持一下 有任何BUG或需求请在下方聊天区反馈或加 QQ 1142105985 小广告:接小型MOD定制(有偿),需要联系下方QQ ! 接小型MOD定制(有偿),需要联系下方QQ ! ------------------------ MOD已经适配了KX MOD,欢迎下载!!! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3159252751 MOD已经适配了TNO MOD...
Core State Display
Creada por ZhiZhong_
Add a new map mode which can display the core state and claimed state. Compatible with most other mods The main colors means GREEN - is your core state and owned by you RED - is your core state but not owned by you Yellow - is your claimed state ----------...
8x7+5x5 更多师槽位 Extreme Division
Creada por HH
中文: 如果这个mod对你有帮助,麻烦点一个赞支持一下,谢谢! 这是一个帮你拓展了编制和支援连的mod 编制是:8x7 支援连是5x5 8x7+5x5=81格 我感觉再大没有很大意义,如果你不作弊几乎全部摆满,战场宽度也是十分逆天的 这个mod理论上支持所有大型mod ENG: if this mod is helpful to u, pls click a like to support it,thx! this mod that help u expand ur organization and sup...
More Division Icons Fixed
Creada por pepko
This is an fixed version of the amazing More Division Icons mod by Mask. This version is compatible with 1.14 I decided to update it since other versions are at least 2 game versions behind. I will not be adding any new icons....
Colecciones asociadas (3)
Better Mechanics Collection
Contiene 35 artículos
Contiene 10 artículos
Better Mechanics : AI Compilation
Contiene 4 artículos