

176 个评价
泰拉瑞亚灾厄模组合集 - 完全汉化、无冲突、适合多人游戏
1 灾厄 灾厄是一个庞大的内容模组,为泰拉瑞亚创造了全新的、令人耳目一新的体验!
2 灾厄大修 灾厄大修旨在全面优化灾厄的各个方面
3 灾厄音乐 为原声带中的每首歌添加了灾难音轨和音乐盒
4 灾劫 灾劫是灾厄的新游戏+风格的附加内容,添加了各种新物品和敌人
5 灾劫音乐 灾劫音乐是灾厄正在进行的音乐扩展
6 虚荣 灾厄虚荣是一个旨在为灾厄添加更多装饰物品和宠物的模组
7 喷火器 为几乎每个没有火焰喷射器的灾厄Boss添加了一个火焰喷射器
8 圣物美化 为灾厄中的每个圣物添加颜色

1 更好的体验 这些功能会为你带来更好的游戏体验,需要在模组配置界面修改,可替代大量模组
2 基本自动矿脉采矿 基本自动矿脉采矿是一个连锁挖矿模组,无需设置快捷键
3 魔法存储 这个模组一劳永逸地解决了存储问题,它允许构建一个中央网络来存储所有物品 含有支持拼音搜索的模组 
4 合成表/向导失业表 可以通过其包含的功能强大的工具模块,更简洁有效的规划如何制作物品。你将能快速查阅当前已有物品的合成树,包含多个中间合成步骤的物品也能查看 含有支持拼音搜索的模组
5 智能垃圾桶 将物品放置在“智能垃圾桶”栏位中,以便在以后拾取到该物品时立即将其丢弃。对那些把你的背包弄得乱七八糟的物品都很有用
6 运动视觉效果 这个模组改变了玩家的视觉效果,而不影响游戏玩法
7 高 FPS 支持 允许以高于 60FPS 的速度渲染游戏,而不影响世界模拟的速度
8 更好的微光体验 这是一个围绕微光嬗变及其以太环境的小型体验优化/新增内容模组
9 更有用的可装备物品 更有用的可装备物品为宠物、照明宠物、矿车和翅膀增添了更多的天赋、功能和特性

1 室友 这个模组允许多个NPC占据一个房间
2 更优秀的友善NPC 更优秀的友善NPC是一个旨在为城镇NPC提供更多属性自定义的模组
3 更好的NPC对话面板 本Mod完全重制了NPC对话框UI,设计基于手机版UI但有所改善

灾厄材质包合集 [点击我打开]

项目 (68)
Calamity Mod
创建者: Fabsol
Calamity Mod Discord Official Wiki The Calamity Mod is a vast content mod that creates a new and refreshing experience for Terraria! With this mod comes a slew of new bosses, unique and challenging difficulty modes, over a thousand new items, new NPCs, and...
Calamity Overhaul
创建者: HoCha113
-Calamity Overhaul Mod- The introductory music in the preview video might be quite loud, so please prepare accordingly or lower your computer’s volume if you wish to watch it. The Calamity Overhaul Mod aims to enhance and expand the gaming experience of th...
Calamity Mod Music
创建者: Fabsol
Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki This mod adds the Calamity soundtrack and music boxes for each of its songs. It is intended to be used alongside the Calamity Mod, but can be used alone. You will need to use the Calamity Mod in order to naturally o...
◆ Calamity Chinese Translation Patch ◆ 灾厄汉化补丁 ◆
创建者: Kcovin
Introduce This is the unofficial Chinese translation patch of Calamity Mod ...
Catalyst Mod
创建者: apotofkoolaid
Catalyst Mod Discord Official Wiki The Catalyst Mod is a new game+ style add-on for the Calamity Mod. It currently adds various new items and enemies, some based on the superboss Astrageldon. The mod is planned to add much more content in the future, such ...
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music
创建者: apotofkoolaid
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki Vanilla Calamity Music Mod (aka VCMM) is an in-progress music expansion for Calamity. It aims to replace the entire vanilla Terraria soundtrack with new songs made in the context of the Calamity soundtrack. ...
Calamity's Vanities
创建者: GinYuH
Calamity's Vanities Discord Official Wiki Calamity's Vanities is a mod which aims to add more vanity items/pets to the Calamity mod. The mod does not require Calamity to run. Note: This mod is not an official addon to Calamity, rather just a fun fan made m...
zh-Hans localization for Calamity's Vanity
创建者: uisdfja
This is the Simplified Chinese translation mod for Calamity's Vanities. No hidden code, extract the localization file if u need. Developed By nobody...
Calamity Flamethrowers
创建者: GinYuH
Calamity Flamethrowers Adds a flamethrower for almost every Calamity boss that doesn't have one. Note: May not be completely balanced yet All flamethrowers have a 25% drop rate in Normal Mode and 33% in Expert Mode (except the sentinels which have a third ...
Rainbow Master: Colored Relics
创建者: huanchen53
Rainbow Master: Colored Relics This mod provides relic coloring for the following mods: Calamity's Vanities Calamity Entropy Hunt of the Old God Catalyst Mod Clamity Addon Consolaria Homeward Journey Coralite DawnMod:Rising Days (Used to be DawnMod Dawn) C...
Quality of Terraria
创建者: 太阳照常升起
Quality of Terraria, a mod to greatly improve your gameplay experience Join our Discord to report bugs and get replied quickly! These features may bring you better gameplay experience Only some functions are enabled by default, please check mod configurati...
Basic Automated (Vein) Mining
创建者: Aitherix
Basic Automated Mining (BAM) is a simple, lightweight veinminer alternative. Comes with: • No hotkeys, just mine ores to vein mine • 50% smaller packet size • No complex tile scanning • Dynamic tile breaking limits • Very lightweight Additional features: •...
Magic Storage
创建者: absoluteAquarian
Are you tired of having a mess of chests in your base? Never remember where you put your items, and have to run across your entire house to get from chest to chest? This mod will solve all of your problems! This mod offers a solution to storage problems on...
Magic Storage Starter Bag
创建者: Oskarien
GitHub: Adds a starterbag with Magic Storage items to help you Gives you one StorageHeart and has a configurable amount of StorageUnits Developed By Oskarien...
[1.4.4] Magic Storage魔法存储拼音搜索
创建者: AnkhSpirit
1.4.4 版本 Magic Storage魔法存储拼音搜索 让魔法存储(Magic Storage)Mod支持拼音及拼音首字母搜索 比如你想找“土块”,你可以输入“tukuai”或者“tk”来搜索,当然,输入“uk”也是可以的(tukuai的一部分) 不用切换输入法,不用输入中文,甚至不用记住中文名(?),只要知道拼音就可以搜索到了,是不是很方便捏 现已近乎完美适配多音字,要搜索宝藏袋可以用“baozangdai”而不是“baocangdai”了 抄了Cyrilly和xxx(cms)大佬的代码,感谢大佬代...
Recipe Browser
创建者: javidpack Recipe Browser! Recipe Browser is an indispensable mod for any player. It provides a service to the user that the Guide could only dream of providing. With Recipe Browser, you have access to p...
Pinyin Search Support for Recipe Browser
创建者: Cyrilly
This mod is NOT for Recipe Browser users who don't know pinyin However, if you want to know what is pinyin, here is a wiki page for it: Basically this mod added pinyin search support for Recipe Browser, so you can searc...
Improved Movement Visuals
创建者: Orion
This mod changes the player's visuals without affecting gameplay. It allows the player to look at the cursor, turn to face the cursor, and lean forwards or backwards while moving. It also includes NPC rotation changes which allow slimes to lean while they ...
Improved Movement Visuals CN
创建者: 逸風
It's a mod for localization....
High FPS Support
创建者: Stellar
Allows rendering the game at above 60FPS without affecting the speed of world simulation. This mod is entirely client-side. In singleplayer there are config settings to speed up or slow down the game for fun. This mod also contains a few optimizations that...
High FPS Support CN
创建者: 逸風
It's a mod for localization....
Aether's Blessing: Shimmer QoL
创建者: BlockCrusader
Aether's Blessing: Shimmer QoL Aether's Blessing: Shimmer QoL is a small QoL/Content mod that centers around Shimmer and its Aether minibiome. Aether's Blessing introduces; an Aether pylon, the Mystic Compass, the Shimmer Well, the Genesis Conduit, a new t...
Simple Equipment Perks
创建者: BlockCrusader
Simple Equipment Perks Simple Equipment Perks adds more flair, functionality, and distinctness to your pets, light pets, minecarts, and wings! This mod introduces new, simple benefits to almost all vanilla items falling under one of the previously mentione...
创建者: NotLe0n
This mod allows multiple NPCs to occupy one room. Configuration: * Require a chair for each roommate, default: off (also works with modded chairs, thanks CatJet) * Maximum number of Roommates, default: 0 (no limit) NPCs can move into occupied houses by the...
Better Friendly NPCs
创建者: Aitherix
is a mod aimed for for Town NPCs! You can now have competent townsfolk defending themselves from the evils that await your journey, or just straight up make them invincible! Also improves upon vanilla scaling NPCs. • Fixed damage reduction not correctly ap...
Dialogue Panel Rework
创建者: Cyrilly Discord This mod completely reworks NPC dialogue panel and sign editing panel. Inspired by the mobile version. Text scrolling is added. You can hold left to make it scroll faster. Mods that also modified NPC dialogue panel m...
Block's Info Accessories
创建者: BlockCrusader
Block's Info Accessories Ever wish there were information displays for more things, such as luck? Block's Info Accessories has you covered with 9 new displays, each with corresponding items and configurable integration with the PDA, Cell Phone, and Shellph...
Q.O.L. 3000
创建者: BlockCrusader
Q.O.L. 3000 Q.O.L. 3000 is - big surprise - yet another quality of life mod. Why '3000'? Because you've probably seen that many quality of life mods by now. Anyways, this mod in particular is mostly a mish-mash of QoL features I've seen in other mods, tail...
True Tooltips
创建者: Martipops
A port of Graumen's True Tooltip mod for 1.4.3/1.4.4 Fully customizable tooltip-enhancing mod. Main Features - Customize the style and behavior of tooltips, like changing the background color - Change the color of- or turn off most vanilla tooltip lines. S...
WADTU (What Ammo Does This Use)
创建者: red laser
WORKS WITH EVERY MOD What Ammo Does This Use. Its in the title! This mod adds an extra line to the tooltip which shows the ammo a weapon uses. Update V0.1.3 | icon Icon Upgrade Update V0.1.2 | Customizing Update Added config to change the AmmoLine message....
Compare Item Stats
创建者: Vlidmir Putan
Compare Item Stats is a clientside mod that allows you to view differences between the currently selected item and the one you are hovering over in the tooltip. If you hover over armors or wings, and the selected item is not the same archetype, it will com...
Pylons Prevent Evils
创建者: Aitherix
Dislike evil biome spread but don't want to disable it completely? Need to prevent areas from being contaminated? Pylons Prevent Evils is a small mod that prevents the natural spread of crimson/corruption near a pylon. Supports other biomes like the Hallow...
Equipment Modifiers & Reforging
创建者: Aitherix
is a small mod that enables vanilla-based for equipment. The Goblin Tinkerer can now add modifiers for your mounts, pet summons, hooks and minecarts at a premium. For those looking for more stat potential, a money sink, or just love to roll! This mod needs...
Armor Modifiers & Reforging
创建者: Aitherix
Looking for a bit of more armor buffs? Armor Modifiers is a small mod that enables vanilla-based reforging for armor. The Goblin Tinkerer can now add modifiers for your armor, albeit a bit more pricey compared to accessory counterparts. Usage Simply head o...
HP Awareness
创建者: Core
This is a simple client-side mod that contains: Hurt and low HP/Health overlays + optional audio indicator Player HP bar Audio and visual indicator above you whenever potion sickness wears off Debuff indicators above you whenever you obtain a debuff + opti...
Loot Beams
创建者: ChemAtDark
A special thank-you to everyone who has supported this small mod that I threw together in a few minutes, I never would have imagined something like this becoming as popular as it is, and for that I am very grateful. Latest Update: As there has been only on...
Better Blending
创建者: Orion
Better Blending simply modifies which tiles blend together, primarily blending environmental tiles to make the world look less disconnected, such as ores blending with stone, ice, or other ores. Sandstone, granite, and marble also blend with stone, dirt, a...
Extra Pylons
创建者: B34tingH34rt
Pylons Pylons Pylons, more Pylons. This mod ads a bunch of new pylons to the game. Mod also includes Pylon Activator which removes any needs for pylon to be near npcs. Mod currently adds 22 pylons: Celestial, Chlorophyte, Cloud, Coral, Corruption, Crimson,...
Census - Town NPC Checklist
创建者: javidpack Overview Census - Town NPC Checklist modifies the housing panel to show missing townspeople. A "✓" signifies that the conditions for spawning that npc have been fulfilled. An "X" means that conditions have not been fulfilled...
Boss Checklist
创建者: javidpack
Bug reports in the workshop comments here will likely not be seen, come to our Discord or Github to report issues. Boss Checklist Boss Checklist lets you view a checklist of all available bosses while playing so you can progress through them as you defeat ...
Better Boss Health Bar for 1.4.4+
创建者: Setnour6
This is a 1.4.4+ reimplementation of n0t_UN_Owen's mod Better Boss Health Bar, which was removed from the Steam Workshop and ultimately from the mod list after citing that the 1.4.4 update made the health of the boss appear, which makes this mod "obsolete"...
Boss Cursor
创建者: kgoyo
Boss cursor adds arrows around your character that points towards the boss. This way you do not need the mini-map open to be able to properly aim. The size and transparency of the arrow changes the closer the boss is, so that you get a good feel for how fa...
Boss Intros
创建者: Dice
This is an RPG-like mod which Displays the Boss's title and subtitle with a nice typing and explosion animation and sound effects when spawning a boss. Supports all bosses for the following: Vanilla Thorium Fargos's Souls Calamity Calamity Catalyst Calamit...
Biome Titles
创建者: Dice
This is an RPG-like mod which Displays the Biome's name for a few seconds when entering a biome. Supports all biomes and sub-biomes for the following: Vanilla Thorium Verdant Rem...
Colored Damage Types
创建者: Fudgepants
Colored damage types changes the tooltip and damage text of weapons to be colored, so that it's easier to quickly tell what kind of damage the weapon deals at a glance. Now has cross-mod support! For instructions on how to add your mod's damage type, check...
Auto Reforge
创建者: Sad Onion
Auto Reforge is a mod that replaces normal reforge menu with more complex one that allows you to reforge automaticly. Developed By Sad Onion Checkout my game:
Munchies - Consumables Checklist
创建者: jboss
Munchies - The Permanent Consumables Checklist This list contains all of the permanent unlock consumable items in Vanilla. The default keybind is K, this can be changed in the controls menu. You will need to set this keybind yourself before it will actuall...
Better Zoom
创建者: NotLe0n
Better Zoom This mod allows you to zoom in and out much further than what's possible in Vanilla. Very useful to people who play in lower resolutions or who want to have high resolution sprites. Comment on the forum post or join my discord if you have any p...
Shop Expander
创建者: Exterminator
Shop expander aims to solve a problem encountered by many players using multiple large mods. Town NPCs have a limited amount of free shop inventory space. When multiple different mods add items to a single vanilla NPC's shop, it can overflow, causing any a...
Smarter Cursor
创建者: Quandratic
Smarter Cursor is a fairly simple mod that tweaks the way smart cursor works with platforms, allowing it to better reflect your intentions when building. No more constantly making stairs when you just want to make a flat bridge, as this mod fixes that issu...
Gravitation Don't Flip the Screen
创建者: Cyrilly
This mod makes the gravity inversion effect not flip your screen, only the player flips. (This mod has no text at all so every language is "localized") Github:
Faster UI
创建者: Leapofod
This mod aims to remove some slowdowns in the game UI that occur when the game lags due to their animation or interaction speed being tied to framerate Currently these include: - The scroll speed of the crafting menu - The acceleration and speed of craftin...
Assorted Mod Compatibility
创建者: Snek
Assorted Mod Compatibility adds a lot of compatibility between several mods. Support added by this mod can be enabled/disabled by the user. Some examples of current compatibility:Many modded bosses now drop Shadow Diamonds if Magic Storage is enabled. Mech...
创建者: fk99
Adds craftable tents that provide an additional spawn point to choose from upon death! Set up a temporary spawn point by crafting tents Choose to respawn between your tent or your bed Various tiers of tents with bonus utilities Craft your first tent with C...
Magic Builder
创建者: GabsGoncs
Magic Builder Tired of building the same old wooden boxes every time you start a new Terraria playthrough? Magic Builder makes housing fun and easy with biome-themed houses and utility structures that can be summoned with magical consumables. The mod also ...
Wing Slot Extra
创建者: Aitherix
This mod adds a dedicated wing slot near the armor and accessories page of the inventory. Updated with permission from original author abluescarab. Usage • Right-click on wings from inventory to move it to wing slot. • Right-click vanity wings to swap with...
Potion Slots
创建者: Dice
This mod adds 3 new slots into the game which are the following: Healing Potions slot - You can place any healing potion inside. Mana Potions slot - You can place any mana potion inside. https://...
Enchanted! Glint Effect
创建者: Cyrilly
Weapons or accessories with one of the following prefixes will get Minecraft-like enchanted visual effects: Legendary Godly Light Demonic Unreal Mythical Ruthless Warding Arcane Lucky Menacing Quick Violent Developed By Cyrilly...
zzp198's WeaponOut Lite
创建者: zzp198
WeaponOut Lite is based on the original purpose of WeaponOut before it ballooned into extra content. This version is just for the vanity effect without any content provided in the main mod. DM me to delete it if you want to publish "WeaponOut"....
Lights And Shadows
创建者: yiyang233
要打开原版那个”水波质量“。 提供光影效果。 在ModConfig里可以设置一些值。 Adds lighting and shadow effects, which can be adjusted in the Mod Config. Credits: •Gryfu (Polish translation) •Alino4kaHvoshch & xenofite (Russian translation) Developed By yiyang233...
Realistic Sky
创建者: Lucille
Adds various cool visuals to the skies and backgrounds of the game, including the following: - An atmosphere that scatters light similar to in the real world. - More realistic, lighting-affected clouds. - A replacement to the night sky's stars. - A more vi...
Achievement Mod
创建者: metalkingpig
Allows you to unlock achievements like in vanilla and allows other mods to add achievements. Contains configuration options like having separate achievements for each player. Adds the /achievement command which you can use to give/take/reset achievements. ...
Concise Mods List
创建者: Cyrilly
Discord | Github Make the mod list interface more concise. Greatly optimize the opening time of the mod list. The list can be fully displayed in less than a second when there are about 100 mods How to use: Left click a mod t...
[1.4.3/4] Input Method Fixer
创建者: Waiting
Due to the poor performance of the in-game input method in tModLoader in 1.4.4, I ported this mod to 1.4.4. Currently in a preliminary migration state, there may be some issues that need to be fixed. If you encounter any problems, please reply in the comme...
absoluteAquarian Utilities (SerousCommonLib)
创建者: absoluteAquarian
The common library for absoluteAquarian's various mods. The DLL, PDB and XML files for this mod can be found at: Many features are included in this mod, including but not limited to:...
Stockable Shops
创建者: GabeHasWon
Stackable Shops ---- This mod is an API which allows modders to add their own stock to any NPC of their choice. The mod allows for any item, with any condition, on any npc, with any restock condition (by default, shops restock at the beginning of the day.)...
Subworld Library
创建者: John Snail
An API for modders to easily add dimensions (referred to as subworlds) to their mods, making all the necessary code injections, handling Multiplayer and managing every subworld. Report issues on the forum page or GitHub:
Chat Source
创建者: Vlidmir Putan
For those who need to know which mod writes stuff to the chat! Shows the source of messages in the chat. Clientside, toggleable via config Example: Before: "Your world has been blessed with Cobalt!" "Player got 10 tier 1 Reversivity coins and now has 70 in...