Arma 3
417 ratings
RR Immersive Maps by LAxemann
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Mechanics
File Size
462.756 KB
Sep 7, 2020 @ 3:43pm
Jan 3, 2022 @ 9:13am
21 Change Notes ( view )

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RR Immersive Maps by LAxemann

In 1 collection by LAxemann
LAxemann's immersion essentials
5 items
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Bug reports:

What does it do?
Someone in my community (RosenRudel, or short: RR) jokingly said "we have ACRE animations, now all we need are map animations, haha". And the mod was born, though it reaches way beyond animations now.
Immersive maps (Also called: RR_mapStuff) generally revolves around the ACE interaction menu(s) and does the following:
  • When opening their maps, player characters will actually hold up a map in front of them.
  • Players are able to put down their map on the ground via ACE-Selfinteract->Equipment
  • Maps held by players or on the ground can be accessed by other players even if they themselves don't own a map
  • When looking at someone else's map, you'll be able to see their markers
  • You can copy the markers of someone's map onto your own
  • You can look at or pull maps from dead bodies
  • Map objects will try to visually adapt to the terrain which is being played on
  • When using compasses, players will actually hold a compass in front of them
  • Individual features of the mod can be disabled via the CBA addon options
  • The mod features custom animations.
  • The mod is mp-compatible, why else should you use stuff like this?

Noteworthy things
  • Only the "owner" of a map can draw persistent new markers onto a map which is lying on the ground (or held in their hands).
  • Maps put on the ground are larger than handheld maps for the sake of accessibility.
  • 3d models of compasses won't show up in first person in order to avoid visual glitches. You'll see them in 3rd person or on other players, though.
  • The left hand may glitch a bit into the weapon when using a compass while running. No way to fix this without overcomplicating things.

InstantMuffin for the custom handheld map model!
JR, Adama, Pfleger, Paddyy and Alius for testing! :)
Spacture for the idea!
Leopard20 and Untelo for some brainstorming in the A3 discord
Chinese Translation by mihuan-0! :)
Popular Discussions View All (1)
May 13, 2021 @ 5:10pm
permission to repackage
FoxClubNiner Sep 4, 2024 @ 8:14am 
Is there a version for use without ACE? We are a group of 3 and ACE is overkill for us.
poomooz Aug 16, 2024 @ 3:55pm 
Hey, this is a great concept. I was thinking, what if you made a similar mod where whenever you access your backpack, you character unclips it, slings it around, unzips it, and rummages around, and then a reverse animation to put it back on. As an additional function, make backpack items completely un-accessible unless you access it through inventory, adding a restriction so that you can't non-stop chuck the 20 grenades you put in there (not saying that has happened to me). Possible even make it where to access your backpack, instead of using inventory, you have to use ACE self interactions menu to do the animation to pull it out and access it. Would also improve ACE medical, as large items like blood transfusions would be too heavy for vest/outfit, so you would need to drop your pack next to the patient and do an animation before you can access it. Just thought I would mention it, because the idea seams really appealing to me for creating a more realistic and immersive environment.
elpedrochicoraulalfonsotejada Aug 4, 2024 @ 5:29am 
2 things:

Would be nice to see paper maps instead of what looks like a satellite image

Compass animation is held too high when the weapon is rested
Kyle May 20, 2024 @ 11:18pm 
I mean, can I observe animations
when playing solo in 1st or 3rd person?
Kyle May 20, 2024 @ 11:16pm 
Can I see animation myself in game?
Ryzaken Apr 5, 2024 @ 3:21pm 
It works without ace?
villager_uncle Jul 10, 2023 @ 8:42am 
Kalle Mar 28, 2023 @ 7:03am 
Is it possible to get this mod to work with Sweet Markers since its one of the best planningtool for preplanning operations for our CO? Atleast that seems to be the issue when all the markers show up on all the players maps during our events.
Valmont Jan 27, 2023 @ 6:19am 
hey Lax, if you ever get the time please considering releasing a stripped down version of this favolous mod without the ACE requirement and that just shows the characters holding the map while their map is open without any additional funcionality (so Ace is not needed).
Warhammer Actual Jan 12, 2023 @ 12:28pm 
@LAxemann Is this installed client/server or both? Ty in advance