Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
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Review Showcase
83 Hours played
TL;DR: Really good if you get it on sale.

For someone who writes stories with it as well as organizes notes for a DnD campaign, it's a remarkably good tool for the former and a decent tool for the latter, but as for the latter there are better resources out there. What it boils down to for me is the sheer control you have over all of the elements of your story, and how custom those elements can be. The template system is especially useful for categorized elements, so you can have different defaults that you can load for different sets of elements, like protagonists and antagonists. I like to use separate templates for minor and major characters, and being able to define the role and the level of detail that I want to represent in a character with next to no effort on my own end is pretty remarkable from an outlining standpoint.

I think that if I have a complaint, it's the price of the program. It's very obviously too expensive, and the only reason why I would ever purchase it off of sale is through a glowing recommendation. While I give this recommendation sincerely, the stories that I write often require the resources that the World building DLC pack - another $25 when not on sale - provides. The entry price of this software is just too expensive for most people looking into getting their writing process more tangible and organized, something that, if blessed with the patience, is possible to do for no added cost through either the normal implements of your computer - Notepad, Microsoft Word, Google Drive, etc.

I like Campfire. A lot. I think it's a very useful program for the writer that also happens to be a hands on learner or teacher. If you like having control over your work, then it's a very valuable resource to have. You may have to justify the price point to your wallet, but I would say that it is more than worth the price when it goes on sale, world building pack included.
Review Showcase
32 Hours played
EDIT: The developers have just integrated steam workshop support for map sharing. There is no longer an excuse not to buy this product at full price.

Beautiful, versatile and brimming with cool things made by cool people and a large range of VTT compatibility (not to mention the ability to print maps for in-person games!). The AI is sound, and as a result randomly generated rooms are usually very competently put together, needing only a few adjustments using the program's easy-to-use tools to make each bedroom, dining hall, dungeon, cave or grassy field great for my games.

This is the only product I have ever backed on Kickstarter, and with every update I am continually amazed by what the Dungeon Alchemist team has accomplished. They have been transparent about their patch schedules (as well as patch content), release dates, and what they can and cannot accomplish. As a result, the things that they have accomplished have been polished to a sheen while the things that they can't accomplish aren't being given wasted focus. The discord community is very active in sharing their creations, and has many a time saved my skin when I'm looking for something specific to either use or model my own content after.

I say the following with the utmost sincerity and my highest personal endorsement: are you looking for the perfect map making software for your D&D, Pathfinder or other fantasy tabletop game? Then look no further.
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SpectralHunter May 7 @ 1:59am 
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🔥🔥🔥 This dude is fire 🔥🔥🔥
❗️💯 Let’s be friends for future games 💯❗️

💎💎 Have a wonderful experience during each match💎💎
⚜️⚜️ Stay safe & take care⚜️⚜️

🤤🤤🤤The profile is awesome🤤🤤🤤

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Perilhala May 6 @ 6:31am 
Join me for a victory lap?
Shalillador Apr 23 @ 11:51am 
friendly mate
vapir Dec 24, 2023 @ 6:45pm 
+rep pretty good player
🎮BlVCK🎮 Dec 20, 2023 @ 1:17am 
hello there !
Smubber Apr 9, 2023 @ 3:13pm 
shut up bot