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1 person found this review helpful
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115.8 hrs on record (109.6 hrs at review time)
Don't buy it. Great game, but steer well an truly clear. It's partly steams fault but also these stupid devs. After driving trucks all week signing on to see a 12 f***ing gb update is disgusting. I don't care I don't want new s**t. Just let me play the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game with wasting my time updating it. Gaming got me though the toughest parts of my life but I'm so so over these f***ing updates and devs thinking they can force me to update MY, MY PROPERTY. I paid for the game, now f**k off, stop making me update it. I was happy with it in 2014, I'm less happy with your game now than I was then. I don't care about some expansion or some online crap, STOP UPDATING IT, let me choose to play it outdated at the very f**king least. All you - the devs and you - steam are, are a pack of C**ts. F**k you .

Posted December 31, 2021.
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18.8 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
ITS A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EMU
Posted October 1, 2020.
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7 people found this review helpful
11.8 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
No fix, no update, black screens on start terrible product
Posted December 23, 2016.
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30.2 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
So Fallout 4, to put it bluntly it's sh*t. Whilst it does improve over New Vegas and 3 by miles it still is at best a mediocre experience. I first opened the game, created my character and walked around outside it was brilliant, it look amazing, it had a great buzzing atmosphere but then i was forced into the vault. It’s after this point all of 15 minute into the game that it becomes a giant steaming pile of sh*t. so why is it so, just appalling terrible? Well let’s start with the story it’s the since rinse and repeat cr*p that has been in 3 and new Vegas, go in vault, something happen, find thing after vault. The story doesn't draw you in, it's just a point chain of moderately challenging events. Next it was time to build a settlement, and what a letdown in mean seriously, we saw videos of great construction project and the freedom to seemingly build where ever you wished with no boundaries, and guess what? your restricted to predetermined areas of the map to build in, there is a maximum size, if you want to build any settlement worth calling your home, you need science level 3, an entire aluminium mine and about 10 hours of your life to flush down the toilet. Next up the dog and how worthless it is. It can't do anything useful as soon as you come across some raiders it basically dies after 5 seconds, mine wondered off after a few campaign mission and it seems to be confused as to where to go and how to keep up with you. I could go on and pick apart basically the whole game but i think you will have read enough by now to hopefully save you money and not buy it. It was a good try Bethesda, but your heart didn't seem to be in it, I recommend you save you $90/70 and buy another game, Dishonoured for instance is one of the best games any one could have in their games library and for that matter so it sht Elder Scrolls Skyrim or Oblivion. I would personally return this game in an instant should I be given the opportunity, so i my advice to you is simple, don't buy it, buy one of the above mentioned game or the another game from the frankly endless list of games better than this. If it’s on summer sale for $10 maybe give it a go if you’re a Fallout fan but i gather you already have it if you are, If you not into Fallout don't buy it at all, if you are and haven't bought it yet i wouldn't pay more than $10.
Posted November 28, 2015.
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1.1 hrs on record
This pile of s**t was funny for 2 seconds then is was just hell, it has no story the gameplay sucks, the graphics suck and is costs $10 for that you can get jc2 in any summer sale so dont be as stupid as me get a real game.
Posted September 20, 2014.
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16.2 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
GTA 4 and GTA 4 EFLC would be worth buying if they were devoloped by anyone except rockstar, both GTA 4 and the ballad of gay tony have great stories with the lost and dammed not be so great and all 3 have immersive gameplay with brillant graphics to go along with it, the driving of cars and trucks while feeling quite heavy is still leaps and bounds better than other games and boats are also quite good. Now the bad stuff first off theirs the part that made me stop playing this Rockstars absolutle f**king terrible, utterly usless, plie of steaming s**t that is the social club launch thing just to boot this game u click play on steam, then offline of the social club, then confirm you want to play offline, then u press on either GTA 4,Ballad of gay tony or lost and dammed and then you click play to finally get into the game, Next theirs the GFWL [game for windows live] intergration is f**king abismil in order for you just to dave the game you not only need a steam account that would have worked fine but you also need a GFWL account just f**king fantastic, then inorder to play online with friends you need to friends with them on, steam,social club and GFWL why who the f**k though that was a good idea how ever it was needs to be fired in fact who ever made social club is an absolute f**king c**t and so is who ever was involved in ruining this game. Dont buy it for $60 dont buy for $6 either rockstar deserve nothing for this game and can"t reccomend you buy jc2 over this enough.
Posted September 20, 2014.
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104.6 hrs on record (51.2 hrs at review time)
This game is the second best iv ever played beaten only by gta 5. everything about this game is incredible it has one of the best stories i have ever played through, it got fast or slow [depending on your play style] gameplay that involves you at every turn, the comabt is silky smooth and art style is just fabulous.
Posted September 7, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
16.0 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
This game use to boot but all of sudden doesn't, it seems latly that rockstar have entirly fogotton about the pc gamers with gta 5 comming out almost 2 months after the ps4/xbox one launch and rockstars Sh***y customer support as well as the s**t they did years ago with the gta 4 social club launcher thing and the the stupid, pathetic, usless games for windows live intergration rockstar seem to be ignoring the pc gamers, so i suggest all of you do the same no one buy this game, no one buy gta 4 or 5 for pc in fact dont buy anything from rockstar until they fix all the crap that they do to everysingle game. if you just want to know if bully is a good game the answer is yes its excellent but all the BS surrounding it and every other rockstar game makes me want to never see their logo on anything ever again.
Posted September 7, 2014. Last edited September 20, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
73.6 hrs on record (41.4 hrs at review time)
Yet another amazing Ubisoft game. Ubisoft seem to be making nothing but good games recently and their uncomming game look amazing as well. By far and away the best Assassins Creed game yet would highly reccomend this game 10/10. The Graphics on ultra look absolutely fantastic, the story while not amazing is still very good the gameplay is excellent and for the first time ever an AC game has comfortable controlls on pc without remapping.
Posted September 7, 2014.
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16.5 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
This has got to be one of the greatest games ever made, from story to atmosphere to graphics to gameplay everything is perfect mostly. the only fault i can find in this game is that sometimes the ai are a little stupid even on the hardest difficulty. Would reccomend this game even at full retail price 99.99 aud amazing game.
Posted September 7, 2014.
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