United States
Not God's gift to FPS. Probably older than you.

PS4/steam = aristeros Battle.Net = MajorMinor CR = Steve Ironpants

Formerly madjack, DSpade, indserran, and darial
Currently Offline
Review Showcase
1.2 Hours played
If you know how to play the game, you can just jump right in -- the user interface is clean, visuals and sounds are sharp, and the AI is quite good. If you do not know how to play, understand that while there are puzzles and references inside the program, and there are plenty of tutorials out there, there is a fairly big learning curve.

I've played on a number of Go servers back in the day, and my favorite was KGS. I was pretty terrible, but have sporadically played since. Nostalgia forced my hand and I had to buy this program. I do not believe the ELO rating the computer has given me until I've got several more games under my belt in this thing.

10 / 10 looks so good I almost don't want a big floor goban now. Alright, that last bit is a lie.