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8.0 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
i hate that i enjoy this game enough to play on multiple platforms. Its sweaty, but when you do something awesome, you almost want to light up a ciggy after.
Posted February 11, 2023.
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0.8 hrs on record
ads were deceiving, imho. didn't make it appear to be an overhead only game. movement is also clunky and awful. feels like it was made years ago, and as a browser game, after not completing the tut. i uninstalled, requested a refund, was denied a refund, and am just out $15 for a preorder of a game i have 0 intend of opening again. maybe its your vibe, it wasn't mine. pretty bummed, i want a new mmorpg that isn't low quality.
Posted February 11, 2022.
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33.9 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
starting with a con rq.. i twice completed tasks before the game asked them of me and then had to go and repeat them. that was a bit annoying. i then found that the task was saved elsewhere in game, however, the game does not make that clear. that aside, the game is fun and i spent hours playing and enjoying myself. despite recent updates, there is still a noticable lack of npcs however i personally dont enjoy the typical fallout games as i dont really enjoy storylines in games - i dont want to sit around chatting with npcs, i want to spend my time exploring the world and this game for sure allows me to chose to do that if i want to do so. It was also really fun being able to play with someone! :D i got to play with a friend the whole time (:
Posted May 17, 2020.
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61.1 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
Been having a lot of fun! Gameplay is difficult but not so difficult that you can't play. Tactics are actually useful which is pretty cool. I of course love the character creation and art style, and the world is pretty cool too! I also enjoy the skill/class system and think its pretty unique, though i wish certain classes wouldn't require certain weapon types be equipped to use them and therefore to level them up properly. I think the voice acting is absolutely horrrrrible so i skip most of the cutscenes and couldn't tell you what the story is about. Overall, i'm having fun and would recommend it, especially if you see it on sale. Its a cool game, but i ended up spending $84 after taxes for the game + season pass and i'd say so far, i'd probably have preferred to spend $40 or even have it have been free to play with a subscription. Its not all that different from other f2p games with monthly subs..
Posted November 11, 2019. Last edited December 2, 2019.
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49.9 hrs on record (20.0 hrs at review time)
20hrs in & having a ton of fun! Fast paced and just difficult enough to challenge you and require a few tries before succeeding, but not so difficult that it feels completely impossible.(:
Posted September 29, 2019. Last edited December 2, 2019.
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0.9 hrs on record
The movement is so incredibly bad that its legitimately unplayable for me. 1000x worse than MHW which i also didn't like because of the weird movement. In MHW, it felt like the movement was delayed by about 4s. in this game, the mouse sensitivity is INSANE and the camera moves around like wild and the actual player movement is delayed by about 2s. Its painful, its bad, i could hardly get through the tutorial. i'm so bummed because i was really really REALLY excited about it. I watched the anime first to get a vibe for the world, and have been saving up to buy it as i've been having money trouble. i finally had enough, bought it, and its terrible. I wish i could've tested it first. this has been such a huge bummer. also, as a side note, i legitimately could not figure out how to swap to my gun atks? lol the symbol it tells me to use is an upward pointing arrow. the up arrow isn't correct. w isn't correct, 8 on the num pad is not correct. i legitimately could not figure it out and most of my regular weapon atks just looked like me flailing in circles because the movement and camera angles are so jacked up.
if you want smooth movement and camera angles,this game is 100% not for you
if you like MHW's crap movement, this might be for you. but bear in mind, the camera view is liightyears more sensitive in this game.
only real positives i can give based on my experience are: its really really pretty and the character creation was good! also the anime was fun so check it out if you haven't watched it!
Posted July 6, 2019.
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0.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
worth $1.99 at the absolute max. can't do much more than run around till you starve lol herbivores can't eat any of the plants(supposedly they can eat blue/purple ones - buddies and i never saw 1 of these) carnivores can't move as fast as herbivores which run in circles and take an absurd number of bites to actually take take down. carnivore was definitely easier, but only marginally so. also, connecting with friends on servers is difficult as, even with the same search parameters, we do not get the same server lists. cool concept, badly executed.
Posted May 22, 2019. Last edited May 22, 2019.
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3.0 hrs on record
main beef: no tut.
I was having fun. enough fun that i bought the game after playing a bit during this free weekend. its really pretty, and theres so many vehicle options which is awesome.

my complaints are making me regret buying it, however and they are as follows: for starters, absolutely N O T H I N G is well explained. i've even tried googling and haven't come up with a concrete answer. Simple things, also such as "how do i repair my vehicle?" i can't find anything about the crew 2 only posts from the original game and the answer ive found is 'they auto repair'..unsure if thats true, how long it takes, or what but i'm still incredibly lost as to how to repair.

another issue is how the heck to find HQs. a forum post tells me where they are in relation to 2 locations across the entirety of the US but that still leaves me with a ton of space to drive aimlessly around searching. the map has no clear indicators and the minimap i dont understand because theres absolutely no key. every time i finally find an HQ and still have my icon showing i have mail i go to the mailbox and its empty. i read online that only certain mail items can be picked up at certain hq locations but i have no idea what the item is, what its from and have spent most of my time aimlessly searching for HQs on ridiculously long roads listening to terrible music.

also, for some reason i cannot figure out, the last mission i did forced me to change vehicles lol it shouldnt have as far as i know as i was driving around in a car on main roads, went into a mission and it swapped me to my bike. still main roads in a city. then, it WOULD NOT let me leave. i had to exit the game or finish the race in a vehicle i didn't want to use for said race. every other vehicle in the race was a car, i was the only bike?? made absolutely 0 sense to me.
Posted April 27, 2019.
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247.9 hrs on record (44.8 hrs at review time)
update: nitrado servers and non-dedicated sessions gave me the below listed problems. g portal is another whole experience. I have no connectivity issues and minimal lag using g portal and can ACTUALLY ENJOY THE GAME. its a pretty awesome game. i mean, at its heart, its a game with dino mounts and guns in pretty environments. whether you play pve, or pvp, that much is true. Updates take a very very long time - usually around an hour + for me, which is super duper annoying when you just wanted to login to steam and play a game. If no one in your friend group is willing to rent a server, i wouldnt bother playing. trying to play non-dedicated is only semi viable and nitrado lag was so bad none of us could even play most of the time, and when we did, the second we looted anything we'd crash. if you are willing to put time into merely making the game accessible, its definitely cool. but personally, its the only game i play that requires me to rent a server (or play on one with so many people you log in and immediately freeze) because i find the entire experience to be really annoying and intentionally confusing. and even at that, i have another friend in the group rent it because quite franky, i don't fully understand it. one upside of renting your own server, though, is that you can edit the rates at which things occur so that you aren't literally wastingyour life away on this game. (and even with those things changed, you'll still end up wasting a good chunk of time in this game). (example: instead of taming a creature taking real life days, you can do it in minutes. instead of breeding taking real life days, you can do it in hours.)
cool game. difficult to be able play. still keeping my down vote as it took years for me to truly be able to play stably and thats kind of silly.

its such a cool concept for a game! when i am able to play it, i enjoy it! however, thats fairly rare, which is why i'm not recommending it. i'd like to start by pointing out thatthe game is incredibly laggy, even on a brand new computer with a 2 good graphics cards. i have to play with most settings on medium, and still lag far more than i really should. it was always laggy, but i hoped they would've made it better. notso. now, my boyfriend and i used to play together, back when the game wasn't fully released yet and was still just an early access game. we played a ton. (him more than i, hes around 500 hours) in the end, we stopped playing because we simply wanted to play just the 2 of us and it was too complicated. we tried buying a server - it didn't work. forums and google didn't help us figure out how to make it work properly so we got rid of it. tried playing on public servers and just ran into too many rude people for it to be enjoyable. this, combined with the terrible lag, made us stop playing. we decided to wait a little while, get new set ups with better graphics cards, and give the game another chance in a little while. the game was released - a while ago - and we just finally got both of our new set ups completed so we downloaded ark asap. first complaint from me is the DAY after downloading, the very next day, there was an hour and a half update. an hour and a half is absolutely absurd and i was pretty irritated after letting it install overnight, playing in the morning to check it worked fine, then coming home that evening to an hour and a half update when i tried to open game. the only pve server i could find was absolutely packed. SOOOOO much stuff to spawn in the 'easy' newb areas that lag was unbearable - i could hardly move and could see buildings, people and dinosaurs slowly spawning as far as i could see. i quickly left that and asked some friends who were still playing what our options were. i was told to buy a server. i explained that that didn't work for us last time and we were hesitant to try again. i asked if there truly wasn't another option available by now. i was told that we could try setting up a nondedicated server and finding the server in the list. i informed him that we had tried that twice but neither my attempt nor his attempt let the other join the server - it never showed up in the list of nondedicated, nor would it show up when searching, nor when looking under friends. he told us that from the 'friends' tab on steam, we should be able to right click and 'join game' but warned us that that doesn't work a lot of the time. aaaaand he was right. while that is so far the only way we have been able to connect and play together, it worked exactly 1 time. after that, no matter how many times i nor him relogged into steam nor reopened the game could we get back into the same server. an error message continuously came up every time we tried to join game. i must say, i am incredibly disappointed. i really love the concept of this game, i love all that it has to offer and how far it has expanded! id love to explore more than just a beach with some dodos but i can't and its a real bummer. honestly, had i not tried this game so long ago, had an iffy experience and decided to wait, then come back, i probably wouldn't be so bummed. its a cool game. but man, they've had a long time to work on linking up with friends and server lag and its absolutely absurd to me that those 2 things haven't been fixed, and don't even seem to be a priority to fix. it seems like the devs care far more about putting out new content to make money off of than improving the base games actual playability. will i still play the game? yeah, more than likely, when and if i can manage to get into the correct server. am i bummed that nothing has really improved, as far as the reasons i originally left are concerned? absolutely.
Posted November 28, 2018. Last edited October 17, 2019.
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6.7 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
I've been playing for a little over 2 hours and am having a ton of fun so far. Its simplistic design still manages to be beautiful and the moves flow so well and seamlessly. I've found learning new moves to be a little slow, and i definitely get lost a LOT but i'm enjoying myself while being lost so i wouldn't necessarily say its a downside. i still have trouble equipping weapons and using the specials in the bottom left corner, and haven't a clue how to use emotes, but meh. i'll figure it out and get better the more i play, i figure. i haven't read any online guides or watched any videos in regards to this game so that might also have made my new player experience easier/smoother. that being said, i'm still having fun and thinking about how i can't wait to be able to come back to my computer and play some more so i definitely enjoy and recommend it.

only other note i wanted to say was i wish i could talk in chat ): i've accidently hit other players, not realizing they were other players and not npcs too late, and ended up having them attack back and getting into an unintended pvp match where i usually die because again it was unintentional and i tend to back away and not attack initially hoping they'll understand it was an accident. its rare they do, and so very annoying to have to respawn and run back because of a misclick and inability to type "sorry! didn't realize you weren't an npc! i'm a newb lol"
Posted November 23, 2018.
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