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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
6.3 godz. łącznie
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Game sucks, so does the community from the playerbase to the devs. Simple as. You don't deserve a constructive criticism upon which to build on.
Opublikowana: 1 listopada 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 20 grudnia 2023.
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5.4 godz. łącznie
If you like papers please, you'll like this game a lot. Great game with an excellent story. Relatively short and sweet, got 2 endings in a matter of a few hours. Some fun mechanics and some okay humour.

Get it on sale, since 12 euro seems a bit much for it.
Opublikowana: 13 lutego 2023.
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82.4 godz. łącznie (81.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Too buggy to be enjoyable and I played the game in full. Story also kinda sucks at the end. Was still kinda fun, but it's definitely not worth it. It's a shame for such an enjoyable series.
Opublikowana: 21 grudnia 2022.
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5.5 godz. łącznie
Was honestly really fun aswell. I got some complaints tho.

For one, the final boss was very anti-climactic. For two, the difficulty curve sucks and lacks quality; you go from being able to eradicate the entire map to ♥♥♥♥ out of luck in the span of minutes. Meanwhile, any actual difficulty stems from the game throwing like 10 bullet sponge enemies at you in random intervals for just no reason. One level in particular practically REQUIRES you to cheese it. And for three, kinda like with the other hl1 additions, I faced some issues regarding a laggy mouse which were easy fixes.

By far opposing forces has the best music out of any of the other half life games and a cool tutorial that I purposefully played after already being familiar with the mechanics of hl1 just to try it. Certain segments where you get to control a semi-team also makes you feel like a tactician. Neat puzzles and a nice creative variety of weapons with which you can kill enemies.

Worth buying in full price.
Opublikowana: 15 grudnia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 15 grudnia 2022.
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3.4 godz. łącznie
Smaller opposing forces but without the unbalanced difficulty curvature. Despite the recycled music from opposing forces, some obscene puzzles and its' short lenght, it was genuinely fun and a nice addition to the half life 1 story. If it had more content, it would definitely have reason to compete with opposing forces, however the only thing it does better in comparison to opposing forces is gameplay balance.

Still worth buying, even in full.
Opublikowana: 15 grudnia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 15 grudnia 2022.
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13.3 godz. łącznie
Game's awesome. It's got a great story worth reading up on if one didn't understand it from gameplay alone. Very fun gameplay and puzzle solving that keeps you invested and hungering for more when it's over. One unique thing about this game are the standalone additions which are actually interconnected with eachother in ways you couldn't imagine without playing the other half life additions too.

The game gets unreasonably difficult on certain segments (surface tension) and the visuals and music were nauseating at the final segment of the game, but otherwise I'd highly recommend it. Worth buying whether on sale or in full price.
Opublikowana: 9 grudnia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 15 grudnia 2022.
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80.4 godz. łącznie (4.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Opublikowana: 12 sierpnia 2022.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
3,403.2 godz. łącznie (799.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Right. Hearts of Iron 4. Having sunk 1000 hours into it, i'll give you my impressions, both negative and positive, starting with what this game even is about.

Hearts of Iron 4 is a map strategy game situated in, well, the globe in a time era before world war 2 starts up until the very end of world war 2. You can choose to play as a variety of nations from all continents that existed during this era, from the standard european nations that exist up until this day to the chinese warlords (which is why this game got banned in the PRC by the way. ♥♥♥♥ the chinese government).

What impressed me most about this game is just how much you can alter history to create new, different scenarios (like the soviets taking over the world, germany taking over the world, america going communist) and so on with their respective unique focus trees, which are paths you take to pursue a certain ideology you choose. And if the historically innaccurate scenarios get boring (which they can easily get, even with the addition of formable nations and sometimes reworks of entire nations' focus trees), there is a big palette of mods to choose from to subscribe to in the workshop, some of which have been done with plenty of work and love put into them by a community without which this game would be dead by now, or atleast end up being really bland to anyone willing to throw in 1k hours like I did.

Im personally not big on paradox interactive games and I could be wrong in saying this, but in my opinion hearts of iron 4 has the simplest, best combat system in a map strategy game involving war. Combat is smooth, losing or winning a battle being indicated by red and green bubbles respectively, the iconization of what can be tens of thousands of men in a single division shown as a sole model of an infantry soldier or a tank aswell as witnessing the models charge the enemy when you decide to attack an enemy's position are some details that make it simple and simultaneously appealing.

Also this game preety much taught me more about world war 2 than my school ever wish it could. And the addition of multiplayer sure makes you really get into the game.

Though there are a couple of things that I dont really like about the game.

For one, I consider the amount of dlc's paradox creates obscene. All the negative reviews about this game either mention it or fully talk about just that. Im not gonna be one of those "hurr durr, all these dlc's should be part of the base game" type of people, I understand paradox needs to make more revenue from an already really expensive game (which of course isnt really an issue during sales), but I think most people would consider the fact it actually costs money to buy a dlc pack just to enable listening to sabaton music while ingame instead of just having a ready playlist on youtube ridiculous.

Also, despite the game's best tries at being realistic, there's many things stopping hearts of iron 4 from really being a serious in depth ww2 game: From minor bugs like the occassional bug that's fixed quickly, to a bad ai that they keep "improving". No, seriously, if you are able at any point to invade the uk and capture a port, that's a free british empire you got in your hands.

Speaking of the ai, atleast from the way hoi 4 is right now, the ai just doesnt stop deploying more and more divisions, resulting in late game (past the 1940's, around 1950) majors that are still alive having so many divisions that it makes a full world conquest an absolutely horrendous experience.

Also, despite this game's diversity in the nations you can play as, some are borderline impossible to expand with and create an army with (that being nations such as tannu tuva, bhutan, tibet, luxembourg and liberia).

Finally, diversity can sometimes become this game's enemy, since not every country has a unique focus tree to it. Im aware paradox cant just keep pumping out new dlc's that have huge focus trees to them, but south america is practically all using the stock focus tree that stops being fun after the first time you play with it. And some unique focus trees have not been updated since the release of hearts of iron 4 (like italy's or the soviets union's). Other paths are absolutely useless and dont bring anything new to the table (like the hungarian communist path for example).

So, all things considered, I give this game an 8/10. It's a good thing there's still a community that cares about this game, making mods and updating them to keep it fresh.
Opublikowana: 5 czerwca 2020. Ostatnio edytowane: 31 sierpnia 2020.
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55.3 godz. łącznie (44.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja CS:GO
Opublikowana: 22 maja 2020.
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Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.2 godz. łącznie
big big gay, there's like 1 small map in total. I actually covered every single base there is to this game in 13 minutes. The preview is misleading and makes you think there's more content than there really is into the game, but no, the preview IS THE WHOLE GAME.

I was gonna add a spoiler, but it doesnt matter, no more than like 3-4 people have bought this game and hopefully no more do. It's a waste of money and a scam as a whole. You wake up in this spaceship-esque chamber (not even a cryochamber) and you click a button, only to be sent to nazi germany outside the really really small reichstag the size of any house near it, only to pick up a conveniently placed lmg with infinite ammo along with it and shoot like 20 zombies that are in the map. And that's it. You've succesfully beatten happy birthday, Adolf. The overlay of the game, menu to "end" is similar to some small-scale project a high school student would make. Like, I genuinely feel I could code this game and idk ♥♥♥♥ about coding. And I could certainely render it better since it runs slower than the devs of the game running away with your money. And the graphics are as poor as a nintendo 64's and although graphics dont really matter, it's just adding the cherry ontop of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. It's not a painful experience, but it certainely isnt a GAME.

If this is just a beta, then it shouldnt cost any money whatsoever, it is NOT a finished game, clearly. There's no objectives or even a healthbar. NOTHING. There's nothing to this game.

If this was even a SMALL attempt at making a game, then it's a poor one and quite frankly I can see why this game is the one and only StarK made and they havent made a single one since.

0/10, avoid buying at all costs.
Opublikowana: 13 maja 2020.
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